You Are My Wings

Forever to Never (MBLAQ oneshots)

Hey Guys!  So the last poll was a close vote between G.O and Thunder so I decided to do G.O's story now and Thunder's will be next.  Hope you enjoy this story. :D


            I feel warm arms encircle my waist and I lean back as I close my locker door. 

            “Hey, I missed you this morning,” I say.

            “I know.  I had to take care of some business,” his voice is like honey and I turn around and put my arms around him, “What kind of business?  Why are you so mysterious?”  I pout as I look at him.  I love my boyfriend, G.O.  He won me over with his voice when he serenaded me in school but the guy is unbelievably secretive.  You would think being his girlfriend for six months would be a sure way to get into that personal circle of his, but no.  I still don’t know much about him.  I hardly even knew he attended this school until he entered my class one day.  Apparently he thinks he’s too cool for school.  He was really quiet.  Stayed in the corner of class and never participated.  He made himself as unnoticeable as possible.  But something drew me to him and when he sang to me I was under his spell. 

            “I have something for you,” he kisses me sweetly and when he pulls away, he has a light blue box in his hand, “I know it’s stupid but---“

            I quickly put my hand to his lips and take the box, “I’m sure I’ll love it not matter what it is.”  I open the box and see a silver white wing attached to a golden string, “I love it!” I quickly kiss him. 

            He pulls away and lowers the neck of his shirt, “I know it’s cheesy but I have one too.  It’s the other wing.”

            I quickly laugh as I take his hand, “Does this mean that you’re flying everyday you’re with me?”

            “Hmmm.  How about you’re the wings in my life?” G.O quickly kisses the top of my head as he leads me to his Rolls Royce.  Suddenly G.O freezes and he gets a faraway look.  I put my hand on his cheek to get his attention but he doesn’t move.  He doesn’t flinch. 

            “G.O?” I say silently. 

            He smiles at me reassuringly and grabs my hand in his, “Hey I know we were supposed to grab lunch but do you mind if we just---“

            I frown.  He was the one who planned on spending the whole day with me by skipping classes and now he wants to cancel and he won’t even tell me why. 

            “Hey,” he pulls a strand of my hair, “I know you’re disappointed but I realized I need to do something.  I’ll pick you up tonight okay?” he bends down and kisses me lightly but I immediately pull away.

            “What’s up with all this mysteriousness?  I’m your girlfriend!  Can’t you tell me what’s going on?” 

            He looks anxiously down at me and then to the sky, “I will.  But the only thing you really need to know is how much I love you.”  He smiles at me cutely and I can’t stay mad at him when he does cute aegyo. 

            “Tonight then,” I give a weak smile and turn away but he grabs me lightly by the wrist. 

            “Will you be okay?” he looks towards the school and stiffens when his eyes meet someone else’s. “Maybe I should call Seungho and tell him that I’m leaving.”  I follow his gaze and see my crazy ex-boyfriend staring at us from the other side of the parking lot.  That guy is crazy.  Not only was he possessive when we went out but he was also  paranoid whenever I hung out with friends.  He was jealous, very jealous.  I know he still loves me and that’s what freaks me out.  I catch him staring at me all the time.  G.O’s scared that the guy will attack me if he’s not there to protect me.

            I push him towards his car teasingly, “I’ll be alright.  I’ll call you later okay?”  G.O nods but he stays by his car, “I’ll walk you to class.” 

            G.O glares at my ex and putting an arm around me, leads me to class. 


            “Here we go,” G.O says as he lays a blanket down on a field, our field.

            I quickly sit on the blanket so it won’t move and he joins me within seconds.  He lies down and I quickly lay down on him as we both look up at the stars. 

            I snuggle into him and he puts his arms around me. 

            “I love looking at the stars,” he says.  He’s his wing necklace and I smile at him.  He likes such simple things. 

            I grab his muscular arm and trace the tattoo on it with my finger.  It’s a star within a circle.  It feels like a healing scar under my fingers; I can feel the imprint.  But G.O says it’s just a tattoo gone wrong.  It never pained him, but it did turn red sometimes under the sun. 

            He hugs me tighter and when I look up at him; his face is glowing under the starlight.  He looks so perfect in this moment.  He looks so peaceful, like he belongs here.  But I’m startled when I see tears fall from his eyes.

            I jump up slightly, “Why are you crying?” 

            “Nothing, I’m just so happy right now.” 

            I give him a puzzled look but put my head on his chest, “I love you.” I hear him say silently. 


