SS: Yoo Are Stupid

Yoo and I

Daehyun's POV

[At the Christmas Dance]


The moment he heard Jieun's voice, he had looked up automatically, and his jaw nearly dropped to the floor. Jieun was beautiful, sure, but it wasn't his best friend he was looking at. He was staring at the person dressed in black standing behind her. Him.

His blonde hair had been styled slightly, but it still looked fluffy. That cute little mouth was biting on his bottom lip, and those big brown eyes were blinking rapidly, like it always did when he was nervous. He was wearing a black button up and a black blazer that hugged his torso in all the right places, a white tie tied tightly around his creamy white neck. His black patterned pants fitted snugly around his thin waist and legs, making Daehyun's throat dry. He knew those hips could drive him crazy, but when the blonde wore something like that, just a glance was enough for Daehyun to want to fit his hands around them and crush them to himself. And those eyes. Daehyun had always found those big eyes insanely adorable, but now that they were lined slightly, he realized that they were y. He hungrily pictured the way the blonde was on the floor earlier in his room. Youngjae.

He slowly made his way, momentarily forgetting Sunhwa. He had to stop himself from running over to Jieun and Youngjae.

"Hey, you guys both look great." Youngjae's eyes widened, and Jieun laughed lightly, nudging Youngjae forward. Daehyun made a mental note to be nicer to her later. He stood there, his eyes hungrily raking Youngjae's body while the blonde stood there, shivering. A girl's voice jolted him out of his daze, and a thin arm slid into his hand.

"You said you'd dance with me," Sunhwa whined. Daehyun tried not to scowl. Sunhwa always in the good moments. 

"Once. I said I'd dance with you once," he said, a little annoyed. 

"Jung Daehyun! Why are you being so difficult?" At this, Jieun quickly cleared and dragged Sunhwa away, whispering to Youngjae to 'have a good time'. Youngjae nodded, and shyly glanced at Daehyun. When their eyes met, Youngjae quickly averted his eyes, his cheeks burning. Daehyun chuckled. Too cute.

When Daehyun pulled Youngjae towards the dance floor, the blonde suddenly started to drag his feet, his eyes widening in horror. He shook his head frantically. 

"I'll molest you," Daehyun heard himself warn. He didn't really mean it. I'd certainly like to. 

"You wouldn't." Youngjae looked terrified, shivering cutely. Daehyun grinned. 

"Test me." 

Daehyun lifted Youngjae up, laughing. Even though Youngjae kept on complaining about his weight, he was surprisingly light. Daehyun gripped his thin waist possessively. Youngjae let loose a few airy giggles. 

"You're not a princess- you're a fairy." Daehyun told the blonde. The lightest, cutest fairy in the world. 

"If I'm a fairy, then Jieun's a pig," Youngjae huffed. Daehyun was instantly irritated.

"Jieun is fine, and you're perfect."

"Shut up," Youngjae whispered softly.

"No," Daehyun breathed back. 

They stood glaring at each other, not really angry. Youngjae suddenly pressed himself to Daehyun and pouted, his cheeks puffing up, his eyes wide. Daehyun instantly felt himself melt into a puddle of Jung-goo. 

"I'll dance with you if you agree with me, Junggie~"

Daehyun groaned. Being too close to Yoo Youngjae has turned me into a puddle of goop.

Daehyun spun the blonde so his back was pressed against his chest.

"H-hey!" Youngjae whined, struggling. He immediately stopped when his hips accidentally rolled against Daehyun's. Daehyun nuzzled his face into Youngjae's shoulder, and his hands held on each side of Youngjae's thin hips. Daehyun laughed, blowing into Youngjae's ear and making him shudder. 

"As if I'd ever say you were anything less than perfect." Daehyun promised, smirking. "Just relax."

"Jung!' Youngjae was obviously trying trying to stay angry, but his soft body was already relaxing into Daehyun's, making it easier for Daehyun to fully wrap his arms around Youngjae's slim torso, melding their bodies perfectly into one another. Daehyun was sure that Youngjae could feel his fast heartbeat through his back. 


