{2} Life as a Star

Love and Shine


Miho's POV



After the little 'debut about SHINee mascot' I actually had to folow SHINee and go inside the van thing. (Like most stars) The windows were all out and I couldn't see a thing.


" So how do you feel Miho-ah?" Onew asked.


" Freaked out. I seriously didn't believe I could get in." I honestly replied.


" Well now we're going to JangGeun Plaza to debut you 'officially' in SHINee and present you to the media. But before that we have to give you are makeover." Jonghyun stated.


" Makeover? Do I look THAT bad?"I pouted.


" So cute!!! LOL. Are you my Noona?" Taemin said.


" I'm born on 26th March 1994. What about you?" I replied. 


" Well I'm born on July the 18th 1993 so I'm your Oppa!!!!" he excitedly exclaimed.


" So all of SHINee is my 'Oppa', right "


" Uh huh." Minho said.


I feel like I'm dreaming, this can't be real right? I leaned back and slowly fell asleep because I didn't get any sleep these past two days. I was too freaked out!!!


Nobody's POV



[Seating arrangements]





Key's POV



Even though I sat next to Miho-ah I didn't even say a word to her. She's different to Soo Hyeon , more active and cute I guess. She looks really tired, I guess I shouldn't disturb. I got my Ipod out and start listening to Better Together by Se7en. I suddenly fell something on my shoulder, I turned around. It was Miho.


"We're here!!!" Jonghyun Hyung just yelled.


Suddenly Miho just woke up, I immediately looked away in case she finds out I was staring.


" Miho-ah! Time to wake up!!! Why are you sleeping on Key's shoulder? O_o " Onew Hyung shook Miho softly.


"Huh? We're here?! "  Miho yawned slightly and scratched her head.


" Come on Miho-ah, I have to get out aswell," I murmured.


" Oh Okay.."


~Inside the stylist place~


" I'll first start with your hair and then I'll put you some make-up and then change okay?" the stylist said to Miho-ah. " Take SHINee to change and put make-up on them." she ordered the other people to help us.

~1 hour later~

YOUR Dress (:

SHINee Outfit


"Wow,Miho-ah you look pretty." Jonghyun complimented.


"Thank you..."


I never knew she was so pretty... I remember the first time I saw Soo Hyeon in a pretty dress... sigh.


She is like Soo Hyeon, everytime I look at her Soo Hyeon immediately comes to my mind.


We've been dating for 3 years, how many dates have we been on? Not more than 10. I stood there in the cold and thought about random things that happened in the past three years. Plus we only started dating because I was like stalking her in high school and she kind of got annoyed and said yes. I was such a dork back then.

" Key Oppa!!! I'm here." Soo Hyeon shouted.

" Hyeonnie!!! Why are you half an hour late?"

" I...I was on a...date with someone else.." Her eyes were looking away from my stare.

" What!? Are you serious, I stood here in this kind of weather ,waiting for you and you tell me you went on a date with SOMEONE ELSE?!"

" I'm sorry. BUT I JUST CAN'T STAND YOU! YOU'RE SUCH A STUPID DORK! LET'S BREAK UP!" She screams and just runs away.

I stood there heartbroken, I fell on my knees and gallons of tears run out of my swollen eyes. She is just...too much.

From that day on those thick glasses I wore everyday turned into contacts. My clothes were cool and I learnt how to dance,rap and sing. Next I tried out for SHINee, and I actually got in. Thanks to her I became strong and confident about myself, but now she comes back...

[End of Flashback]

"Key Oppa?!!!"Miho waved her hand because I was in a daze.


"Yeah? "


"We're going to JangGeun Plaza now, come on!!!" She yells excitedly.


"Okay. You're way too excited. What if our fans don't accept you? "


"I'm not like you, I haven't been a star since forever," she coldly replied.


She stormed off like a black cloud. Did I do something wrong? I ran into the van and sat near the window. She had to sit next to me, again.





Am I going crazy? Being mad at Key, KIM KI BUM!!! His your idol like since forever!  JUNG MIHO WHY ARE YOU SO MAD?!


The whole car trip was silent, and in a few minutes we arrived.



" Let's welcome SHINee!!!" The MC announced as 'SHINee' walked out [with me].


" Anneyonghaseo!!" And a million screams replied back to the 'hello'.


" Let's welcome Jung Miho, to be the 'SHINee Mascot'!!!"


" How do you all feel about the new member in SHINee, and why did you choose her?" The MC questioned.


" Well I guess she was prettier than most fans that tried out?" Jonghyun said. Earning a Oooo..from the fans.


" How about you, Key. Why did you choose Miho-ah?"


" Well I just think she stands out in the crowd, and she can sing really well. She is a unique girl." complimented Key. Did he just say I was special?! Aww!!! Key Oppa Sarangheo! I chuckled. XD


" Oo...I see SHINee really likes their new mascot eh?! "

" Yes. Don't worry fans, we'll never forget about you!" Onew Oppa told the fans so they wouldn't lose hope. Sometimes he actually DOES act like a leader.


" Thank you SHINee for coming today!!! I hope you all can support Miho-ah and the NEW SHINee." MC thanked.


