
Louis Vuitton & PJS’s New Jersey


Taemin handed Minho Park Jisung’s New Jersey with signature. He quickly rolled eyes while witnessing the enthusiastic smiled plastered on Minho’s lips, the devotee of Park Jisung and a soccer aficionado.

“So how did the thing go?” Taemin asked, somehow eagerly wanted to know about his partner. “Is she pretty?”

“Why do you want to know?” Minho asked as he carefully put his so called New Jersey into his Adidas’s bag. “I thought you had no interest ever since you asked me to meet her instead. Why now change your mind wanting to know her beauty?”

“Tsk! Whatever, no need tell me then.” Taemin hissed before he sipped his coffee.

“Of course I won’t tell you.” Minho replied and drank his beverage.

“What’s wrong with you today, Hyung? Drinking orange juice instead of your favorable Espresso? Come on, it’s not your taste Hyung.” Taemin said along with his chuckle. It was kinda childish comparing to Minho’s style.

“At first, it is a bit disrelished, but soon I’ll get used to it.” Minho said, failed to covering his glow of smile.

“Yah yah! Something fishy here. Hyung, are you hiding something from me?” Taemin tried to fish some information from Minho. “That smile …. You’re like a man in love, Hyung.”

“Shut up!” Minho snapped at the younger. “I haven’t deal with you yet that I just owned my Jersey 3 days later after the date.”

“Aish, I said already that I was busy.” Taemin annoyingly said. “Don’t you know how my Mom was nagging at me nonstop about that blind date which I secretly sent you instead and escaped to gain her a future daughter-in-law? Gosh! I needed to breathe for these few days, Hyung.”

“Whatever.” Minho said before he stood up. “I’ll go ahead, Taemin. You pay, next time it’ll be me. Bye.”

With that Minho left Taemin immediately. He even took his fast steps so fast which Taemin found it was kinda strange of Minho’s behavior today. He shook his head and paid their drinks before also left the shop.

When he almost reached his car, Taemin was busy searching for his car key inside his pocket, never notice his step was fast enough to knock out with someone. A mobile phone was dropped down on the ground, Taemin realized he was at fault, quickly bended down to pick up the phone of whoever he collided with.

“I’m sorry.” Taemin said and stretched out his hand out with a phone. “Here is your-” Word was pulled back into his throat, at the same time his breath almost couldn’t reach his lung. A breathtaking view of a beautiful woman was blocked his tongue.

The girl snatched her phone immediately and placed it on her ear. “Hello Sulli?? Hello?? Aish!! My phone…..”

“I-I’m sorry, M-Miss.” Taemin apologized but was still dazed at her awe-inspiring beauty.

“It’s okay.” Her eyes were still on her broken phone. “Sulli must be ate me alive, thinking that I cut the line off.” She murmured by herself and was about to walk away when Taemin stopped her.

“Wait Miss! I’m Taemin.” He unconsciously introduced himself, in instant earning her straight gaze. Finally he could look up close in her eyes of the very first girl who just took his breath away. “I mean, I’ll compensate for your broken phone. So right now do you have time?”

“I-I am Soojung.” As soon as she saw him, she unable to think properly but badly wanted to tell her name back. “Yes sure. I have a plenty of times.”



Sulli slammed her phone on the table.

“How dare she cut the line off while I was still speaking? Heck! You even turn off your phone, huh?”

She then looked at her 3 days old Louis Vuitton Artsy MM Bag. Couldn’t help but was giggling and hug it tightly like her life was depended on it. She caressed it and kissed it nonstop.

“Baby! How do you feel when suddenly you changed Mommy? After 3 days I still have no heart to use you yet.” Sulli said and pouted. “What if you get scratch or even faded. No no, Mommy won’t let that happen.”

Suddenly her phone rang. Sulli placed her baby carefully on her bed and harshly snatched her phone in annoyance. She quickly rolled eyes after saw the caller, she tapped her screen to ignore the call.

“Such a crazy jerk.” Sulli hissed at her phone. “Do you think after we parted way, I still seriously considered having another date with you? Sorry but I’m not crazy. Dream for it, darling.”



Sulli abruptly sat up drowsily; she quickly opened her hello kitty blindfold from her eyes. The front door buzzing continuously was jolted her back from her reposeful snooze.

