Begin again


Genre: angst


Luhan thinks Yixing is starting to lose his memory, when the one losing his memory is Luhan





I take a big breath as i look in the mirror, my eyes go to my red air jordan's that make me laugh. Yixing hates them, he keeps telling me if i keep on wearing them they'll make my feet big. I laugh and i say its a lie. But coming out of Yixing's mouth, it might be true.

I wait for him in the same bench everyday after school, i put my headphones on and i watch everyone pass by me. As the lyrics of the song belong to every student like a theme song. Yixing sits down next to me, takes one of my headphones off and puts it on. He puts his head on my shoulder, and tells me "that girl she draws the same face of a man she has never seen before"

I chuckle, "that guy, writes stories about love. Even when he doesnt understand how it works" Yixing chuckles this time. We make up stories of strangers who pass by us, because Yixing forgets their names. Sometimes im scared he'll forget mine.


It was June 15, and just like every 15 of every month, we have dinner on the same restaurant. On the same table, on the same chairs. I enter thinking Yixing would be late, but there he was standing waving at me. I tell him 'my name is Luhan' he raises his eyebrow confused of why im telling him my name. He still remembers me.

Yixing throws his head back like a little kid, as he hears for the 100th time the same joke. Which he'll end up forgetting again. "are you kidding? thats my favorite singer!" Yixing rest his head on his hand, he cant believe im twice as fan as he is. That night we do something different, today we sing aloud not caring if people look at us.

Yixing tells me he loves me.
I tell him i love him too.


We walk down the street, and he keeps on telling me about his family and what they did last year on christmas. I open my mouth to tell him about mine. When i realize what's past is the past, so i close my mouth and i hear him go on and on. He tells me this year, his going to take me to see his family. I tell him 'okay', he grabs my hand.


I stand looking at myself in the mirror, my eyes go to my red air jordan's which make me laugh. Everytime Yixing sees them he tells me how much he hates them. He tells me about how my feet is going to get big, if i keep on wearing them. I call him a 'liar', he shuffles my hair.

The bell rings, and i run to the same bench. I put my headphones on, and i play the same playlist. As i get lost in the lyrics, i feel someone tapping my shoulder. I know it wasnt Yixing, since he always puts his head on my shoulder. I take one of my headphones out, and i turn to look at the person. "hi Luhan!" "uhm hi" He speaks like i know him, but i dont.

"its me....Jongdae"


"we had math class last year"


"hi" Yixing interrupts us, although it seems like Jongdae was offended by me. Yixing puts his arm around Jongdae, and takes him far away from me. I can see Yixing's mouth moving, and Jongdae nodding alot. I begin to feel self conscious, since every chance Jongdae gets he turns and looks at me.

That day Yixing takes me home, and i cant seem to have the guts to open my mouth and ask him who Jongdae is.

Yixing tells me he loves me.
I tell him i love him too.


I stand infront of the mirror as i look at myself, Yixing wraps his arms around my waist and he tells me this joke. I dont find it funny, so he worries. "are you okay Luhan?" i dont answer. "i love you" and i still dont answer. He pulls me back to bed, as he tells me a story about a boy who loves to much that he ends up being curse.

I laugh alittle, as i imagine myself being that boy. "how does the story end?" "the boy broke the curse" Yixing tells me as he caresses my face, i take a mental picture before i close my eyes.

And the last words in my mind are, "the boy climbs a big mountain, to defeat the dragon who would grant one wish to the boy"


I cant believe Yixing finds me funny, my last boyfriend never did. "where did you hear that joke?" he says between chuckles, "i made it up, im that funny" Yixing holds my hand, as we keep on walking on the street. I see a small book store and a red book catches my eyes. I let go off Yixing's hand, and i run to the book. It was a kids book, the cover was red and it seem like the kid was intop of a mountain.

He was slaying a dragon, i look at his feet and he was wearing red air jordan's. "i didnt know you like kids books" Yixing says with a grin in his face, "i dont. but look what the kid is wearing, my favorite shoes" "then this kid is going to get really big feet" i dont say anything because my eyes are stuck on the book.