" SHINee....FIGHTING!!!" as we all did the 'SHINee Fist' and bowed.



" Miho-ah go home and back your things. Tonight your moving in to the "SHINee Mansion" ." Onew exclaimed.


"Okay." and I tried no to sound excited when I was.Oh crap. I better ring Amber!!!





" OMG JUNG MIHO! YOU GOT INTO SHINEE!!! CONGRATS!!! " as Amber hugged me.


" OMG. I need to move into the 'SHINEE MANSION' " doing the speech mark thing.


" Your SO lucky, get to LIVE wih your idols"


" Can you help me a bit in packing? Onew Oppa said he'll come and pick me up at 5pm.


" LOL. Onew OPPA already?"


We all burst out laughing.


" Actually, Amber do you want to come and have dinner with 'SHINEE' TONIGHT? Only VIP's like my cousin can get the tickets." As we both burst out laughing AGAIN.


" Hm...OKAY! As long as my cousin is happy."






-Knock Knock-


" Um... Hello? You are? Oh gracious. I saw you on TV the other day." My aunt was complety shocked.


" Hey. I'm Lee JinKi or you can call me Onew. As you've realised Miho-ah made it through the SHINee mascot contest and she can actually live with SHINee. I guess she was too busy to even tell you." As Onew explained.


" Ohh... Okay so Miho-ah!! Onew's here." Aunt yells.


" Okay!! "As I ran down with my normal three quarter pants, long shirt and a pair of converse. Hair tied back etc.


" Bye bye Aunt. I'm going to miss you SO much. AMBER! You ready?!!!"


" Yeah yeah. Be patient. Chill dude?"


"By the way Onew. The 'girl' coming out is my cousin. I invited her to OUR house to have dinner. Can she come?!! Please!! " I stared at him with puppy eyes.


"Sure. The more the merrier, right?"


Amber comes out like her own self, very VERY guyish. But thats my cousin, eh.


" H...Hi, OMG IT'S...?" Onew questions.

" SHUSH~Come here...I'll talk to you," they dragged themselves to Amber's room...does Amber know them?


~A few minutes later~


"Okay..should we be...going now?" I said just to break the silence.


"Uh..okay.'' The chorused together.


--SHINee's Place--


"Daebak!!! This is the prettiest two-storey house I've ever been to!!! OMG. Where's my room?!" I wondered.


" Miho-ah it's on the second storey, next to Key's room."


"Why next to Key's room?" I asked suspiciously.


" Be...Because Jonghun, Taemin, Minho and me were fighting to go to that room so Key was like, Okay. I'm going,"


" You guys what?!! Oh My God!!! " I could see him slightly blush.


Fighting for a room next to me? WOW. I feel like a star!!


" Where are the rest of SHINee, Oppas?" I questioned.


" Buying stuff, food essentials etc."


" Okay."


" HYUNG!!! COME AND HELP US!!!" Taemin yelled.


Onew just runs out and help. " What the hell?! Did you guys buy a supermarket??"


I chuckled. These guys were so funny.




Guess who cooked the dinner? OMG. It was...Amber. LOL. You can't judge her face and think she can only do guy-ish stuff. She cooks the best food ever.


" Oppa. Can you pass me the salt?" Four hands reach out for the salt.


" Um..Amber? Can you please get it for me?" That was just awkward. Hehe. But I find it really fun.


After dinner Amber went back home and I was 'stuck' with 5 guys. This is what they are doing:

ONEW: Washing plates. XD
MINHO: Hearing music
JONGHYUN: Computering
TAEMIN: Video Games
KEY: ...Something....

So I decided to walk to the smooth white piano and start playing 'The Air on G String' [AUTUMN'S CONCERTO!!] because I used to play piano when I was younger.I lightly pressed on the keys of the piano.




Slowly all the racket was over and I was the centre of attention. The piece was soothing and calming ...


"Miho-ah!! Your so good at piano!"

"Thank you Taemin Oppa,"


" Good night Oppas. I'm going to bath and sleep. "


" Good night, they chirrped."


--In the bathroom--


What a crazy day, my dream actually came true and now I'm like SHINee's little sis. Feels really weird but I guess sometimes you have to believe in yourself.


I feel so tired...


Key's POV



" Who's in the bathroom?!" I asked Taemin.


" Isn't Miho in there?"


" But she's nearly in there for half an hour..."


OMG. IS SHE OKAY?! As I try to open the door. Thankfully she forgot to lock the door because I would've broken it. I kind of sound like a ert. >.<


I ran to the bath tub and saw a faint black circle. I pulled her head above the surface of the water.







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i need more of these *.*
Done~~~ such a cute fanfic :) It was awesome
AJWNXURZKMADUAUAUAUSZN! keyboard spam!! did i just see all my three bias appear! Mir, Yoseob and Kevin! :D
omg omg omg omg up tp chap 2 and i see autumns concerto's themesong :) *SQUEALS! VAN NESS WU IS SO HOT !!*
Aww, loved this <3
Awwwwww at last they got back they r soooo cute cuple I love this story !!!!!! ;D
Minah_sarang #8
finishedd! .. i loved your Key fic :) ... and Key isn't even my bias <3 xx
This is so goooooood! :D