Day 4 ; Day 5

Get Dumped


"So did you hear about that rumour?" Kyuri asked me while walking to our table at the cafeteria. I raised my eyebrows. "Rumour? theres alot..." We sat down at our table.

"I heard Luhan's getting familiar with the soccer team manager. They eat lunch together, go home together, everything." 

"The manager...... ah! her? no way~ she really dislikes Luhan. She's always giving him glares from far away" I noded to myself. In the same time, i couldn't help to feel an unpleasent feeling in my chest.

"Who knows? theres only a fine line seperating love and hate. For all we know, she might be those girls who dont know how to properly express their love."

Kyuri... you're supposed to make me feel better, nor make me feel worst.

"Aish, i dont want to forcefully alter the situation to be out of my favour. Just eat your food okay?" To be truth, i was slightly annoyed.

Now that Kyuri pointed it out, i can't stop thinking about it. Its true that they always treated each other specially. Also the manager's really pretty with a nice body. Maybe theres no feeling involved, but instead... a desire?! No no dont think that way! Believe in them! Yeah, Luhan cant be like that!

"Pfft, seeing your facial expression changed is really amusing. Cant get your mind off, huh?" She laughed. "If you think about it, hes not really cheating because pretty much the whole school sees you two as done."

"K-kyuri.. technically, we still havent broken up yet. Its not official. Please believe me for once." I stab my lunch meat with a fork. "I'll get him back with that date!" I did a pump fist and the whole student at the cafeteria looked at me weirdly.

"Sorry to break to break it to you, but things dont look so good for you right now. Step up your game okay?"

"Of course! im not going to let go of this one miracle that happend to me."

"Good, thats the spirit. I look forward to a good fight. Anyways, i have to go to a club meeting. See ya" We waved each other and she left the cafeteria. 

"Hehe, i like today's menu. Its one of the few cafeteria food im not tired yet" I smiled.

"So yummy.."



"Its bothering me."

Im must've look like a weirdo talking to myself but curiousity always gets me. I really want to know their relationship now. But how can i find out?

"Even though it might hurt more saying directly.. Its still best to ask the person in question, instead of hearing rumors that float around"


"Luhan, theres someone here for you!" Luhan turned around trying to find that someone.

"Hey!" i beamed.

I could feel everyone's attention suddenly direct to me. The silence contributed to the tension that passed throughout the room. It was almost unbearable

W-wow, asking in this atmosphere is kind of.. they must want to see how our relationship is now that we're almost on the verge of break up. Still, isn't it a bit too much that everyone is now dead silent?! You're all making it so obvious!

"Ahra? what brings you here?" He walked towards me with his hand in his pants pocket.

Should i tell him to come outside or just say it here out loud?? Considering what im about to ask, neither can prevent bad rumors abput me from spreading. No matter what, i'll only seem like a desperate to-be-ex

"Um.. today's weather is great isn't it?" i let an awkward smile followed by an awkward laugh


Im having trouble weather to say it here or not. I can't even stay still. Luhan looked at me and seem to understood.

"I'm buying a drink, want to come?"

"Good, im thirsty too!" i smiled and follow Luhan out from the classroom.

Thank god Luhan brought this up. Now i can ask outside without seeming suspicious!

"So what did you want to say to me?" He stared at me. "Well, uh.. i heard this rumor about you and the team manager.."

"You believed in those?"

He seems upset. Well, judging by his reaction, its not true after all.

"No, of course not. I just wanted to let you know what kinds of things people say about you" I tried to cover up. "Oh, then yeah, i've heard of that one. Its crazy isnt it? She hates me so much, she's probably cursing at everyone by now"

"Yeah.. i can imagine." i sighed in relief. "I'll buy you a drink, what kind do you want?"

Of course i already know that its coke. But he doesnt know that i know so..

"Its fine, im not thirsty" He smiled.

"Oh, well im thirsty" I pressed at the machine for some orange juice then i began to froze. "Whats wrong?"

"Could you... lend me some 2 cents?"

"Pfft, hahaha! i didn't think this could actually happend in real life" I hung my head in shame as Luhan threw the cents in the vending machine. "Thanks.."

Aishh why do i always do lame things when Luhan is around?!

"Anyways, for get about the rumors. They're just there to entertain people"

As soon as i got home, i went to sleep. I felt very drained from everything and just needed some rest


"Ahra, wait up!" I turned around to find a girl running towards me. 

