Of Sharing Clothes

Super Junior OneShots Special



No, The coordi noonas are not responsible for the sharing of clothes that's happening between Sungmin and Kyuhyun. They've even tried to stop the two, saying that Sungmin should wear the black leather pants instead of the pink one that Kyuhyun previously wore during some performance.
Eventually, The noonas stopped minding since the two would just shrug and shun them off. Well.. That would make everything worse, right? 
It started during their comeback on Bonamana in music bank... Kyuhyun was so happy that finally he won't be wearing some plain blazer with a boring shirt. This time, he wore a some kind of plunging neckline thing and was  partnered with a a cool necklace. He can't deny the fact that he absolutely looks hot especially now that he's showing some skin.
The Next day, on Music core, He was wearing a 3/4 sleeved jacket that made him happier and more confident.He was finally feeling the aura he had been wishing for since "U".
On contrary, Sungmin had been receiving various comments about what he's wearing on stage and that made the  lad sad. Sungmin,his hyung, never showed any sign of sadness he was just there looking at the fansight and was smiling. Truthfully, it was one thing he loved about his hyung but at the same time,sad.
"I could help you in your problem actually" Kyuhyun said as he smirked and sat beside Sungmin.
Sungmin only looked at him in confusion, He was just sitting on the chair and the other started babbling about helping him. What is his problem? Sungmin thought that moment.
"Your clothes" Kyuhyun pointed out.
Sadly, Sungmin felt a little bit offended on what Kyuhyun had said. He does know that the fans are not liking it THAT much but Kyuhyun doesn't have to shove it on his face. He just stood up and walked out, leaving a  puzzled Kyu.
Several Days after, Kyuhyun noticed that Sungmin was ignoring him. And yes, he's quite sure that it's intentional. The maknae of the group went towards Sungmin to talk things out and ofcourse, make up.
Expecting an acceptable reason for his act, Kyuhyun just got a sigh. It was okay if Sungmin smiled but no, he Sighed, something Kyuhyun hates seeing.He knew that Sighing means either he's in a big mess or you should stop bugging him.Kyuhyun was about to leave him alone when he though of a way.
"Sungmin hyung!" Kyuhyun started to pout, he knows that Sungmin can't withstand his rare aegyo and that will probabaly help  everything.... Just like Super Man!
"Shut up Kyuhyun" Sungmin said as he wore his earphone to listen and practice some new dance steps.
"HYUUUUUNG!!!!!" Kyuhyun snapped. He could not take the cold shoulder Sungmin had been giving to him and honestly, he'd die if  this continues. 
He removed the earphones and held Sungmin's arms with his hands. Looking at his Hyung with dark and scary eyes, Kyuhyun  finally did his move and pinned him on the wall. Sungmin was in a panic mode that time and all he did was look at his left to  avoid the other's eye contact. Faces inches apart, Sungmin could feel Kyuhyun's hot and rapid breathing. They were both nervous and nobody moved.
"What's the problem, hyung? I'm sorry, Is it something I said?" Kyuhyun broke the silence, still not moving a inch.
"You told me that I have a problem regarding my clothes. You do know that I hate hearing those kinds of things, right?" Sungmin replied and finally faced kyuhyun,making their lips brush off with eachother.
Stunned by what happened, the two just looked at each other's eyes as it slowly becomes bigger. Sungmin kinda hate the fact
that when it comes to Kyuhyun, he just can't help but to freeze and admire the other's beauty. And guess what, That habit is totally not  helping right now.
"I..ah..sorry!" Kyuhyun released his arms, freeing Sungmin. Both hearts beating so fast and hands on their chest, they felt heat coming up to their faces and showed some shade of pink.
"Ahh.. We're getting to nowhere!" Kyuhyun screamed, releasing all of his stress that piled up because of their schedule and Sungmin's childish play.
"but, Kyu...are you seriously going to help me?"
Kyuhyun looked back and saw Sungmin looking at him with the shade of pink still visible on his face. The lad can't help but to stutter in response.
"a..aa..ofcourse, I'll let you borrow my clothes" Kyuhyun said, earning a hug from the Aegyo king and a peck on the cheek.
"I actually though you changed Kyu just because you look hotter, but I guess I was wrong! You're still my old Kyuhyun!"  Sungmin hugged him and jumped showing how much he was grateful to have his roommate be there for him.
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