The Princess and the Bodyguard

Forever to Never (MBLAQ oneshots)


So sorry that this story is really only a short drabble but it was the best I can come up with.  I'm studying abroad in Korea so I don't think I would've been able to update this story, so I'm finishing with a short drabble.  It's still sweet so I hope you like it!  


            I my lips in concentration as I lock onto my target.  The deer lowers its head to eat some grass.  The perfect target.  I bend my arm back.  I feel resistance as the arrow moves against the bowstring. 


            My hand slips and my arrow flies a few feet in front of me and then falls.  I turn around angrily as I see my “bodyguard” clad all in black walk up the hill to reach me.  He pushes aside a branch and ducks swiftly underneath it. 

            “You shouldn’t be out here, Your Highness,” he grabs my hand and begins dragging me back down the hill.

            “Hey!” I slap his hand away and go back to my fallen arrow.  The deer was long gone.  I put the arrow in the arrow pouch attached to my back and push the boy in front of me, “Joon, you .”

            He quickly chuckles and throws a twig at me, “You know you’re not supposed to cross the boundaries.”

            I shake my head, “The more exciting animals are beyond the boundaries.”

            Joon stops and holds tighter onto my hand, “I’m serious, Princess.  You know there’s a war going on.  You’re not supposed to go out by yourself.  You might be kidnapped and then what will the kingdom do without you?”

            I flick a stray bang away from his face.  He has a mask covering his mouth, a sign that he is a servant of the royal house. 

            “I have you.  I know you wouldn’t let anything happen to me.”

            “Of course I won’t,” he leans towards me and I can see into his eyes.  I immediately feel warm to my feet, “But you don’t make it easy for me do you, Your Highness?”

            I grin at him and stride forward, my hand still in his, “Well if I didn’t I wouldn’t be me, would I?”

            Joon smiles and tugs me back so we can walk at a more comfortable pace.  I’ve walked a long way from my castle so the walk takes about an hour to get back.  With a horse, it would take maybe half the amount of time. 

            We walk in a comfortable silence for a few minutes.  I’ve known Joon my whole life.  We grew up together.  He actually comes from one of the royal families in our kingdom.  It was his choice to become my bodyguard.  When he was 16, instead of going into military training like all the other boys his age, he appointed himself my bodyguard.  Having a bodyguard was outrageous at the time.  We were in a peaceful nation; we had no enemies.  But it was an excuse for him to be around me all the time.  My father thought it was a good idea so he made Joon my personal bodyguard. 

            Joon was a skilled warrior and fighter. He combated well with a sword and he would be a good bodyguard for a helpless princess.  But I’m not a helpless princess. I can fend for myself; my specialty is the bow and arrow.  Joon and I often go out hunting and fight each other just for fun.  I don’t need a bodyguard and he knows that, but it’s the only way we can spend time together. 

            “One day when the war’s over, can we just get away?” I ask as I jump over a pond.  He jumps over it too and quirks an eyebrow at me.

            “Where would we go?”

            “I don’t know.  Just away.  Across the sea?  Visit another nation?  There’s so much out there that we don’t know.   So many things we can do and see.”

            I see his eyes crinkle at the corners and can tell he’s smiling, “You’re really something, Princess.  There’s no other girl like you around.”

            I stop and pull him towards me, “Is that why you love me?”

            He stops and I can see his cheeks slowly turn red, “I love you for being you.  And I would love you no matter who you are or what you do.” 

            I pull him forward and slowly lower his mask, “And I love you too, Joon.  You might be my bodyguard, but in my eyes you will always be my prince.” 

            Our lips meet in a soft yet passionate kiss and I can tell that we’re going to be alright.  We will get through this war and we will have a bright and adventurous future.        



Hey guys!!! 

I'm so sorry if this last chap was bad but like i said in the above note, I'm probably going to give up writing for a while.  At least until I get settled in Korea.  I promised to finish the story and I thought it would be better to finish it with a short drabble instead of keeping it on hiatus until I go back to writing.  

So this is the end of my Forever to Never oneshots!!! It's been a long and great journey.  I love all my subscribers and commentors who still read this story even with the slow updates.  These stories are really important to me and I've enjoyed writing every single one.  Honestly out all of the stories (including my other AFF stories) that I've written the last Seungho one is my absolute favorite story.  And I also enjoyed writing the G.O angel story as well.

I"ve had a great time writing these stories and I hope you enjoyed reading them.  Thanks everyone for the support and I love you all!!! 

Bye Yeom 

Toshi Out <3 


For those of you who would like a copy of my whole series or a few certain chapters, I can give you a downloadable PDF especially made for you.  Just PM your email and which chapters you would like!!!! 


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Congratulations on being featured!
Iminthezone #2
congratulations on the random feature!
Chapter 8: Oh please... this one is really good.......
G.O >///<
the cheesy angel :p
Chapter 5: ughhh god damn it....I come here to read a sweet story about mir and you give me a freaking sad story in which he died T___T why you do that!?!? it was so sad (and cute)...
Chapter 14: Iove this chapter <3 sad ending but i love the idea of spending days with ex angel G.O :') good job author nim :3
Monsterz_Rawr #7
Chapter 17: I'm gonna miss these since they were always so good :)
Enjoy Korea ~
Chapter 5: Right in the feels TT.TT
Chapter 16: I really enjoy this and if you have began to do a series I would love to read it. ♥