Shall We Dance... Again?

Nathalie’s POV

            I looked over the clock; I should be cleaning up the studio by now. The kids really have made a mess.    But, I first went to the door and locked it. It has been a long and tiring day, and the kids still have a lot to learn. It must’ve been much easier to teach them if it wasn’t for my ankle.

            I got the broom from the cabinet and began sweeping, starting from the right side. I still have to mop this entire studio. There were also things that the kids have left; towels, toys, foods. Oh, kids. I chuckled at the idea. I remember myself back when I was a kid, I used to go to a dancing studio my parents have enrolled me. I remembered winning every dance competition I join. I was really good, and I think I might’ve been better. If it wasn’t only, again, with my ankle. But, what I remember the most is being able to dance freely.

            I was a dancer. Was. Now, I’m just a dance instructor for kids. With this, I still get to dance, even if it’s just the basics. Back when I was younger, like I said before, I’m really good in dancing. I win every dance competition that I join into, that’s because of my unique and impressive styles in dancing. My parents and the people around me thought that I would be a great dancer, a great performer. But, all of those expectations and the dream for myself, were all put into nothing when I sprained my ankle. I thought it wasn’t that bad, so I just continued practicing. It hurts, but it wasn’t that bad. It got worse when I made a bad turn and hit my ankle. From then on, I was never allowed to dance like I used to. If I do, I might never be able to walk again.

            I just came back here in Korea, 2 months ago from US. My family migrated there so that more professional doctors can take a good look on my ankle. My parents were really worried about it, especially at the thought of me not being able to walk if it worsens. I came back because I just wanted to. I really missed Korea. And I always feel that this is where I belong.

            So, to make a living, I applied as a dance instructor here in my former classmate’s studio. She is my bestfriend and I live with her in the apartment above the studio. I was left alone here, again. Dara was out again to buy something and I was left again with all these chores. That girl, really. Haha.        

            It actually makes me sad to look back on what had happened before. I still have regrets, of course. I shouldn’t have strained myself just because I was intimidated by a dance rival. How stupid of me. But, what’s done is done. So, I just went back to cleaning. I collected all the dust with the dustpan and threw it into a trashcan.

            I looked back at the clock. Dara’s still not back. She should be here by now. I have an appointment with my doctor today. I decided to call her. I went to my desk and got my phone from my bag. I was about to call her when the doorbell rang. That must be her. I hurriedly went to open the gate.

            “Where have you been, hmm?”  I asked as soon as I opened the gate. “I was worried.”

            “Wait, give me a few minutes to breathe and I’ll tell you. Okay?” She pushed me and went inside. I helped her with the groceries she’s carrying. She went to the water dispenser to hydrate herself. I impatiently waited for her explanation, my hands on my hips.

            “So, what now?”

            “We’re going to a party tomorrow.”

            “Whoa. Wait. We?” I asked to make sure I heard her correctly. “Party? What?”

            “Yes, we.” She simply said.

            “What are you talking about? What is this again, Dara?” I stared at her, dumbfounded.

            “I just met Donna, a friend of mine at the grocery store a while ago.” I was about to say something but she shushed me. “Donna, like I said before, is a friend of mine. She’s actually a friend of my mom. And she’s a choreographer at SM Entertainment. She choreographs one of its rookie groups, the famous Exo!”

            “And so?” I just can’t contain my impatience. “What does it have to do with me?”

            “Sooooo... it’s her birthday tomorrow. I was invited and I asked her if I could bring you along. I told her about your dancing skills and she seems interested. She said she’d like to meet you. So you’re coming with me tomorrow. And, we’ll be meeting Exo!”

            “Dancing skills? You know I lost them many years ago. And Dara, you know that parties are not my thing. And Exo? I don’t know them.” I said with a sigh.

            “Of course, you don’t. They’re still a rookie. And you’re just fresh from the US. It is a Korean-Chinese boy group, they’re really great. Many fans would like to be in our place. Meeting them, whoa... it’s just daebak! And it’s also a great opportunity to meet and learn from their choreographers. SM really produces people with talent, not just in singing but in dancing and acting as well. Who knows, one of our kids might be a great performer someday. It would be great, promise. And about your dancing skills, I know they’re still there. You’ll just have to survive your therapies and I’ll be seeing you dance again. So, please come with me. Please. Please.”

            “Are you trying to bribe me with words?” I asked, and she just stood there making cute gestures. She knows I always fall for her puppy eyes. “What time?” I asked

            “3:00 in the afternoon. Don’t worry about the kids, we’ll dismiss them early. I have already texted the parents about it. We need a break, you know.”

            “What kind of party is it? If it’s formal and one is obliged to wear a dress—then, no.”

            “What’s wrong with dresses?” She asked. I just wrinkled my nose. Dresses are not really my thing. “It’s not a formal party, it’s just a little celebration, with just a few invited people. Just a casual get-up.”          