Daehyun, although completely wrapped up in Youngjae's scent and his soft voice, (and his cute breathy giggles), he had his eye on the waiter for some time. It wasn't that Daehyun was interested in the waiter- it was that he looked a little drunk.

"Oh my god Jung, we should be telling her about it!" Youngjae teasingly scolded Daehyun quietly after he had pointed out that Hyuna's dress hard dark looking stains on it. Daehyun sulked, mumbling about how mean Youngjae was to him. He didn't sulk a lot around other people because he didn't like it when others pretended to be angry to get a reaction of out him, but with Youngjae, he wanted to be pampered. To be loved. 

The blonde softly giggled. Daehyun, suddenly unable to contain himself, caught the giggle with his mouth with a soft peck on Youngjae's lips, making him blush. 

"ert-hyun," Youngjae mumbled, and Daehyun laughed and kissed his lips lightly again. Youngjae quickly covered his own mouth with his hand, his big eyes widening. Damn it, Youngjae.

"Stop!" he stuttered, and Daehyun just kissed the spot where Youngjae's lips were, underneath his hand. Youngjae giggled and swatted at Daehyun as they swayed to the music.

"It's your fault for being a cutie!" Daehyun whined, finally unable to take Youngjae's cuteness anymore.

"Weirdo." Youngjae rolled his eyes, biting his lip slightly.

"What are you then? If you're not cute, y, and perfect?"

Youngjae turned red at this, a blush lighting up his cheeks. "I'm...I'm Youngjae," he said stupidly.

Daehyun laughed and nuzzled Youngjae's neck, breathing in his warm scent, making the blonde's gasp. Vanilla. 

"Okay. Hello, Youngjae," he laughed quietly into the side of his neck.

Suddenly, the same waiter almost ran into Youngjae. Startled, Daehyun spinned and pulled Youngjae quickly, so his back was against Daehyun's chest again. Youngjae squeaked, shocked, and pushed himself closer to Daehyun, startled by the sudden movement. He rolled his hips as he did so, his brushing Daehyun's crotch. Daehyun felt something at the back of his mind snap, and he groaned a little. Why do you always manage to make me the bad one?

"Youngjae, you really love to test my self control, huh?" Daehyun breathed into Youngjae's ear. Youngjae hiccupped, his breath hitching.

"Jung, I-" Daehyun suddenly didn't want to give Youngjae a chance to explain. Even if there was an explanation.

"My name, Youngjae," Daehyun growled.

Youngjae couldn't breathe. "D-Daehyunnie," he whimpered.

Daehyun suddenly groaned. Why it turned him on when Youngjae said his full name, he'd never know. Maybe it was just Youngjae, but Daehyun could feel the last restraints of his control snapping before he gave up and dragged Youngjae to one of the coat closets. Once they were inside, Daehyun roughly pushed Youngjae to a wall, making the blonde whimper at the sudden contact. 

"Are you doing this on purpose?"

Youngjae couldn't see Daehyun's face, and he was confused. "D-doing what?" 

Daehyun growled, and he looked hungrily at the blonde's puzzled and blushing face. "You're doing it right now." 

"I don't know-" You don't get what you do to me.

"Damn it, Jae, everytime you breathe it's like you're trying to seduce me." Youngjae's breath hitching and hiccuping. 

"Dae, I-" 

Daehyun's inner demons were screaming for release when he placed his lips firmly on Youngjae's. 

|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅| (remember this? this is the warning! watch out for the boombox!)

Youngjae mewled softly and shyly flicked his tongue across Daehyun's lips, causing Daehyun to growl and tighten his grip on Youngjae's hips. He slid his tongue into the blonde's mouth, causing Youngjae to cry out softly and push himself closer, sliding his arms around Daehyun's neck and threading his fingers through his hair. Daehyun smirked into the kiss and slowly slid a leg in between Youngjae's shaking ones, and immediately Youngjae started to roll his hips against the older vocalist's thigh, sobbing slightly, only making Daehyun kiss Youngjae harder. 

