Its a start

Hello Baby



“I want you to be my baby.”

Kris stares at cute face of the DJ in front of him that transformed from completely dumb as cute dazed to horribly aghast with shock. He couldn’t decide which expression he likes more. He internally smacks himself because now is not the time to think how cute this DJ Chanyeol is because somehow his mouth decided to vomit out the first words that came into his mind.

“I said I want you to meet my baby.” Nice save. He smirks and then frowns again. How often do you ask random people to meet your child? He watches in fascination as Chanyeol’s face once again changes from shocked to adorably confused.

“Meet your baby?”


“Your baby?”


“You have a baby?”


 “Oh. Wow. You have a baby.”

“I thought we already got passed the me and baby question.” Kris is trying to decide of the DJ is dumbly cute or cutely dumb. Okay wait he doesn’t even understand what he just asked himself.

“Oh its just. Um. Yeah. So. Baby?

Kris nods hoping that actions get through him better than words.



“Yeah why?” Kris doesn’t understand if Chanyeol is asking whether why he wants him to meet the baby or why does he have a baby. He was about to ask when a loud shrill glass shattering wail pierces through the air and he immediately goes to one of the plastic chairs that’s lined up at left wall in the lobby where he left his slumbering son.

Kris tried to rock the baby carrier but it only made the crying worse. He grabs the stupid book “A Dummies Guide for New Daddies” and tries to search on that stupid page about how to possibly stop babies from crying. But before even gets to find the page Chanyeol steps into Sehun’s view with his wide cute eyes and with his deep voice he said, “Hello baby.”

And miraculously Sehun stopped crying and cranes his tear-stained face to focus on the DJ. They just stared at each other for a bit before Sehun started crying again but not loudly this time. Chanyeol, the good soul that he is knelt down beside Kris and started humming softly to which Sehun responded by slowing to stop until its mere sniffles and pouts.  

“Aww, aren’t you a cute one.” Chanyeol reaches out and gently caresses Sehun’s cheek in his long fingers. The baby sticks his tongue out and smacks his lips and Chanyeol turns to Kris. “I think he’s hungry. Why don’t you feed him?”

“I try to but he doesn’t want to drink his milk when I do it.”

Chanyeol’s eyes widen a bit and after a moment of thought he asks if he could help and Kris agrees without a second thought and gave him the Sehun’s bottle. Chanyeol gently picked the baby up in his arms and sat down on one of the plastic chairs as he hums softly while Sehun greedily at the bottle.

Kris stares astonishingly as his son devours his milk in record time. He just watches as Chanyeol maneuvers the child placing his head on his shoulders and gently rubs Sehun’s back in circles getting rid of the air bubbles inside. Sehun burps loudly and both of the adults couldn’t help but smile.

They stayed that way for a few minutes, Chanyeol with Sehun on his arms gently rocking him to sleep and Kris sitting with his legs crossed on the floor watching them like it’s the most amazing thing in the world. Chanyeol’s cheeks blushes into a pretty shade of pink to which Kris couldn’t decide if it’s because the other man just suddenly fed someone’s son or is it because of that someone’s staring at him. Chanyeol gently laid Sehun back on his carrier tucking him in snuggly beneath the warm bundles of blankets.

“He’s a sweet kid. How old is he?”  Chanyeol tilts his head cutely. Kris is starting to think that the other one doesn’t know his actions scream ingly cute.

“Six months.”

“Yeah right.” Chanyeol laughs but stopped when Kris gave him a look that says he’s not joking. “OMG! But he looks like days old!”

Kris couldn’t help but sigh. This seems to be the constant question whenever people found out about Sehun’s age. “It’s a long story but it’s mostly because his mom neglected him. I just got him a week ago and only knew of him 2 weeks before that.”

“Oh, you didn’t know? Where’s his mom right now then?”

“Dead. Car accident.” Kris does not want to talk about his ex. He’s still angry about how she treated Sehun but he’s also thankful that she didn’t opted for abortion. Though Kris may have an idea the reason why she kept Sehun was because she might still be after his money and would ask for child support.

“Oh. Well, it’s getting really late now. Wouldn’t it be nice for Sehun to go home and rest well?”

“Yeah but I was hoping to take you home with me.” Oops that didn’t sound right.

“What?” Chanyeol looked at him cutely shocked again.


“Can you repeat that again?”

“Ehem. Well, I was gonna offer you something.”

“Which is?”

Well here goes nothing.





Yawning as he exits the bus, Chanyeol silently walks the pavement to the café that he’s working on after school. He couldn’t sleep last night after his encounter with Kris Wu and his son. Kris offered him to be Sehun’s babysitter with a hefty amount of money and he refused it. He said its because he’s happy with his jobs and he might not be able to keep his studies up. He felt a pang in his chest though as he watches the taller man drops his shoulders as walks out of his workplace with Sehun sleeping in the baby carrier.

His radio job is only once a week every Thursdays but he also has his part time job in one of those small café’s tucked in close to his apartment. Working at the café is nice since his boss Yixing would give him free cookies when they’re still piping hot freshly out of the oven.

