“I Smell Something Fishy”



“I Smell Something Fishy”


Jaejoong POV

I couldn’t stand seeing my Yunnie frustrated like that. Therefore, I decided to hug him as tight as possible. Thankfully, he became calm after I hugged him. He cried on my shoulder and his bleeding hands hug me back tightly.

This was really hard for us. We cried to wash away the pain that we had to bear for many days in the future. The pain was when we couldn’t claim as lover in front of other people until we graduated from here. It was hard and as painful as today but we wouldn’t give up on our dream and our love. We dreamt to be one of the graduates from this college since we were in high school. Therefore, we would be stronger next time if something like this or even worse than this would happen in the future.

End of POV    

“Yunnie..I’ll go now. Don’t forget to have your breakfast and rest well, okay?”, say Jaejoong.

“I’ll go with you..”, reply Yunho forcefully.

“No Yunnie..you are dead tired from yesterday so you’d better take a rest now and moreover, your hands are still hurt, right??”, say Jaejoong boldly.

“You are also tired boojae..let’s absent from college today and have a rest together”, suggest Yunho.

“Yunnie..I’m fine..”, lie Jaejoong.

“Moreover, If we were absent together, people would get suspicious on us”, add Jaejoong.

“Okay..but promise me you’ll go home straight away if you felt tired at college”, say Yunho.

“Okay..I’ll go home if I felt deadly tired”, say Jaejoong.

Then, Jaejoong goes to college even he feels so exhausted but he doesn’t want to make Yunho worried. Moreover, he also doesn’t wanna make a bigger trouble for them if they were absent at the same time.

At College

“Morning..”, greets Jaejoong weakly.

“Morning Jae..”, greets other students include Yoochun, Junsu and Changmin.

“Jaejoong-shi…we didn’t know that you and Yunho will participate in “The Rose” performance. It is a good sudden appearance. We were truly amazed by your acting”, praise one of the students.

“Yeah..me too..I think you and Yunho have a great acting skill”, praise another student.

Jaejoong just smiles bitterly and goes to his seat.

“if only they knew it was for real, what would they react?”, wonders Jaejoong inside his heart.

“Jae..are you okay?”, ask Junsu.

“Hmm…”, nod Jaejoong weakly.

“I heard from Yoochun that Yunho will be absent today, I wonder what’s wrong with him”, say Junsu.

Jaejoong just keep silent and he doesn’t respond to Junsu at all.

Junsu POV

I wonder what ‘s wrong with these two boys; Jaejoong and Yunho.

Did they act yesterday?? But I guessed they were for real yesterday but what happened until Yunho punched that guy??

I saw that guy gave Jaejoong a rose and then, all I knew that Yunho punched that guy straight on his face and left with an angry face.

I do really wanna ask about yesterday’s incident but it seems Jaejoong doesn’t wanna talk about it anymore. He looks so pale and weak today. His adorable eyes look so dim and his beautiful face looks so tired.

“Jae..you look pale. You’d better back to your home and I’ll tell the lecturer later”, I say to him because I find a dead face in his beautiful face.

“I’m okay Junsu..don’t worry”, he replies me weakly and I can’t do anything then because he keeps saying that he is alright.

End of POV

“Morning class..”, greets the lecturer.

“Today’s topic is desire”, announce the lecturer.


“It’s a HOT TOPIC!!!”

“Great topic!!!”

Those are some responses from the students after the lecturers announced the topic for today’s drawing class.

“Your job is to put your desire on your drawing”, say the lecturer.

“But how??”, ask some students.

“It’s easy!!! First is Just imagine of something that you think is the most desirable and you can’t resist it. Second, while you are imagining it, putting your desire for that thing into your drawing.” explain the lecturer.

“Do you understand??”, ask the lecturer.

“Yes, mam”, answer the students.

“Aish!!! I don’t know what to do”, complain Junsu.

“What is the most desirable thing for you?”, ask Jaejoong.

“hmm…I don’t know”, reply Junsu simply.

“Which part of Yoochun that you think is the most desirable and you can’t resist it??”, blurt jaejoong.


“Just in case it is Yoochun that you can’t resist”, jokes jaejoong.

Junsu pouts because he thinks that Jaejoong hits the right point but he doesn’t want to admit it.

Junsu POV

What should I do??

I think what Jaejoong say is right. I CAN’T RESIST YOOCHUN!!!

I think I’m gonna draw his lips because he has a nice lips and I find them desirable.


I can see that Jae start drawing on his blank canvas and it looks like a part of human body.

I wonder what he will draw because he looks so serious but excited.

