Baby Sehun

Hello Baby




“Do you have enough socks?”


“Have you packed enough clothes?”


“Wait! How about toothbrush? Did you packed it already?”

“Yes, mom, I’ve put them in my health care bag.”

“Yah! Don’t call me mom.” Chanyeol pouts at the amused Kris lounging on his bed. “Wait! I almost forgot your towel.” He runs to bathroom while Kris smiles at him.

It’s terribly cute on how frantic Chanyeol is, going to and fro all over his room. Unpacking and packing his stuff just to check if he has everything he needs for his 5 day business trip. Ever since that time at the mall they’re been fairly close to the point that Kris would give the younger one random hugs and Chanyeol occasionally grabbing his arm while they walk. He finds it really cute and he’s quite contented and happy about the whole situation.

He stretches his arms out and relishes final moments here with the two people who has entered his life and dreads the long five days with boring meetings and such. He stands up and walks out of his room into the kitchen where his son is sitting on his high chair trying to destroy the baby food in front of him with his icy death glare. Aww, Sehun is trying to copy my face. So cute. He comes closer and crouches until he’s at eye level with his baby.

“Good morning Sehunnie.”

On cue, Sehun transfers his death glare at Kris which made the daddy chuckle.

“I know you don’t like baby mush but Dr. Kim says you need to eat these coz its healthier.”

The baby gives him a ‘but this so disgusting’ face.

“Sorry Hunnie. I’ll try and  find another recipe that doesn’t involve carrots and broccoli.”

He receives ‘You better coz I’m not eating this yucky mush’ look and Sehun snorts.

“Yes yes. Daddy will change it okay.”

Sehun then arranges his face back to his default poker face and just stares at the older man.

“Hunnie ah, daddy will be gone for a while but I’ll come back soon. I promise I’ll bring you lots of toys so you better be good to Yeolie okay?” He smiles sweetly at his cute son that’s totally bored with his face. “Will you miss daddy?”


Chanyeol’s booming laugher echoes in the background.

“Awh come on Hunnie you didn’t mean that right?”

Splat. Another gunk of baby mush decorates Kris’ pristine face. Yuck it does smell awful.

A thump echoes in the background and now laughter accompanied by wheezing sounds ensues. And there goes Chanyeol. Kris takes a chunk of the brownish gunk into his fingers and pokes it on his son’s cheek as revenge. The outraged look Sehun gave him made him laugh out loud.

Chanyeol picks himself up and wipes the brown gunk in Kris’ face with a towel and chides Sehun about attacking his dad just like that. Kris smells like yucky baby food but he doesn’t mind. He just smiles at how Chanyeol tries to feed Sehun with that foul smelling mush while the baby cranes his neck away refusing to accept it. His life was always hectic and adding these two made it even more crazy but he doesn’t ever regret it not even one bit.

The doorbell rang and then Jongdae’s loud irritating voice follows it with a “WERE GONNA MISS THE FLIGHT SO GET YOUR LAZY IN THE CAR BOSS!” which promptly reminds Kris that he needs to get going. He picks a squirming Sehun and smothers his cheeks with kisses that earns him a thousand glares. Ahh he really is my son. And tells his baby over and over that he loves him and will miss him. He deposits Sehun back into Chanyeol’s arms.

“Be safe okay. Call me when something happens.”

“Yeah, you better stay safe there too.”

“Yes of course.”

“Don’t talk to any suspicious strangers.”

“Yes Chanyeol I won’t.”

“Don’t go and bully someone that has the same pair of shades as you wear.”

“Yes I – wait. I do not do that.” He frowns.

“Yes you did!”

“That was only once!”

“It can happen again.”

“Fine. I won’t bully people.”

“Don’t go crazy when you see a sale on Givenchy.”


“Kris Wu!”

“Fine. I promise not to go crazy.”

“Also don’t buy a whole Nike store.”



“Fine. Sheesh.” He pouts at the younger one.

“And lastly, come home soon.”

Instead of replying Kris envelops Chanyeol into a bear hug with Sehun squished in the middle. “I promise to come home as soon as I can.”

And with that Kris give a last glance at the two people that has taken residence inside his heart.




Sehun wakes up just like every other day. Bright lights will seep in thru the blinds and wakes him up. He blinks his tiny eyes open and stares at his brightly pink colored room with teddy bears and duckies. He then turns to his side to snuggle with his favorite Rilakkuma plushie Pinku Pinku and patiently waits for pretty Yeolie Appa to come in and greet him with a good morning kiss and cuddle.

Yeolie Appa would change his diapies and changes him into new clothes. He would sing to Hunnie and talk to him though Hunnie never understands what it is he’s saying. They would then go to the kitchen where Baby Hun will be placed in his plastic Rilakkuma high chair and Yeolie would give him either milk or that yucky gunk. Chanyeol would prepare breakfast and around this time his Daddy Kris would waltz in and greets him good morning.

