Ch01: Waiting Shed

Summer Love

 A/N: Taoris powerhug! Featuring Umin-oppa and Sehunnie and of course A waving paper. Haha ! ^_^

I'll post the second chapter later! Enjoy! ^^


After a little more small talk with Tao, the plane finally came to a stop. But, of course, not without Tao gripping the armrest as if his life depends on it. Kris helped Tao stand up. The younger is shaking terribly, his knees wobbly. He helped the younger grab his things. He, of course, also grab his luggage.
Once they step foot at the airport, Tao finally can stand on his own. "Damn that plane...," Tao mutters under his breath as he grab his luggage from Kris' grasp. 
The older chuckled. Even though the younger can stand on his own, Tao's body still shook ever so lightly. But the younger tries to fight it on his own. And Kris silently admires that. This fragile thing in front of him is a dependent man, a fighter.
"Stop staring!" Tao snapped. Kris apologised, a beat faster. The younger pouted. "You know, I already told you that staring is rude," The younger scoffed.
Kris sighed. "I'm sorry, its just that...," 'You look incredibly cute', Kris wants to add. 
"What?" Tao folded his arms in front of him, and raised a brow.
Kris sighs. "Nothing." He grabbed his luggage and pull it. He could hear Tao scoffing and trudging behind him. He swear, his heartbeat is as wild as a running cheetah, fast as the speed of light. He made a promise to himself that once he had a leisure time, he'll definitely go and see a doctor. His heartbeat is abnormal.
He just stares right ahead, not minding the younger behind him. Kris know little of the younger: his younger than him and that he supposed to have a company with him but he was apparently ditched.
"Kevin!" Someone shouted. Kris' breath hitch and so as his footsteps. Only one person calls him that, and he ing hates it that he recognize that voice. His one and only e of a father.
Tao's nose almost crashed into the blonde's back. Almost instantly, the older spun around, his eyes dark in something he couldn't decipher. Tao become worried. "What's wrong?"
Kris smiled a little and caress his arm. "I gotta go, hope we can meet again, Tao," Kris said. Tao is still confused and was about to ask something when he was suddenly embraced by the older. 
"Take care," Kris whispers into his ears, sending shivers to his spine. Kris backed away and started going to a crowd of people. He noticed this old man who look a lot like Kris. They started heading out of the airport. 
And that's when everything dawns on him and hit him hard. 
He didn't tell Kris that he was alone and have no one in this freaking country. He was supposed to ask the older if he could be a friend and let him crash to his place. But that won't happen because Kris already left him with a man who seemed to be his father.
Tao look at the airport's closing doors dumbfounded. "What the hell am I going to do now?" He asks the air, desperate for help.
Kris groans mentally as his father drive him to his home. The moment he saw his father, something hit him hard like something punch him in the heart and it clench in pain. It was nostalgic and just plain sad. He felt like crying, really. But he won't show that to this beside him. 
Kris stares outside of the car's window. He let his mind wonders off. And somehow, Tao crept up to his head, making Kris think of him. The blonde suddenly got worried. The younger look disheveled and confused. He sigh inwardly. He don't want to leave Tao that way but he's just ing hurt that he can't control his actions. He heaved another sigh.
"Stop sighing, you'll look older than me," His father said, glowering at him. Kris can't help the scoff that escaped his mouth. He really can't believe this is happening to him.
"When is this big event happening, anyway?" Kris asked brightly because a smart- idea came into mind. He is celebrating in the inside as he waited for his father.
The older laughed. "Don't look too excited. I know you're happy for me," His father said, not glancing at the younger. The brunette's wide grin made the younger roll his eyes. 'Why can't this toothless fart just answer my question.' He thought.
"Just answer it," His voice sounded irritated. But he's glad, maybe his father we'll get the obvious fact that he's not happy about this.
But, of course, his soon-to-be-married-father isn't that bright enough to notice the voice laced with irritation. "Well, the wedding's going to be within this week. I'm damned excited. And you're going to be my best man," His father said, glancing at his son gleefully.
"Oh god...," Kris utters under his breath. He rake his hand over his disheveled locks. He really can't bear this freaking person beside him. He just stay quiet and ignore his father.
Finally parking the car, Kris heaved a sigh as he undid his seatbelt. He quickly opens the car door and let himself out too quickly. He just can't bear to breath the same air and hear another word from that freaking mouth. His father won't stop telling their, his fiancee and him, of how they met, their first date, their second date and so on. Kris rolled his eyes. Did he ever say that his interested? No, right? Ugh.
The blonde grab his luggage inside the car's trunk and pulled if along with him. He stop when his on the porch and in front of the door. His father follows along, holding two gigantic paper bags in his arm that covered his face. The older man puts the bag down and dig his pocket for his keys. Once the door is opened, Kris let himself in and ignore his father as the older picks up the bags.
