{18} Fiance?!

Love and Shine



Miho’s POV



“ Let me explain Mr. Kim…I- we-” he just sighed. “No need for explanations, I understand. Miss Jung Miho, please sign this commitment to accept that you violated one of the rules on your contract and as stated you have to leave the idol group SHINee. We cannot afford to lose Key from SHINee since he has been there since their debut and earned a reasonable fanbase. We will explain to netizens and fellow SHAWOLS that you decided to leave SHINee because you missed your parents terribly and you are more use to Australia than this foreign country; we do not want to create suspicion on this issue about which rule you broke. Araso?” Mr. Kim ordered and I reluctantly said “Neh.”


My SHINee dream is over. Everything is gone.


I thought I could, I thought I just might be someone special, just maybe?


And this. This Choi Jin Ri comes along; takes some disgusting inappropriate shots and just set up a trap for me to fall in. Is that how much my dream is worth? Is that how much my Oppas worth? Is that how much a home-run away is worth?


No. Never in a million years. I will get that .


“ C-Can I sign this later? P-Please? I beg of you Mr. Kim. I can’t run away or anything, just…later?” I pleaded but he just frowned. Time…things can change right?


“ You must to sign it by tomorrow. I expect you to be in my office by nine o’clock. Sharp. Araso?” he demanded and I just nodded slightly.


“ Neh, I’ll be going now,” I said and bowed. He gestured for me to leave and I acknowledged it.


Ottoke?! SHINee and I areover?!


“ Ummm, I’m back,” I yawned and slouched on the sofa. Oppas all crowded around me waiting for me to explain what happened. I just laughed at their dorkiness. “ Yah, it’s nothing…really,” I assured uncertainly.


“ Jung Mi Ho, your expression is telling me a COMPLETELY different story. Tell us or we’ll ring Mr. Kim,” Onew Oppa threatened. “ Seriously, it’s not like I’m going to commit suicide because of this,” I mumbled but they were still frowning.


“ Millie-ah, don’t you trust us? Just tell us, I’m dying to know!” Minho Oppa protested. “ Yah, Choi Minho you are such a kiddo. Millie baby, tell your Oppa neh?” Jonghyun argued and I just laughed as Minho Oppa shot daggers at Jjong.


They are such kids. “ Miho-ah, tell the Taeminnie Oppa who will solve all your troubles, okay?” Taeminnie grinned and I ree. “Hmmm,”




“ Is this a confession I hear?” Onew Oppa chuckled and Jjong just nodded. “ Key, it’s about time,” Jjong winked causing me to blush a little.


“ YAH! ARE YOU TELLING US OR NOT?!” Key continued. “ Fine, I’mleavingSHINeeandI’mgoingbacktoAustraliaandditchingyouguysforever, HAPPY!?” I shrieked and they all stared at me dumbfounded.


Aish, Kim Kibum. I ran out of the house leaving them all in shock.




I just kept on going wherever, run Millie. Like you have never run before.


“ OMO! Miho-ah!” I heard the masculine voice call. I turned around just to see, Joon Oppa. “ HI!” I smiled.


“ Oppa! I haven’t seen you in ages, do you know how much I missed you?” I purred and he just beamed. “ You. How could you not call me all this time? Eh, and why are you around here without your disguise? What happened?”


Why do you have to be so intelligent, Oppa?


“ Well, er-you- it’s a long story you see…” I stated. Maybe it’s best to not let anyone know about…stuff. “ I see, well how about a hardcore basketball game to wash off all the bad stuff!” Joon Oppa cheered.


“ You’re on!” I said and dribbled the ball.



Onew’s POV



Manager: ‘ Jinki-ah, have you heard about Miho?’

Me: ‘ Neh? She told us really quickly but I didn’t hear anything and then she ran somewhere. Taeminnie and Key went after her but they still hasn’t found her.’

Manager: ‘ Well, I guess she wasn’t in the mood anyway…her dream is shattered.’

Me: ‘EH?! Tell me!’

Manager: ‘ She’s going to leave you guys. I mean, she is leaving … SHINee’


Manager: ‘ Calm down, Jin Ki-ah. It’s Mr Kim’s words and no one can stop him. He’s the boss after all’

Me: ‘ WHAT!? Can’t we persuade him or something? Like we are one of the best artist under SM, can’t we like be excused for once?’

Manager: ‘ She can’t be excused, she dishonored one of the most important rules, she must leave…’

Me: ‘ Chincha?! Wae-yo? Anniyo, I need to discuss with the members. Annyong!’

