
Louis Vuitton & PJS’s New Jersey


4 years later

After that night of the confession that they both were revealed their identities and figured out the distinguishing characteristics to one another, up the next day they had begun dating and even have been gone through thin and thick, hard and soft for 4 years as a sweetest lover. They’re so strong and well-built enough to keep safe of this relationship until they’ve reached to this edge point of 4 years.



Sulli rushed out from the Taxi and ran as fast as she could toward a fancy restaurant. She took a quick glance over her wristwatch, almost instantly banged her head with her fist and murmured in cursing tone for being late again. For like 100 times they had the date, 90 to be exacted Sulli always be tardy for taking time to the place to where they were supposed to meet. And for today was like a usual time, it was only left a minute could be counted as a half of an hour for her to reach the place and to be very honest that the sun would be rises from west exactly if when she arrives and then doesn’t find her punctual boyfriend is waiting for her, even welcome his girlfriend with a lovable smile always. And it’s one of her grateful feeling to have Minho as an understanding lover in her life. And this not even mentions many more and more other things that she was benefited from him for all the ways years long ever since that they’ve started dating.


Sulli stopped right in front of the restaurant entrance to recollect her losing breath first. She smiled when her eyes caught the reflective glass from a shop located nearby the restaurant. She faced it and started to fix herself into a decent appearance first, at the same time doing some touch up on her face.


“Nice! I need to be always pretty for my darling.” Sulli said, pressing her lips together to make smooth of lipstick where she just applied on. She then brushed her black semi long hair where it reached over her shoulder a bit into a loose messy style. “Okay ready!”


The few steps were only made, when she needed to go back to the shop where she was just using its glass for adorning herself earlier. Eyes widened glistening of a strong desire to own the 2 newest brands of LV’s goods which was right displaying inside the shop. One is new style of men’s black leather wallet and another for women. Damn, she wants them so badly. Sulli bit her lip and tapping her fingers nails on the glass wall, all the while eying and mouthwatering over the products that she already dreaming of her and Minho using them.


“But last month were belts I had bought. Doesn’t it too much if this time these cutie wallets?” Sulli talked to herself, considered thoroughly beforehand how will her boyfriend react if this time she forces him to use the LV’s product again. “Aish I don’t care, he should---- No, he has to accept all what I want him using. Well … as if he ever dare to refuses following what I was bent on before.” With that she plastered with a big grin and entered the shop after like a flashed missile.



Sulli walked on into the restaurant and was greeted by a waiter before he guided her toward the table where Minho was waiting for her.


45 minutes she was late. Great!!


Minho upon saw his lovely girlfriend coming, he rose up from his seat, pulling the chair for her.


Unlike usual, Sulli noticed Minho was a bit strange. Usually he’d smile brightly and even after she sits, a sweet kiss on the cheek would be found which enough to create many butterflies devour her stomach even if this was one of the usual sweet affinities that Minho always shows off whenever they meet in the public but it’d definitely otherwise and different when they’re alone, if you figure out what a couple would always does when they’re out of the people sights.


But as for now Sulli received nothing, even the ‘sweetie’ endearment that he always sweetly addresses her also absented right now. But what she was surprise the most was when after Minho assisted her to sit properly he quickly went back to his place casually and started to enjoy his meal …. No, not start but almost finish it already. What? He had his dinner even before she arrived? What was gotten into him, wasn’t it supposed that they were going to order and enjoy it together once after she’s here.


All of these strange behaviors, it’s only mean one thing. Damn!! He’s angry at her … for being late? Even she herself wasn’t sure that right now he was angry and obviously ignored her like this just because she came late?! For real? …. No, it can’t be. Minho never minds over this matter before even for countless times she was this unpunctual, well except for their fake first date, the first met which happened 4 years ago.


Sulli wet her lips while staring at her boyfriend who was now just took the last bit of the steak, already emptied his plate. She cleared .


“Darling, what’re you doing right now?”


Minho swallowed his wine one gulp before fixed his gaze on Sulli. “I’m eating. Can’t you see it?”


“Of course it’s obvious. But what I mean, why didn’t you wait for me?”


“Oh c’mon Sulli, I’ve been waiting for you like a freaking decade here.” Minho said and chuckled but Sulli could sense that it was sarcastic.


Wait! Was this her beloved boyfriend she’s dating? What was wrong with the steak he ate just now which likely turned him into the same guy that she met for the first time 4 years ago? Cocky and ignorant! Sulli scowled and was about to snap back when he cut her.


“And if you want to refer to why I ate before you, well …. It’s because I was too hungry and btw I still have something very important to do later.” The coldness of his voice was chilled down to her nerve.


Sulli sighed with rolled eyes. If she continues to further this topic, will he think that she wants to pick a fight? But hell no, she couldn’t bring herself to shut tight just because she was guilty. Truth that she was wrong to make him waited for that long but this was just too unusual for him to behave this way toward her. This weird aura of him made her so damn curious, he was never like this before and even if they had an argument, he was never as cold as today.


“Darling.” Sulli called him as she waited for his reaction but it was none other than a plain expression, the shot of his gaze toward her was like they’re just a mere acquaintance. “Yah! What’s wrong with you?” She uttered rather less tolerance.


Minho just sighed and leaned his back on the chair. “Don’t you find it so boring, Sulli?”