The younger was struck by nostalgia again for the second time today. This house was once full of happiness and full of love, ruined by lust and this man who is suddenly at his side. "Hey, son..." Kris rolled his eyes and prevent the scowl that almost escape his lips. "... help me cook something for dinner. I can't cook, I might as well burn the kitchen," His father chuckled.
Kris started walking towards the kitchen, his father hot on his tracks. The spun around and his nose almost crushed by a hard chest. His father is still taller than him. "I'll do this alone. You can watch and wait at the living room." Kris headed for the sink and wash his hands.
"Or I could watch you cook," His father said happily. The brunette pulled a chair and took a seat. He placed his elbows on the table and his head on one of his palms. Kris rolled his eyes but he can't deny the pang that he felt inside his body. He knows this scenario. And he ing hates it. His father watching and waiting for dinner to be served while he and his mother is moving around, cooking. 
Once done, he placed the food on the table. He just cooked the most common favorites of all, Chicken. He just roast them, just the way he liked it.
A gentle knock on the door made the two gentleman twist their heads to the door's direction. "They're here..." His father mutters happily as he stood up and started heading for the door. He opened them and their stand two identical kids, one boy and one girl, and of course his non-other than his soon to be step mom.
They instantly went to the dining room and ate. Kris excused himself after and headed for his old room. He was glad his father didn't touch anything in his room. The blonde took a nice warm bath. The water is soothingly running through his locks and body, relaxing him and calming his mind. Once done, he grabbed a towel and dries himself off and got dressed. Time to get his smart- plan in action.
He headed for the living room, where they all are in and watching marathons. Kris took a deep breath before letting it all out. "Dad, did you still have my condo unit?" Kris fidgeted. He hoped his father still has the key to his pad.
"Yeah, why?" His father raised a brow.
"Can you give it to me?" 
"Sure, let me just get that," His father moves away from his fiancee and headed for the master's bedroom. Kris let out a relieved sigh.
"I know what you're planning," Maris, his father's fiancee, suddenly said. The blonde jumped a little and stiffen. aris smiled. "Don't worry, I'm not going to stop you. But make sure to be there during our wedding. Your father wants you there, okay?" 
Kris smiled genuinely and nodded. At least his fiancee isn't that bad. His father got back with the keys in his hands and a worried look. He handed the key while asking his son. "Why is your luggage not inside your room? Have you not unpacked your things yet?"
Kris smiled as he move towards his luggage and pulled it along with him. He stopped right in front of his father. "I'm not going to stay here. See you at your wedding." Kris left the house.
Kris kicked the rock that's somehow lay innocently on the ground. He ruffled his hair in irritation. How could he forget to ask his father about his car? Kris is a cussing machine once he started walking the street. He can't find a cab. 
Kris started walking a little faster as he spotted a waiting shed. The night is getting deep and cold. He hissed. He felt his leather jacket buzz at his side. He grab his phone and an unregistered number is calling him. The blonde hesitantly answered the call, only a little amount know his number. He finally reached the waiting shed. "Hello, who is this?"
"Yifan..." Kris could here sobbing. He got worried.
"Tao, is this you?! Are you okay?! What's wrong?! Tell me where you are?!" Kris can't help but yell. He wants the other to stopped crying.
The next thing Kris heard is a loud thump and a fast heartbeat. Someone hugged him. He looked down. He wasn't certain that this raven-haired boy is Tao because his face was buried deep in his chest. But his heartbeat tells him otherwise, because he only felt that way when his with Tao. 
He hugged the younger tightly as he felt his shirt getting damp. A soothing warmness crept up to his heart and he hugged Tao even tighter because the younger is the source of the warmness. Not only his body heat, but also a heat that crept up to his heart.
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Chapter 4 part 1 updated! :DD


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pinku_panda #1
Chapter 9: someone call the doctor for kris!!!!!
KouAkira #2
Chapter 9: LOL Kris has love disease. XD

Please update soon/when you have time :)
Chapter 9: kris, you being dumb, but i understand you *pats kris back :)
pursue your tao, i'll support you :) good luck :)
thank you for the update :)
Chapter 8: Thanks for the update. It was written very well.
MissTERMir #5
Chapter 8: soooooo cute xD
Chapter 7: Please update soon, author nim. This is getting so interesting! *_*
MissTERMir #7
Chapter 6: update soon *-*
Chapter 6: your heart try to tell you that you're in love ;D
sweet sweet sweet taoris moments <3
KouAkira #9
Chapter 6: I'll just enjoy TaoRis moment and wait to see who is 'him'still.XD
Chapter 5: Go and lose your ity to him?????? HAHAHA!