            The next day I wait for G.O but he doesn’t show up before class like he usually does.  When I call him he doesn’t pick up.  I’m starting to get worried.  Does this have anything to do with why he was crying yesterday? 

            Suddenly I get a text and breathe a sigh of relief when I realize it’s from him, but quickly become dissatisfied when I see the text.

            Don’t go to the roof today.

            What the hell? What is that supposed to mean?  I think about it more and realize that maybe this is his way of telling me he wants me to go to the roof?  I quicken my steps and open the roof door screaming “G.O you have some explaining to do!” 

            But when I get there I feel like an idiot because of course he’s not up there.  I walk around the rood a few times to make sure he isn’t hiding from me, but based on G.O’s personality I highly doubt he would.  I’m about to turn back when suddenly I hear footsteps on the stairwell and then I see my ex-boyfriend enter the rooftop. 

            I back up, “What are you doing?” 

            “Don’t tell me you aren’t happy to see me?  Don’t you still love me?”

            I stay silent, unable to comprehend what is happening.  Will he hurt me?  Is he capable of something like that? 

            “I want you back,” he says getting closer to me, “I love you.” 

            “I…I…don’t feel the same way.  I love someone else.”  I back up and am almost to the edge of the rooftop. 

            “Don’t tell me you love that G.O guy,” he spit on the ground, “You’re going to be mine whether you want to or not.”  He gives a disgusting grin and lunges towards me.  I quickly dodge him but he grabs my leg.  I scream for help but I don’t think anyone can hear me. 

            “Why are you acting this way?  Can’t you see that we’re meant to be?”  He wrenches my leg and pulls me toward him.  I kick at him but his grip only tightens.  I can feel his nails digging into my feet.

            “Noooo.  Please!” I scream and I manage to kick him in the nose.  I quickly get up and head towards the door.  I hear him get up and just as I reach the door he pushes me.  I try to push him away but he’s stronger than me, “If I can’t have you, nobody will!” he screams at me and then he pushes me off the roof. 

            As I fall I don’t get the memory flashes of my life; it was too short for that.  I closed my eyes waiting for it to end when suddenly I felt myself being grabbed by warm arms and stop mid-fall.  I open my eyes and see G.O.  He’s carrying me and …OMG he has wings! 

            “What the G.O?”

            “I told you not to go on the roof,” G.O says.  I know he’s angry and disappointed in me but I can tell he’s more worried than anything.  I can see tears form in his eyes, “If I lost you, I don’t know what I’d do.”  I see his wings flap and we’re flying to the field we usually go to stargaze.  He puts me lightly down on the ground and I stare at him wide-eyed. 

            “I have to go back to attend to that man!” G.O’s voice is suddenly …I don’t know how to say this…accented.  He’s speaking in a more refined tone.  Like a god-like…I mean angel-like tone and his eyes are murderous.  They’re gold but a fiery gold.  His muscles are flexed and I can see his veins pulsing. 

            “Stay here,” he turns to me and then he flies off with his white wings. 

            I stay there at the field, completely mindless.  I mean I didn’t know what to think.  What just happened?  I don’t know how long I was there by myself.  But I gain my senses back when G.O returns.  He has tinted orange hands and his tattoo is glowing redder than ever. 

            A wind rustles and G.O looks around before turning to me with a worried glance.  He grabs my hands, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you what I was.” 

            “What—what are you?” I say.  The wind is getting more violent and there’s a little swirling funnel forming beside us.

            “I am…was your guardian angel.  I was supposed to protect you from him until you graduated, when he would’ve given up on you, but things didn’t work out that way.  I just need you to know that my feelings for you…I love you.” 

            “Wait.  What?” I’m still on GUARDIAN ANGEL!

            Suddenly in the swirling wind funnel appears someone who has bigger wings than G.O and only a cloth to block his private part.  This man’s body is statue-like and he’s glowing.  He has a wreath on his head and he’s looking at G.O like he wants to smite him. 

            “G.O you weren’t supposed to disintegrate him!” the man temporarily turns to stare at me, “And what is she doing here?  She’s seen you in your angel form?  Are you mad?”

            “I’m sorry.  I couldn’t let her die.  I love her,” G.O was on his knees as he looked up to the other angel. 

            The angel looked at him pitifully, “You were never supposed to love her!  Only to protect her!  You’re probably going to be severely punished for this.  Now get up.  We need to go.  Now!” he turns to me like he doesn’t know what to do, “I’m going to have to wipe her clean of every memory she has of this.”

            “No!  Does that mean I’ll forget G.O?” I find my voice and I run to G.O who’s still on the ground but he can’t look at me. 

