
Louis Vuitton & PJS’s New Jersey

At first it was supposed to be oneshot, but when after I edited, gosh! It was out of hand, and ended up so long. So I divided it in two chapters, it'll be easy for you to read. Anyway pls enjoy reading, I'm sorry if there're many mistakes there :D

A surge beep came from Sulli’s phone which was under her cushion, was jolted her slumber from the forest castle dream. Her peaceful weekend which supposedly laying on her bed for the whole day was slashed in smoke as soon as she opened her droopy eyes and groaned in annoyance. Sulli’s hand fished her phone and when she found it, lazily opened the incoming message.

From : Jung Soojung

“Namsan Park, 10:00am. Don’t forget Chingoo-ah. Fighting!!!”

“Mwo??” Sulli exclaimed with her eyes completely wide now. “What the heck? In the morning doing the blind date?” Sulli sat up and began to laugh in idiotic way, slightly regretted for what she has agreed with Krystal yesterday. “Seriously! What I bring myself into? Wait! Isn’t the coffee shop is the perfect option for those going on a blind date? Eyyyy!!! C’mon, first date with a stranger is going to be at the Park? Tsk … What’s a great set up, Auntie Jung? Okay, I guess ‘Hello’ , ‘Goodbye’  and then ‘Hope to not see you again’, definitely enough for me to say to you today. Well! I’m not your real blind date anyway.”

After got enough of whining, Sulli stretched her both arms and legs while yawning and was about to laid back and took another beautiful catnap when her eyes casually threw to her froggy alarm clock on the nightstand table. Sulli instantly widened her eyes more even bigger with was froze in yawning.

“EHHHH!!!! 9:40am!!!!.” Sulli quickly snatched the clock and hit it frequently with her hand as like it was broken. “Yah Yah Yah!!! Are you in’ kidding me? Aniyaaaaaa!!!!!”


For another side of the place in the fresh morning of the weekend in Seoul but for 2 hours ago.

Minho is in his gym doing his weekend routine exercising when his phone was beeped all of sudden. He groaned before stopped the treadmill and grabbed his phone, totally in annoyance as he already predicted who the sender of the text was.

From : Lee Taemin

“Namsan Park, 10:00am. Don’t forget Minho Hyung. Good luck!!!”

“Mwo? What the heck with that ‘Good luck’ mean? That brat! He really destroys my peaceful weekend now.” Minho felt more even pisses off in just a second but instead let out his idiotic chuckle. “What! Namsan Park!!! Realistically out of the place, isn’t coffee shop is one of a causal atmosphere in meeting someone for the first time? Yes, for the first meet with a complete stranger is already in such romantic place, huh? Great choice of your Mom, Taemin. Okay, I have no interest anyway. Umm ….. Just formally say hi and then bid a farewell already, enough for me to converse with you today. Who care! I’m not your blind date anyway.”



For what to wear, what to say, what to ask, how to do hair … also there are so many things to consider when meeting someone on a blind date. But for Minho and Sulli, there will be no such things for them to get the headaches about. Simply, since that wasn’t their actual set up after all.

And so here he was, sitting by himself on a bench under a big tree. Just because in the name of a soccer maniac and so crazy over his role model Park Jisung, Minho wholeheartedly sacrificed his restful weekend and transformed into his bestfriend, Lee Taemin in disguise, only to preciously earn the PJS’s New Jersey eventually.

Obviously so far, that right now Minho started to lose his temperament after arrived at the park ever since a half of an hour ago and waiting for Taemin’s blind date partner. The time kept running forward just as his patient started getting lower and lower to reach its limit but she was still nowhere in his sight yet.


“YAH!!!!” Minho suddenly shouted in aloud out of blue causing some of children at the playground running away immediately. “Aish seriously!!! You birds singing are so damn annoying. You, you, you, you, you, those kids already ran away now and what’s your business still doing there?” He yelled once again while threateningly pointing his finger to the 5 sinless birds which were flocking doing their communication thru singing signal in front of him about 5 meters from where he was sitting. Minho then stood up promptly covering his ears. “Enough! I run out of my tolerance now. What the hell that I’m doing here stupidly waiting for her? What’s an unpunctual lassie?!” With that, Minho no longer had his left over patience to wait anymore and in no time he quickly left the place in irritation.