“Who the hell is there?” She shuffled lazily out from her bedroom to the door and opened it. “And wh-”


“You??!! What are you doing here?” Sulli recovered fast from her sleepiness after seeing Minho with his conceited smile popped up in front of her. “No wait!! How do you know my apartment? Yah! Were you stalking me?”

“Don’t use the word ‘stalking’ to me. It’s an unpleasantly rough word for such a handsome lad like me.” Minho cockily replied. “And to answer your question, I have my own way to find you easily, sweetie.”

“What the heck?” Sulli irritatingly lashed before she shut the door but to avail, it was block by Minho.

“Hey hey sleepy head! What with the bad tempers I should be the one who would be angry at you right now. All my calls since the day we had split up were ignored for uncountable times.”

“So didn’t it clear enough that I badly want to ditch you, Mr. Lee?” Sulli voice was still so loud and was brusque. “I’m sorry but I have no any interest in you.”

“Ouch! It’s hurt because I somehow interest in you after our first date.” Minho pulled a face and then he took a step forward and switched his expression into a smirk. “And I’m standing here today because you didn’t pick up my calls, so I had no choice but to come here directly in order to take your promise and guide you to conduct on your reciprocation. Just enlighten you sweetie, you cannot escape.”

“What?” Sulli groaned and scowled at him. Looked at this cunning guy, she knew she really couldn’t escape now.

‘Okay! Let’s end fast after we’ve done this.’ Sulli thought while crossing arms. And when she was about replied him despite it was against her will, but Minho was so fast than her.

“Right now it’s 3:00pm. How about doing shopping?” Minho said. Victorious smile was planted, knowing that he eventually burned her pridefulness. “A shopping spree!”

Just as Minho ended his sentence, Sulli’s eyes instantly lit up in a fierce desire. “Cool!!!”

But as Minho was about to step in her house without her permission, Sulli harshly pushed him outside. “Excuse me, Mister. We’re not that close, simply just an acquaintance and so enter my Unit is a forbidden. Wait for me here.” With that Sulli slammed her door shut on Minho’s face before he could react, not even time for uttering a word.

‘Let’s see how much longer you’re impervious? Not in our first meet, not today or even not later but I’m sure I’ll melt your stubborn heart by the end of this week.’



Both of them had spent for over 3 hours in shopping center, Minho was playing a role as Sulli’s butler while following her around like a puppy and carrying many shopping bags in his hands. It was started from the first 30mins that Minho began to feel annoyed and groaned in exhaustion. Just for a shop, she spent it like forever to just look around but ended up bought nothing, said that nothing caught her eyes. Minho only stared at her in unbelievable behind her back, so what the hell she was doing inside for a long time if she didn’t like the stuffs? Ridiculously, in the end she still ended up buying a lot. And his hands almost fell apart because of just carrying these stacks of bags around the area after hours.

“If you’re annoyed because of carrying these, you can go now. I easily do it by myself.” Sulli who was walking ahead of him said without looking at him. She then entered the eyes wears shop and tried a sunglasses. “Okay, we’re end now. I’m also no longer indebt you.”

Minho put down all the shopping bags. He turned her around, brushing her hair to fix her glasses, used the chance of this up close shooting her with his y smile. “Wow! It looks so great on you. Let’s take this, I’ll pay.”

Sulli, for just a second after Minho was facing her, her chest instantly began tightening because her lung was having a hard time to catch the same air with him. They were too close again. No No, it’s not a good sign. Sulli after many seconds of unable to speak, she quickly stepped backward instead, and there she realized they were far enough, she finally could breathe and found her voice back.

“But I don’t like it.” Sulli pulled back out her arrogance and took off the sunglasses. “And if I like it, I have my own money to pay.”

Minho just smiled at her and shrugged his shoulder.

“So are you already with buying your stuffs?” Minho asked.

“I said you can go if-”

“I mean if you have enough, it’s time for me to shop this time.” Minho cut her and bent down to pick a half of her shopping bags handed them to her. Sulli frowned but still received it from him. Minho smiled while carrying another half of the shopping bags in his left hand and another hand he extended it out to Sulli.

“What?” Sulli snapped.

“Let’s go.” Without answered, he grabbed her wrist and dragged her with him.

In just a minute, Minho brought Sulli into a superior ladies fashion shop. Sulli was amazed and looked around them in awe, the fashion shop which is offering the glamorous classy dresses, gowns, heels and many more for every occasion.

“I have a surprise for you.” Minho said with a raised brow.

