You're So Pretty

Earn My Love



I walked to the nearest waiting shed and took my phone out of my pocket. There were cars and people around but it was still scary. If it wasn't for Key, I would not be here, alone, annoyed and scared. I called Minsun to pick me up. After 15 minutes, she arrived.


"Okay. I'm not going to ask what happened tonight but you are going to tell me TOMORROW." Minsun said as she opened the car door.


"This night's a disaster. I feel so stupid." I rested my head on the window.  Minsun and I were silent until we arrived at the dorm. We were both tired and wanted to sleep. I went to the bathroom to wash my face, brush my teeth and change into my PJs. We said our goodnights and slept.


I woke up late so I wasn't able to tell her what happened. Apparently, she went to school without me because there was breakfast on the table with a piece of paper.


'I tried to wake you up but you wouldn't move. Jaewon (her boyfriend) is picking me up and I don't wanna be late. Please don't get mad. As a peace offering, I cooked breakfast for you. Omelette!^^'


I brushed my teeth and ate the omelette Minsun cooked as fast as I can. I was running late so I took a shower and wore the first shirt I grabbed and a pair of jeans all in 15 minutes.


When I got to school, I immediately went to my locker to get my things for my first period class. I opened it when someone leaned on the lockers and cleared his throat. I looked to see who it was. I rolled my eyes when I saw Key. 


"Want me to walk you to your first class?" He said still leaning on the lockers.


"Don't try to be a gentleman. Please go away. It's early in the morning and I don't want to be irritated." I said as calm as I could.


"You left something in the dorm." He said, smirking at me. I thought about what he said and realized that I left my bag in their dorm.


"Okay. Give-"


"Not so fast. On one condition-" 


"Why do you always blackmail me?" I cut him off because I was starting to get angry again.


"I'm not blackmailing you. I just want to walk you to class. That's it."


"Fine." He smiled at me and gave me my bag. I put in inside my locker and closed it with a loud bang.


We finally walked when he suddenly asked me,


"You do know that I have to run to class after I walk you to your class, don't you?


"I did not force you. You blackmailed me." I said without looking at him.


We were almost at the door of the classroom when he suddenly sang,


"Noona Neomu Yeppeo~ (Older girl/sister, you're so Pretty)"


"Did you just call me 'Noona'? (Older girl/sister) You're older than me." 


"Then call me 'oppa'." I was sursprised. I was not able to respond and stared at him.


"Gotta go to my class." He turned around and I watched him go. 


What did he mean by..'Call me 'Oppa''?


Oppa is an endearment used by Korean girls to address their older brother or their boyfriend.


Here's the link to Noona Neomu Yeppeo/Replay in case some of you guys don't know the song.








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awe i love it!!!!
its soo cute!!!!
you have to update soon!!!!!!
omg!! how did i not find this story sooner!!!!!
Poor key, you're too adorable to resist!!!
update soon please
love it alot :) please update soon
kdianneA #3
whoa!!update soon.!!!<br />
"call me oppa"ugh....i'll die....<br />
i'll be waiting for the next chapter..
ohhh,,... I like the update :))<br />
Update soon :))))
SuShinTeuKey #5
OMG. Sorry about that. Haha. Maybe I was thinking of Minsun that time. Minsun is my Korean friend. I just used her name in this fic. Haha. Thank you for correcting me!
UPDATE SOOOON! <3 Kekeke~<br />
Oh, just one thing:<br />
In chapter 5, Jonghyun said "So... Minsun left already?" He asked innocently.<br />
Wasn`t it supposed to be Chin?<br />
That`s all! Hwaiting!
sweet_cupcakes #7
Omgggggawd I can't wait till u update moooar~!!!! <br />
I LOVE this!!!!!! <33 <br />
SuShinTeuKey #8
Hey guys. I'm really sorry for not updating yesterday. I'm preparing for a competition. Hope you understand.
Update soon :))))