Always Leeteuk.

Super Junior OneShots Special

Always Leeteuk.

Although feeling a big pang on his heart, Leeteuk cannot deny the fact that he fell in love with the weirdest member of the group. Kim Heechul or mostly refered as Heenim by ELFS and his Co- Artists. The only member who is ready to fight for others even if being forgotten is the price. He, who is least understood and He, who is bad mouthed always for the acts he did.

In his heart, he knows that none of those are supposed to be done to Heechul. Infact, He is the greatest person he had ever met but the things done by him are not appreciated for they think it's selfishness when it's actually not. How could you call a person selfish when he does things for the sake of others that even forgetting himself was not an issue?

Leeteuk lied on his bed and stared at the plain white ceiling, something he usually does when he's sad and near to reaching the point of depression. He looked at it, not even trying to blink, just staring at  space to calm himself down. Again huh.. He thought at that moment as he covered his eyes with his right arm to keep his tears from falling.

Yes, again..again and again. Enlistment was something he hated, the same thing that happened a year ago. The scene where he had promised a certain someone that he'll be waiting,that two years is neither far nor long and that the 'someone' will remain in his heart.

Yet, it only took him 3 months to move on and find a new one. The day when it snapped- took over him! and the same day he finally understood Heechul and his everything despite the fact that words like daggers were thrown towards his own direction.


"Your whining makes my head hurt, so do you mind shutting up Jungsoo?" Heechul said, still holding the script he was memorizing earlier for his cameo in a new drama.

Leeteuk looked at him with ungrateful eyes, eyes filled with hatred and bitterness, the one identical to a beast's.

But never did it crossed his mind that Heechul would be doing what he is carrying out right now..He was crying...Crying infront of him even thought he had no right to be.

"What are you crying for?" asked Leeteuk. He had never seen Heechul cry his heart out...until now.

"What? do you expect me not to cry? As far as I remember, crying helps you let out all the sadness you feel inside. Then, is that a bad thing? I've been seeing you sobbing so loud like a kid or even worse" Heechul said, one eyebrow higher than the other.

With this, Leeteuk stopped what he was doing which was crying that moment. He looked at him and thought what would be it that is bugging the other.

"Why is that?What are.."

"What do you mean? I cannot fully understand you Jungsoo unless you talk the right way" 

"What I mean is..Why are you crying?" Leeteuk replied with a louder voice, eager to know the answer.

A smirk escaped Heechul's lips as soon as he heard the lad's question. Today was not yet the time to tell everything but if you look at it, it seems that everything's heading to that point.

"Ahhhh~" Heechul streched his whole body, arms and legs on opposite directions. The smirk he was wearing was replaced...A soft smile soon followed.

"I guess, seeing my love one cry for someone is a sad thing" 

Leeteuk is not as slow as we think he is as a matter of fact, he's one of the members  who has this smart brain. Sadly, it's not that shown too much on television-.-.

Kneeling on the floor, he then realized everything. The reason why Heechul was angry at him for crying, why Heechul was there to say every mean word to him.It was just  to lessen the heavy feeling he's having in his heart and for him not to blame himself, instead blame Heechul for not caring when he actually is.


"I Love you Heechul" Leeteuk sat up and murmured not expecting anyone to hear it but when all is said and done, he later finds out someone did.

"I know" as he felt arms encircling around his fragile body sending him the warmth he had been craving this week. 

Leeteuk knew who it was, he turned around and looked at him straight in the eyes. Traces of tears still visible, Heechul wiped it off and placed his thumb on the corner of the other's lips, forcing a smirk.

"I'm afraid Heechul" Said Leeteuk , starting to avoid eye contact

"Afraid of what?" 

"Afraid that once you're gone, I'll forget you...Like what happened to me..and him"  He finally had the courage to look up again and stare at Heechul's eyes. It was the best thing that he was seeing as of now. The sparkling eyes that only he can see...

"That's not a problem, I'd definitely snatch you back if ever I see you with another guy" Heechul smiled.

Hopefully, this love and promise would last. The strength of cupid's power is conquerable if he and Heechul would stand up together and fight.


Behind the closed door lies a cupid sitting on top of a table laughing at their trust with each other. No one can win over his power,Only the cupid can play this game and only one character shall be used.Forever and ALWAYS LEETEUK.


ahhhhhhh,, One shot # 5 is done. I kinda hate this >.> This looks so ughh and ughhh LOL. I'm sorry for giving you this i don't know what type of fic. :))) (such a crappy start and ending T.T)  Oh, yeah, this is so short aighhh...


"Kim Heechul, 2 years is just a Short Journey! The Memories will be kept forever! I LOVE YOU, CINDERELLA!"

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