I sit in the same bench like i always do. I feel Yixing's hand taking my headphone off, and putting it on himself. "you see that girl, she draws the face of a man she has never met" "oh and that guy, writes stories about love. Even when he doesnt understand how it works"

"what's my name Luhan?"

I turn to look at him, "Yixing, why?"

"i love you"

"i love you too"


Its July 15, i enter an old fashion restaurant. When i enter someone waves at me, i turn around to see if that person was really waving at me. He is. I walk towards him, as my nervous hands shake. " i know you?" the person puts on his sweet smile, as he pulls on his chair. "no, but would you mind having dinner with me?" I look at him, trying to figure out if he was a murder.

But somehow his kind eyes tell me he wasnt. "have you heard the story about a boy who loves to much that he ends up being curse?" "that cant be a childs book" The person raises his eyebrow, "why not?" "it sounds tragic" he chuckles, as he looks down. "your the first person to say that" "maybe im the first person who gets the story"

"im Yixing"

"im Luhan"


I lay in bed as Yixing has his arm around me, i feel like im losing days or im beginning to repeat them. "how old am i, Yixing?" "24, why?" why does my face look like im abit older? im stuck between 26 and 27. "what's wrong with me?" "nothing is wrong with you" with his thumbs clean the tears before they roll down my cheeks. "my head hurts"

Yixing pulls me close to his chest as he hugs me, "tomorrow would be a new day, just hold on" "im scared Yixing" i say between sobs, that make me feel like a kid. "dont be."

My tired eyes feel heavy, i hear Yixing say i love you.
I tell him i love him too. It was the first time he ever said those words to me...right?


I have selective memory, Yixing tells me. I chuckle, but he looks serious. "what?" "the medical term is called, lacunar amnesia." I look around the kitchen, "how many times have we had this talk?" "seven." I bite my lip, i couldnt cry right now. I wasnt allow. "do i always react this way?" "sometimes, you hug me and cry in my arms. Sometimes you throw things to the floor, break dishes, anything really"

"and tomorrow? am i going to remember?"

"sometimes you do....sometimes you lose three days of memories. It all depends on you"

"how did it happened?" Yixing takes a step towards to me, and i try not to break in his presence. "your last boyfriend hit you pretty hard, i dont know much of the details since you wouldnt tell me" "so i only remember the things i want to remember?" he nods, but he doesnt quite tell me the other part. I know there was more, if i had the ability to choose what to remember i wouldnt have lost this part. The part where Yixing tells me i have lacunar amnesia.

"have i ever forgotten you?" i ask in a whisper.

Yixing stands infront of me, his hands in my forearms "yes" "how many times?" he smiles putting his forehead against mine. "it doesnt matter" "yes it does, how many times?" he shakes his head, "it doesnt matter, because the next day you come back to me. So it doesnt matter" "but-" he puts his finger in my lips, shushing me. "the funny thing is, sometimes you think im the one thats forgetting"

I chuckle, and Yixing takes that opportunity to kiss me. And he kisses me, again, and again.


I take a big breath as i look in the mirror, my eyes go to my red air jordan's that make me laugh. Yixing has always hate it this shoes...

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Chapter 7: This was so cute!
My favorite one was when Luhan was pregnant xd (he claims to be super manly so is kind of funny)
Thank you so much for writing all the stories! :3
Chapter 3: Holy crap, that was so... *no comments*
mixedbananas #3
Chapter 6: This is one of my fav one shot.. beautiful
Chapter 7: this remind me of watching anastasia.......exactly the same only no dark wizard wants to kill the main character. A huge twist. Well done
Chapter 6: That was perfect, omg ;_; pls keep updating
Chapter 6: Absolutely perfect. Well done
bizzyMe #7
Chapter 4: Awwwwwww~ So sweet!
bby_tigz #8
Chapter 4: i just wanted to smack luhan for bein for bein so dumb nd just leavin yixing like that without even tryin =/.. im just glad that ended good ;u;
Chapter 4: *wipe tears* that was...perfect. well done
Chapter 3: The the f*** how'd it end up this way? Fighting for next chapter