End of POV

“Are you drawing yoochun’s lips??”, ask Jaejoong suddenly to Junsu.

“Me??nnn..ooo!!! I love lips!!!”, excuse Junsu lamely.

“I know you love lips and it is YOOCHUN’S LIPS!!!”, jokes jaejoong again even his face looks tired.

“YAH!! STOP TEASING ME!!!”, complain Junsu.

“How about you??”, ask Junsu.

“You can see by yourself”, reply Jaejoong simply.

“Is it a chest??”, ask Junsu.

“You can say that”, reply Jaejoong simply.

Junsu POV

It’s weird for me when I see Jaejoong’s drawing. He draws a bare chest.

I thought maybe he can’t resist a girl’s bare chest even it is sounded ert to me but I’m wrong because I can see clearly that he draws A MAN BARE CHEST!!!

Well, I’m not stupid enough to differentiate between man and women’s chest. Moreover, I find his drawing has masculinity aura from the color that he chooses. He also completes his drawing with a muscle on that man’s chest and hands. The chest looks so strong.

I wonder what does it mean??? I draw Yoochun’s lips but because Yoochun has a nice lips just like a girl so people won’t get suspicious on me.


Could it mean his father’s chest?? But still, it’s weird if a son couldn’t resist his father’s chest.

YUCK!!! Just by imagining it makes me sick!!!

Moreover, there’s a tattoo in that chest. It’s written “YJ” and it is near the right . It is a small tattoo but I think there is a meaning of it.

“What does it mean?? YJ???”, I keep wondering in my mind.

I really need to figure this out. Therefore, I decide to ask him about the meaning of his drawing.

“Jae..are you drawing a man’s chest??”, I ask.

“Hmm..why??”, he ask me back.

“I don’t know but I find it weird..a bit..”, I reply hesitantly because I don’t want to offend him, I’m just curious.

“Weird if you think it’s weird, make sense if you think it’s meaningful”, he replies simply but it makes me more confused.

“Okay…I admit that I think your drawing is weird, how about you??what do you mean with your drawing??”, I ask curiously.

“For me, the most desirable thing is love that comes from someone’s heart and the heart is on someone’s chest, right?? Therefore, I draw a chest”, he explains.

“But why is it a man’s chest not a woman??”, I ask curiously once again.

“Well..I intend to draw a human and since Adam is the first human who came to this world, therefore, I draw a man’s chest”, he explains and it does make sense for me.

“How about the tattoo??? Does adam has a tattoo??”, I ask him but he laughs at me instead.

“Junsu…don’t be too innocent!!! Did I say I draw Adam???”, he answer me but also laugh at me.

I become embarrassed of my silly question but still, I’m curious of that tattoo”YJ”, what does it mean??

“Hmm..Jae…what does it mean??”, I ask him.

“What do you mean??”, he asks me back.

“The tattoo?? “YJ” symbol, what does it mean?”, I ask him once again.

“Hmmm…it..mm…eans..YOUNGWOONG JAEJOONG!!!”, he stutters a bit but he assures me.

“Actually, it is just an emphasis for the strong masculinity on my drawing or you can say, it is just an extra so it doesn’t really important”, he explains and I get all the answers for my curiousity.

At least for now..

End of Junsu POV

Jaejoong POV


How can I come up with that word??


I think I’m getting better and better at lying and giving a lame excuse.

“BRAVO JAEJOONG!!!”, I keep praising myself.

Sorry Junsu..I lied at you!!!

Actually, I can’t resist my yunnie’s chest. It is so strong and well-built. I feel hot and desire whenever and wherever I saw his chest. When we made love or when I see him take a bath or even small thing like when he change his clothes. Therefore, I draw his well-built chest and complete with his tattoo “YJ” which it means YUNJAE and if you wanted to know, I got one on my back.

I do feel excited when I draw this picture but I can’t lie that I feel so weak today. It feels like I have no energy left after yesterday, I cried and cried after saw my yunnie got frustrated.

I starts feeling dizzy and weak.

End of Jaejoong POV

“Jae..let’s see Yoochun and Changmin’s drawing”, say Junsu.

“Hmm..”, nod Jaejoong weakly and then, they walk to the front row where Changmin and Yoochun are sitting.

“Omo..JAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!”, shriek Junsu as soon as he sees jaejoong collapses on the floor and his shriek make other students include Changmin and Yoochun turn their head on them.

“JAEEEEEEEEEEEEE….”, respond Yoochun and Changmin at the same time.

“Jae…what’s wrong with you?”, sob Junsu.

“Calm down Junsu..let’s bring him to the medical room. Yoochun and Changmin, lift him up and others, please help them!!”, say lecturer.

