Day 2 ; Day 3

Get Dumped


Now that i didn't eat lunch with Luhan anymore, i ate with Kyuri

"Its been awhile we sat like this huh?" i said

"Don't say such depressing things. You make it sound it like we didn't contact each other for a long time" Kyuri sighed loudly, looking concerned

I noticed Kyuri holding a rather colourful fashion magazine. Seemed up-to-date. Feeling curious about the magazine, i asked

"Whats that? i didn't know you read those kind of magazines" she shrugs

"I don't. My sister ordered an extra copy by accident and gave it to me" she said while fliping through the pages. "Here, i finished reading it this morning so you can have it" she handed me the magazine

I looked at her. "What? i don't want something like this"

"Then just throw it out or whatever. Im going to the washroom" i shook my head

"Rich girl. This magazine is $100 for just one, how she expect me to just throw it out like that?" i scanned the cover of the magazine. "Hm.. but even if i don't read it, i can probably still trade it, for something. Its expensive after all...." After thinking whether to read it or not, i decided to read it.

"But then again, its not often i get to have my hands on such expensive magazine. I should at least read it before throwing it out"

The magazine was filled with beautiful people in expensive looking clothing, i couldn't even hope to imitate the same look unless i wanted an empty wallet

"Hm, but i like this look. Maybe if i tweaked it a bit would be more affordable?"

I think i've seen this at the mall before. They were still pricey but its worth it if i can get Luhan back.

"What.... oh so thats how you wear those!" page by page, im getting mesmerize by it

Sometimes i have no idea how these models can look good with the funniest outfit on

"These is more entertain to read than i thought"

My first fashion magazine.. i'll take this home as a souvenir

On my home from school, i stopped infront of a clothing store.

"What a cute mini dress on display" i eyed a light blue dress with a brown belt around the waist. I looked at the prize tag

"Eek, so expensive!" i choked and my eyes widened

Maybe two months worth of allowence?

"Have you taken a liking to this?" a saleslady approached me

"Yeah.. but i don't have enough money haha, guess it wasn't meant to be" i meekly smiled

Oh what to do... i really want it plus, its on sale too..

I flipped my phone. Seeing that messages with Luhan had stopped since that day make me feel a pang of sadness. I dialed Kyuri's number.

Kyuri : Hello, whats up?

Ahra : Kyuri... can you lend me some money?

Kyuri : How much?

I whispered the amount, hoping that she would agree without really hearing it

Kyuri : What?! are you crazy? what did you do? get into the drug business? needing bail for jail?

Ahra : How lovely that you believe i'd get into those things. But please.... this once.. i really want this dres..

Kyuri : Im adding interest for sure,

I glanced at the dress. Was it worth it?

Ahra : Thanks Kyuri. You're a life saver. Eventhough your methods might be hurt a bit

Kyuri : Yeah yeah, whatever. I know you love me


What kind of situation is this? im totally surrounded by angry looking girls. Well, since they left me alone for awhile, i forgot about them. But i guess its just so they could regroup.

I was prepared for this bullying but now that im seeing it in such an organized manner, it kind of scares me

"Geez, how could you still have the courage to show your face after that humiliating incident?"

"Ah seriously, your face annoys me. Maybe it should be fixed up a little?"

Dont worry, dear self. That feeling is mutual.

"Hey ugly, say something!" She knocked her fist on my desk

So these dont just happend in dramas? how should i even react to this?


"Are you ignoring us?!" she yelled at me, feeling irritated.

"The nerve.."

One girl slapped me in the face. Hard.

A-agressive much?

"Do you see us now?

Ignore them... ignore them.. they just want a reaction out of me. I won't give them what they want

"Hah! you're funny." she applied some shiny lip-gloss and make a 'pop' sound. "I wonder how long you can keep this up? go on and keep ignoring us"


"Tch, shes really not budging, what to do?"