He then nodded at one of employee there. Sulli could do nothing but gave him a confused look, but not until the same employee came back to them with a Sheer-layered, sleeveless evening gown of peach color in her hand.

“Please come with me in to the fitting room, Miss.” The lady said politely.

“Hey, what’re you trying to do?” Sulli turned to ask Minho in totally clueless.

“Just go with her, I’ll wait for you here.” Minho said while pointing to the couch. “Don’t put that face, it’s not like she’ll kill you inside there right? Just a little more and I’ll tell you later, sweetie. Go! Hurry up.”


After a few minutes of waiting, finally Sulli came out. She gracefully walked toward Minho with her hand was holding the full-length skirt up to ease in walking. Minho was stunned all of sudden, his jaw dropped in speechless. What he could do right now was staring at Sulli without daring to blink. He stood up and went to her.

“Wow! You’re beautiful, Krystal-shi.”

Sulli secretly avoided his eyes contact upon hearing her friend’s name instead of her owns. Yes, he still hasn’t known her true identity, yet they slowly became closer already. She somehow felt bad about lying to him. She at first insisted as she was never care since she knew that after today everything between them will come to an end but why right now it was no longer easy like what she thought in the first place. Sulli felt like she didn’t want to let him go yet, though she always acts like she was pissed off but somehow a small part of her was satisfied and it more even increaser after they spent times together today.

‘Aigoo! What’s wrong with you, Sulli ah?’

“C’mon, sit down here.” Minho guided her to settle on the couch.

Minho suddenly kneeled down on his one knee before her. Much to Sulli surprise, Minho grabbed her ankle and took off her shoe. Sulli alarmingly dragged her foot away from his hold.

“Taemin-shi, what’re you doing?”

“Stay still and stop calling me, Taemin. I don’t like it.” Minho blurted out which made Sulli knitted her brows. He quickly looked up at Sulli and corrected his own word later. “I mean, I prefer our endearments. You call me ‘darling’ and so I call you ‘sweetie’ back.”

“Tsk!!! Whatever but don’t touch my foot.”

“I said stay still and quiet or I’ll kiss you to shut up.” Minho puckishly said with a mischievous smirk on his lips.

“MWO?? …. Yah!!!” Sulli thundered. She perfectly felt her cheeks were suddenly heat.

Minho smiled and gathered all his attention back on removing her shoes. He then grabbed a sliver peep toe pump heel with 3 ¾ inches and gently placed it on Sulli right foot first. “You know, I don’t feel like we’re going to end after today.” He then began with another left heel. “And also I don’t want to let you go just like that yet.” He raised his head up and looked up at her. His twinkled eyes shined into hers full of tenderness, somehow made Sulli’s heart skipped a beat. “May I suggest for another day with you? Ms. Beautiful, will you be my date partner for the dance party at the Saturday night?”



A lady in her peach sheer-layered, sleeveless gown, paring up by sliver peep toe pump high heel, was standing annoyingly inside the ballroom by herself. She was really bored and so she played with her 3 ¾ inches heel, tapping here and there lightly on the floor to kill the boredom. She heaved her heavy sigh before her eyes rolling around to find a man who supposedly her partner tonight. But looked, he asked her to come with him as his date partner but instead right now he flew away to wherever he wanted and she was ended up abandoned here by herself.

“Aish!!! Why I said ‘yes’ to him that day?” Sulli mumbled alone in irritation.  

“Ms. Krystal.”

Sulli heard a voice that was emerged from behind her. She slightly rolled eyes at her bestfriend’s name right now formally addressed on her. And for one hour after they arrived, this was 7 times already that she heard it. Minho had been introduced her to some of his friends a while ago as soon as they entered the ballroom. That’s why she frequently heard it now.

Sulli instantly turned around and flashed her pretty smile.

“Ahh Seohyun-shi.” Sulli greeted back with a fake wide smile, covering her annoyance.

“Why you’re here alone? I just saw Minnie is over there, likely he’s having a good time with the ladies there.” Seohyun stated.

Oh yeah! Sulli somehow felt like to puke all the time at his friends address him such a childlike nickname. ‘Minnie?! Urgg!! My ears.’

“You should guard him more, Krystal-shi. I think those girls are so wild trying to catch your boyfriend’s attention.”

Sulli widened her eyes. “Aniyo! We’re not dating. He’s not my boyfriend.” Sulli smiled awkwardly. “I just accompany him and been his partner for tonight, just for today.”