Sehun prepares himself to be bombared with good morning kisses from his dad but so far Kris hasn’t come in yet. He was about to wonder why until his Yeolie placed a bottle of milk infront of him. He then forgets about Kris. Today is one of those days where Yeolie gets to spend time with him and not leave him in that place where other loud babies that are completely annoying. They played and took naps, Yeolie brought him to the café he liked and let him try a yummy milk drink.

“Do you like this Hunnie-yah? It’s called bubble tea and uncle Xing-xing made it just for you.”

Sehun decided that he likes this bubble tea thing and this uncle Xing person for making it. He was nice so Sehun gave him his rare smile as a reward which made both Yeolie and Xing-xing gush at him for being so cute.

“Ahh one day I should introduce you to Lulu.” Xing-xing says. Which made Sehun wonder if Lulu is another yummy food.

It was just like any other day that passed by until Yeolie put him in his crib to sleep and bade him goodnight with kisses. Chanyeol leaves the room and turns off the lights letting the beautiful galaxy glow above. His dad had wanted the ceiling to look like a galaxy so he hand-painted glow in the dark stars. Sehun always stares at them and waits for Kris to come in his room to bid him goodnight. He waited and waited until his eyes fell heavy and at last he drifted off to sleep wondering if his dad ever did come in to give him a goodnight kiss.

Sehun woke up in a bad mood. He doesn’t get it but he’s in a foul mood. Thankfully Chanyeol calmed him down by singing him a song. Just like yesterday, Sehun gets placed in his seat as Yeolie gives him a gunk of orange mush. He glares at it for a bit until he remembers about his dad, he stares at the entrance to the kitchen fully expecting Kris to waltz in and scoop him up. But he never came, he frowned and frowned and wondered where is his dad. The day went by and Sehun hasn’t seen or heard his dad, a tiny bit of fear seeps in as stares at the sky that his father made for him and wonders why his dad never came in to say ‘Goodnight baby I love you’.

The third day without his dad, made Sehun more grumpy than ever. He refused to eat or drink even his precious strawberry milk. His frown never left his face even when Yeolie attacks him with kisses and cuddles. During their playtime Chanyeol got a call from someone from school and leaves Sehun in his room with his toys. All the baby ever did today is throw tantrums and his toys away, he even threw Pinku Pinku but he hug the plushie after coz he was afraid Pinku Pinku got hurt.

Sehun is wondering still where Kris is. He ponders long and hard until he came into an idea that maybe Kris is sleeping in his room. He noticed that the door is ajar and came to the decision that if his dad won’t come to him then he’ll come to his dad. By now, the baby can support his weight when he lays on the floor but he never has attempted to crawl. Oh well, might as start now.

With great effort he kicks his tiny legs and tries to atleast move forward. He was wobbly and fell down on the first few tries but after practicing a bit he got the hang of it. With new found crawling skills baby Sehun went out and tries to search for his dad’s door. He passes by a door which he’s sure that belongs to Yeolie with all his loud voice echoing from it. He stops infront on a door which is opposite of Yeolie’s and is sure that its Kris’ judging from his memory.

With all his might he slaps the door with his tiny hands and regrets it after because it hurts and since it hurts Sehun does what he only knows how to deal in situations like these. He cried. Chanyeol on cue went out rushing out of his room like a madman not noticing Sehun infront of Kris’ door. He then screamed “OMG SEHUUUUUUUN!” when he noticed the missing baby in his room. He runs out and spots the crying baby and gives a huge sigh of relief. He picks Sehun up kissing his tears away.

“Hunnie why did you leave your room? Wait, how did you leave? Did you get bored waiting for me?” Chanyeol was about to go back to the baby room when Sehun twisted his body and reaches out into the direction of Kris’ room. Thankfully Chanyeol understood what Sehun meant. He smiled at the sniffling baby in his arms as he opens Kris’ room.

Sehun was happy that Yeolie understood but his heart sank when Kris was no where inside his room. Hunnie couldn’t help but cry more. Chanyeol however was still smiling at the sudden fact that the baby is missing his dad. He places Sehun in the middle of Kris bed which made the baby stopped from crying.

Surrounded by huge fluffy pillows and soft blankets, Sehun gets assaulted with his dad’s scent. It’s strong and too overpowering yet Sehun feels like the scent is enveloping him a warm blanket of security. Somehow, everything seemed ok and he’s calmed down a bit to feel his eyelids getting heavy. He barely notices Chanyeol going out and coming back with his pillows, blankets and Pinku Pinku.

“You miss daddy huh? Even if you don’t show it I know you love Kris.” Chanyeol Sehun’s hair while he mumbles. “I think I love Kris too.”