"Maybe this will help" she pulled out a blade from her pocket. The other girls surrounded us to cover it from the view of others

H-hey, why do you have that on school property?! is that even allowed??

She pulled a lock of my hair towards her and chopped it off with a blade

"Scared now? good" snickered, along with an evil laugh

"Thats just the start. If we see you with him again, we'll teach you a real lesson" They threw that lock of hair at me and walk away laughing

Some people rushed over to me to asked if i was okay. But whats the use of asking afterwards if they weren't going to help me when it happend?

Actions speak louder than words.

I was a bit angry, but more than that, i was more scared. Even after they left, i couldn't move my body

Their hits formed bruises on my face. I stayed at school late in hopes that it would disappear

What did i even do to deserve this.. Girls can be scary sometimes..


What kind of dangerous girls are you attracting.. they really crossed the line this time. I'd like to report them but i don't know their names and couldn't remember their distinct appearances

I felt the stinging on my cheek again

This .

As i was taking out my shoes, a person i hadn't expect to see passes by


I froze.

Oh great, the person i wanted to avoid most at this state

"Are you okay? those bruises look like they hurt"

Should i tell him or not? But whats the point if i tell him? what can he do about it?

"Truth is... i got hit"

"By who?!" his expression changed. I saw his face and i was torn. I felt like a tattletale.

"In gym.... we had dodge ball hahaha, it was terrible! really, some people can be bad at aiming" Luhan is still there, staring at me. 

"Want to go to the infirmary?"

"Nah, its not too bad" i gave a reassuring smile

If i put bandages on top of this, it'll be more visible.....

Don't cry..

"Oh i just realised you dont have practise today, what're you here for?"

Don't cry.

"My friend made me subtitute for him in cleaning duties. He tells me he got a date but i don't believe him" He sighed heavily. "Theres no way a guy can go date everyday randomly out of nowhere"

"Yeah? who knows. His jackpot month?"

He's probably setting Luhan up with his cleaning partner for money or something

"Haha, lucky dude then" he laughed showing his pretty smile "What were you doing so late?"

"Uh... i was reviewing notes. I didn't quiet get the lesson so..." I hung my head down so that he wouldn't know that i was lying to him

"Diligent studying huh? thats great"

He must've felt it too so he patted my head. "Well, i still haven't finished cleaning yet, so i'll be going first, Ahra"

"Bye" i waved and smile at him. I felt so empty 

Talking with Luhan made me realised the increasing distance growing between us. At first, i thought it would be okay, because he acted somewhat normal around me.

But at this rate.. a week seems too far away

Our 8 months relationship... was this what it amounted to? this type of shallow bond could be broken so easily.



[A/N] hey im back! my exam is now over omg i finally could rest now. Another crappy chapter yeah.. i guess i will update often now because of school break next week #yay

Oh, and mind checking out my collabs? i know its kinda awkward to ask you for this but please do listen if you have time and maybe send a feedback? hehe.

Apink - Mr. Chu (미스터 츄) [COLLAB]

BTS- Just One Day (하루만) [COLLAB]

im also planning to do for Infinite Last Romeo ^^

please comment and tell me what you think of! subscribe and upvote too!









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BangtansFam #1
Chapter 4: OMG!!! BIRD POOP!! * freaks out and runs everywhere*
Luhan is so mean... TT^TT
I wonder why he dumped me/OC...?
EmemisthebestI #2
Chapter 4: Luhan wtf is wrong with u
Chapter 4: lmaoo the bird pooped hahahahha
This story sounds really similar to a visual novel that I have played before, which is also titled "Get Dumped"...
It might have been the story you gotten an idea from. I loved that story, so I am definitely going to read yours! :)
isabella021402 #5
Chapter 3: Interesting~~
Chapter 2: UPdate soon authornim i want to know what will happen next!!!
Chapter 2: Daebak!!!!
JiaYouO #8
Chapter 1: Luhan. I'm gonna slap u :>
im excited to read this! update soon