Daehyun felt his concience screaming at him to stop, but as soon as a tiny needful gasp escaped from those swollen, abused lips, Daehyun groaned a "lift your legs", to which Youngjae wrapped his thighs around Daehyun's waist immediately as Daehyun kissed and harshly at Youngjae's pale neck, causing the blonde to let out a breathy moan. Daehyun slid his hands slowly up those luscious thighs and cupped Youngjae's . These thighs are the best.

Youngjae gasped and rolled his hips against Daehyun's growing , and with a low growl, Daehyun pushed the blonde hard against the wall, abusing a spot on Youngjae's neck, causing him to pull ruthlessly at Daehyun's hair. The Busan boy's hands slid up underneath Youngjae's dress shirt, as if memorizing the contours of his body. 

"Y-You're gonna leave a mark!" Youngjae panted breathelssly, threading his hands through the other's brown hair when Daehyun bit the sensitive spot of the blonde's neck lightly, making him sob. Daehyun mumbled 'good', and soon the light kisses became open-mouthed burns as Daehyun began attacking the older with harsh and biting. At this point, Youngjae was a gasping and panting mess as he tugged on Daehyun's hair incessantly, grinding his hips harder and harder against him. Daehyun growled and rutted back, on Youngjae's collar bone hard. He rubbed his growing against Youngjae's , secretly imagining what it would feel like if both of them were in bed right now. 

"Jesus, Daehyun!" Youngjae gasped at a particularly rough bite. Don't so easily. 

The other boy slid his hands down from Youngjae's back to his , gripping it firmly and squeezing it. Youngjae mewled and shamelessly whimpered out "more" before Daehyun crashed their mouths together in a bruising, passionate kiss. He jumped when Daehyun started to knead and caress his , and Youngjae began into the other boy's mouth. It was no secret that both of them were hard, and Youngjae grinded down roughly against Daehyun's hips, causing Daehyun to release a moan and relish the friction in between them. The brown haired boy quickly rutted his hips against Youngjae's at an even faster pace, groaning Youngjae's name over and over again, and Youngjae was soon sobbing and crying out Daehyun's name like it was the only word he had ever learned.

|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅| ~

Ping. Pong. Ping. Pong.

Suddenly, Youngjae's phone vibrated. He fumbled, moving the hands that were on his backside slightly to reach his phone in his back pocket. He fumbled with the phone, and saw that it was Himchan calling. Daehyun's hands tightened as he pinched Youngjae's backside, earning a breathy giggle from the other. 

"I have to take this," he panted, still out of breath. Daehyun carefully placed Youngjae down, and leaned in. 

"Come back soon," he whispered huskily, and he quickly messed with the strands of Youngjae's soft blonde hair. "Here. Now you don't look like you rolled around in the coat closet."

Youngjae giggled. "I'll be back in a sec," he said, and he stepped out.

Sunhwa immediately came in a screamed at Daehyun. He didn't pay any attention to her, however- all he could think about was when Youngjae would come back.

He never did.


[Several Days Later]

Daehyun sat with Yongguk, his head on the desk. Yongguk and Jieun stared at his friend worriedly. 

"You haven't been sleeping, have you?"

Daehyun blearily looked up. "I have dark circles, don't I," he said dully. They looked genuinely concerned. Then, Youngjae walked in. Daehyun immediately got up and walked over. 

"Yoo! Are you alright? You never even came back after the dance? WasHimchanokay?Didyougethomealright?Whathaveyoubeendoing?Whyhaven'tyou-" Daehyun babbled. Youngjae finally looked up. 

"I don't understand you anymore, Jung." Jongup dragged him away. Daehyun felt empty.

Later on after school, he caught up with Youngjae after seeing him leaving the school from the third floor. He immediately ran to Youngjae, going down three flights of stairs until he pulled Youngjae into his arms. As soon as he inhaled Youngjae's scent and had the blonde's warm body pressed up against his own, he breathed a sigh of relief. This was what he was missing. The reason why he couldn't go to sleep all those nights. That reason suddenly started crying, fat tear droplets rolling down his fluffy cheeks. 

