Will Yoo?

Yoo and I

Youngjae's POV

[After School the Next Day]

"Yoo..." Daehyun walked quickly to approach Youngjae's seat. Youngjae quickly turned to a confused Jongup, muttered a quick 'bye', and then ran out the door. 

"Wait! Yoo!" Youngjae kept running, ignoring both Daehyun for the hundredth time and a constant pain in his chest.

Youngjae spent the whole day avoiding Daehyun. He wasn't angry at the other boy- he was afraid. Curiousity and jealousy were constantly eating at him the whole day. What did he tell Sunhwa? Are they going together? What was he going to say when he pulled me out of class yesterday?

Himchan found Youngjae hiding behind the same school building he had run away from yesterday. He sat down next to Youngjae and didn't say anything for a few moments. The two friends sat there in silence until Himchan broke it.

"Yoo Youngjae. Are you going to tell me what's wrong, or are you going to make me wait?" he asked, quietly reaching out to his best friend's blonde hair. Youngjae flinched and immediately grabbed on to his best friend, hugging him. Himchan smiled.


"Sunhwa asked Daehyun to the dance." Youngjae said meekly. He didn't sleep well last night, and he had dark circles underneath his eyes. Himchan sighed, his smile dropping immediately.

"Is that it? You're fussing over this little problem?" Youngjae glared at Himchan. 

"It's not," he said, biting his lip. "Sunhwa is..."

Himchan raised his eyebrows. "She's what? Mean? A jerk? Evil? Satan's spawn?" 

Youngjae giggled unwillingly at the last option. 

"She's perfect and beautiful."

Himchan snorted. "If she's perfect and beautiful, I'm ugly and stupid. And," Himchan added. "I am not ugly and stupid."

Youngjae scoffed. "Okay, Perfectchan. I guess I'll just deal with my own problem." Himchan glared at Youngjae.

"Why don't you believe in yourself more?" Himchan said, suddenly angry. Youngjae glared at his black haired friend, tearing up.

"Easy for you to say. You're not lacking in about every single thing humanly possible-" Himchan interrupted him, throwing his hands up in the air in exasperation. Youngjae was sniffling now, miserable. 

"What am I going to do with you, Yoo Youngjae?!" he grabbed Youngjae's hand and dragged him across the school's lawn. Youngjae widened his eyes and surprise and Himchan pushed Youngjae into an empty shed.

"Stay here," he ordered, his dark eyes daring his blonde friend to contradict him, flashing in annoyance and anger. Youngjae gulped. He had forgotten how scary Himchan was when he was upset. Himchan shot him one last glare and stormed off, leaving his friend inside a dark shed, alone and crying.


Himchan's POV

Himchan stalked into the building, fuming. He was upset. Youngjae had always had low-self confidence, and Daehyun was supposed to make that higher, not lower it. In the back of his mind, he knew that Daehyun and Youngjae weren't at fault, but that still didn't stop him from cursing at both of them. On the way back to the classroom, he spotted Jongup. The dancer saw Himchan's expression and frowned.

"Channie?" he asked, concerned. Himchan's expression immediately softened.

"Uppie," he said softly, and he reached his hands out in front of him. Jongup's smiled and pulled Himchan into a hug. Himchan nuzzled his boyfriend's neck. 

"Youngjae is frustrating me," he complained softly, his voice muffled. Jongup chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Himchan's waist easily. 

"Do you need my help?" 

"Yes please~" Himchan mumbled, and pulled back, giving Jongup a quick peck on the lips, making the dancer flush pink slightly. "Come with me, and look scared." Himchan hurried quickly, remembering guiltily that he had left his best friend inside a dark shed, crying. He burst into the room, and immediately spotted Daehyun sitting with Yongguk, his head between his hands while Yongguk tried to comfort him. Himchan took a deep breath. 

"Jung Daehyun!"

Daehyun immediately looked up, his eyes wide and curious. Himchan noticed there were dark circles underneath his eyes as well. Good, I have his attention.

"Youngjae! Where's Youngjae?!" Himchan pretended to panic. Daehyun looked confused, glancing at Yongguk.

"He left the room thirty minutes ago...?"

Himchan gasped, feigning worry and shock. He gripped on to Jongup's arm tightly. Daehyun looked worried now, his fingers already fiddling with the buttons on his uniform. Himchan sobbed.

"He...he was supposed to meet me outside the classroom thirty minutes ago!"

Daehyun quickly stood up and grabbed Himchan's arms urgently. 

"When did you last see Yoo?" he impatiently asked. "Where did you see Youngjae?"

Himchan sniffled. "A-at the shed behind the old school building...he said he had to get somethi-" Himchan was about to continue, but Daehyun was already gone, frenzily tearing through the classroom and running out the door. As soon as he was gone, Yongguk cleared his throat. 

"Kim Himchan. I guess you're not a specialized drama student for nothing," he said, eyeing Himchan with a newfound respect. Himchan, wiping away his fake tears, immediately grinned.

"They don't know how lucky they are to have me," he declared.