As Minho just left about 5 minutes, finally Sulli arrived at the Namsan Park. She stopped running as in breathless and stood near by a bench, exactly for her unknown, it was where Minho waited for her earlier. She turned her head around to find a figure of a stranger young lad who supposedly Krystal’s blind date partner. Although she surely doesn’t know his face, but obviously around the atmosphere existed only some of couples with their children along, enough for Sulli to understand that he definitely wasn’t there anymore.

“OMG! I’m late for almost an hour. Doubtlessly, he’d be left already. Can’t he wait a little longer? Isn’t a gentle man supposedly to wait for their date in the case that they’re a little bit late? Tsk … What a little-bitty open mindedness guy!!” Sulli muttered and sighed. She then fell her on the bench to recover her energy back which was drained from running to this place earlier but suddenly she stood up and started to pace around. “What to do? What to do? What to do right now? And what will happen to Soojung’s Louis Vuitton?”

She mindlessly hit her head when remembered that she also has his phone number. Sulli took her phone out, intently to call him but at the same time, the incoming message appeared on her screen.

“Omo Omo Omo!!! He sends me a message.” Sulli said in delight smile, a slightest of hope that Louis Vuitton was just in a string of breath will be became hers. “Geez! And why didn’t he call me straight forward?” Sulli annoyingly said and opened the message where it was written that they should meet at the Coffee House which was located inside the Namsan Park instead. So it meant, she must find the café and then finds him later. Sulli couldn’t help but laughed in unbelievable. “OMG! This guy, seriously. Yehhhh!!! Definitely, I’ll dump you later. Wait for me there.”



After seemed like forever of finding, finally Sulli reached the Café. She peeked for inside first before decided to pull the glass door. When her feet set on the vinyl flooring, her eyes instantly were absorbing at the broad back of a specific guy, suspiciously he might be the right person. She seriously studied him from behind started at all point from head to toe with a slight creased brows turned into a detailed frown one.

After got enough of observing, Sulli just laughed foolishly in her heart and waving her hand in the air. “Of course it’s surely not him.”

She then started to roll her eyes around the Cafés’s territory. But to her helpless, the interior has been filled with only a few people and particularly beside the guy she watched earlier, surprisingly for everyone inside were all girls. Sulli couldn’t help but laid her eyes on him again in unbelievable intense stare. ‘Aniya!!! Adidas’s Training Ultimate Jacket, Adidas’s Training Ultimate Pant, Adidas’s Boost shoes!!!! Wait! And Adidas’s Airline Shoulder bag??!’ She mentally described the guy’s outfit hanging over his torso with her eyes lastly ended up on the floor beside his foot, totally dumbstruck with what that guy is wearing.

‘No no no!! Am I still dopey like seriously now?’ Sulli thought with rolling eyes and shook her head. She then decided to approach him slowly from behind. ‘Please please …. I hope that it’s not him. Please!’ Sulli kept chantingly in mentality. Although, she didn’t consider this Krystal’s blind date seriously but at least the first experience of hers should come out in a tasty sight as in a decent appearance one.  



“Just bear for it a little more, Minho. Guess she might be on her way now.” Minho murmured annoyingly at himself. He was waiting for her again for like 15 minutes now started from the last second he texted her. However he forcefully decreased his pride in order to own PJS’s New Jersey.

To kill his tediousness of waiting, Minho bended down to reach his Adidas’s Airline Shoulder bag and opened its zipper which was lying nigh his foot, intently to extract his ipad. As soon as his head went sideward, a contour of a pair of peach color ballet flat shoes was visible in the corner of his eye. In just a second, Minho was being overwhelmed by a slightest flowery scent, swiftly overpowering the sense of his nose. Eagerly to see the owner of the shoes but more likely to capture the person who’s own this fragrant scent, Minho instantly raised his head up.

In just a split second, their eyes met as no one dare to remove the gazes from each other even if the time was running forward. Minho slowly stood up but never took his eyes away from her. His lips were trembling, wanting to fish the word and speak, but failed miserably. The girl in front of him, was in her white blouse loosing hanging on her body with a pair of blue jean wrapping tightly around her legs showing off her slender figure. She tied her hair in a messy bang, adorning into a cute image.