Youngjae shoved him away. Daehyun was hurt and confused. "Yoo?"

Youngjae's tears were openly flowing now. "You bastard. I-I'm going to tell Himchan if y-you d-don't st....stay...stay away f-from me!" He ran off, ignoring Daehyun's attempts to call him back. 


[Later on that night, in the Coffee Shop]

Daehyun sat with his head on the coffee table. Sunhwa and Yongguk all sat beside him. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Sunhwa asked, irritatedly. "You haven't even been sleeping the past few nights. At the New Year's Party, you just sat in the corner and drank."

Daehyun just sat silently, too tired to respond, but unable to close his eyes. All he could see behind his eyelids was Youngjae's crying face. 

"You bastard. Stay away from me!"

Sunhwa was talking when Daehyun slammed his head down on the table, making all of his friends jump.

"Daehyun, get ahold of yourself!" Yongguk watched his friend, concerned.

"What did I do?" Daehyun mumbled, searching frantically in his mind what he could have done to make the blonde react like that. Was it because I was too rough when we were kissing? Did I say something? 

Sunhwa scoffed. "Get over the blonde , Jung Daehyun. It's no loss he's ignoring you-"

Daehyun snapped up, glaring at his friend. "Youngjae is a lot of things, but he is most certainly not ."

Sunhwa narrowed her eyes. "That's not what you said at the Christmas Party." Yongguk became interested.

"What exactly did he say?" 

Sunhwa flipped her hair proudly. "He said he hated Yoo Youngjae." Yongguk's eyes widened until they were perfectly circular. 

"He what?!? Jung Daehyun, explain yourself right now." 

Daehyun looked up and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I said that-"

Yongguk stood up immediately, narrowing his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something when Daehyun completed his sentence.

"-sarcastically. I mean, it's obvious. How could I hate Youngjae? He's such...such..." Daehyun paused, looking for the perfect word. "...a fairy. He's so cute." Immediately, a dreamy smile spread across Daehyun's face as he imagined Youngjae and his fluffy cheeks, giggling at him. However, Yongguk's sour look didn't go away.

"Has it ever occured to you that he might have heard that?" Daehyun's eyes were wide.

"He wasn't there." Daehyun felt his blood freeze.

"He might have been," Yongguk reasoned.

"He wasn't there," Daehyun repeated, dumbly, He couldn't have been there. He couldn't have. Youngjae's hurt face was seared into his brain, as if a video forever on repeat.

Sunhwa suddenly stood up. "You don't hate Yoo Youngjae?"

Daehyun sat there, his mind working in panic, and ignored Sunhwa's question. She stormed out silently. 

"What have I done?" Daehyun sat there, blank. 

"You said you hated him." 

"Why did I say that?"

Yongguk lifted his gaze, unamused by the question. "You were trying to get Sunhwa off your back, obviously." 

"Oh god, what did I do?"

"Stop," Yongguk admonished, looking worried.

  Daehyun immediately wailed sadly. Yongguk raised his eyebrows.



Yongguk sighed. 

"You know you could just try to explain to him what really happened. But whatever," Yongguk looked away. " Do what you want." 

Daehyun groaned and mumbled. 

Yongguk leaned over the table. "You just need to explain it to him, Daehyun. It's not that hard. Man up."

Daehyun nodded miserably. 


[The Next Morning]

Daehyun didn't even sleep last night. He listlessly followed Yongguk in the hallway until Kim Himchan came flying at him, shoving him against a wall, his face contorted with anger. Jongup wasn't far behind him. 

"You bastard," he hissed. Daehyun's head was hurting. Himchan looked livid, his eyes were black with anger. Daehyun swallowed. Both of them started talking at once. 

