
Get Dumped

"Hah... so glad its lunch, i was getting embarassed of the dying whale noises my stomach is making" sighing, i began rubbing my tummy

"Ahra, wait!"

"Huh? Kyuri? whats up?" i turned around to find Kyuri is running towards me. "I dont really think i want to hear the answer to this.. but how'd you do on your mock exams?"

"Ah that? i bombed it hahaha~ i really might've reach a new personal record with this" i did a fist pump and winked at her. She looked at me while shaking her head

"Thats expected. How can you not study at all for this? At this rate, you seriously might fail and repeat this year"

"Woa Kyuri, you're actually worried for me? Dont be so concerned~ i'll bring it up in no time!"

"Concerned? As if. I just dont want to be the best friend of a person who willingly repeated a year" She rolled her eyes and flipped her hair. "Wah, so mean!" I faked a sob "Its alright, i will stick by you closer than eve if that happends" flashing my eyesmile, i hugged her tightly

Eventhough Kyuri's words may be harsh, i know she worries about me. Still, it wont be hurt to be a little less blunt about things

"Hey, Ahra? you're going to the rooftop again?"

"Of course, see you later~" Waving my hands goodbye, i hurried to the rooftop. "Seriously, how can a friend not worry?!?! i feel uneasy about this"

See? i knew it. I've known her for years so i understand her

"Geez, its because of Kyuri that i have such a thick skin. But i guess thats not an entirely bad thing"

Arrived at the rooftop, i scanned the place. It felt refreshing up here. Taking a deep breath, i continue to find a certain someone

"Hes not here yet huh?"

Hi there! my name is Goo Ahra, just an average high school girl.
Well, at least untill i confessed 6 months ago.
The upperclassman that i could only admire from afar since my freshmen year had miraclously agreed to date me.
Now im blissfully living life as his girlfriend

A sound came from a corner of the roof. I walked over to see what it was.

"Ah.. not here.." I heard a girl moaned

"Its okay, no one comes here anyways. Lets be naughty" feeling disgusted and slightly annoyed, i decided to say something "Hey, sorry to interrupt, but could you please leave?" The girl seems shocked and quickly fixed her uniform and hair. "What-- who the heck are you?!" Her boyfriend seem pissed off. 

"Thats not important, Its just that i need this place to have a peaceful nice lunch with my boyfriend"

"Hey, do you wanna die? we came here first!"

"Ah, geez.. im running out of time. Bro, i asked nicely but now you're just testing my patience" i tried to control my anger, by forcing a smile "What are you going to do if he came and saw you slobbering all your saliva over this girl? leave and save his eyes"

"You're so rude, girl"

"Hah! i'll bet you'll do the same with your boyfriend. Hypocrite"

"Im not indecent like you guys, so theres no way--" The boy grabbed my collar. "You think i'll go easy on you because you're a girl??-- Argh!" He screamed in pain as he grabbed his shin, where i kick him as hard as i could

"Seriously, get lost" I said it. "Ahra?" i gasped "Luhan..."


I weakly smiled at my boyfriend, Luhan, who stood there frozen

Oh no, when did he get there? did he sees it? ugh why did he had to come now?!?! im going to cry..

"Hm.. seems like the rooftoop is already pre-occupied."

"Y-yeah.. it would be rude to interude others, so lets eat at the cafeteria today" i smiled then i heard the boy shouting at me. "You!" before i could say anything, i quickly grabbed Luhan's arm and led him down the cafeteria

He didnt see, he didnt see, he didnt see

I chanted it over and over again in my head to comfort myself

"Ah- hey, watch out!" I tripped over a garbage can and he caught me just in time. "Are you okay? you should be more careful when you're walking" He said while fixing my hair. "Ah yes.. thank you" feeling a little embarassed, i thanked him

"Tch, showing off? just because she got a little lucky"

Ugh here it is... i can hear you from miles away

"I know right? what underhanded methods did she use to get him?"

"God, i cant stand looking at her, shes too ugly. I bet she makes the mirror crack"

Guys... cant you at least put in effort to think of better insults? that ones so old and overused

"Arent you guys talking to loud?" Luhan seems to noticed those girls, and suddenly spoke. "If you're not happy with my taste of choices, feel free to bring it up with me. Talking behind other people's back is cowardly" Theres was a silence.. "Fine. You wanted it so let me just be blunt here. Why her? shes so below your level. I have to strain my neck down to see her"

You--   are you implying that im much below than you too? i admit im not the best looking, but you're not much better!