Minho gasped silently in awe at the aesthetic beauty penetrating his soul before him. Sulli on another hand, was also wonderstruck by the spunky man who clothed himself sinfully with the Adidas’s apparel. It’d be totally a lie if they weren’t mesmerized by each other fascinations for the very first minute their eyes colliding on one another.

But soon the reality kicked in their respective mentality, starting from viewing each other imperfection and especially been recalled their intention in the first place, all attractive things seemed appealing in mutual interest earlier were vanished like a smoke, everything totally turned 180 degree in just a second.

“Mr. Lee Taemin / Ms. Jung Krystal?” Irksomeness completely filled in the air as soon as they made a chorus and realized they finally met their fake blind date partners.


They’re now sitting down while facing each other and have been roiled by the intense stares without communication. Sulli felt so pissed by the set of clothes he’s wearing especially for a particular day, marked as her first blind date ever even though she was just Krystal’s replacement, but at least for the decent appearance entitled as a well-respected manner to her. Mutually for Minho, he was plainly displeased which he had wasted his time over an hour to just waiting for her, and after that only to deal with a haughty demeanor from the girl in front of him.

“Ehem ….” Sulli decided to break the cold war. “Mr. Lee Taemin! To be honest, I had never expected that I was going to meet my blind date wearing such like outfit. Excuse me! Don’t tell me this is your first blind date? That’s why you had no idea of how to dress in decent clothes.”

Minho observed himself. He chuckled sardonically and looked back at Sulli. “Excuse me Ms. Jung Krystal, what’s actually wrong with what I’m wearing? I don’t see there is something wrong as long as I’m not coming here in without clothes on.” Minho smirked, seeing Sulli a bit changed her expression more even annoyer. “And to wipe your inconvenience why I’m wearing this outfit, it’s because of every weekend I had exercise training at my gym. And beside I’m not in so good term with any men's suits in a variety of styles out there.” Minho paused and straightened his back, folding his both arms on the table while staring at Sulli who was still obviously pissed off by his mocking answer earlier. “So can I ask why you was so late, Ms. Jung Krystal? To remind you, we were supposed to meet at 10:00am, not 11:00am.”

Minho’s question instantly made Sulli boiled inside. This guy totally wanted to piss her off more. Sulli then tried her best to show her unaffected smile as her hand snatched the menu on the table and casually read it. “Oh I’m sorry then. To answer your question, it was because of I overslept this morning.” Sulli answered with no sincere tone without looking at Minho. “Ah! What time I woke up? ….. Oh yes, it was 9:40am.”

“What? 9:40am?!” Minho said in unbelievable.

‘OMG! This sleepy headed girl, I was already there waiting for her at that time but to my foolishness she was still in her bed peacefully?’

“Hey you-”

“Excuse me?”

Minho was about to pour his slightest anger but was ignored and even cut off by Sulli’s louder voice calling the waitress. Minho did nothing but only sighed loudly in ill humor.

“I’d like to have toasted sandwiches, Croissant Sandwich, Pumpkin Pancakes ….. wow! Look at these yummy cakes! Umm…what should I choose?” Sulli cheerful voice with her eyes almost popped out made Minho couldn’t help but rolled eyes to the sideway, brought his hand to his mouth and covering his lips which was being stretching upward because of Sulli’s ludicrous face. Kinda lovely to him.

After Sulli finished her order, Minho then cleared his throat and composed himself from amusement at the sight of Sulli’s cuteness earlier turned into serious demonstration. Somehow, Minho started to emerge his slight interest on Sulli. The excitement of curiosity wants to know more about the unique girl in front of him now.

“So let’s introduce each other again. What do you think?” Minho stated with his eyes glinted with high spirits all of sudden.

“Huh?” Said Sulli, likely uninterested. “No need. Let’s go straight to the point already. I guess just only hobbies are enough for us to realize, should we go on or not?”

At the same time, Sulli’s feast arrived on the table. She began to eat immediately which made Minho let out his chuckle.

“You’re surely hungry, Ms. Krystal.”