Manager: ‘ Don’t do anything stupid araseo?’

Me: ‘ Neh, bye.’


Aish, that girl seriously doesn’t want us to worry.


“ MINHO-AH! JONGHYUN-AH! JUNG MIHO-AH IS LEAVING US,”I shouted and they just stared at me in disbelief.


“ What are you talking about hyung? How can that be?” Minho asked. “ She has to sign the commitment tomorrow to agree that she broke a rule from the contract and she must leave us…” I breathed.


“ Aish, that pabo. SHE’S WORSE THAN SE KYUNG!” Jonghyun raged and ruffled his hair fiercely.


Note* Jonghyun never ruffles his perfect hair unless he is really pissed.


“ Aish, but all we can do now is wait…” I mumbled and they nodded in acknowledgement.


Pabo Pabo, come home soon okay? You make me worry too much >_<



“ Thank you for everything Oppa. Seriously, you made me feel heaps better! Visit me in Sydney soon, okay?” I laughed and then realised I said something inappropriate.


“ You’re going home?! OMO, Is that why you are so down?” Joon asked. Smart guy T___T


“ N-No, I’m going for holiday,” I lied and flashed him a smile.


“ Oh, bye then. See you soon?” he waved and patted me onto head. I pulled him into a friendly hug, will I ever get one again?


“ Kamsanmida Oppa.” I whispered one last time and walked inside.


I’m going to miss you. Heaps.




“ Millie Jung, come with me. Now!” the Diva Key jumped in dragged me into his room, locking the door on his way. “ What do you want? Honestly?” I sulked but he just glared at me.


“ Did you sign the commitment? Are you honestly going to leave me? And SHINee?” he growled. “ N-neh, even though I really REALLY don’t want to. I have to, I don’t have a choice, Kibum-ah,” I explained but he just pouted.


“ Shush! I’m Key Oppa,” the stuck-up attitude again. :X


“ Whatever, why are you so pissed? Ngaww, you’re going to miss me?” I tried to enlighten the mood. I really hate this feeling, I’m going to go soon…Shiro. I hate this.


“ Millie-ah, if you want to cry, it’s okay. I understand, okay?” he comforted.


“ Anni, I’m fine. I’m a random girl that just happened to be in your life due to a contest. Thank you for being always there for me, comforting me from the scary fans and understanding my state. Even though you have a stuck-up attitude you are always to help me; escaping from Pizza Hut and all, I thank you. Thank you for visiting Kang Lee Jin’s grave to fulfil her last wishes and last of all, thank you for saving me from Hyun Seung but now…I have to go. Saranghae, Key Oppa,” I confessed letting my tears freely roll down my cheeks.


I was forcing myself to restrain those droplets of liquids but I couldn’t hold it in. I’m shattered.


“ Millie-ah, come here,” he said and welcomed me with widened arms. I just curled up into a ball and let him hug me. “ Miho-ah, you know what? I love you too,” he confessed and my heart suddenly felt heavy all over again.


Aish. You can’t love me Oppa, don’t…



Me: ‘ Anneyong, This is Jung Miho’

???: ‘ Millie! It’s me!’

Me: ‘OMMA! OMO! Why did you call?’

Mum: ‘ What do you mean why did I call?! I’m checking up my daughter! When are you coming home? I have someone I want you to meet!’

Me: ‘I can come home by…next Monday I think.Someone? Eh?! Who?’

Mum: ‘ Your fiancé honey, a young charming 19 year-old man.’

Me: ‘WHAT?!’


Heyyy! LOL, there is like no one reading this fic :3 But here is the update! Fiance? What is her mum talking about? And she is seriously going D: Like OH MG FKEN GOD. lol (: I'm really bad at writing :(    MIANHE XD


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i need more of these *.*
Done~~~ such a cute fanfic :) It was awesome
AJWNXURZKMADUAUAUAUSZN! keyboard spam!! did i just see all my three bias appear! Mir, Yoseob and Kevin! :D
omg omg omg omg up tp chap 2 and i see autumns concerto's themesong :) *SQUEALS! VAN NESS WU IS SO HOT !!*
Aww, loved this <3
Awwwwww at last they got back they r soooo cute cuple I love this story !!!!!! ;D
Minah_sarang #8
finishedd! .. i loved your Key fic :) ... and Key isn't even my bias <3 xx
This is so goooooood! :D