Then, Changmin and Yoochun lift Jaejoong up and bring him to the medical room. Meanwhile, Junsu can’t stop crying.

“Okay..you can accompany him for a while until he wakes up”, say the lecturer to Yoochun, Junsu and Changmin.

The nurse tries to wake Jaejoong with alcohol meanwhile Junsu massages Jaejoong’s hands and Yoomin massage Jaejoong’s feet.

Five minutes later Jaejoong wakes up.

“Yunnie..”, call jaejoong weakly.

“Jae….”, call Junsu, Yoochun and Changmin at the same time.

“Yunnie..”, call Jaejoong again.

“What does he say??”, ask Yoochun.

“I can’t hear it”, reply Junsu.

“Me too..”, reply Changmin.

“Jae…we are here..”, say Junsu.

Then, Jaejoong slowly opens his eyes and looks Junsu, Yoochun and Changmin who are there beside him.

“What happen to me?”, ask Jaejoong weakly.

“You’ve just collapsed jae..”,sob Junsu.

“Really?? I feel so tired. I’m sorry for making you worry guys”, apologize Jaejoong.

“It’s okay Jae..but next time, if you felt tired, you’d better stay at your home”, say Yoochun.

“He is right”, sob Junsu.

“Junsu..I’m okay so stop crying”, say Jaejoong while squeezing Junsu’s hands.

“He is right..ssshhh…”, calm Yoochun and he hugs Junsu.

“He has low blood pressure so he needs time to rest now”, say the nurse.

“Okay then..we’ll back to the class now..you’d better sleep and we will come again at the break time”, say Changmin.

“Thanks guys..”, say Jaejoong and he back to his sleep.

Then, three of them leave Jaejoong alone in the medical room.

“Junsu-shi..”, call the nurse.

“Is there anything I can help??”, ask Junsu.

“Here is the number of Jaejoong’s house and the address from the administrative office, can you call his family and tell them about Jaejoong’s condition. Please ask them whether they want to pick up Jaejoong or let you drive him home later because it’s impossible for him to drive home by himself”, say the nurse.

“Okay..I’ll call his family now even actually, I don’t know he lives with his family or not”, say Junsu.

“Just try..okay??”, say the nurse.

“Okay..”, reply Junsu simply.

Then, he let Yoochun and Changmin enter the class first because he wants to call Jaejoong’s family before he enters the class. He dials the number that the nurse gave him.

He’s waiting on the line now and someone picks up his call.

“hello..is this Jaejoong’s house?”, ask Junsu.

“Hmm..who is this?”, ask Yunho.

“I am Junsu from Jae’s College and I am Jae’s friend”, reply Junsu.

Yunho gulps down his saliva. He is afraid that Junsu will recognize his voice but he feels a bit relieve because he never talks on the phone with Junsu so the possibility for Junsu recognize his voice will be small.

“Oh…what’s wrong Junsu-shi?”, ask Yunho calmly.

“Jaejoong collapsed today because of exhaustion and he is still rest in the medical room now”, say Junsu.

“WHAT?????BOOJAE COLLAPSED???IS HE FINE NOW????”, shout Yunho in panic.

“Boojae??? I think I recognize his voice but who???”, wonders Junsu.

“Ehem..”, cough Junsu.

“!!! Did I say boojae??”, curse Yunho in his heart.

“Well..Junsu-shi..is Jaejoong okay now?”, ask Yunho calmly.

“he is okay now so don’t worry but there is something I wanna ask you. Can you pick him up or if you can’t, I’ll drive him home today”, say Junsu.

“Well..I..”, reply Yunho before Junsu interrupts him.

“Sorry Sir, but may I know who are you?”, ask Junsu.

“Junsu-shi..thanks so much for your information. Jaejoong’s driver will pick him up now. Thank you once again”, say Yunho and he ends the phone after then.

“Hello..Sir..sir..”, call Junsu because Yunho ends the phone all of a sudden.

“Who is he???is he Jae’s dad??but I think I recognize his voice”, murmur Junsu.

Yunho calls one of his drivers in his parent’s house to pick up Jaejoong. He thinks that if Junsu drove jaejoong home, it would be a trouble for him and Jaejoong.

Meanwhile, Junsu keeps wondering while he is walking back to his class.

“What’s up dolphin?? You look confused”, ask Yoochun.

“Something weird’, reply Junsu.

“What’s that in your hands?”, ask Changmin.

“Oh..this is Jae’s address but it isn’t used anymore because Jae’s driver will pick him up”, reply Junsu.

“Let me see..I wonder where he lives because he said that he lives pretty far from college”, say Yoochun and takes the address from Junsu’s hands.