Jongup, jealous, moved in between Himchan and Yongguk, making both the older boys chuckle.


Youngjae's POV

Himchan is evil. I tried telling him about my insecurities and troubles and he just leaves me here in this dark shed. Youngjae sniffled and sat down, a fat tear rolling down his cheek. It's cold. How long is going to make me wait? Youngjae sniffled pitifully again. Oh God, I'm such a loser.

"...-jae. Youngjae? Youngjae? YOUNGJAE?!" Daehyun suddenly burst in, causing the sled door to slam shut. "Youngjae, where are you?!" Daehyun sounded scared, panic evident in his voice. He was heavily panting. Youngjae blinked in surprise. The shed was dark, so he could only see Daehyun's sillhuoette.

"J-jun-" Youngjae began, shocked, and he was immediately pressed against Daehyun's warm chest and breathing in Daehyun's scent. "Wha-"

"Oh god, Youngjae, where have you been? Himchan said he couldn't find you. Haveyoubeenhurtanywhere?Whyareyouinhere?Areyouokay?" Daehyun just babbled, his hands frantically feeling Youngjae's waist, sides, and finally his face. Youngjae blinked and immediately blushed, getting over the shock of Daehyun suddenly bursting in. 

"Wait, Jung, slow down, what-"

Daehyun just kept on babbling, holding Youngjae's face in between his shaking warm hands. 

"What if- whatifsomethinghappened?Nothinghappenedright-"


Youngjae fidgeted, unused to the sudden closeness. Daehyun didn't listen, mumbling furiously. Youngjae sighed, suddenly thankful for the darkness. He reached up and grabbed Daehyun's shoulders, stood on his tiptoes, and pressed his lips against Daehyun's warm cheek softly. Daehyun immediately shut up, his hands snaking around Youngjae's waist. After a few moments, Youngjae pulled away, blushing furiously. Daehyun sighed softly.

"So I take it you're...okay?" Daehyun sounded like a scared ittle boy. Youngjae's heart squeezed and he pressed himself closer to Daehyun, making the other release a groan and tighten his grip on the blonde's waist.

"Thank god..." They stood like that for a few moments.

Youngjae blinked and pulled away, suddenly remembering why he was avoiding Daehyun in the first place. He fisted his hands at his sides and blinked rapidly as he felt himself tearing up. Here I am again, getting my damn hopes up too high. 

He was about to say something when Daehyun reached out in the darkness and grabbed Youngjae again, pressing the blonde against himself once again. Youngjae let out a surprised gasp as he felt himself get pulled into Daehyun's warm arms. He struggled.


"Yoo!" Daehyun growled, sounding annoyed. "You're thinking about Sunhwa again, aren't you." 

Youngjae didn't say anything, but kept on struggling, feebly pushing at Daehyun's strong arms. Daehyun pushed Youngjae up against the inside of the shed and pinned Youngjae's arms to the wall, making it so other couldn't move. Not wanting Daehyun to get too concerned, Youngjae struggled to come up with an excuse.

"Jung, I just-"

"Yoo, I said no," Daehyun suddenly said. Youngjae's heart stopped. "I refused her offer. Anyone who calls you fat are as blind as a bat." Youngjae couldn't breathe.

Daehyun suddenly leaned backwards and fell, pullling Youngjae along until the blonde fell none-too-lightly on Daehyun. The brown haired boy then slid his hands down to hold Youngjae's waist to his, pressing their bodies together perfectly, and successfully make Youngjae shudder. He pulled on Youngjae's hips so their lower halves were touching, their legs tangled. Youngjae had to prop himself up on his arms to keep himself from bumping into Daehyun's face. 

"Youngjae," Daehyun said softly. "You're hips are the thinnest things. Anymore and they'll break."

When Youngjae didn't reply, his breath hitching at Daehyun's words, Daehyun continued, mischief evident in his voice.

"If you place your hands where my hands are right now, you'd be able to tell that my waist is larger than yours. Doesn't that make me fat?" Daehyun laughed, his minty breath tickling Youngjae's face. Youngjae made an indignant noise, squirming and blushing furiously. Daehyun pulled Youngjae's hips down harder, grinding Youngjae down on top of him. Youngjae forgot how to breathe, his breath coming out in short gasps. Daehyun chuckled softly. 

"Who would have thought Yoo Youngjae would call me fat," he whispered huskily. "How absolutely rude." 

Youngjae tried to say something, his mouth suddenly dry, but nothing came out of his useless vocal chords. He could feel all his resolve and defenses crumbling at Daehyun's presence. All he could think of was how y Jung Daehyun was, and even if Youngjae couldn't see the brown haired vocalist, he was sure that he could feel Daehyun's heated gaze on his face.

"I'm not calling you fat," was all Youngjae managed to whimper out between short gasps. As if to give Youngjae punishment for denying it, Daehyun leaned up slightly and kissed the Youngjae's collarbone roughly, making the other mewl and gasp in response.

"Yes you are," Daehyun breathed, his breath tickling Youngjae's neck.