“Yeah I see. You guys had already told me. I was just kidding.” Seohyun said in teasing tone. “But I think it’d happen soon since I’ve noticed something special when you’re with each other especially those stares. It’d be a lie if you guys said, have no feeling for each other.”


“Aigoo! Sorry if I make you feel uncomfortable. I should leave now or if I continue to stay maybe you’ll come up with a plane to kick this annoying girl out of this party for sure.”

The two girls just then shook with a light laughter before Seohyun excused herself to leave her.

And all over she was alone again. Somehow, Seohyun’s word said that Minho was so busy with the girls really made her boiling. He brought her here but after 5mins sticking together he suddenly left, told her that he wanted to catch up with some of his friends but according to Seohyun, he was gone, not to catch up with friends but to flirt with the girls out there.

“What’s a jerk? I hate you.” Sulli muttered totally angry or something that she couldn’t figure it out, which is so called ‘jealousy (?)’.

Sulli crabbily picked up a glass of wine from the table. She sipped it first but later widened her eyes and hummed aloud when the taste devoured her tongue. She closed her eyes to sense its smell, everything related to Minho that made her felt nettlesome, was completely vanished.

“Wow!!” Sulli got a good impression of wine’s aroma, she then swirled her glass for a solid 3-5 seconds before she emptied the glass and swallowed it in pleasure. “Wow! Daebak! What brand is this?” With that, she took another glass and guzzled in one go again. “Wahhh! The flavor impression is lasts even after I swallowed. I should ask them later what its brand.”

In just hardly 30 seconds, Sulli drank another glass after another, until she finished with the 5th glass, but had no intention to stop there. She smiled and grabbed for another but when it almost reached her lips, a hand stuck out from nowhere to catch her on the wrist. He quickly snatched the glass away from her hand.

“1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5!!!” The guy counted the empty glasses on the table before scolding her. “Seriously 5?? Almost 6th, if I didn’t come on time? Yah! What are you doing? It’s not the water. What if you get drunk?”

“What is it to you?” Sulli snapped but he could tell that she somehow didn’t look drunk at all after drinking 5 glasses of wine. “Go back to do your business of flirting. Leave me alone like you did earlier.” Sulli hissed and spun away from him.

“Flirting?” Minho snickered and placed the glass down. He faced her. “Hey sweetie, didn’t you say to me in the first place that you didn’t want to come with me greeting my friends? Of course, that was why you’re alone. And you’re wrong I wasn’t flirting but talking.”

“Whatever, I don’t care.” Sulli said, waving her hand in the air before she stomped away from him, but to avail Minho stopped her, holding her arm. “What?”

“Are you angry because I left you alone or you’re jealous thinking that I was chatting up?” Minho asked with a big grin but when Sulli was about to argue back, suddenly the bright light in the ballroom romantically turned into a slight dim, at the same time a sentimental ballad song was played.

The two looked around them, instantly beheld many couples started to walk over the dance floor.

“Ms. Beautiful!” Minho brought Sulli’s attention back on him. “May I have the honor of this dance?”

“W-What? Hey, wait wait wait …… ” Before Sulli could decline, Minho already brought her to the dance floor.

Minho looked tenderly into her eyes as in asking a permission to hold her waist. Sulli beamed and naturally placed her hands over his shoulders, Minho took it as a yes and gently held her waist.

“Don’t you think this slow dancing song is the best?” Minho asked and Sulli shrugged. “Well, to follow this romantic slow song’s rhythm perfectly …. Aren’t we supposed to snuggle up close …. Like this?” With that, he gently pulled her forward more even closer, until their chests were easily touching when they inhaled the airs.

“Are you trying to take advantage, darling?” Sulli asked with her hand more even comfortably resting on his shoulder. Their bodies were indulging in a slow moving with highly romantic dance.

“Correct it! I just make sure we get some close time together to become closer. And so I’ll no longer just an acquaintance to you.” Minho mischievously leaned forward to her ear. “And then I’ll easily get your permission to set foot in your apartment later.”

Sulli couldn’t help but giggled since she was unable to give back her comment at his remark. Admit that for just a second inside his arms, she already lost in everything. After this dance end she definitely misses his warm body enveloping her like this for sure.

“You’re driving me crazy sweetie because of you smell so good.” Minho said while closing his eyes, savouring her sweet scent pleasuring his nose. It was a wrong move ever since his face was down to her in whisper earlier and now he was trapped. And before they realized it, they were dancing in hugging position. “Sweetie?”