“Weird..”, respond Yoochun suddenly.

“What’s wrong?”,ask Changmin.

“This is Yunho’s address..are you sure it’s Jae’s address, Junsu?”, ask Yoochun.

“Well,,that’s what the nurse gave me from the administrative office”, reply Junsu.

“Are you sure it’s the same address that Yunho gave you??”, ask Junsu back.

“Yes, I am sure..look at this Changmin! What do you think??”, ask Yoochun while giving the address to Changmin.

“No doubt, it’s the same address with Yunho”, reply Changmin.

Three of them are trying to figure out what the meaning of this.

“I smell something fishy”, say Junsu.

“What do you mean?”, ask Yoochun curiously.

“First, take a look at Jaejoong’s drawing”, say Junsu.

Three of them look at jaejoong’s drawing and observe it.

“Isn’t it weird??he drew a man’s bare chest and there’s a tattoo “YJ” near the right ”, say Junsu.

“Actually, it isn’t weird if the topic wasn’t about desirable thing that you couldn’t resist”, reply Yoochun simply.

“THAT’S WHAT I MEAN!!!! It means that Jaejoong can’t resist a man’s bare chest, am I right???”, ask Junsu.

“Well..we don’t know because art is a vague thing”, say Yoochun.

“I agree with you because jaejoong said it’s about love that comes from human’s heart but still, I am not fully assured by his answer”, say Junsu suspiciously.

“Wait a minute!!! Do you mean Jae and Yunho????”, ask Changmin.

“I think they are!!! And I think it could be Yunho’s chest!!!”, reply Junsu.

“Well..if this tattoo is connected to Yunho, it does make sense!!!”, add Changmin.

“what do you mean??”, ask Yoochun and Junsu curiously.

“Don’t you remember that Yunho has tattoo near his right but I didn’t see it clearly”, reply Changmin.

“Oh yes!!! I remember now..he has tattoo near his right but damn!!! I didn’t see it clearly”, agree Yoochun.

“Omo..omo…OMOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!’, shriek Junsu.

“What’s up Junsu??”, ask Yoochun and Changmin curiously.

“I think the one who picked up the phone is YUNHO!!!! I remember his voice now!!!”, reply Junsu.

“Are you sure???”, ask Yoochun and Changmin at the same time.

“I think I’m 95% sure!!! It’s weird if a dad call his son “BOOJAE”, isn’t it?? Or a butler call his mister “BOOJAE”, isn’t it??”, ask Junsu.

“it’s definitely weird because people use “BOO” for his lover. Was it a boy who picked up the phone and called “BOOJAE”??”, ask Yoochun.

“Hmm..”,nod Junsu.

“and I think it’s Yunho’s voice”, add Junsu.

“Moreover, Yunho is absent today so it could be Yunho who picked up the phone”, say Changmin.

“I can’t believe this!!! Are they??”, wonders Yoochun.

“Aish!!! Is it just a coincidence or real??”, wonders Changmin.

“I don’t know but I TRULY SMELL SOMETHING FISHY ON THEM!!!”, reply Junsu.

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Chapter 28: im reading dis for da 2nd tym n i still luv dis story^^
Brownsugar40 #2
Chapter 28: That was a wonderful wedding thank you . really enjoyed this story my fifty time
Elrhumy #3
Chapter 28: Kyaaaaa what a beautiful wedding.. Congratulation for our lovely YunJae, you both soooo deserved it.. really love Yunjae's love n dedication to each other here but still they do their best for their dream.. They are just a happy couple :D There was some obstacles that maybe other couple fall apart already but Yunjae have such admirable believe n faith in their love that they always make the wisest decision.. Thanks for the cute story author-nim :D :D :D
Elrhumy #4
Chapter 25: Waaah thank God the rector make a wise decision.. i start to like hyeri haha.. her old self was yuck but what matters is she open her heart n be a better person..
Elrhumy #5
Chapter 21: Aish hye ri.. you can be a happy fangirl n have peaceful life too if you get rid of that jealousy n stop being busy body toward Yunjae..
Elrhumy #6
Chapter 15: Ugh its true if my idol dating i'll be curious as hell to whom the lucky one... so the girls behaviour like slap to face lol.. buuut hopefully i never step anywhere to the level of those two girls *shudder*
Elrhumy #7
Chapter 13: OMG yoosu.. yeah why make things complicated when you can do it the easy way.. love is easy when you know what you want :D :D
Elrhumy #8
Chapter 10: Uh oh fortuna really in yoosumin's side lol.. but maybe its better they know so they can help protect yunjae..