
Hello Baby


The Galaxy Dragon WYF is the top notch luxury car produced by Galaxy Inc. There’s only one in the world and the owner is none other than its genius creator Kris Wu, CEO and founder of Galaxy Inc. an automobile company equipped with latest technology that could rival Ferrari.

Kris only uses his Dragon WYF in most important occasions and this is probably one of those. Well, he is meeting his son that he has no idea of until two weeks ago. He can’t help the pounding in his chest and slight tremors in his hands. Good thing he didn’t bring Jongdae with him coz his secretary will have a field day.



“I know you are busy but I have grave news to share with you.”

Kris looks up to his trusted lawyer Minseok and gives him a nod bracing himself for whatever horrible news this is. Drop in sales? Stolen cars? Sold out Air Jordans? Oh wait Minseok doesn’t know about that last one. “What’s this about?”

“It’s about your ex girlfriend.” The lawyer stares at him solemnly.


“She died in a car accident.”



“…...That’s all?”

“Why aren’t you surprised?” Minseok frowns.

“Why should I be? I broke up with her after she took off with my newest creation before it was even released to the public.” He groans. He hasn’t forgiven Oh Minhye threatening his employees and taking off with the brand new Galaxy Thunder and crashing it onto a street lamp leaving a huge dent in its pristine design. Jongdae was pissed too because that car was supposed to be his bonus. Though he still hasn’t figured out why he was giving a new car model to his secretary as a bonus.

“Well, I guess its expected since she does have a lot of history with DUI. But that’s not the most important news actually. Its about the baby.”


“Yes. Remember after you broke up with her she left the country for a year and came back like four months ago?”

“Are you telling me she had a baby.”

“Yes.” Minseok stares at him again this time it unnerves Kris. That stare spells trouble.

“ Okay.”

“You know the baby has a father.”


“It was stated in her will.”

“……Oh . Please  don’t tell me that….I HAVE A BABY?!”

“A son actually.”


“A six month old son.”


“Apparently, yes, you now do have one.”

“Wait. We don’t know for certain! I mean I only slept with her once!”

“Did you use protection?”


“Did you?”


“Was this the time where she made you super drunk and you didn’t knew what happened?”



“Probably. But still I need proof. What if she slept with other guys besides me?”

“Then we’ll do a DNA test. In two weeks time well know if you’re the legitimate dad of that baby.”



And now back to the present. The results came in today which is why Kris is driving to pick up ‘HIS’ son at the Seoul Childrens’ Welfare Center Hospital. Oh Minhye maybe a rich socialite but she apparently has no relative except her sister who no one seems to have any contact with.

Kris enters the building and meets up with head Pediatrian Dr. Junmyeon Kim. They exchanged greetings and he was brought to a light blue room with comfy sofas and a toy box in a corner. The institute is also an orphanage center and this room is where new parents pick up their adopted children. There’s an adjacent door to the corner and Junmyeon stands beside it and urges Kris to open it.

“I believe that you might need a moment with you son. So please go ahead.” As he gestures for the taller one to open it.

With his heart racing as fast his car could go he opens the door and slowly steps inside. The room is empty save for a crib at the center of the far end of the room leaning on the wall. He tries not to make any noise not to wake up the sleeping baby. He thought about running away or just offering the institute to have his son up for adoption but that moment he laid his eyes on that small life bundled up in blue blankets he felt his breath stopped.

His son is tiny. He’s not sure what a six month old child looks like but he’s pretty sure that he’s not supposed to look that small. He imagines babies to have puffy apple cheeks and stubby fingers but his dear son doesn’t have that. Cheeks seemed to be hollow and tiny fingers look like bones with paper skin attached to them. A thousand questions races through his mind but it all stopped when the baby opened his bleary eyes and looked up at him. Those eyes. Kris gets himself lost in those eyes. It’s like looking at his own eyes only these ones were filled with innocence and a sense of puzzlement and maybe a tiny bit of fear in them.

They just stared at each other for a long while before Kris made a move to touch his son. The instant his large hands hovered in front of the baby’s face he cried and wailed so hard that startled both Kris and the doctor outside. Thankfully Dr. Kim came and picked up the crying child while Kris attaches himself to the opposite wall like a wallflower.

“It’s okay Baby Sehun. Don’t be scared that was just your daddy.”

“Wait? Sehun?”

“Yeah that’s his name.” he replies as he carefully hands the baby to the attending nurse. “I guess first meeting didn’t turn out well but don’t worry it seems that he has an issue with a lot of things. I’d like to discuss them with you if you will.”

Dr. Kim leads them back to the blue room and Kris gives his son one final glance before closing the door.



It’s been a week since Kris got Sehun but now his heart is dropping. He’s on his way back to the hospital to meet up with Dr. Junmyeon after a grueling decision to give up Sehun for adoption. He doesn’t want to let go of his son but after a week and finding out that not one babysitter or nanny can properly coax the baby to feed or to sleep well he came to a decision that maybe it’s better for him to have someone that could give him the best care he needs and he will very much cover any financial sustenance for his son’s welfare.