He enters at the back and drops his bag in a closet in the staff room before pulling out his books. The nice thing about Yixing is that he lets Chanyeol study when there aren’t customers around. He greets his fellow coworker Baekhyun goodbye as they changes shifts and proceeds with his work at the counter.

“Hey Chanyeol.” He looks up and see’s his boss coming over dimpled smile in place. He returns his greetings and notices that Yixing is holding to a piece of envelope.

“Hyung what’s that?”

“Ahh this?” He holds up two envelopes” It’s actually for you. The first one came thru my mail today and it’s from your school faculty and the second one came around lunchtime. Some guy in a sleek suit came in looking for you. I told him you won’t be here till a few more hours and asked me to gave you this letter and left.”

“Huh?” The school will only mail to Yixing regarding a few events in school or waivers for trips because Yixing has offered to be his guardian ever since he got kicked out of his house after telling his parents he liked guys instead of girls. The older one hands him the letters and tells him to read them first in the staff room which he obliged. Chanyeol is more interested in the second envelop since he has no idea what to expect about it. He opens the first letter from his school first though and promptly reads the contents. His heart stops as he reads the words not fully believing what he’s seeing.

We wish to inform you that your scholarship has been revoked as your sponsor has fully withdrawn its wishes to support your studies. We would like to discuss further details with your guardian regarding this matter.

“This can’t be.” He slumps down to the ground and tries not to cry. He wishes it wasn’t true but he knows who did this. His parents were part of the group that has given him scholarship even before he got kicked out and they must’ve done something for it to be revoked. “Great now what?”

He was about to wallow in misery when he spies the other letter on the floor and since he already got the bad news out he’s pretty sure nothing can beat that one. He reaches out, grabs the second letter, rips it open and reads.




“Jongdae will you-”


“please quiet-”





“Your son is a godsend from the heavens.”


“Really his voice can rival that of the choirs of angels in heaven.” On cue Sehun’s high pitched screeching wails pierce the air.


“Can you not hear that melodious voice?” Banshee-like screams rages on.


"Sehun has the gift! His voice is truly incredible!" 

Kris thinks his ears are gonna bleed anytime soon.

"When he grows up he's gonna be a singer. I could feel it in my bones....and ears too."

"Cut the crap Jongdae."

“Yes boss."


"Atleast do you have earplugs? I think earplugs are going to be your bestfriend for the next five years or so.”

Kris sighs. He just had to bring Jongdae to his penthouse. He thought that he should punish his secretary for jibbing at him for looking like hell and always cracking baby jokes by making him report to him at his house where his son is awake and crying like a banshee.

“I believe your son took after his mother. He definitely got the screeching down to a tee.”

“Please stop. Can you atleast help me out on finding another possible babysitter for Sehun?”

“Well let me try again since I think the 30 other applicants that I’ve hired for you didn’t suit your son’s taste. Oh wait I think he doesn’t have any taste for babysitters at all!”

“Can you just atleast try again?” If only Chanyeol accepted his offer then he wouldn’t be having all this trouble.

“Oh come on Kris. Let’s face the music. Your son has a BSP.”

“A what? BSP?”

“Baby Sitter Phobia. I made that up. Cool right?” Jongdae puffs his chest out like a prized rooster.

“Look. I just need someone.”

“Fine but still, Sehun has trusting issues. He’s more pissy than you.”

Kris was about to retort when the doorbell rang. He’s not expecting anyone right now but since Jongdae is here he must’ve probably ordered take out or something. He walks up to the door not bothering to look at the security cam and opened it without a second thought.

The first thing Kris realized is that hiss savior has finally arrived and the next thing he noticed is that he can hear his heart loudly beating more than Sehun’s cries.

“Hi Kris. Um I got your letter and I was wondering when can I start?”

 “Let’s talk about inside shall we?” A smile graces Kris’ face and gestures for the other one to come in. He closes the door and hopes for the best that Chanyeol will be there to stay for Sehun and maybe a little part of him wants Chanyeol stay for him too.




why is it turning long lmao.

well as of now I have no idea how many chapters will this be but seriously it wont be long..I'm not saying how long coz I keep breaking it lmao.

Hope you all enjoy reading as much as I did when I wrote this~!

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[Hello baby] Finale is up. Thank you for the support


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melmoon1102 #1
Chapter 9: Your plot twist was so awesome!!! Hahahaha
melmoon1102 #2
Chapter 1: Omg love it already ~~
Chapter 8: reread bc ive got nothing to do and i miss krisyeol
Chapter 8: This was awesome! It has three things I love: troll Jongdae, baby Sehun, and genius Sehun. This is honestly one of the best stories I've ever read. Your plot twists are awesome. I loved this! ❤
Chapter 9: I love your twist plot...;-)
Chapter 1: Wow, This is JOLLY GOOD! Thank God i found this fic. Ughhhh, the story is really promising. Mmhh.. poor baby Sehunah~ I hope he's getting better after Chanyeol taking care of him
Chapter 6: This chapter made me cry ;~;
Syanamyun99 #8
Chapter 9: i liked this story a lot<3
ihartkyuhyun #9
Chapter 8: .....I'm in absolute shock. This is such an amazing but confusing fic...I'm at a total loss for words....*claps* great job!
Chapter 9: The link is a no go