

the concert …

the concert started at 7pm the music always great you and brooke had a good time. Once the concert finish you two have to go to the backstage and meet your husbands XD on the way …
you: brooke you will think that Im crazy …
brooke: just a little..
you: let me finish
brooke: ok…
you: gd looked at me several times, really
brooke: really?
you: yes, really, now Im so nervious
brooke: wow… I think Taeyang just looked at me twice, you are so lucky
you: hehe, but he looked at you, that the point
brooke: I know hehe but im not nervious im excited
you: me too!!! But really gd I think he knows my face very well
brooke: wow… we´ll see


both of you get to the backstage and there are Bigbang…

Bigbang were talking about the concert when you and brooke appear
Brooke: hi!!!
bigbang: hi
gd: you must be the girls who won the tickets right?
you: y-ye-yes
Seungri: don’t be nervious im so handsome I know, but don’t be that nervious
you: *laugh*
top: is not for you maknae
brooke: hehe seungri is so cute
seungri: thanks *3*
daesung: hehe I wanna know who you like of Bigbang
top: well I wanna know their names first before they kidnap me
you: I-I  wo-would never do t-t-that
Taeyang: hehe she is so nervious she is being cute, don’t be nervious
Gd: yes we are normal people that everybody loves hehe
brooke: hehe well, my name is brooke, nice to meet you guys
you: my name is______ nice to meet you.
GD: ok so now brooke who do you like?
Brooke: mmm… well I like .. *laghs* hehe im so nervious now!
you: see…. That´s what I feel now
Daesung: so please tell us..
Brooke: well I like Taeyang!!!, done I said it I feel good XD
Taeyang: nice to meet you brooke, *kiss her hand*
brooke: kyaa!!!! *fain*
daesung: you turn ______
 Taeyang graps brooke and put her in the couch
you: well I like all of you hehehe
top: well, who is your favorite? Tell us
you: mmm… hehe well …
GD: don’t force her, she, well they are, our guests, one is fain you wanna have your guests fain??,
seungri: nop
Taeyang: since concert is over, lets celebrate, go dinner with our guest, that’s ok guys?
gd: is ok for me, *winks at you* *you were red like tomato*
seungri: ok, lets go
top: ok I pay.
daesung: ok!!

i hope comments, dont be bad with me hehe XD 

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