Youngjae's arms shaking from the effort of holding himself up above Daehyun. A fat tear rolled down his face. He wasn't sure if it was because of Daehyun's sudden closeness or because of his sadness earlier. As the tear dribbled down his chin, Daehyun lapped it up, his warm tongue lightly touching Youngjae. Over stimulated, Youngjae's shaking arms suddenly collapsed, and he fell on top of the boy underneath him, his head on Daehyun's chest. He could hear the other boy's fast heartbeat.

"For insulting me so badly, Yoo, I think you need to make it up to me."

Youngjae tried to answer, his voice muffled. "What's that?"

"But first, you need to get off." Youngjae's stomach immediately dropped. Daehyun hates me.


"Yoo, your knee..." Daehyun groaned. "Uh, little Daehyun is in very much pain right now."

Youngjae immediately started laughing, his little sniffles and gasps of laughter muffled slightly by Daehyun's shirt.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry!"

He quickly sat back on Daehyun's legs and removed his knee, only realizing then that he had been kneeing Daehyun for some time since they had fallen on the ground. "Are you okay?"

Daehyun groaned painfully and sat up.

"They're probably still fully functional." Youngjae couldn't stop giggling. 

"Idiot Jung."

"What, were you going to disappointed if they weren't?" Daehyun teased.

 Youngjae, still blushing in the darkness, scoffed."Don't be silly!"

Daehyun snickered suggestively, his fingers lightly tracing down Youngjae's back, making the blonde shudder. "Aren't you glad that I'm still working properly?" 

"Ya!" Youngjae immediately squeaked, his face burning, blindly reaching out to swat Daehyun in the darkness, but he ended up falling forwards, only to have Daehyun catch him. 

"As reparation from you for putting me through a whole lot of pain, Yoo Youngjae, will you give me the honor of having you as my date for the Christmas Dance?"

Youngjae didn't reply, but he immediately pressed himself up against Daehyun's chest and accidentally kissed his eye. Daehyun made a noise of surprise and started laughing.

"I meant to aim for your cheek," Youngjae mumbled, embarrassed and blushing. 


.....YEAH! ೖ(⑅σ̑ᴗσ̑)ೖ TEAM! 

I'm so tired~ authornim is wasting away~ (◟ᅇ)◜ I tried really hard for this one. I hope you guys like it!(ノಥДಥ)ノ︵┻━┻・/ I haven't edited yet, so some parts may change tomrrow. If you want to read the full edited version, just check back tomorrow! (⊙ω⊙)" Next up is the dance itself! Be excited~ keke  (´∀`)♡

This chapter was for solving problems that arose last chapter. *cough* Sunhwa *cough* *cough* There's more drama coming up, muahaha! p(*^-^*)q  The thing I'm worried about most for this chapter though is the fluff. IS IT FLUFF ENOUGH. ⊂(´・◡・⊂ )∘˚˳° Tell me! Tell me! *whines* 

I'm going to reply to all your comments tomorrow- right now it's 12AM in the morning, keke.  (´∀`)♡ I need to sleep!  (´∀`)♡ (´∀`)♡

I've read your comments again! ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ guys, please, stop making me so happy! Am I torturing you with all them s? HMM? (muahah!) (⊙ω⊙)b You guys are simply the cutest. I wish I could hug all of you, but we'll just have to settle for virtual hugs for now. Hug, anyone? ◦°˚\(*❛‿❛)/˚°◦

One last time for polling!! As for BangLo, I'm not sure if I will! I just wanted to gauge readers' opinions so in case if I do add it, keke. ('''( >.< )''')

As usual, comments and critiques are welcomed! ✌(◕‿-)✌♥✌(◕‿-)✌

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ♥ Thanks for reading! I love you guys! ₍₍ ᕕ(´◓⌓◔)ᕗ⁾⁾ 

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Chapter 19 is up! :D Sorry it took so long!!


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BAPfeel5ogood06 #1
Chapter 23: Author-nim update soon omg it's so adorableeee >v<
Chapter 23: Please update soon!
RealFangirl #3
Chapter 23: omfg love your story(。┰ω┰。)
hyunhun #4
Hallo~ it's been a year since u last updated this story T^T please come back
DevilNextToYou #5
Chapter 23: Please update soon actually can u please update all your stories. I'm deprived T_T
hello author-nim, i just stumbled upon your story and i'm loving it. won't you update? <3
Chapter 9: Awh they're so cute!! And Chan too!
Chapter 23: So I miss you~ And I need you~~~~~
Just, reading all the chaps again because how perfect this is it!
Remembeeeeeer this pls!
Miss this so so so so muuch.
DaeJae_02 #9
Spent like 3 hours reading this and it's worth it! ^^ Yoo and Jung is cute ^^
Chapter 23: Author-nim! Do you know how perfect this is? I didn't even know you updated because of my piling works but deym. This is just the perfect treat for me. Thank you T.T is there a chapter coming soon? :) yes please! Haha year end project. I hope it doesn't just end there. T.T