She panted heavily. "I organized a group date and i was wondering if you want to come"

"Huh? you're asking me?"

Does she think me and Luhan broke up already?

Thinking those thoughts made me sad. It was like no one had faith in our relationship.

I sighed. "Um, lets set this straight--"

"Michi, think about the offer" Kyuri said suddenly popping from god knows where

The girl took a step backward. Kyuri was infamously popular for her beauty and sharp tongue, it was no wonder she was scared

"Um.. w-would you like to come too?" she stuttered, looking nervous "Hm, i'll see"

Well, i don't have much homework tonight so the timing of this event is pretty good... But i could also doing many things with my time. Oh! i just remembered that Luhan's game was today

"Sorry, i can't go today" i apologized to her, feeling a bit guilty. "Aw, thats too bad"

With that, she left to ask other girls around.

"Kyuri, you're going to have to go home alone today"


I smiled "I'm going to watch Luhan's soccer game"

"But doesn't he not want you to go? usually he'd invited you, but this time he didn't" I forced a smile. "Who knows? He might've forgotten. Anyways i must go.. its my duty as his girlfriend, even if i have to hide to watch"

"Tell me how its goes" She patted my head

The game had already started when i arrived. I searched left to right for Luhan but i couldn't find him.

"Where is he?" my eyes kept searching for him. I scanned the court multiple times to make sure

Then i saw him sitting on a bench.

What?! Luhan's a benchwarmer? why is he not playing?

The team manager approache him with a towel and sat down beside him. Feeling a slight of jealousy. i slowly tiptoed over to a nearby tree behind them and strained my eyes to try to hear their conversation.

??? this doesn't sound like soccer-related talk!

Right then, i felt a soft impact on my head. I raised my hand to the top of my head to touch it and i couldn't believe what it was

"Aaah-" i jumped from behind the tree. Luhan and the team manager glanced over

"Ahra... are you okay?" Luhan spotted me. "B-bird.."


i was about to say it but then i saw the basketball manager glancing over

"Uh.. its nothing ha ha. I was just oassing by and a bird startled me" i tried to cover my head by scratching it. "Haha, you're easily scared, its a bit cute. But this is an unusual place to pass by, where are you going?"

"... ..." 

He's right... this field's so secluded that theres pretty much nowhere you can go by passing by through here. Oh man-- what do i say. I don't want him to think im following him around but.. Ah, forget it. Any longer and the poop might get stuck to my hair


"Could it be that you came to see me play?" he cut my words

"Yeah.." i admitted.

"I hurt my ankle yesterday so i can't play. Sorry, eventhough you came all this way to watch me. But that aside, you don't need to come to my games anymore"

I-is this a final break up? Preparation for break up?

"Go home before it gets dark. Its dangerous for girls to walk alone at night." He smiled. "Yeah. i'll go now"

I ran to the girls change room and turned the showers on

Its like Luhan's pushing me away.. I can feel us drifting apart. He's already set the broadline between us

I curled up in the showers as loneliness came over me. I think i cried a little but i wan't sure. The water washed away all my tears. The bird poop, however, didn't budge. It was a long time before i got out of the shower. When i went outside, it was dark already

I was suprised to find that Luhan was waiting for me outside.

"I saw you run in, but you didn't come out. Here, i'll walk you home"


"I told you before right? its dangerous"

That night, Luhan walked me home. It felt like the old days, but something was different. He kept his distance and there was awkwardness between us.

Kyuri.. i really don't know how much hope i have left



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BangtansFam #1
Chapter 4: OMG!!! BIRD POOP!! * freaks out and runs everywhere*
Luhan is so mean... TT^TT
I wonder why he dumped me/OC...?
EmemisthebestI #2
Chapter 4: Luhan wtf is wrong with u
Chapter 4: lmaoo the bird pooped hahahahha
This story sounds really similar to a visual novel that I have played before, which is also titled "Get Dumped"...
It might have been the story you gotten an idea from. I loved that story, so I am definitely going to read yours! :)
isabella021402 #5
Chapter 3: Interesting~~
Chapter 2: UPdate soon authornim i want to know what will happen next!!!
Chapter 2: Daebak!!!!
JiaYouO #8
Chapter 1: Luhan. I'm gonna slap u :>
im excited to read this! update soon