The Last Confession

Hayoung entered the classroom as she approaches Myungsoo and pinches his cheek. "Hi, Myungsoo-yaa ~" she greets him. Myungsoo shakes his head as Hayoung slowly stops to pinch Myungsoo's cheek. "Aah, stop it." Myungsoo said while he suddenly holds Hayoung's hand and puts it away from his cheek. Hayoung chuckled because she thinks Myungsoo's reaction is cute. "Okay, okaay. You're cute anyway." Hayoung laughed and messed up Myungsoo's hair, but he only smiled.

Hayoung suddenly stops teasing him when Myungsoo smiled at her. "Ng?" Myungsoo looks at her, wondering why'd she stops messing up his hair. "Eh? What?" Hayoung shocked when she realized that Myungsoo just stared at her. "What?" Myungsoo looks at her as he showed his emotionless face. Hayoung shakes her head, wondering why'd she feels melted/? when Myungsoo shows his smile. "Ah, nevermind." Hayoung replied while Myungsoo only nods at her. "Err....the bell is ringing. Bye." Hayoung get back to her seat. 



*still reminded of his smile*

Ah, mwoya......

I just want to because he's cute, but I don't have any special feelings at all. I'm used to seeing his smile, even his laugh. 

But this morning.

Since that smile.

I feel something awkward.

No, I won't fall in love with him, he's not my type......................but he's 






he's nice at all, that's why he has some fangirls in our school, but at this time I think I won't fall for him.

but who knows.

"Oh Hayoung?" 

I shakes my head, "Eo?" I answered.

"Where do you looking at?" the teacher asked me. Good, now I don't know what should I say. Idk why but my eyes suddenly looked at Myungsoo, who's actually stared at me too. Well, I'm not melting right now because the other classmates stared at me too because of the teacher.

"Why don't you answer me?" the teacher asked me again. "Err..." I tried to say something but idk what it is. "Don't look at other things while I'm explaining the lesson, understand?" the teacher continued, so I just nodded. Hft. I looked at Myungsoo again, I thought he still looking at me but not.

*dding ddong*

Oh yeah, break time. 

I come to Naeun's seat and asked her to buy some foods in the canteen with Bomi and others. After we buy some foods, Naeun asked me to take a photo with Myungsoo. I was shy at first, but...well, okay then kkk. At least I'm not melted again when I remember his smile on last morning. "Closer, closer!" Naeun pushed my body and I suddenly hitted Myungsoo. "Oh, sorry." I said, he only nodded. I'm thankful because he doesn't show his smile like he did last morning. 

"Nah, good!" Naeun took a photo of me and Myungsoo. I approach her to see the photo, once again, I'm thankful because my face isn't that derp as usual. "Hahaha." someone's laughed with a deep voice. I turned around to see who it is, and well.....it's Myungsoo lol. I stared at him, but suddenly he turned his face at me. When he looks at me, I just realized this one thing:

He's gorgeous, even more than gorgeous.

"Hayoung-a, why'd you keep smiling?" Chorong asked me. "Did I?" I looked at Chorong, then idk why but I turned to Myungsoo again. "Err...yeah." she answered. I'm just chuckled, I won't say that I was looking at Myungsoo. 


*after school ends*

Hayoung goes home with Naeun today. "Myungsoo-ya?" Naeun said when she realized that Myungsoo and his friends walked behind them; Naeun and Hayoung. Hayoung who was walking normally/? suddenly coughed when she hears Myungsoo's voice from behind. "Ah, you." Myungsoo replied when he sees Naeun and Hayoung. "Where do you want to go?" Naeun asked him. "Me? I just want to go home." Myungsoo said as he continues walking, until he's standing right next to Hayoung. "Ah, Hayoung?" Myungsoo called Hayoung when he realized that Hayoung doesn't say anything since Naeun called Myungsoo. Hayoung turns her face to him, when they had an eye-contact, suddenly Hayoung's face gets red. "Hayoung-a, why does your face turned red?" Naeun asked when she looks at Hayoung. "Ah, my face always turned red when I'm overheated." Hayoung wags her hand in front of her face, acts like she's really overheated when actually she's too shy to look at Myungsoo's eyes, or even his face.

After a few minutes, Myungsoo and his friends walked to the different direction, so they don't walk together anymore. Hayoung who's eating her food, suddenly  choked when Naeun asked her, "Do you like Myungsoo?". Hayoung doesn't say anything, because she doesn't want anyone knows that she's actually liked Myungsoo. "Be honest with me. You can't lie to me, I knew the truth anyway~" Naeun continued. Hayoung sighed. "Err...Yeah." Hayoung finally answered honestly. Naeun chuckled. "But how do you know that I like him?" Hayoung asked her. Naeun smiled, "It showed from your reaction in front of him." she replied. "But don't tell anyone yet." Hayoung said, when Naeun just nodded. 

"Eomma, I'm home!" Hayoung yelled from the door when she just arrived in her home, but no answer yet. Hayoung sighed, then walks to her bedroom. "Ah, eomma must be going somewhere right now." Hayoung said when she realized that there's no one in the house except her. Hayoung lays down herself to the bed when she has nothing to do right now. 

*beep beep*

After a few seconds, her phone's ringing. Hayoung quickly takes her phone and checked it. "Ah..." she sighed when she realized that  it's only a notification from her phone. She throws her phone to the bed, hoping there's someone who will text her. Suddenly, her phone rings again. Hayoung thought it's just a message from her brother, Sehun, or others. After her phone is ringing several times, Hayoung finally checked her phone. How surprised she is when it's a text from Myungsoo, asking about the homework. Hayoung replied quickly. 

After a while, their chats become longer and longer, they talked about random things, although they don't know what they are talking about, they keep continue the chats, especially Hayoung. She keeps replying Myungsoo so the chats won't ended. They still close to each other, until one day....

"Hayoung-a, do you like Myungsoo?"

"Aah, she likes him!"

"Just look at their chats~"

"Omg both of you-"

Guess what, almost the whole class know that Hayoung likes Myungsoo, it was started when one of her friend, Jang Bohoo, secretly opened her phone and read their chats. When Dongwoo and Chorong hears about it, they started to tease Hayoung with those 'Myungsoo' things. And one day, her phone was hacked by someone, and 'that one' texted Myungsoo and confessed Hayoung's feelings from Hayoung's phone. Even if it was hacked, Hayoung and Myungsoo suddenly become awkward.


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EunmiLee #1
Chapter 4: Please don't make Hayoung die! Update soon ~
JyoungK #2
Chapter 4: Why do I have the Feeling that Hayoung going to Die aaaahhhhh!!!!! What is wrong with him can't he just accept her, Updated soon K I really want to know what happened Next.^^
sourjongie #3
Chapter 2: poor baby hayoungie;; love ths story omg
sourjongie #4
Chapter 1: HAYOUNGIE AND MYUNGSOO AGAIN YEAAAAA. i ship them too haha. update soon♡