Sulli felt her chest whirring in instance he called her by her name, at the same time she saw Minho was sweating all of sudden and his lips slightly trembled. The sight view of him was look like he was nervous or she could say …. Guilty??!! This man, what the hell is wrong with him?


“What do you mean about ‘boring’? You get ‘boring’ of what?” Sulli asked, tried to keep herself in control.


“I think I’m very tired of the relationship we’re having now.” Minho said, avoiding their eyes contact. Arms crossed over his chest. “I can’t stand for it any more, Sulli.”


Sulli burst out her laughter despite that anger was starting to boil right now but she tried her best to hold it back. Her face slightly turned red at the suspicion she had in mind. “Can’t stand? But why? 4 years …. We’ve been dating for 4 years and through those times, even if we keep bumping but we struggled for it and were able to pass it eventually but now why you suddenly said that you’re tired and can’t stand. Darling! Tell me are you trying to be funny?”


“Funny? Am I like one now?” Minho said with a stern face.


Sulli sighed, trying to restrain her impatient. She then distracted it by looking at the menu. “So what’s the point for the date today? Don’t say that you just want to tell me that you’re tired and can’t stand for this relationship? Just go straight to your intention Choi Minho, what do you want?”


She strived to hold her strong emotion, both hand turned trembly while clutching the menu book. Eyes kept cool, looked like as she was reading but her mind was now nervously anticipated the answer of the man in front of her.


Doesn’t he want-------


“Let’s end it.” Minho cut her thought. Sulli felt her heart was burnt in anger. “Let’s end the ‘sweetie and darling’ thingy. Sulli, you want me to go straight to the point right?! So now here I go. Well …. For my main intention tonight is, I wanna break up with you.”


That’s it. Sulli shut her eyes before slammed the menu book on the table. Dagger glare was shooting at him.


“Break up?!” Sulli repeated his word, though she was very angry right now but she couldn’t fish any word rather than that. Bitter-sweet memories from the past of every single day they had been shared for years flashing back in her mind as then she started to doubt her ears, did this ‘break up’ word really come out from those lips which always graved with a charming smile on her only, the y lips that she had owned for 4 years?


“Yes, let’s end this weary relationship.” With that Minho stood up from his seat. Without giving Sulli logical reason or even apology, he then left her there at the table in speechless but holding with a bleeding heart which he just stabbed harshly by his word.


Sulli laughed resentfully as she was being treated by her own boyfriend unfairly, or it’s already ex-boyfriend?! That’s it, they were just ended their 4 years relationship as a sweetheart just like that. Tears threatened to fall but she tried her best to hold it back. It was hurt like hell to just hear the man she was devoted to, initiated the break up all of sudden. Wasn’t he the one who started it? And now he was even still the one who dispersed them and of course willfully drew everything between them to close this cruel. Hurt, angry, confused … were blended to pierce her heart over and over again with no mercy.


What just happened? Yesterday they were still all fine and sweet but now what was wrong with him to change this fast? Just because he was weary with their relationship, he broke her loyal heart just like that? What were all of these about? Did that mean, was all along he was just playing with her? And when he was sick with it, he then kicked her away and parted their way just like nothing ever bonded them in the past 4 years?


Sulli still couldn’t believe with what she was just confronted. Body was trembling and heart was bleeding to no end, she stared down at the small box which containing LV’s wallets that she just bought earlier, instantly she angrily had the urge to throw it away.


That's it since they already finished, completely end .... in tonigh.





Hello my dearest readers :) Well, is it the end? Hehehe, not yet of course. And this is going to be the sequel of this story. I'll update the completed chapter soon or tomorrow I guess. I'd like to sorry in advance if the ending is lame or even doesn't reach your satisfaction and plus many mistakes there (^_^)

:D Enjoy your great weekend



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halfhearted #1
Chapter 2: cute romantic story....I love it..
azuraes #2
Chapter 4: kyaaa i love this omg
sullijunie #3
Chapter 4: oow sweet minho...
minho loves sulli so much, i'm jelous, ke..ke..
love minsul,,,**
choichoi94 #4
i lovd it ..it was simple short and so cute story ...yes it indeed made me giddy over minsul....thank u authrnim ..grt work
Chapter 4: awwww awwww.. Minsul so funny, so cute and so sweet at the same time.. finally happy ending and they married now. Oh.. and i can't wait they wedding ceremony again with Sulli wear wedding dress not bridesmaid dress kekeke~ and oh i hope there have another chapter for our little Minsul :)

thank you for the beautiful, sweet, cute, funny story authornim and hwaiting for next story :)
Chapter 3: hehehe~ i think Minho have surprise.. lets break up and for now i want you to marry me and become my wife.. XD #delulumodeon

Chapter 2: Ohhh they so sweet and finally minsul together as Choi Sulli and Choi Minho. hahaha~ LOL with Taemin cause he fall for his blind date.. Jung Soojung aka Jung Krystal :D
Chapter 1: hoohhoho~ I fall a sleep last night XD
OMO.. so interesting Sulli character so interesting and Minho type is interesting woman. kekeke~ they do that just for Louis Vuitton and Park Jisung Jersey.. but its okay this Minsul fate and i wonder what will be happen if they know the truth :D

New reader here's ^_^
Reading... GO..go >>>
mssflovely #10
Chapter 4: DAEBAK!! I really like it!