Kris sadly glances at crying bundle beside him buckled onto the passenger seat snuggly. He’s already used to the crying that’s been going for 24/7. Sehun would just cry all the time and would only sleep due to exhaustion of crying. He doesn’t eat well either, always refusing the food given to him especially when Kris tries to do it. He’s scared that if this goes on any longer the baby will get extremely sick from malnutrition or worse other health problems that could be life threatening to the already sickly child.

He sighs as Sehun increases the volume of his wails. He’s pretty sure he’s gonna get deaf before he turns 30. After a few more minutes of loud wailing from his son he decides to turn the radio on to atleast somehow drown the wails. He randomly chooses a station and some cheesy love song is playing and no signs of Sehun stopping. Kris was about to turn the radio off when the song ended and the DJ came on. That’s when Kris noticed two things. First the DJ has this really low deep voice that stirs something inside him and second Sehun miraculously stopped crying.

His son was just lying there, breathing normally and eyes getting all sleepy. He blinks for a bit before his eyelids drooped to a close and fell in a deep slumber while the DJ rambles on.

“And that was our last song for the night everyone! This has been DJ Chanyeol and I look forward to reading your confessions next time. Thanks for tuning in 94.4 SM Love Letter. Till next time!”

Kris turns off the radio and stops the car staring intently on his now slumbering son. Wait. What exactly? Did Sehun? That DJ. After a few more minutes of thinking Kris decides on a last resort idea to keep his son. Praying that this idea will work out well and not make himself an idiot later.




“Good work Chanyeol!”

“Ahh thanks hyung. I’ll see you next week.”

“Sure. Though it’s a pity, we really would love it if you accept our offer to become a regular DJ.”

“I can’t sorry hyung. School first.”

As much as Chanyeol wanted to accept the offer he really couldn’t coz if he accepts the full time job then he wouldn’t have time to study. He loves being a DJ but the pay isn’t really that good and isn’t enough to cover some of his expenses. He greets his coworkers goodbye when a security guard came up to him.

“Mr. Park good evening. Someone is out in the lobby waiting for you. He said it’s important.”

“Oh I’ll be right there then.”

Chanyeol wonders who could it be since he doesn’t really have friends to look for him and well his family will never look for him after founding out about him being gay. He tries to think of any possible person that needs him at this ungodly hour close to midnight. What he didn’t expect though was to see a drop dead gorgeous Adonis waiting at the center of the lobby looking like he owns the goddamn place.

Chanyeol froze on the spot coz damn, he’s so hot and he probably shouldn’t be staring like a lunatic. The godlike stranger notices him and frowned. Uh oh that’s not good. Wait, on second thought, is this guy from the mafia or something? OMG HE DEFINITELY LOOKS LIKE HE’S IN ONE OR MORE LIKE HE OWNS ONE. WHAT DO I DO?????? He’s fretting internally so much that he didn’t notice the stranger to be mere inches infront of him.

“Uuuuuuhhhhhhh.” You are so dumb Chanyeol. He mentally facepalms.

“Are you the DJ for Love Letter? Chanyeol?” His frown still in place.

“Yeah me. DJ. Yeah yeah. Chanyeol me.” He can feel his brain bleeding from the stupidity that’s reeking out of himself. CAN A BLACK HOLE SWALLOW ME NOW PLEASE.

“My name is Kris Wu.”

“Oh, yo. Me Chanyeol.” I AM SUCH A DUMB GOD WHY.

“I came here to offer you something.”


“I want you to be my baby.”

“Oh. Ok.” He nods his head and then it sinks. “WAIT WHAT?!”


HAHAHAHA! ITS NOT TURNING OUT WELL. Its supposed to be fluff dear lord but why do I feel like its turning into something funny.

Oh well I had to stop here coz lol. Don't worry I will update soon and this will probably be only 2 shots. Supposed to be a oneshot but meh.

I am having Krisyeol daddy feels thats why I have Krisyeol + baby fics lined up.


Thanks for reading guys!


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[Hello baby] Finale is up. Thank you for the support


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melmoon1102 #1
Chapter 9: Your plot twist was so awesome!!! Hahahaha
melmoon1102 #2
Chapter 1: Omg love it already ~~
Chapter 8: reread bc ive got nothing to do and i miss krisyeol
Chapter 8: This was awesome! It has three things I love: troll Jongdae, baby Sehun, and genius Sehun. This is honestly one of the best stories I've ever read. Your plot twists are awesome. I loved this! ❤
Chapter 9: I love your twist plot...;-)
Chapter 1: Wow, This is JOLLY GOOD! Thank God i found this fic. Ughhhh, the story is really promising. Mmhh.. poor baby Sehunah~ I hope he's getting better after Chanyeol taking care of him
Chapter 6: This chapter made me cry ;~;
Syanamyun99 #8
Chapter 9: i liked this story a lot<3
ihartkyuhyun #9
Chapter 8: .....I'm in absolute shock. This is such an amazing but confusing fic...I'm at a total loss for words....*claps* great job!
Chapter 9: The link is a no go