He grabs his phone and fidgets with it and beams at Sehun. “You know your daddy sent me a voice mail that says to play it to you in case you’d miss him.” The baby perks up when Kris’ voice rang out.

Sehunnie~ baby did you miss daddy? Sorry Hunnie-yah but daddy won’t be home for awhile. I’ll come back to you soon. I love you.”

Chanyeol played the voice message over and over which Sehun never got tired of. They both drifted off to sleep and Sehun smiles as the last thing he heard was “I’ll come back to you soon. I love you.”





Chanyeol wakes up with Kris’ scent invading his senses. He opens his eyes and sees a slumbering Sehun beside him. He then remembered how adorable the baby is for missing Kris. He stares at the empty space beside Sehun and wonders what it would be like if Kris is there with both of them. It will probably feel so perfect. He smiles and imagines, he was about to go back to sleep when the door bell rang.

He stretches out and treks to the front door hoping it’s not another delivery of shoes that Kris ordered online. What he didn’t expect is to find a gorgeous brunette in a tight body fitting dress smiling up at him. Chanyeol suddenly felt a chill travel down his spine.

“This Kris Wu residence isn’t it?”

“Yes? May I help you?”

“I’m here to take back my son please.”

“You’re son?”

“Yes. Sehun. Please give him back to me.” She looked up and smiled sweetly at Chanyeol.

“You can’t. I mean I can’t just hand you Sehun. His mom died in an accident.”

“Actually his mom is me and I’m very well alive. Here.” She shoves a piece of paper in Chanyeol’s face.

“Court orders. I get to have my son back.”

“Wha-wait! You can’t Kris isn’t here!”

“I’ll have my lawyers contact him now please move aside.”

“I won’t let you take him!” Chanyeol is almost screaming now as his hand trembles.

“Oh and who are you?”

“I’m..I’m his baby sitter.”

“I’m his mother. You have no right over my son.” She shoves Chanyeol aside and all he could do is helplessly watch the woman walk away with a crying Sehun in her arms.




Kris excitedly walks out of the airport with a bag full toys for Sehun and another bag of yummy food for Chanyeol. He worked his damn off just to hurry the business meeting and get the deal done so he could go home and see his boys. ‘His boys’ huh? He smiles at the fact that there’s two special people waiting for him at home.

He orders the driver to head straight home as fast as he can. He then remembers that his phone was off and turns it back on with a surprising huge amount of messages from Chanyeol. He reads them and his whole body went cold.

                KRIS! COME HOME QUICK!



                I CAN’T. SEHUN! STOP HER KRIS.

                She took him. . .

He dials Chanyeol’s number but he’s not picking up. As soon as the car stopped infront of his home he runs up forgetting all the gifts with his mind filled with every scenario possible. He heart drops when he sees the door to his home wide open and he frantically runs inside.


Everything looked exactly the same. He instinctively runs straight into Sehun’s room and finds a crying Chanyeol hugging Pinku Pinku with no Sehun in sight.

“Chanyeol? What happened? Where’s Sehun?”

Chanyeol’s tear strained face looks up at him filled with anguish. “I’m sor…sorry..I..I..couldn’”

“What? Where’s Sehun?”

“She took him.” The younger man lets out a sob. “She took Sehun.”


His phone rings as another messages comes in from an unknown number.

                Hello Kris, don’t worry. I have our son with me. I’ll take good care of him. –Minhye –



Sorry. I just had to. 

This chapter is all about Sehun yay! and also the comes in boooo~

btw, I love everyone who commented! Its so fun reading all of your responses to this fic. Thank you so much <3

Will update again soon~

Thanks for subbing again :D

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[Hello baby] Finale is up. Thank you for the support


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melmoon1102 #1
Chapter 9: Your plot twist was so awesome!!! Hahahaha
melmoon1102 #2
Chapter 1: Omg love it already ~~
Chapter 8: reread bc ive got nothing to do and i miss krisyeol
Chapter 8: This was awesome! It has three things I love: troll Jongdae, baby Sehun, and genius Sehun. This is honestly one of the best stories I've ever read. Your plot twists are awesome. I loved this! ❤
Chapter 9: I love your twist plot...;-)
Chapter 1: Wow, This is JOLLY GOOD! Thank God i found this fic. Ughhhh, the story is really promising. Mmhh.. poor baby Sehunah~ I hope he's getting better after Chanyeol taking care of him
Chapter 6: This chapter made me cry ;~;
Syanamyun99 #8
Chapter 9: i liked this story a lot<3
ihartkyuhyun #9
Chapter 8: .....I'm in absolute shock. This is such an amazing but confusing fic...I'm at a total loss for words....*claps* great job!
Chapter 9: The link is a no go