“Yes, this is my breakfast actually.” Sulli answered and then bit her toasted sandwiches. “So now I’ll go first, what do you like doing when you’re free?”

“Oh, I like-” Minho was about to answer but again, Sulli blocked him.

“Look at you, I easily guess. So first we’re opposite already.” Said Sulli with full mouth. “You like exercise which I found it’s so boring. No guess you must be spent your most free time at the gym while supermarket is like my second home. Well, I do love shopping.” Sulli paused and swallowed her food before sipped her orange juice. “Ah! You like coffee but I really like juices. Yours is ….. Espresso?! Ewww….. It's really strong and I really hate bitter coffee with high caffeine content. So this is our second difference.”

“Hey be fair! You didn’t even let me say anything yet, but already assume-”

“Oh right, Adidas and Louis Vuitton!!” Sulli cut him off again with a loud clap sound but was still busy munching. She then pointed toward Minho, telling that from his head to toe was all Adidas’s trend. After that she stood up from her seat and showed him her shoes, watch, accessories on her body and lastly her bag, they were all Louis Vuitton’s brand. “See?! It’s third difference already that you obviously love sport while I’m in love with fashion house of Louis Vuitton.”

Minho jaw dropped by what Sulli amazingly described their dissimilarity without drawing to a close yet. He couldn’t bring himself to suppress his laughter anymore as he finally burst it out in amusement at Sulli’s boldness since this is just their first meet ever yet she was already that wild. Minho figured out that he couldn’t resist her cuteness now. Sulli’s totally different from the women in his past. Without he knew it, he already was captivated by Sulli’s aggressiveness which he marked as her charm in just minutes ever since they had met.

‘You’re so unlucky, Taemin. Your partner is really interesting. Guess, I don’t want to say goodbye to her yet. I think before that at least a few more meets up to my acceptance. Or tbh, I’d love if we date eventually. Well I have no regret at all for today.’

Minho continued staring at Sulli without break away with his smile plastered on his lips unlikely to fad anytime soon, and it wasn’t long for Sulli to take a notice his flaming stare. She couldn’t deny, she was greatly overwhelmed by those big brown eyes were engaged with hers full of meaning behind them. Sulli almost choked on her food in as she tried her best to not show any trace that she actually agitated by his intense stare right now.

‘Soojung!! Aish, I shouldn’t agree with you since the first place. Look, how will I get out of here? I mean, what will happen if I cannot take this guy out from my mind. I think ….. He affects me already. Otteoke???’

“Ehem!” Sulli broke the silence between them after intense staring session. “Mr. Lee Taemin, don’t you think it’s too rude to have that potent goggle on me? So to cut to the end, I don’t like impolite guy. To be truth, since the beginning I’ve never seen nor felt that you’ve showed me your good manner at all.”

That made Minho laughed out aloud. He then smirked at Sulli. “So don’t you, Ms. Jung Krystal? As I still clearly remember, you stood me for over an hour waiting for you.” Minho then exhaled his breath before he brought his arms to cross over his chest and leaned his back on single sofa. “No need to find any excuse anymore. I guess, you were forced to go on this blind date right?”

Sulli wiped by a tissue casually after she finished her breakfast. She looked at Minho, shot him with her smug smile. “As if I’m alone here. Don’t you thing this is the very first thing that we’re the same, were forced into this hole. So I think there’s no reason for us to go on right? Let’s end it already.” Sulli prepared to rise from her seat and grabbed her wallet. “I’ll pay mine and you’ll pay yours, so it means that we’re not going to be indebted to one another since this is the first but also the last for our date.”

Minho could do nothing but dissolved into laughter again at her strong confidence to be this dauntless toward him, who was just met for the first time. She has never ceased to astonish him with her every remark. Right now he was so sure, that this girl is really his type. So can he let her go like this?

“Mr. Lee Taemin, thank you for today.” Sulli rose up. “Nice to meet you but I also hope that we will never meet again next time.” Sulli said with a quick bow before she left Minho, who was totally in bewilderment, still amazed by Sulli’s true self.

‘For a beautiful woman like her is so unique. Rarely! I like her.’


