Mood Chart


Genre: fluff


Luhan's hair changes depending on his mood, when he meets the boy in school a new color appears





There was something mystical when it came to Luhan. No it wasnt his pretty eyes that sparkle, nor that smile that could melt your heart. It was the fact that his hair changes color depending on the mood he is in. No one really understands how he could do that, but it did makes it simple for people to know what he was feeling. Since Luhan its very hard to figure out.



There was two colors that Luhan would always stay in, red and blue green. He was either angry and ready to cut your head off, or he was in a peaceful mood. It was a week ago, when he got into a fight with three guys just because he didnt like how they were looking at him. "im going to cut that pretty face of yours" Jongdae says, and Luhan hate it his guts.

"DONT CALL ME PRETTY FACE!" Luhan yells, and thats when his hair changes to red. Everything pretty much its a blurr for Jongdae and his friends. The only thing they remember is alot of hitting, and screaming. That cost Luhan two weeks of suspension, which he really didnt mind. He need it some time to rest.

When he gets to his apartment he meets his cat, and an empty room. Luhan was always alone, no soul to call his friend. Only this little cat who he found in the street. Luhan wasnt someone who would just stop for any kind of animal, but it was something about this hurt cat laying down in the street ready to die that made him stop. Maybe it reminded him of himself, maybe it was just pity.

He didnt think to much about it, you dont need a reason to save a life. Luhan lays down on the bed, and the sun shines down on his blue green hair. He grabs one of his favorite manga's and just reads, as he hears the cat purr. This was what life was to him, his beautiful calm life. 


After two weeks Luhan returns to school, his hair continues to be blue green color. Seen how hurt Jongdae and his friends got, no one really want it to look directly at Luhan. Which only made Luhan scoff, and continues to walk to his classroom. When he opens the door, the whole class stays quiet as they see Luhan take his seat. 

Small whispers run in Luhan's ears, he tries to figure out what the students are saying about him. 'he almost killed Jongdae' 'the principal should kick him out' 'im afraid of him' 'his a killer' 'his so weird' slowly Luhan feels his hair burning, as it turns red. He stands up so fast the chair behind him drops to the floor. Luhan hits the table with his hands, "STOP TALKING ABOUT ME!" Luhan grabs one of his books, and throws them across the room hitting someone in the forehead.

Everyone stays quiet, Luhan's hair changes to amber gold as he goes to range of emotions. The boy begins to bleed, and thats when everyone gasps. The boy didnt seem scared, he look more confuse than anything. "what?" the boy speaks with his animated voice. He feels something dripping from his forehead, he cleans it and thats when he notice that it was blood.

Finally the boy freaks out, and ends up fainting.


The boy wakes up in a small white room with a blanket intop of him. The boy tries to sit up when a great pain comes to his head. "so..sorry" the boy didnt even notice someone was sitting next to him, "y...your hair" the boy speaks slowly, "oh yes, my hair changes colors...its probably blue green right now" the boy shakes his head, "no, its blue"

"blue?" Luhan stands up, and looks at himself in the mirror. In fact it was blue, he never had this color before. He was actually happy, how could that be? "is something wrong?" Luhan turns around, and looks at the boy. He looks at him for what it seems a life time, before he shakes his head. "no, i..i just never had this color before"

The boy chuckles, covering his mouth with his hand. "cute" the color red paint Luhan's cheeks, "uhm," he cleans his throat "whats your name anyway"

"Zhang Yixing"

"im Luhan"

'Yixing' Luhan repeats the name in his mind, for a reason even himself doesnt understand.


"and this is my apartment" Luhan says as he lets Yixing go in first, after the whole incident Yixing didnt leave Luhan alone. It was the fact that he would do everything he could to make Luhan's hair change color, so he could laugh about it later. He could never see that small blush he brings on Luhan's cheeks.

"aww its a cat" Yixing kneels down to pet the small brown cat, feeling Yixing's hand the cat closes his eyes and enjoys the petting. "whats his name?" Yixing carries the cat, and takes him to the kitchen. "uhm...he doesnt have one" "what? why?" Luhan shrugs, "if i put a name it means i grown attach to it, and i dont want to get attach to anything"

Yixing silently chuckles, "your weird" that makes Luhan's mouth turn into the shape of an 'o', "whats so weird about that?" "a name is a name, its the way you can distinguish someone. Your parents gave you a name because they knew you were going to be special, and this cat is special and he needs a name" Luhan's grows gentle with Yixing's words.

Maybe he was right, maybe everyone needs a name. "fine, his name is Xing" "Xing?" Luhan cleans his throat as he leaves the small kitchen, "yeah have a problem with that?" Yixing shakes his head, "no, i like it" Luhan sits on his bed, and Yixing sits next to him with the cat in his arms. "did you hear that? you have a name now" Yixing does the baby voice, when he talks to the cat.

Luhan bites his lips so he won't smile.


He doesnt know how Yixing end up laying down in bed nex to to him as he snores, or how his arm is around his waist. He doesnt know why his hair is pink now, or why he wants to pet Yixing. He doesnt know why he feels calm, but at the same time he feels like his whole body is accelerating when his with Yixing. All he knows that maybe growing attach to something, its not so bad.

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Chapter 7: This was so cute!
My favorite one was when Luhan was pregnant xd (he claims to be super manly so is kind of funny)
Thank you so much for writing all the stories! :3
Chapter 3: Holy crap, that was so... *no comments*
mixedbananas #3
Chapter 6: This is one of my fav one shot.. beautiful
Chapter 7: this remind me of watching anastasia.......exactly the same only no dark wizard wants to kill the main character. A huge twist. Well done
Chapter 6: That was perfect, omg ;_; pls keep updating
Chapter 6: Absolutely perfect. Well done
bizzyMe #7
Chapter 4: Awwwwwww~ So sweet!
bby_tigz #8
Chapter 4: i just wanted to smack luhan for bein for bein so dumb nd just leavin yixing like that without even tryin =/.. im just glad that ended good ;u;
Chapter 4: *wipe tears* that was...perfect. well done
Chapter 3: The the f*** how'd it end up this way? Fighting for next chapter