The Last Confession

After Hayoung knew that she had concussion, she tried to call her friends to inform them about her disease. Unfortunately, nobody picks up her call. So she decided to go to her school, hoping she will meet her friends, maybe for the last time. Luckily, her school placed nearby from the hospital. 

After a few minutes, she finally arrived to the school, the school seems deserted. Hayoung feels curious about this situation, because it's a break time, the school used to be crowd. Hayoung entered the school gate, but suddenly the security comes to her. "Yah, what are you doing in here?" he asked. "I want to meet my friends," she replied. The security looks confused. Then he lets her in. Hayoung walked through the basement, but nobody's there. She thought the break time has finished, so she comes to her class. As she walked by, she doesn't see any students inside the room. And when her arrived in front of her class, she sighed. Yes, nobody's there. Hayoung entered the class, sits in her seat before. The class reminds her about how exciting her class was, when she could go to the school normally. She checked the notification board in her class. Unfortunately, today is the day off for the students, so they don't come to the school. Hayoung sighed as her head started to hurting again. 

Hayoung rips off some papers from one book that left in the class and writes something. Not long after that, Hayoung feels that her head hurts even more like usual.Hayoung still continues to writing something in those papers one by one. After she finished writing, she sits quietly in her seat as she grabs her head which still hurts. She gets up from her seat, and puts those papers inside some lockers. 


Hayoung lost her consciousness and fells off to the floor. The security who was walking around the school suddenly shocked when he finds Hayoung has fainted and bumped to a chair near her. 

When Hayoung has woken up, she finds herself layed in her bed in the hospital room. "Ah.." Hayoung sighed and grabs her head. "Why is it hurts even more?" Hayoung said. 

"Hayoung-a!" Her brother, Sehun; entered the room and sighed as he stared at Hayoung. Hayoung shocked when her brother enters the room suddenly. "Oppa-ya, why you look so panic?" Hayoung asked him. Sehun rolled his eyes. "Still asking why?" he said. Hayoung confused. "Do you know that you were fainted in the school?" he continued. Hayoung nodded. "Do you know that your condition is getting worse day by day? How dare you to go to the school alone?" Sehun worried. Hayoung only nods without even  saying one word. But then she just realized about what Sehun just said, 'your condition is getting worse day by day'. She bented as she thinks about her condition right now. But suddenly, she thinks about that one guy who Hayoung has put many of her efforts on, Kim Myungsoo. Thinking about that one guy who refused her. 

"I won't die early, right?" Hayoung asked Sehun. Sehun suddenly speechless when Hayoung asked like that. "No, you won't." Sehun replied her. But suddenly Sehun remembered the doctor's saying, 'her life depends on her disease, if her condition gets better, then she can recovered faster'. Sehun smiled, tries to convince her sister that she won't die early because of her disease. 

Hayoung texted Myungsoo, hoping that they will have their last conversation, even if it's indirectly.

Meanwhile Myungsoo...

"Hey, Myungsoo-ya, your girlfriend texted you!" Sungyeol gives Myungsoo's phone to him. Myungsoo confused, "What girlfriend?" he asked Sungyeol. "Hayoung-a. How can you forget her?" Sungyeol chuckled. Myungsoo smirked, and tells Sungyeol to ignore her text.

Myungsoo entered the class early morning, when nobody has arrived in the school yet. Myungsoo throws his bag wherever he wants, but suddenly his bag is thrown to Hayoung's seat. Myungsoo stared at her seat. "She doesn't come to school for a few months, where is she?" Myungsoo asked himself. But then he shakes his head, wondered why'd he just looking for her.

*beep beep*

his phone's ringing. Myungsoo checked his phone, and actually it's a call from his friend. Myungsoo ignores that call, and suddenly he opened his messages. He doesn't realize that Hayoung's text hasn't read by him yet. Myungsoo reads his old conversations with Hayoung as he laughed by himself. "She's a funny girl tho." he said. Suddenly, Naeun entered the class, and looks at Myungsoo who still laughed. "Yah, what are you doing?" she asked. Myungsoo shocked when he just realized that Naeun has come to the class. "Ah, nothing." he answered. Then he doesn't say anything. But actually, he's thinking of Hayoung. He misses their conversations before, but Myungsoo doesn't want to admit that he misses her. He refused Hayoung not because he doesn't like her, but because he decided to himself to not having a relationship with anyone yet.

After a while, Myungsoo's head is full of Oh Hayoung, the girl who was refused by him when she confessed her feelings to him. Myungsoo looks at Hayoung's friends who looked okay even if Hayoung's not in the school. Myungsoo approaches them, "Hey, where's Hayoung?" he asked. Bomi looks at him with a shocked face because Myungsoo suddenly looking for Hayoung. Bomi tells him that Hayoung is in the hospital because she's sick, but because Myungsoo thought it's only a usual illness, so he doesn't worry too much about her.

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EunmiLee #1
Chapter 4: Please don't make Hayoung die! Update soon ~
JyoungK #2
Chapter 4: Why do I have the Feeling that Hayoung going to Die aaaahhhhh!!!!! What is wrong with him can't he just accept her, Updated soon K I really want to know what happened Next.^^
sourjongie #3
Chapter 2: poor baby hayoungie;; love ths story omg
sourjongie #4
Chapter 1: HAYOUNGIE AND MYUNGSOO AGAIN YEAAAAA. i ship them too haha. update soon♡