"Hey, do you eat kiwi because it looks good?

H-hey! did you just agreed with them that im ugly?!

"I dont judge your taste of fruits, so you shouldn't judge me on my choices of girls okay?" They groaned and pulled their hair because of frustration. "Stop it. we're attracting attention.. plus, we're getting hated by Luhan"

"Do what you want i don't care anymore!" she took her purse and swiftly left the cafeteria

Good, dont care. I'd rather have it that way

"Sorry, you must have to endure this type of treatment alot because of me" I can see his eyes were guilty. "Nah, its totally fine, Im a strong person, Plus, i'll always have at least one friend.. Kyuri"

Thats right! thank you Kyuri for teaching me to have a thick skin!

We sat down at an empty table. The commotion we had just now made us the centre of attention.

Or maybe its just Luhan's usual popularity, Just for the record, hes perfect no matter how you look at him. Handsome face, good grades, excellent athelics, you name it. He has it. Not only that, hes also nice and funny. Even as his girlfriend, its hard to find any faults. Truth is, hes way out of my league. Being here beside him is truly miracle

"Oh yeah, i heard you guys got your mock exams scores back. How was it?" He asked while sipping his juice box. "Could've been better ha ha. But its just a mock so im not panicking yet. I'll do better on the real one! Oh by the way, congratulation on winning your game yesterday!" I quickly changed the topic. "You watched? how about your extra class?"

I kindda skipped it and got a huge lecture when i got home

"Its alright~ it got cancelled last minute" I played with my juice box "Again? its so weird.. that happends every time i have a game. What a coincidence" Luhan scratched his not-itchy-head. "Nah, my extra class's pretty relaxed so they cancel often. Anyways, i made you a special lunchbox with all your favourite food in celebration! Tada~" I put the lunchbox on the table and opened it. "Really? you didnt have to, but wow! thanks!" i took an eggroll and held it above my hand using chopsticks

"Say ah~" He chuckled

"Ah~" My heart melted. I could never tired of this. "This is really good!" he showed me two thumbs up. "Im so happy to hear that"

Im glad that i woke up at 3am to nag my mom to make it

Luhan continued to eat enthusiastically. I smiled as i watched him Girls from around glares as they watched me.

"Ahra, you're not going to eat?" He looked at me. "Ah, im on a diet.. recently i've been feeling all the flab around my stomach, you know?"

"A diet? but you're fine the way you are" i blushed a little at the comment. He said it so simply and innocently. "Its a girl thing.." Luhan come closer to me and held up his chopstick. "Its a human thing to eat. Here" He gave me the chopstick and pushed the lunchbox towards me. "Its alright. I'll just get some cafeteria bread. I havent eat them in ages!" I walked over the food counter and stare longingly at the food. I sighed

"Like i have any money..." My parents stop giving me allowence when they found out i bought a bottle of soju by accident

I have to restort to using lunch money to buy the nice clothes i wear on dates

As i was standing there for show. I felt something plopped on my head. "Melon bread and scones please" i titled my head to find Luhan is paying for my lunch. I smiled meekly "Thanks Luhan.."

I dont know what i'd do without him. He's always like a prince on a white horse coming to save me

"Ah, that reminds me. I have something to tell you" I stared at him feeling excited and nervous at the same time. "Uh.. i dont think i should say it here"

Kyaa~ is he going to ask me out in public but to shy for it? let me just give him some encouragement!

"No, no~ say it here. Its okay!" 

"Lets break up"



[A/N] Uh.. i think its going to be like a Four-shot? or maybe Five-shot? o u o idk. Its only the beginning! tell me what'd you think of!





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BangtansFam #1
Chapter 4: OMG!!! BIRD POOP!! * freaks out and runs everywhere*
Luhan is so mean... TT^TT
I wonder why he dumped me/OC...?
EmemisthebestI #2
Chapter 4: Luhan wtf is wrong with u
Chapter 4: lmaoo the bird pooped hahahahha
This story sounds really similar to a visual novel that I have played before, which is also titled "Get Dumped"...
It might have been the story you gotten an idea from. I loved that story, so I am definitely going to read yours! :)
isabella021402 #5
Chapter 3: Interesting~~
Chapter 2: UPdate soon authornim i want to know what will happen next!!!
Chapter 2: Daebak!!!!
JiaYouO #8
Chapter 1: Luhan. I'm gonna slap u :>
im excited to read this! update soon