SS: Cutechan

Yoo and I

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Hey guys! ✌(◕‿-)✌ So, just to clarify, this is an SS (side story). It's about Himchan and Jongup! Sorry to leave you guys at a /sort of/ cliffhanger with Daehyun and Youngjae's story, huhu. HimUp's story won't be as complicated as DaeJae's. There will only be 1-3 Chapters of HimUp, so rest assured, after this chapter, we'll be back at DaeJae! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


Jongup's POV

The new blonde kid in his class kept on nervously glancing around and sighing. Jongup felt bad that although everyone else in class had someone to eat lunch with while the new kid, Youngjae, sat alone. He scratched his head and got up. Junhong often said he cared too much about others, and Jongup wondered if it was true. 

"Hi there. Do you want to sit with us?" He grinned as the blonde's eyes flashed with surprise and relief. 

Youngjae then proceeded to grimace at him. Jongup was confused. Uh, okay..

"Sure! I'm waiting for a friend, but I'd love to sit with you." Jongup smiled again and went back to where Junhong sat. His pink haired best friend looked at him. "Who's the weird grimacing hyung?" Jongup quickly glanced back. He saw that Youngjae heard that, and he was flushed red. Jongup playfully smacked Junhong.

"Be nice!" 

Youngjae hesitantly sat down, and Junhong immediately acted playful with the blonde, his pink hair covering his eyes slightly, giving him a playful and mischievous look. Jongup chuckled as Youngjae and Junhong got to know each other, both of their expressions changing rapidly. Suddenly, a pair of pale hands wrapped themselves around Youngjae's eyes. Youngjae made an indignant noise, and squealed "Kim Himchan!", and a boy with jet black hair laughed as Youngjae slapped his hands away playfully. Jongup found himself staring. Youngjae's friend was beautiful. Himchan's black hair only brought out his pale skin and his red lips more, which was pulled into a cute pout. His eyes glinted with mischief. Jongup swore that he could stare at Himchan forever. 

"-ongup? Jongup!"

Youngjae's voice cut through his thoughts. He quickly realized that his friends were all waiting for him to introduce himself to Himchan. "You're really pretty," he blurted out, flushing quickly as he realized what he had just told Himchan. Himchan looked confused, but smiled anyways, saving Jongup from some embarrassment. Wow, Jongup. Way to make a first impression. 

For the rest of the lunch, Jongup shamelessly stared at Himchan. It wasn't that he purposely meant to openly gawk at the black haired boy. It was just that every time Himchan cast a glance over to Jongup's side, he would catch Jongup staring, flush the cutest pink, and shyly glance back. 


[The Next Day at School]

After Youngjae went up to perform his piece, Jongup immediately noticed that something was wrong with his new friend. Jongup dismissed it as stage fright, and tried to catch Youngjae's eye to give him encouragement. Junhong nervously caught his eye. He was obviously thinking the same thing. Jongup was even more worried when the class started snickering at Youngjae. He was about to get up when the one person he thought would never help is friend stood up. 

"Oops. Sorry Yoo. I forgot that you had asked me to duet with you." The one and only Jung Daehyun walked to the front of the room and quietly stood behind Youngjae, causing Jongup to make a slight noise of surprise. Jongup had known Daehyun for awhile. Of course, they had talked before, but then Daehyun talked  and was friendly with everyone. 

What surprised him was the way Daehyun whispered in Youngjae's ear and slid his hand into the shaking blonde's. The way he quietly laughed and Youngjae flushed slightly, seeming to regain some of his confidence. When the brown and blonde haired vocalist both sang, Jongup kept on noticing that Youngjae gripped Daehyun's hand tight, shyly glancing at the other. When the duo finished, the class erupted in applause, and Daehyun grinned. Jongup also noticed that when Youngjae walked back, Daehyun watched him, grinning like an idiot.


Later on that day, he saw Himchan sitting underneath a tree, listening to music with his earbuds in, eyes closed and leaning against its trunk. Jongup gathered up his courage and went to sit next to Himchan. The black haired vocalist opened one eye, saw that it was Jongup, and smiled to himself and closed it again. The dancer was the first to speak.

"I think Youngjae-hyung is in love."

Himchan opened his eye again, looking at Jongup, interested. "Oh yeah?"

Jongup nodded and fidgeted, trying not to stare at Himchan again. "Yeah. There's this kid named Daehyun in my class, and-"

Himchan immediately opened both eyes and squealed, making Jongup jump slightly. He grabbed Jongup's arm. "Daehyun? The Jung Daehyun? Like, Busan-accent, brown hair, tall, cute, etc.?" Jongup felt a pang in his chest when Himchan commented on Daehyun's looks.

"Yeah. He and-"

Himchan squealed. "Ohmygosh. I was right! Youngjae totally has a thing for him!" His eyes were shining with excitement. Jongup tried to explain again.

"Yeah, today in class he-"

Himchan kept on talking, until Jongup sighed in frustration and clapped his warm hand over Himchan's mouth without thinking. Himchan made a noise of surprise. Whoa. His lips are really soft.

"Mmph!" Himchan's eyes were really wide. Jongup continued his explanation.

"Daehyun and Youngjae sang a duet today. And they just kept on gazing each other." Himchan nodded, his eyes never leaving Jongup's face.

"And they literally couldn't keep their hands off one another..." Jongup trailed off, noticing that Himchan was staring. He cleared his throat. Himchan suddenly grinned and Jongup's hand, and Jongup, startled, quickly yanked his hand away, blushing slightly.

Himchan grinned. "I like you."

Jongup was screaming on the inside. Those lips looked really appetizing.


