A Series of Events

Hello Baby




“WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE COULD DIE?” Chanyeol shouts at the tired doctor.

“Please calm down. We’re doing our best right now. Thankfully Miss Oh brought him in just in time.”

“Wait. Can you please explain to us the situation?” Kris who’s internally panicking inside tries to keep calm because Chanyeol is at the verge of losing it and one of them needs to stay sane for Sehun’s sake.

“Miss Oh gave me a phone call about Sehun not properly breathing. I told her to bring him and after a few diagnostic test we’ve learned that Sehun has pulmonary congestion.” The doctor looks at them both as he explains. “I had suspicions that maybe Sehun wasn’t being fed right. He maybe in almost 7 months now but he’s still a baby and they need to be burped every after feeding so that the milk would settle down. Usually the air bubbles that are inside the stomach bursts up which makes them regurgitate their food and sometimes instead of going up through the mouth it side tracks into the lungs. Which may explain how Sehun accumulated unwanted fluids inside his lungs. After the X-Ray, Sehun couldn’t breathe properly from too much congestion and I was scared he’d die of asphyxiation so I had to admit him to NICU. I have to tell you know that we have to perform a minor surgery on him.”

“WHAT?! WAIT. WHAT SURGERY? IS HE GONNA BE ALRIGHT? IS HE GONNA BE IN PAIN?” Chanyeol is now freaking out and Kris is too. He intwined his fingers onto the younger ones slightly trembling ones and tries to soothe him.

“What kind of Surgery Dr. Kim?”

“It’s a minor one. We’ll make an incision on the side of his lungs and insert a tube. The tube will basically stay there until the fluids inside the lungs get drained. Don’t worry the procedure is fast and Sehun will feel pain but I assure you that we be quick.”

Chanyeol looks like he’s going to hyperventilate and faint right there on the spot and Kris wonders if which one of them is really Sehun’s real dad. But then again, Chanyeol has been taking care of the baby like he’s his own child.

“Hey, Chanyeol. Listen we can’t freak out okay? I’m scared right now but Dr. Kim knows what he’s doing and Sehun is strong so let’s be patient okay?” He hugs the now teary eyes Chanyeol and tells Dr. Kim that they’ll be waiting.

As soon as the doctor leaves though, Chanyeol detaches himself from Kris looking like a madman and rushes forward. Kris quickly grabs Chanyeol who’s now in rage mode as his eyes land on Minhye sitting on one of the plastic chairs.


A startled Minhye looks up. “I..I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

“The you didn’t know! You could’ve killed him!”

“I’m so sorry. I know it’s my fault but if I could do anything I wouldn’t want this to happen.”

“Then you should’ve taken care of him better! You just should’ve never taken him away from us in the first place.”

“I’m his mother for God’s sakes! I have every right to take my child! He’s mine too!” Minhye cries out and collapses back down into the chair sobbing.

Kris looks at Chanyeol who suddenly looks guilty for bursting out like that. “I think we should all keep calm and cool down. Minhye sorry for Chanyeol acting like that, he’s just tense.” He apologizes briefly and drags Chanyeol to sit on the other end of the corridor.

“I’m sorry Kris. I just.”

“Shh. I know. It’s okay.”

“I just can’t. Sehunnie.”

“I know. Everything’s gonna be alright okay.”

Kris lets Chanyeol rest his head on his shoulders as both of them pray for their beloved baby to be alright.





They stayed at the hospital for days waiting for Hunnie to be finally okay. The operation was successful and Sehun is now receiving some antibiotics. After receiving the good news Chanyeol went personally to Minhye and said sorry about the things he said and she also said the same. Chanyeol told her about what Sehun likes and dislikes and all the stuff that Sehun needs. They’ve grown to accept each other for the short time they stayed in the hospital. Kris was finding it endearing that Chanyeol is opening up to the woman who gave birth to his son. Though at times Kris finds Minhye to be really puzzling, it’s as if she’s not the same girl who he used to date that loves to go parties and shopping. Maybe motherhood taught Minhye a thing or too he thoughts.

A nurse came to the room that they’re staying in updating about his son’s condition. Chanyeol is fast asleep beside him and Minhye left home to rest. The nurse gives him positive feedbacks about the babies progress.

“He’s doing quite well and at the rate we’re going he’s definitely coming home soon.”

“Ah that’s great, thank you.” The nurse was about to leave when he suddenly asked. “Excuse me, miss?”

“Yes sir?”

“Can..Can I see my son?”

“Yes of course. I’ll open the window for you.”

“No. I mean. Can I..Can I see him up close?” Everyday they get to see Sehun behind the glass walls. Mostly he’s just sleeping but the urge to hold him close is just too strong. Especially since he hasn’t touched his son ever since that day he left for his business meeting, its almost 3 weeks already. “Please?”

The nurse ponders about it for a moment and gave him a serene smile. “I understand. Please follow me then.”