            “Can’t we put a speech bind on her instead,” G.O says through teary eyes. 

            “Do you really think that’s a good idea?” the angel turns to G.O with daring eyes. 

            “G.O, what’s going to happen?  Where are you going?  Are you—“ 

            G.O gets up and puts his hands on my cheeks.  I hear the angel scoff but G.O ignores him.  “I need to put a speech bind on you, forbidding you from telling anyone about what you saw today.  I don’t know if it’ll prevent you from talking about me.  I don’t know what it’ll bind you from talking about,” he looks me in the eyes and I can see that they’re a clear blue now, “I’ll try to come back to you.  No matter what.  I’ll never give up.” 

            “G.O your time here on Earth is over!” the angel holds up a long golden stick and aims it threateningly at G.O. 

            And in a flash they’re both gone. 


3 years later. 


             G.O never came back to me after that night.  I would always go to our field and try to find him and his white wings but it was always hopeless.  Sometimes I would feel him watching me from just around the corner, but whenever I would turn, I would find nothing. 

            Then one day I was walking around Los Angeles and I saw a familiar face.  It looked so much like G.O that I found myself running to him as fast as I could.  I grabbed the person and was face to face with G.O.  I burst into tears and hugged him to me, “G.O.  It’s really you!” 

            He carefully pries me away from him and says in a confused tone, “I’m sorry.  I think you have me confused with someone else.” 

            “G.O, it’s me,” I desperately grab his hand but he moves it out of my grasp, “I’m sorry.  My name is Byunghee.  Not G.O.”  He looks at me with a warm but sorry expression, “I hope you find this G.O but I’m not him.” 

            “No please.  Please.  Don’t you remember me?” I took out the winged necklace he gave me years ago, “You gave me this.  You said that,” I fall down on the ground, too breathless to talk.  I see him touching a golden chain around his neck but he quickly stops when he sees me on the ground.    

            He pulls me up cautiously, “Are you okay? Maybe I should get you to a hospital—“ his hand grazes my necklace and suddenly his grip on me tightens and he brings me into a hug. 

            “G.O?” I say silently, melting into his embrace. 

            “I remember,” he says silently and he pulls me away so he can look me in the eyes, “I said I would find a way to get back to you,” and then he kisses me. 


G.O had lost his wings.  


Yay! G.O oppa finally gets his own story :P  and to clear any confusion the ex was a random person so don't get any ideas *cough* Ces *cough* that it might be an mblaq member or another idol XD. 

G.O: You made me an angel :D  I know you think this way of me


G.O: thank you thank you for those  who voted for me.  i'm not that good at aegyo so what should I do?  I will show you my good looking pictures. 


Oppa you really are wasting my space here!

G.O: I'm just showing my appreciation!!! But really saranghae!  you love me too :D haha at least more than muscle pabo and our bang puppy :P 

Joon:  Why isn't anyone voting for me?  Do you want me to take off my shirt?  I'll do it!  Please vote for me please!!!!!

Mir: I haven't advertised yet but please vote for me!  I don't want to lose to all my hyungs!  I'm the adorable maknae!  *pouts*

Thunder:  Thank you for voting for me <33333 I love you all!!!! *gives hugs*  And I will show my aegyo.  I might be y now but i haven't lost my cutely charm :)

  please read the next story with me in it :D

While the maknae line were talking G.O made me post this hilarious video of 4/5 MBLAQ members performing Stay.  G.O oppa you are very funny in this!

*G.O smiles proudly*

Anyway next story is the adorable THUNDER OPPA!  So stay tuned for that.  That means there are only two people left! (I'm excluding G.O for the next poll but he'll be back on it after that)  The poll this time is a little different cuz in addition to a mir or joon story you can vote for a joomi story :D (for those of you who are joomi fans like me) haha but please vote either way or those two will kill me. 


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Congratulations on being featured!
Iminthezone #2
congratulations on the random feature!
Chapter 8: Oh please... this one is really good.......
G.O >///<
the cheesy angel :p
Chapter 5: ughhh god damn it....I come here to read a sweet story about mir and you give me a freaking sad story in which he died T___T why you do that!?!? it was so sad (and cute)...
Chapter 14: Iove this chapter <3 sad ending but i love the idea of spending days with ex angel G.O :') good job author nim :3
Monsterz_Rawr #7
Chapter 17: I'm gonna miss these since they were always so good :)
Enjoy Korea ~
Chapter 5: Right in the feels TT.TT
Chapter 16: I really enjoy this and if you have began to do a series I would love to read it. ♥