"Look Himchan, I was being sarcastic-"


Himchan narrowed his eyes. "What the hell are you talking about right now?" he said through gritted teeth. Daehyun was just as confused.


Himchan growled. "That  has been destroying my Jae's life since day one!"

Daehyun was more confused now, his tired mind swimming. "Sunhwa's been...wait, what?"

"She's been picking on MY JAE!" he spat. "Yesterday she slapped him across the face, called him a , and destroyed his books, and now she's completely got insane! She vandalized Youngjae's ing desk! What more do you want from him? Huh?" Himchan was gripping his collar. Daehyun was shocked. Sunhwa wouldn't....

Jongup suddenly grabbed Himchan before he could slam Daehyun against the wall another time. 

"Himchan! Stop!"

Daehyun's mind was whirring. "Sunhwa...wouldn't do that. Why would she do that?" 

With a cry, Himchan wrenched himself from Jongup's grasp and grabbed Daehyun's arm, causing him to wince. 

"You are coming with me."

he spun on his heel and half dragged, half yanked Daehyun down the hallway. When he slammed the door open, Daehyun felt his heart clench painfully in his chest. 

"What exactly," Himchan spat lividly, "do you think of this?"

Jieun was crying. Daehyun immediately moved forward towards her, but then he noticed the desk with numerous obscenities scribbled on it. His heart stopped the moment he saw the blonde's hair in Sunhwa's grip, his lip bleeding, his cheek swollen, and tears rolling down those puffy cheeks. Each time Youngjae quietly sobbed, Daehyun felt as if someone had shot him in the heart. 

"What the hell is going on here?" He felt himself clench his hands, the words tearing through his gritted teeth. 

"Don't hate me," Youngjae hiccuped in between his soft sobs. Daehyun didn't hate him. He angrily arose over and grabbed Sunhwa's hand, pulling her away. 


HAHAHAHA!!(。・ω・。)ノ♡ Poor Youngjae♥ our fluff-Yoo has been crying a lot recently, right? ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) 

I'm not going to write much, since I have so much work to do!(。・ω・。)ノ♡ aahh~authornim is drowning under a pile of work. I read all your comments. A lot of you were screaming. HAHAHAHAHA! ϵ( 'Θ' )϶ϵ( 'Θ' )϶ϵ( 'Θ' )϶ϵ( 'Θ' )϶ 

For those of you who wished me luck on my exams, thank you!! ೖ(⑅σ̑ᴗσ̑)ೖ you guys are the sweetest! I'm already writing the next chapter, so don't tear out all of your hair. Leave some to tear out for later! (*`へ´*) *cackles*

(´∀`)♡ As usual, comments and critiques are welcomed! ✌(◕‿-)✌♥✌(◕‿-)✌

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ♥ Thanks for reading! I love you guys! ₍₍ ᕕ(´◓⌓◔)ᕗ⁾⁾ 

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Chapter 19 is up! :D Sorry it took so long!!


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BAPfeel5ogood06 #1
Chapter 23: Author-nim update soon omg it's so adorableeee >v<
Chapter 23: Please update soon!
RealFangirl #3
Chapter 23: omfg love your story(。┰ω┰。)
hyunhun #4
Hallo~ it's been a year since u last updated this story T^T please come back
DevilNextToYou #5
Chapter 23: Please update soon actually can u please update all your stories. I'm deprived T_T
hello author-nim, i just stumbled upon your story and i'm loving it. won't you update? <3
Chapter 9: Awh they're so cute!! And Chan too!
Chapter 23: So I miss you~ And I need you~~~~~
Just, reading all the chaps again because how perfect this is it!
Remembeeeeeer this pls!
Miss this so so so so muuch.
DaeJae_02 #9
Spent like 3 hours reading this and it's worth it! ^^ Yoo and Jung is cute ^^
Chapter 23: Author-nim! Do you know how perfect this is? I didn't even know you updated because of my piling works but deym. This is just the perfect treat for me. Thank you T.T is there a chapter coming soon? :) yes please! Haha year end project. I hope it doesn't just end there. T.T