When Sulli was about to get out of the coffee house, suddenly a familiar voice called her. In just the moment, she really hopes the ground should swallow her from where she was standing right now. Sulli sighed heavily and tried to put her smile, she then turned to face the source of voice.

“Hi Naeun! What a coincidence here!” Sulli greeted. “And what’re you doing here?”

Naeun smirked at Sulli before she turned around to call someone who was sitting at a cozy table. She waved her hand to him, calling him to come to their place. She then looked back at Sulli. “Myungsoo and I are having a marvelous date today.”

There he came and Naeun wasted no time to cling her arms around Myungsoo's protectively. Kim Myungsoo, the former of Sulli’s crush back 2 years ago crooked his polite smile at Sulli as she replied back with a slight nod of her head.

“And you, what’re you doing here?” This time Naeun asked. She chuckled full of sarcasm tone, totally made Sulli stiffed in her place, completely annoyed at this girl, who so called ‘superior rival in mask’. “Sorry for overhearing your conversation earlier, but I likely heard that you was forced into a blind date and if I’m not wrong, you’re here to meet your partner right?” She then leaned down toward Sulli and whispered. “That guy is not bad. So what’s now? You two are going to try out? I guess it’s the right time Sulli. You ages has been increasing every year. Let’s start enjoy your adult life since you still have time. Aigoo Sulli, I, myself still cannot believe that until now you still hasn’t found a boyfriend yet. Tsk tsk … I guess your life is surely so boring. ”

Sulli felt like she wanted to kick Naeun out of the coffee house and then slapped Myungsoo to wake up for falling in love with this girl and chose her instead 2 years ago.

“What blind date?? Of course, you must be heard us wrong.” Sulli asked as she pretended to laugh covering up her irritation. At the same time, Sulli saw Minho was walking toward them. She secretly rolled eyes when she saw him winked at her. Sulli laughed back mockingly to Naeun. “Don’t you think, you should upgrade your source of news, Naeun? Who gave you such wrongful information, saying that I haven’t had a boyfriend yet? Tsk tsk! What a pity to disappoint you.”

“What do you mean?” Naeun somehow felt anger at Sulli’s remark.

“Darling!!” Sulli suddenly exclaimed out aloud.

To Minho surprise, he was detained by Sulli’s arms suddenly held onto his as soon as he almost reached the exit. Sulli secretly conveyed Minho with ‘please, help me for little while’ message thru their eyes contact. As Minho quickly understood and wasted no time reached, eagerly to play his role. Much to Sulli unimagined, Minho drew out his arm from Sulli’s hold and instead he enveloped it tightly on her shoulder, crashed her body to attach with his.

“Yes Sweetie?” Minho sweetly answered.

“A-Ah yeah!!” Sulli stuttered a bit but she still managed to recover. “I’d like to introduce you to my friend, darling. Here is Naeun and her boyfriend, Myungsoo. And this is Lee Taemin, my boyfriend. To correct you Naeun, we’ve been dating for a year already. My life isn’t boring at all because of him. Right darling?”

Minho was trying so hard to stifle his laugh at Sulli’s emphatic sentence. ‘This girl is desperately hunting a boyfriend, actually. And this Naeun girl is more like my helper. But it’s a bit sad, sweetie. My actual name is Choi Minho not Lee Taemin. Anyway let’s enjoy your role, Minho.’   

The 3 then greeted each other before Sulli took her speech again.

“Darling, you bring your car right?” Sulli said. To make it more real, she put her palm on Minho’s chest, sending vibration down to his spin. 

‘Omo! It’s so hard. I really wonder what amazing view has hidden under this Adidas’s tee shirt. Yah! What are you thinking of, Choi Sulli. Wake up, it’s just putting a show in front of this girl to shut tight.’

“Yes sweetie. It’s outside the Café.” Minho activated his lovey dovey mode, caressing Sulli’s hand which was still on his chest.

“So we should go now. Let’s drop at you studio for you to change first before we continue our cool date for a whole day, darling.” Sulli said and put her triumphant smile at Naeun, her face already marked with dark expression. “Naeun, Myungsoo! It’s nice to run into you two today. But we need to go now. See you. Bye.”