Kris thanks the nurse profusely as he’s ushered into the lobby of the NICU. He was asked to don a gown and cap and was told to leave his shoes and change into the slippers provided. The moment he was about to move into the closed section of the NICU he hears a nostalgic terrible wailing sounds.

In every step he takes he could feel his heart pounding, he peaks into the well lit room and see’s a nurse trying to cup feed his son who does nothing but cry his heart out refusing the milk that’s given to him. His heart aches so bad seeing how Sehun has become so thin. It’s as if like he’s seeing him again for the first time.

The nurse who ushered him in graciously given him some time alone with Sehun as she drags her coworker to give them a moment. Sehun still hasn’t noticed him and he’s standing there at the door just looking at his son. It feels like déjà vu especially when Sehun quiets down and notices him. Just like the first time they saw each other they just silently stared. He cautiously steps forward and see’s himself in Sehun’s eyes. They still have the innocence there but this time it’s filled with more fear. However, things don’t repeat itself in the exact way that it used to.

To Kris’ utmost surprise it was Sehun who first extends his arms out to him with his eyes pleading to take him. He stared at his son longingly yearning for him and for the first time it sinks in. This is his son. His son that depends on him.  He stands there awestruck because Sehun has never ever made a move to show him that he likes him and now here he is sobbing as he desperately flails his arms reaching out for his father.

Kris gently lifted him and cradled his son into his arms as Sehun clings to him like his whole life depends on Kris. Sehun nuzzles his head into his chest trying to bury himself in his father’s warmth and all Kris could do hold his son closer.

“It’s okay baby. It’s okay.” His tears fell onto Sehun’s cheek mixing in with the baby’s tear stained face. “Daddy’s got you. Daddy’s here. Daddy promise never to let you go again. Promise. Daddy promise Hunnie.” He keeps on murmuring sweet words to his son as he kisses his tears away and guards him as he sleep in his arms.

An arm snakes around him and Chanyeol appears at his side leaning on his shoulder as he watches baby Hunnie now fast asleep in his arms. He hugs the younger man with Sehun between them as Chanyeol lets his tear flow down. In this single moment, it feels as if time stopped. The world stopped. Or maybe he just felt that everything else didn’t matter anymore because he finally has in his arms the two people that make up his entire world.



It only took them a week until Sehun got discharge. Junmyeon was very pleased about the progress of recovery that he even gave them good news.

“What’s this?” Kris eyes the envelop the doctor gave him.

“Well, as Sehun’s primary pediatrician I have a say in what’s best for the child. You two have been dedicatedly spending your time here and giving Sehun enough support he needs to heal faster so I took it upon myself to speak with your lawyer.”


“Yes.” Kris opens the envelope and his eyes widen at the letter it contains. “Is this?”

“It’s temporary custody for Sehun. The court still hasn’t decided to give you full custody of the child but my testimonies are enough for them to hand Sehun over to you temporarily. I stated that Sehun is still in recovery phase and thus he needs to stay with the people that will effectively make the process successful. Both you and Chanyeol are very dedicated and I see it fit that you should be given what is due to you.” Junmyeon smiles at Kris. And Kris thinks that the doctor maybe an angel in disguise.

Chanyeol hugged Junmyeon which Kris had to break. He needs to have a talk with Chanyeol randomly giving out hugs. He definitely does not approve Chanyeol hugging people except its either him or Sehun. Kris also thanked Junmyeon in the very best way that he can. He gave him car. Well, he made him a custom car. A pearl blue sleek automobile that he named Galaxy Guardian, he even made sure that there’s a MD symbol in front. Chanyeol added a few touches to the car too but Kris isn’t sure if Junmyeon liked the “BEST DOCTOR! CALL ME!” sticker he made.

Minhye was upset about the situation but gave in knowing that both men knew what they’re doing and that Sehun will be in good hands. But Chanyeol feels like she’ll be back soon.

They went home and showered their baby with love and cuddles. Kris didn’t miss the opportunity to take a selca with the three of them saying he’ll need it for his office desk. Sehun still bratty and snobbish with Jongdae and he clings to Kris more these days.

Things are returning to normal, Kris goes to work while Chanyeol goes to school and do the house chores. For a short while things really seemed perfect until a knock on the door breaks it. Chanyeol opens it for Minhye who looked at him with pleading eyes.

“Hi. Do you want to see Sehun?”

“Yes but I came here to see you.”






Kris doesn’t know what happened. He doesn’t understand why he’s speeding straight home in the middle of the day leaving his work unfinished. He tries to calm himself thinking things are fine but seriously they’re not when Chanyeol’s not answering his phone and he’s having this weird feeling that something isn’t right.

He runs to the door almost knocking it down and freezes when he’s greeted by the sight of Minhye calmly sitting on the sofa sipping tea.

What the are you doing in my house  is what he really wants to say but instead he tries to act civil with, “Why are you here?” Okay that’s not the most friendly greeting but hey atleast he didn’t curse her.