“Let’s leave the party. I have something to confess to you.”



Sulli unlocked her Unit’s door but before she opened it, she spun around.

“No bad comment but if it’s good, it’s appreciated. You get it?” Sulli warned Minho, who was standing behind her with a wide smile, eagerly to enter her place.

He smiled widely as soon as he set his foot inside. The interior is as perfect as the owner of this Unit. Beautiful, neat …. Especially it odorously developed sense of very good smell and teasing his nose.

Minho stopped before the door way about a few steps and leaned on his side while crossing arms. “I really wonder that you’re perfect like this, why no one interest in you?”

Sulli quickly looked at him, a thin line was stretching on her lips. “Well ….. I got one now.”

“Oh really? Who’s the unlucky guy?” Minho teasingly replied. “Pity him, fall for a woman who is so aggressive in the way she’s talking whenever she’s displeased by someone. If it’s me, surely I’d be running away from her.”

Sulli rose one of her eyes brow. She suddenly tilted her neck, doing her flipping hair. She then slowly made her way toward Minho who was still leaned on the wall. Minho instantly gulped in uneasy feeling while viewing her slowly was approaching him and even had that seductive smirk on her face. Minho unconsciously stepped backward. In just a step, his back was touching the door. And finally Sulli was face to face him, their distance was almost made their chests meet.

“Darling! Am I that scary to make you want to run away like this?” Sulli said slowly as in a seductive tone.

Minho just blinked in dumbstruck, new side of her was exposed. Oh god! Hot, he suddenly felt so hot.

“Hmm??” Sulli playfully ran her index finger on his clothed chest. “C’mon answer me. Is this sweetie of yours really making you scared?”

Sulli tried her best to hold her laughter while witness Minho’s expression. Confusedness, blankness, reddened cheeks were shown all over his face. But soon Sulli’s seductive smile was gone and it all turned to replace on Minho's instead. She gulped mindlessly at the sight of Minho’s expression earlier was completely vanished. Sulli thought that it should be enough to now so she was ready to step backward, but suddenly Minho pushed her on the wall.

“Yah!” Sulli whispered in trembly voice. His hot breath perfectly felt by the skin of her face.

“SShhhh.” Minho placed his finger on her lips. “You’re the one who started it first. Your temptation earlier stirred my desire, sweetie.”

Without wasting more time, he withdrew his finger and replaced it with his lips. Sulli instantly widened her eyes, she put her hand over his chest about to push him away but her body had its own way to control, they miserably betrayed her mind and instead of pushing her arms made its way upward to unlock his neck, pulling him more even closer to give more access for their kissing session. Sulli moaned when she felt Minho her lower lip asking for an entrance but she won’t give in. Minho was aware that she rebelled not letting him to explore her cavern slowly unlocked their lips.

“Why?” Minho said in breathless. “C’mon, Let’s continue, I really want to taste your mouth, sweetie.” He almost couldn’t finish his speech, he quickly leaned down to her again, but to his dismay Sulli put her index finger in between their lips. She used another finger pushed him from her, disconnected their bodies’ attachment.

“I have a confession to make.” Sulli said after they had space enough away from each other. “Let’s see after this, do you still want to continue or not?”

Minho chuckled. “Hey, why you look so serious? But tbh I also have intention to make a confession as well.”

“Let me go first.” Sulli said and she took a deep breath before she had courage enough to stare directly into his eyes. “Lee Taemin-shi! I am …. I am actually not your blind date.” Sulli finished with shutting eyes as she was afraid to see Minho’s reaction. “I’m not your date partner, I wasn’t supposed to show up that day, I’m not Jung Krystal. My real name is Choi Sulli, a person who just because of Louis Vuitton Artsy MM Bag, she agreed to her friend nonsense idea to meet her blind date in exchanging benefit. And there, I was sent by her to meet you that day.”

Sulli sighed and opened her eyes. She saw Minho was like a statue with a straight face while staring at her. For just a second, seeing his confused eyes were enveloping her, Sulli emerged the urge of crying. She felt her eyes were burnt and it became blurring.

And finally she realized that she already falls for this man. Or she’s falling so hard until she was really afraid to admit it.

“I …. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Taemin-shi.”

“Sulli right? Didn’t I tell you already that I hate to hear that name?” Minho said sternly, earning Sulli’s first tear was sliding down from her eye.

