Promises Are Made To Be Broken

Forever to Never (MBLAQ oneshots)

           “Stop making everything such a big deal,” Thunder whined from the bed.  He was sitting up and gently grabbed my hand with a pout on his face.  I force a smile onto my face before lightly pushing his forehead so he’d fall back into the bed. 

            “It’s your birthday, Thunder.  How can you not make a big deal of it?”  I pout at him and he grins at me.  He can’t resist my aegyo.  Would you call pouting aegyo??? Well if that’s aegyo he would really get K.Oed if I actually tried. 

            “You know I’d rather just spend the day here with you,” he turns around in bed with his back facing me and I know he’s in one of his mood swings. 

            I slowly put my foot into one of my boots and hop over to his side of his bed so I can look into his face.  I almost stumble over a small CVS bag that still had migraine pills in it.  Looking around the room, I start cursing.  The room is cluttered and disorganized.  The trash is over piled and clothes are strewn all over the place.  It feels stuffy and the blinds are drawn.  Yeah this is a problem. 

            “You should celebrate your birthday with the people who love you.  I love you, but it’s a bit selfish to keep you all to myself isn’t it?” I look him in the eyes and I see them soften.  He pulls out one of his hands from underneath the blanket and caresses it against my cheek. 

            “Fine.  But nothing big.  It’s just a birthday.”  He turns his face to the pillow and sighs. 

            “Babo,” I say softly.  I rub circles on his back, “It’s the day you were born.  It’s my favorite day because I get to celebrate you.”

            Thunder’s body shakes and I can tell he’s probably laughing at me. 

            “You’re really something.” I hear him muffle the words and he turns his face to me again.  He’s smiling and he takes my hand.  His hand feels big and nice around mine but at the same time they’re a bit cold.  But it’s okay, because my hands can make them warmer. 

            Without warning he tugs at my hand and I fall onto him on the bed. 

            “Thunder, really I need to go.” My mind is running a mile a minute.  I have to think about decorations and people and the food I still need to buy.  I mean I already pre-planned this party but it doesn’t mean I can just stay in bed all day and let the other party planners do all of the work.  How in the world can I trust Joon and Mir to make this day perfect?  I mean they probably wouldn’t mind organizing the party and they’re not completely useless.  They actually get a lot work done when I ask them to do something for me or Thunder but when they’re together it’s…CHAOS!   

            “Hey who’s the birthday boy?” Thunder puts his arms around my waist, securing me to him. 

            I can feel his steady heartbeat and wonder if he can feel how fast mine is beating.

            “I don’t know. Maybe someone who is a stubborn mule?” I put my hands on his chest so I can push myself up off of him but he quickly leans forward and kisses me on the lips. 

            “Stay with me for a few minutes,” Thunder looks pleadingly in my eyes and I agree.  I lay my head on his chest contentedly.  Who knows how many more moments like this we will have? 


            I run into the kitchen and grab a bag of chips.  There are so many people here!  I’ve been running around everywhere since the party started.  The punch bowls need re-filling.  There were spills on the carpet, the toilet paper is missing, the music is too boring.  There were so many problems at the moment. 

            I feel hands rest on my shoulder and hold me in place. 

            “Stop running around like you need something to do.  The party is great.” 

            I turn around and see Thunder’s ex-roommate and best friend G.O jump onto the kitchen counter. 

            “You should be with Thunder right now.  He can live without you for only so long before going insane,” he turns his head back so he can see the doorway to the living room, “he’s probably running around like a headless chicken right now.”  

            I turn away from G.O and open one of the cabinets to take out a bag of chips, but G.O jumps off the counter and pushes the cabinet door closed before my hand can grab the bag.  I look down as I draw my hands back.  Why are they shaking?  

            “There are six bags of chips on the table.  The punch bowl is full.  You don’t need to do anything right now.  Stop.”

            “I can’t,” I look down, “I need something to do.”

            “What you need to do is be with him,” G.O gently tugs at my chin so I can look at him.  I can see understanding in them and sadness. 

            “Am I interrupting something?”

            Me and G.O break apart immediately and I look at the doorway where Thunder is using the doorway to support himself.  I run to him and hug him. 

            “I was just telling her that she should be with the birthday boy,” G.O said as he walked over to Thunder.  He clapped him on the back in a loving way.   

            “And not the best friend?” Thunder snapped.  G.O looked shocked but he didn’t get the chance to react because Thunder was grabbing me by the hand and dragging me out of the room. 

            I thought he would let me go once we reached the living room where all the guests were, but he kept on going until we reached the staircase and started stomping up them. 

            “Hey, you guys can do that once we leave,” I turn when I hear Mir and see Joon go over and put an arm around his best friend, “Nah, let them have their time together.”


            We enter our bedroom and Thunder sits down on the bed and puts his face in his hands. 

            He looks pale and lost.  I immediately sit down beside him and start massaging his shoulders.  I want to say something comforting, anything to wipe that frown off of his face but I’m in shock myself.  Thunder’s always been an optimistic sunny smiling ball of sunshine.  To see him like this.  What can I do? 