“Kris I think we should talk. About Sehun.” She stands up and walks over and touches his arm, “About us.”

He steps aside moving away from her. “I’m sorry but there’s no ‘us’ Minhye. There probably never was ‘us’ in the first place.”

“We have a baby together.”

“Yes but we never made love.” Minhye gets taken aback a bit but he continues on. “Look if you wanna get back with me sorry I can’t love you. I never regret having with you because if that didn’t happen I’d never had Sehun.”

“This about Sehun. He needs to have a family. A complete family Kris. Think about it, are you gonna deprive him of this?” She looks at him with pleading eyes. “Please consider this Kris. Sehun can have you and me both. We just need to work things out. You can’t ever erase the fact that I’m his mother and that he needs me too. He deserves to have a complete family Kris.”

He looks at her and after a moment of thinking he smiled at Minhye. “You know, you’re right.” He saw triumph flashes through her eyes. “It’s hard to raise a child a single parent. I don’t think I’m that good of a father or that I’ll be able to teach him things properly. Sehun deserves the best and you’re absolutely right. He deserves a perfect family.”

She smiled up at him looking relieved. “Thank you.”

“That’s why I’m proposing to you.”

“Oh!” Minhye certaintly didn’t expect that Kris would propose this instant.

“I propose that…you leave my house.”

“What?! But you said – ”

“I know what I said. I know how to provide Sehun with a complete family. That’s why I’m gonna marry Chanyeol.”

“Wha..You..You can’t do that!”

“The hell why can’t I?”

“Because he left! Why do think I’m here? He left Kris because he knows what’s good for Sehun – ” before she could finish though Kris already left and was boarding his car driving away looking for Chanyeol.

He found him walking a few blocks away. He stops the car and runs to grab the younger man. He drags a surprised Chanyeol back into his car and tries to calm himself.

“What do you think you’re doing?!”

“You know Kris I should be the one asking you that.”

“Are you leaving me again?!” Completely ignoring what Chanyeol said. “Didn’t you promise to stay with me?! What about Sehun? Are you gonna leave him too? God Chanyeol! I ing love you and I’ll fight whatever comes our way because I’m never giving you up!”

Silence envelops them and Kris looks at Chanyeol who’s looking at him with shinning eyes. “I love you too Kris.” Is all he says and in that instance thinks about how perfect it is to grow old this person beside him.

He was about to propose when a loud ticking noise can be heard and after a few seconds a huge explosion followed and everything turned black.



A lone man in black watches a few blocks away as the famous Galaxy Dragon WYF bursts into flames along with the two people inside it. He smirks as he dials a number into his phone feeling accomplished. “It’s me mission accomplished. Yes it was too easy. Yeah I’ll call you back.” His phone rings again and he looks at the caller smiling mischievously and answers.

“Hi this is Tao.”


Please don't kill me.

Firstly, I'm sorry for any errors because I'm freaking sleepy and its 3am xD

Secondly, sorry and thank you to my buddies Nurrie, Unie and Yana. These three have been helping me by nagging at me to finish the chap.

Third, to everyone who's read this chapter who probably went to "OMG", "Awwww", "GO KRIS!" "YES!" "WAIT WTF?!" please forgive me. This author really loves to torture its readers. Plot twist after plot twist. 

The next chapter will be the final one so please anticipate. I seriously had fun writing this chapter with feels and all. I really hope you all enjoyed it even the last part xD


EXO has killed me so many times today and the instagram updates are torture *cries* I was seriously postponing on writing until Chanyeol updated which Yana was like "ITS A SIGN! CHANYEOL IS CHEERING YOU ON!" So yeah that little wants to get slapped for being cute in his instavid..actually they all are *sobs*


You can follow me @krisyeolgalaxy or ask me stuff 


Until next time everyone,




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[Hello baby] Finale is up. Thank you for the support


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melmoon1102 #1
Chapter 9: Your plot twist was so awesome!!! Hahahaha
melmoon1102 #2
Chapter 1: Omg love it already ~~
Chapter 8: reread bc ive got nothing to do and i miss krisyeol
Chapter 8: This was awesome! It has three things I love: troll Jongdae, baby Sehun, and genius Sehun. This is honestly one of the best stories I've ever read. Your plot twists are awesome. I loved this! ❤
Chapter 9: I love your twist plot...;-)
Chapter 1: Wow, This is JOLLY GOOD! Thank God i found this fic. Ughhhh, the story is really promising. Mmhh.. poor baby Sehunah~ I hope he's getting better after Chanyeol taking care of him
Chapter 6: This chapter made me cry ;~;
Syanamyun99 #8
Chapter 9: i liked this story a lot<3
ihartkyuhyun #9
Chapter 8: .....I'm in absolute shock. This is such an amazing but confusing fic...I'm at a total loss for words....*claps* great job!
Chapter 9: The link is a no go