Not Only A Jerk But Also A Liar

Earn My Love


"Hi, I'm Jonghyun. Key's closest friend. Our fans call us JongKey. We often-" I've always known that Jonghyun was talkative. Minho stopped Jonghyun from talking and introduced himself.


"Hello, I'm SHINee's Minho. Nice to meet you." he shook my hands before Onew took it.


"I'm SHINee's handsome leader, Onew." He looked so sweet. So nice. 


"Hi, I'm Taemin. SHINee's maknae (youngest)"

The last one who greeted me was Taemin. He was a bit shy though he was so popular. All of them were nice except for Key. 


"I'm-" I was about to introduce myself before the four of them cut me off.


"We know who you are."  all of them said in unison.


The boys gave me a tour in their dorm. It was Jonghyun who kept talking. The others were just following. I was surprised to see every room all clean and organized. They showed me the biggest room where all of them sleep together. I saw the bookshelf with Minho’s books. I entered the room when Taemin suddenly ran to his bed to get the manhwa on his bed. I wonder why he did that. The other members were laughing. He bowed his head to hide his flushed face. The other rooms were for their shoes, clothes and accessories. Key had the most number of clothes. They said he’s a fashionista. I laughed because I thought he was gay.



“What is so funny?” Key asked, irritated.


“Nothing.” I said, still laughing.


They did not show me their laundry room. They said it was messy. Onew, Minho, Taemin and Key went to the kitchen to prepare our dinner. They told Jonghyun to keep me company. He started the conversation.


“Did you know that you’re the very first girl Key ever brought in the dorm?” He said, smiling at me.


“Uh, no.”


“He must really like you.”


“No. This is my payment for the shirt my friend ruined. I was the one who suggested to pay for it. But Key didn’t want money. He just wanted me to go here and watch you all practice.”


“What shirt?” his eyebrows were furrowed.


“Um, the pink shirt that says, ‘I’m A Diva’. He said it was a limited edition his fans gave him. I felt responsible. I did not want my friend to be blamed.”


“That shirt? It wasn’t from his fans. I gave it to him. I saw it online and bought it for Key. You can replace it if you want to, you know.”


I felt my blood rushing to my face. Jonghyun kept talking but I refused to listen to him. Anger flooded through me. I wanted to scream. Jonghyun touched my arm.


“Hey, Chin. Are you okay?” He looked worried.


I stood up. Taemin went out of the kitchen.


“I have to leave.”


“Now?” Jonghyun asked.


“But we just finished preparing our dinner.” Taemin pouted.


“I’m sorry. But I really have to go.” ‘Before I kill Key’ I thought.


I headed for the door and opened it. Jonghyun called me but I already closed the door behind me. I was about to ride the elevator when someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me. I almost fell but Key caught me. Key! Ugh.


“Why did you run away?” He said slowly, controlling his anger.

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awe i love it!!!!
its soo cute!!!!
you have to update soon!!!!!!
omg!! how did i not find this story sooner!!!!!
Poor key, you're too adorable to resist!!!
update soon please
love it alot :) please update soon
kdianneA #3
whoa!!update soon.!!!<br />
"call me oppa"ugh....i'll die....<br />
i'll be waiting for the next chapter..
ohhh,,... I like the update :))<br />
Update soon :))))
SuShinTeuKey #5
OMG. Sorry about that. Haha. Maybe I was thinking of Minsun that time. Minsun is my Korean friend. I just used her name in this fic. Haha. Thank you for correcting me!
UPDATE SOOOON! <3 Kekeke~<br />
Oh, just one thing:<br />
In chapter 5, Jonghyun said "So... Minsun left already?" He asked innocently.<br />
Wasn`t it supposed to be Chin?<br />
That`s all! Hwaiting!
sweet_cupcakes #7
Omgggggawd I can't wait till u update moooar~!!!! <br />
I LOVE this!!!!!! <33 <br />
SuShinTeuKey #8
Hey guys. I'm really sorry for not updating yesterday. I'm preparing for a competition. Hope you understand.
Update soon :))))