            “I’m scared,” he takes his head out of his hands and looks at me.  He tucks one of my stray strands of hair behind my ear and then touches my cheek, “I’m scared that you’ll leave me.”

            I grab his hand and hold it to my heart, “You feel that?  This belongs to you.  I’m not going to leave you.”

            Thunder smiles, “Sometimes I think it’s better if you do.”  He looks at me earnestly, “I’m not going to stay like this forever.” 

            Forever.  Something strikes me when he says that and I look away because I feel like tears will start spilling out.  And the one thing we promised each other was we would never cry. 

            There is a knock on the door and it opens.

            G.O pokes his head in, “Are you in your birthday suit, Thunder?”

            Thunder laughs, “You wish.”

            G.O walks in and gives a weak smile to me before looking back to Thunder.  He has his hands in his pockets and a guilty look on his face.  He looks like a little kid who knows he did something wrong. 

            Thunder gets up and immediately puts an arm around him, “I’m sorry about earlier.”  He looks over to me and swallows, “I know you’re always there for her.  I shouldn’t have reacted like that.  I just….”

            G.O claps him on the back, “She’s like my sister.  I’ll always protect her and be there for her, but never in that way.” 

            “I’m glad you’ll be here for her though,” Thunder grabs my hand and pulls me to him, “Someone needs to be.”

            “Hey! You don’t think I can take care of myself?”

            “I don’t want to even think about it,” Thunder nuzzled my nose with his, “You’d probably be the most reckless person on earth!  The world would probably end!”

            “Hey!” I snap back, “What are you trying to imply?”

            G.O looked at our exchange and started backing away, “Maybe I’ll leave you two alone.  If this is going to turn into a love fight…”  He started to leave but he felt Thunder put his hands on his shoulders, forming a train as I put my hands around Thunder’s waist.

            “I would want nothing more than to stay in bed and sleep all day, but I have people who are here for me.  I should go down there and entertain my guests with my overwhelming greatness.”

            “Well it’s your party, you can do whatever you want,” G.O looked back and then started walking out of the room with us following behind him. 


            “Thanks for holding this party,” Thunder whispered into my ear.  I turn to look at him and was surprised when I saw tears in his eyes.  I quickly wipe at them.

            “You made a promise.”

            He grabs my hand, “I know, but…” He stops and wipes at my eyes, “You’re breaking the promise too.”

            I touch my cheeks and feel that they’re wet.   

            “I don’t want to go.  I’m going to miss this.  I’m going to miss you.”

            I sniff and push my head against his chest.  The guests are trying hard not to look at us; the perfect couple, the doomed lovers.  Most of the guests are starting to cry too. 

            Thunder straightens and looks at everyone. 

            “Hey guys!  No need to cry! I’m not dead yet!  I promised I wouldn’t cry so please don’t either.  I want to live my last few months happily.  If I see you guys like this, then how can I be happy?  I’m surrounded by the people I love.  I can’t be happier right now!” 

            He’s lying; obviously.  At least partly.  How can he be happy?  How can he be happy when he only has a few months to live?  He has a cancer that’s going to take him away from us.  A cancer that doesn’t show that much right now, but nevertheless it’s slowly killing his immune system.  And it’s going to get worse in the following days, weeks, months.  How can he be happy knowing that this will be the last birthday he’s going to experience?  That almost anything he does now will be the last “lasts” of almost everything.    

            But it’s obvious why he’s like this.  Thunder is that happy smiling ball of sunshine that all of us have known so well.  He serves to make others warm. He gives off heat and happiness because that’s what he does.  He likes to be a small light for anyone who needs a little cheering up in their lives. And that’s what he is to me.  He’s my light.  He’s my sun.  He’s the guy who saved me from the dark, and one day the light will go off.  But until then, I’ll enjoy everything that I can take from my happy smiling ball of sunshine.  


okay guys don't hate me for this story!!!!  but this had to be sad cuz each member has to have a sad story in this serires.   I wanted to update on Cheondung's birthday so bad (10/7) but I had midterms and my schedule hasn't allowed me to update at all.  Seriously my last update was september 3 which was before i started school.  So this is a late Cheondung birthday story??? But also MBLAQ's third year anniversary is tomorrow!!!  I'm so happy for them!  I hope they become closer, more popular and stay just as awesome!  However i do think J.Tune needs new marketers cuz MBLAQ could be appreciated a lot more! 

OMG there are two more oneshots to go!!! will u guys miss this story when it ends?? 




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Congratulations on being featured!
Iminthezone #2
congratulations on the random feature!
Chapter 8: Oh please... this one is really good.......
G.O >///<
the cheesy angel :p
Chapter 5: ughhh god damn it....I come here to read a sweet story about mir and you give me a freaking sad story in which he died T___T why you do that!?!? it was so sad (and cute)...
Chapter 14: Iove this chapter <3 sad ending but i love the idea of spending days with ex angel G.O :') good job author nim :3
Monsterz_Rawr #7
Chapter 17: I'm gonna miss these since they were always so good :)
Enjoy Korea ~
Chapter 5: Right in the feels TT.TT
Chapter 16: I really enjoy this and if you have began to do a series I would love to read it. ♥