Jongup pulled an earbud from Himchan's other ear and stuck it in his own ear. They sat there silently, hardly knowing what to talk about, and Himchan leaned his head slightly so it was resting on the the younger's shoulder. Jongup chuckled, and Himchan opened both eyes and stared defensively at Jongup. 

"What?" Himchan definsively, but he sounded like he was trying to sound tough. Jongup grinned.

"Nope. Nothing."

Himchan huffed indignantly. "There's obviously something, Jongup-sshi." Jongup found his pout incredibly cute and poked Himchan's nose lightly.

"There's nothing~" he laughed, quietly. 

Himchan wasn't convinced. He leaned his chin on to Jongup's toned shoulder, looking into his eyes as he did, and pulled his mouth into a pout, his eyes shining.

"Ya. Jongup!" Jongup shook his head, silently screaming at how cute Himchan was, close up. 

"Jonguppie~" Himchan complained. Jongup suddenly got a burst of courage and turned and kissed Himchan lightly on the nose.

"There's really nothing." He sounded uncertain, even to himself. Himchan immediately turned pink. They spent the rest of the period just sitting like that, gazing at each other. Jongup was sure that he'd never be able to look at Himchan in a normal light again. 


[A week later]


Jongup immediately thought about the black haired boy when the teacher mentioned the music project. He felt guilty for immediately forgetting Junhong, but when he looked over, Junhong was already making googly eyes at Yongguk, Daehyun's deep voiced, purple haired friend. He smiled to himself at this.

After class, Jongup noticed that Youngjae walking out with a stormy expression, and he quickly caught up. 

"Hyung! What's wrong?" Youngjae glanced, and huffed, letting all his worries pour out on to his friend. "I'm never going to get a partner.! You're going to ask Himchan though, right?" Jongup felt himself grin.

"Ah. How'd you know?" 

Youngjae laughed. Jongup, despite only knowing Youngjae for a little over a week, really liked the blonde.

"Now who will I ask to be my partner?", Youngjae complained. Jongup was about to say something when he saw Daehyun approach Youngjae and lightly tap his shoulder. Youngjae's face immediately changed when he realized what it was. Jongup amusedly watched Youngjae's reactions to Daehyun. Youngjae saw Jongup's reaction and scowled with a blushing face, trying to seem tough, and Jongup chuckled when he watched his blonde friend get dragged away by one of the most popular guys in TS Academy. 

Jongup walked to the next door classroom, hoping that Himchan hadn't become someone else's partner yet. As he was walking, lost in thought, someone ran straight into him, making him drop his notebook that he had been holding, papers flying everywhere. He grunted in surprise.

"Oh my gosh. I am so sorry!" 

Himchan quickly bent down to pick up Jongup's things, and quickly noticed that it was Jongup that he had run into. He turned pink as Jongup chuckled.

"It's fine." Himchan, however, was having none of it. He kept on fussing, and Jongup was going to let Himchan rant until he realized that the black haired boy wasn't going to stop until Jongup accepted his apology.


"I was actually looking for you, and I didn't look where I was going, I'm so sorry! I-"

"Hey, Himchan?"

"-didn't mean to I swear! Oh gosh, your papers are all messed up-"

"Himchan? Do you want to be my project partner?"

Himchan immediately stopped and raised his eyes to meet Jongup's steady gaze. He nervously cleared his throat. Cute.

"Sure," he said.

Jongup bent down to help Himchan pick up his own papers. "You...wanna get started?" 

Himchan nodded, and giggled. "You're so sweet."

Jongup grinned and helped Himchan up. "You're sweeter."

Himchan glanced back at Jongup through lidded eyes, tilting his head. "Are you hitting on me right now, Moon Jongup?" 

Jongup shrugged, blushing lightly.

"I don't know. Are you?" Jongup didn't expect Himchan to reply and kept on walking. 

"I am." Himchan giggled.

Jongup tripped. 


Heh. That's all I have to say♥ ヾ(❛ε❛“)ʃ I hope this chapter was fluffy enough. I will edit this later, because I must fly away and edit the next chapter! Huhu~ I've already pretty much finished writing it. ♡^▽^♡

DaeJae will be back next chapter. I have briefly edited this. ヾ(❛ε❛“)ʃ

As usual, I read all your comments! And reply to them at the end of my Foreward! ♪~♪ ヽ໒(⌒o⌒)७ノ ♪~♪ I love you guys~

Comments are always appreciated! Helpful tips are as well. ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ

Thanks for reading! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ♥

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Chapter 19 is up! :D Sorry it took so long!!


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BAPfeel5ogood06 #1
Chapter 23: Author-nim update soon omg it's so adorableeee >v<
Chapter 23: Please update soon!
RealFangirl #3
Chapter 23: omfg love your story(。┰ω┰。)
hyunhun #4
Hallo~ it's been a year since u last updated this story T^T please come back
DevilNextToYou #5
Chapter 23: Please update soon actually can u please update all your stories. I'm deprived T_T
hello author-nim, i just stumbled upon your story and i'm loving it. won't you update? <3
Chapter 9: Awh they're so cute!! And Chan too!
Chapter 23: So I miss you~ And I need you~~~~~
Just, reading all the chaps again because how perfect this is it!
Remembeeeeeer this pls!
Miss this so so so so muuch.
DaeJae_02 #9
Spent like 3 hours reading this and it's worth it! ^^ Yoo and Jung is cute ^^
Chapter 23: Author-nim! Do you know how perfect this is? I didn't even know you updated because of my piling works but deym. This is just the perfect treat for me. Thank you T.T is there a chapter coming soon? :) yes please! Haha year end project. I hope it doesn't just end there. T.T