            I nodded, thinking whether to go or not while she looked at me expectantly, and with a defeated sigh, I said, “Okay, then. But, promise me that you will stay by my side. You know very well that I’m not good with people I just met. I may just feel out of place.”

            “I promise.” She said and hugged me. “Thanks, Nathalie!”

            “Sure, sure. You’re always welcome.” I said as I hugged her back. “Hey, I can’t help you unpack the groceries, I have an appointment today with Dr. Hee Ra. I’ll be late if I didn’t go now. Can I leave now?”

            “Yeah, sure. Don’t worry about the groceries. Just a piece of cake. You better get going so you can go home early as soon as possible. Be safe.”

            I got my bag, waved goodbye and hurried out the studio. My ankle sometimes just suddenly hurt and it’s worrying me. I patiently waited for a cab. It took time, actually. If only I can just walk my way to the hospital, I wouldn’t have to take a cab. If only it wasn’t for my ankle. Woo~ It wouldn’t actually take me hours even just by walking.

            After like 364829 years, I finally found a cab. I reached my destination and then paid my fare. I was greeted by some nurses who seem to have been familiar with me. I went to the orthopedic department to see my doctor, she was actually expecting me. I glanced over my clock to see if I was late for my appointment when somebody bumped into me. My feet slid, I closed my eyes and got ready for the fall when somebody has caught me.

            I felt relieved, knowing that I didn’t fall. I slowly opened my eyes.            

            “I’m sorry.” The guy said. We were eye to eye and were in an awkward position, considering a lot of people were staring at us. My legs were in between his, my arms around his neck and his around my waist. I can feel my cheeks burning, people in the hospital were looking at us. He slowly helped me stood straight. I checked my legs, made a few stretches to check if something hurt. Good thing my ankle wasn’t harmed. “I’m sorry. I really am sorry. I was just in a hurry.” I looked back at the guy; he was actually trying to look away from me which I find weird. “Are you alright? I’m really sorry!”

            “Umm... it’s okay. I’m fine. You can go now. And thanks for catching me, good thing my ankle wasn’t hurt... I really am fine.”

            “I’m sorry again.”

            “No, I should be the one saying sorry, I wasn’t looking.”

            “No, no... it’s me. It’s my fault.”

            I was about to say something but I just ended up laughing. The guy laughed too. He lowered his hood, also his bangs. I found it weird, actually. But, I can see his eyes, they’re... wonderful. They were like a deer’s. I was lost for words and it seems like I have traveled through space and time. They really are wonderful. It took some time before I came back to my senses.

            “No no, it’s okay. It really is. Well, are you hurt?” He shook his head no, his head bowed down. “That’s good. I’ll go now. Be more careful next time.” I said with a smile then continued walking to my doctor’s office. I fought the urge to look back at him. He might’ve gone to where he is headed. I wonder why he’s not looking at me. Does he have some scar on the other side of his face that he doesn’t want me to see? And what’s with the hoodie? Is he hiding from someone? Is he a hoodlum or a criminal? Oh, stupid. I pushed all the thoughts away as soon as I saw the door of my doctor’s office. I ‘ran’. Well, more of like walked faster towards it then knocked.

            “Come in, please.” Mrs. Hee Ra said.

            “Umm.. hello, Mrs. Hee Ra. It’s me again.”

            “What has happened to your ankle this time? Does it hurt?”

            “Well, at times it would suddenly hurt. I’m a bit nervous about it.”

            I’ve been getting check-ups with Mrs. Hee Ra since I last moved back here in Korea.

            She led me to a high chair whilst she sat on a chair lower. She held my foot and began checking the bones of my ankle, asking whether it hurts when she pokes it like this or like that. It doesn’t really hurt at minimum pressure but I was really shocked when she just suddenly twisted it.

            “Aaah. That hurts.”

            “I see. I don’t know what to say about it. Just don’t strain yourself, especially your legs a little bit too much, continue with your medicine, have regular exercise, massage your ankle and if it hurts more than it does, come back here again.”

            “Okay. Umm... this won’t get worse right?” I asked nervously, my fingers crossed behind my back.

            “I don’t know. Right now, we’ll just to hope that it won’t. Just don’t stress yourself too much about it, it won’t help.”

            I nodded in reply. I just had some little chitchat with her then finally said my goodbyes. I’m actually nervous about my ankle, I tried not to think of the possibility that I won’t get to walk again because that just made more nervous. I tried to relax and think straight but it’s just useless. I was thinking of going to a nearby store before going home but just thought otherwise, not wanting to strain my legs. So, I just went home with my thoughts weaving a tangled web.

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Chapter 6 finally posted. :) Sorry if it took a long time. I will be working with Chaps7 and 8 soon. :D


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RunningManLoL #1
Chapter 7: Love your story!!! pls update soon!!! I'm so excited for the next chapter!!!