With that, the counterfeit couple intimately held each other hands and left the place. After out of coffee shop, Sulli badly wanted to release her hand from Minho but she couldn’t when she still felt that Naeun was still watching them. So she had no choice but continue to act until they reached Minho’s car.

“Get in, Sweetie.” Minho said with the door of his car opened, but instantly only earned a death glare from Sulli. “They’re still there watching us. Do you want me to quit now or continue?”

Sulli just sighed and forcibly lifted her foot to enter his car.

“So we’re going to my place?” Minho’s cheerful voice was ranging inside the car, but more like teasing Sulli.

“Don’t you dare?” Sulli snapped, earning a light chuckle from Minho. “Let’s drive ahead and then just drop me off at that corner of the road.”

“Fine.” Minho shortly replied and drove off. He then stopped at where Sulli mentioned earlier.

“Thanks.” Sulli said.

When she was about to get off his car, Minho caught her by wrist.

“Do you think you just can go like that after receiving my help?” Minho asked. “It was like you crossed the bridge already and then demolished it after. You used me when I’m useful but kicked me off when you eventually got what you wanted.”

“Don’t I say thank you already?” Sulli replied and rashly released her hand from him. “Or I wasn’t sincere enough for you to take it? Okay I can say it again. Mr. Lee Taemin, thank-”

“The reciprocation of my generosity, I don’t take ‘thank you’ in return.” Minho said, as Sulli made face to him in unbelievable.

“Excuse me, Mister! Considering about what you helped me just now, I don’t think it’s big enough for me to hold in high regard rather than recognized your piddling kindness with a ‘thank you’. Not to mention that I’m kind to you enough and don’t sue you harassed me with the skinship earlier.” Sulli reasoned.

Minho chortled. “Yah Miss! Be accurate, you were the one who initiated the skinship.” He slanted his body forward to Sulli. They easily could feel each other warm breathes. “You firstly clung on my arm and then daringly touched my chest. Thinking again, who should sue who?”

Sulli gulped and blinking her eyes, staring from Minho’s perfect round eyes until it stopped on his inviting lips. She suddenly felt her blood rush up to color her cheeks came along with an instance of vibrating inside her chest.

“Okay, so what do you want?” Sulli chuntered quickly when her heart couldn’t overcome this sinful guy’s feature anymore if she didn’t do something, but as soon as the word escaped from , she knew she already fell into his trap by seeing his winning smile displayed on his lips as he went back to sit comfortably on his seat. Sulli hissed and gave him a glower with cross arms.

“Nothing much I want.” Minho said and stared mischievously at Sulli. “Let’s go out for another date.”




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halfhearted #1
Chapter 2: cute romantic story....I love it..
azuraes #2
Chapter 4: kyaaa i love this omg
sullijunie #3
Chapter 4: oow sweet minho...
minho loves sulli so much, i'm jelous, ke..ke..
love minsul,,,**
choichoi94 #4
i lovd it ..it was simple short and so cute story ...yes it indeed made me giddy over minsul....thank u authrnim ..grt work
Chapter 4: awwww awwww.. Minsul so funny, so cute and so sweet at the same time.. finally happy ending and they married now. Oh.. and i can't wait they wedding ceremony again with Sulli wear wedding dress not bridesmaid dress kekeke~ and oh i hope there have another chapter for our little Minsul :)

thank you for the beautiful, sweet, cute, funny story authornim and hwaiting for next story :)
Chapter 3: hehehe~ i think Minho have surprise.. lets break up and for now i want you to marry me and become my wife.. XD #delulumodeon

Chapter 2: Ohhh they so sweet and finally minsul together as Choi Sulli and Choi Minho. hahaha~ LOL with Taemin cause he fall for his blind date.. Jung Soojung aka Jung Krystal :D
Chapter 1: hoohhoho~ I fall a sleep last night XD
OMO.. so interesting Sulli character so interesting and Minho type is interesting woman. kekeke~ they do that just for Louis Vuitton and Park Jisung Jersey.. but its okay this Minsul fate and i wonder what will be happen if they know the truth :D

New reader here's ^_^
Reading... GO..go >>>
mssflovely #10
Chapter 4: DAEBAK!! I really like it!