“I’m sorry.” Sulli said in whisper, afraid that more tears would escape if she raised a little louder than this her voice. She then looked away to wipe her tear.

‘Stop Sulli. Why are you crying? You’d expected for this already.’

“Look at me.” His used his authoritative tone.

Sulli quickly shook her head.

“I said look at me ….. sweetie.” He gently emphasized this last word and to his expectation, Sulli looked at him with moist eyes.

Much to Sulli surprise, Minho held her chin and plant a soft kiss last long for a few second. He pulled out and smiled tenderly.

“I think you must eat all your word back, sweetie. The word that you said we’re different at our first date.” Minho said while caressing her cheek. Sulli gave him a confused look also with a slight pout in clueless of what he wanted to mean.

Minho then pulled out a visiting Card from his wallet and handed it to Sulli.

“Look at it, Ms. Choi.”

“Choi Minho, engineer???” Sulli read out aloud with her crack voice, still sniffing a little. “What’s this?”

“Tell you a story.” Minho grinned. “There’s a soccer maniac who idolize Park Jisung. It was all started from last week where his friend named Lee Taemin was fed up at his continuous blind dates, and so he ended up bribed the soccer maniac with Park Jisung’s New Jersey with his signature to become his replacement. And guess what? He quickly accepted the deal and disguised into his friend to meet up with his blind date partner, Jung Krystal.”

“Choi Minho??!!” Sulli uttered. And when Minho nodded his head, her hands instantly covered . “OMG!!! H-How did it happen?”

“It did happen, sweetie.” Minho said and moved closer to her. “It was written from above that it’s our fate. We’re meant to be with each other. Don’t you think so?”

“Choi Minho?! Darling?!” Sulli held his both cheek. “You’re really not Lee Taemin, Krystal’s blind date?”

“I’m not sweetie. I’m Choi Minho, Choi Sulli’s darling from the beginning until now and to the future.” Minho replied, catching by her waist pulling her toward him until her body pressing on him. “So …. Can we continue with what we left earlier now?”

Sulli quickly wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, rubbing her nose over his. “Shall we right now, Mr. Choi?”

Minho grinned widely with his eyes full of pure affection, mutual sentiment. Instead of replying, he wasted no time to warn the girl as he locked their lips passionately. And for this time, Sulli wholeheartedly opened up for him with all of her might and the two were lost into each other’s heaven, showering each other warm-hearted fondness which they eventually found from one another at that right moment.


“I like you, my sweetie.”


“I like you too, my darling.”


The end.

Thank you so much all my beloved readers for spending time in reading. Thank for upvoting, subscribing, and commenting, it mean a lots to me. Anyway I'm sorry if there were still many mistakes there but I still hope you enjoyed it even despite from my poor English :D

Thank you again,

Love you <3



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halfhearted #1
Chapter 2: cute romantic story....I love it..
azuraes #2
Chapter 4: kyaaa i love this omg
sullijunie #3
Chapter 4: oow sweet minho...
minho loves sulli so much, i'm jelous, ke..ke..
love minsul,,,**
choichoi94 #4
i lovd it ..it was simple short and so cute story ...yes it indeed made me giddy over minsul....thank u authrnim ..grt work
Chapter 4: awwww awwww.. Minsul so funny, so cute and so sweet at the same time.. finally happy ending and they married now. Oh.. and i can't wait they wedding ceremony again with Sulli wear wedding dress not bridesmaid dress kekeke~ and oh i hope there have another chapter for our little Minsul :)

thank you for the beautiful, sweet, cute, funny story authornim and hwaiting for next story :)
Chapter 3: hehehe~ i think Minho have surprise.. lets break up and for now i want you to marry me and become my wife.. XD #delulumodeon

Chapter 2: Ohhh they so sweet and finally minsul together as Choi Sulli and Choi Minho. hahaha~ LOL with Taemin cause he fall for his blind date.. Jung Soojung aka Jung Krystal :D
Chapter 1: hoohhoho~ I fall a sleep last night XD
OMO.. so interesting Sulli character so interesting and Minho type is interesting woman. kekeke~ they do that just for Louis Vuitton and Park Jisung Jersey.. but its okay this Minsul fate and i wonder what will be happen if they know the truth :D

New reader here's ^_^
Reading... GO..go >>>
mssflovely #10
Chapter 4: DAEBAK!! I really like it!