“This Is Really A Good Chance For Me”



“This Is Really A Good Chance For Me”

“Wakey Honey..”, say Yunho to Jaejoong.

“Honey???Shut the hell up!!!”, reply Jaejoong sarcastically.

“Are you still angry at me because of yesterday’s training jacket incident??”, ask Yunho.

“Thanks God you have a good memory”, reply Jaejoong in a sarcastic tone again.

“Boojae..I was almost die because of that Jacket too!!! You knew well that I was almost fainted after played football because of the heat!!!”, pouts Yunho.

Jaejoong chuckles after remembered what happened yesterday.

Because of their jealousy toward each other, both of them were almost fainted or even die because of the heat.

“Promise me that there will be no more childish jealousy like yesterday again..”, say Jaejoong.

“I can’t promise it because my boojae is too beautiful to not be protected from other boys”, reply Yunho childishly.

Jaejoong smiles after hearing his yunnie’s cute reason.

“Okay, I accept your reason but at least, no jacket in the hot season like this”, respond jaejoong.

“Hmm…I promise..”, nod Yunho happily.

Then, both of them leave to school. As usual, Jaejoong goes to the class first and Yunho will enter the class five minutes before it is started.

“Jaejoong-san..”, someone calls Jaejoong on his way to his class.

Jaejoong turns his head to find who has just called him with japanese language. Then, he finds the person and it is a boy but his face isn’t familiar for him.

“Did you call me?”, ask Jaejoong.

“Hmm..I called you”, reply that boy in Japanese language.

“Do I know you?”, ask Jaejoong innocently with Japanese language also.

That boy looks a bit down when jaejoong ask him whether he knows him or not but he doesn’t want to waste that moment. He always wants to talk to Jaejoong.

“My name is Takeda and I was your friend in Senior high school”, reply him.

“Oh really???I’m sorry I don’t know”, apologize jaejoong.

“Don’t worry. I know you are so famous so you won’t recognize an ordinary student like me”, continue Takeda.

“No..it isn’t like that!!! That school has so many students so it’s impossible for me to know all of the students”, reply Jaejoong modestly.

Takeda smiles after hearing Jaejoong cute explanation. Actually, he has been one of many jaejoong’s secret admirers since he was in the Senior High School but he is also one of those secret admirers who couldn’t get Jaejoong’s attention even a bit.

The reason is because Jaejoong has been in relationship with Yunho who was as popular as jaejoong among the students. No one can touch that couple because they were the most perfect couple in Senior High School and every one dreamt to be Jaejoong or Yunho even just for one day.

“Are you a new student in here?”,ask Jaejoong.

“Hmm..I am a new student in acting class”, reply Takeda.

“Ooh..I see…good luck then”, say Jaejoong.

“Thanks..hmm…where is..hmm…”, stutters Takeda before getting interrupted by Junsu.

Actually, he wants to ask where yunho is because Jaejoong always with Yunho whenever and wherever when they were in Senior High School.

“Jaeeeeeeeeeeee……help me!!!! Yoochun bullies me again!!”, shriek Junsu.

“Well..sorry takeda-san..Maybe we can continue our conversation later, see you”, say Jaejoong politely and then, he leaves Takeda who is still looking at him dreamily.

Suddenly, he has to wake up from his dream when a girl bumps into him.

“Sorry..I didn’t mean it”, apologize Eun Sung.

“no problem..”, reply Takeda in Korean language but with his Japanese accent.

“Are you Japanese?”, ask Eun Sung after hearing takeda’s Korean accent.

“Hmm..”, nod Takeda.

“I can talk Japanese language so please talk to me freely with your native language.”, reply Eun Sung.

“Really??it’s good then..”, reply Takeda in Japanese language again.

“I’m Go Eun Sung”, introduce Eun Sung.

“Takeda, nice to meet you”, reply Takeda politely.

“Where do you major in?”, ask Eun Sung.

“ I major in acting, how about you?”,ask Takeda.

“you meet the right person since I’m the leader of acting class”, say Eun Sung enthusiastically.

“Let’s go to the class because the class will be started in five minutes”, add Eun Sung.

They walk together to their class while chatting about many things. Suddenly, a voice comes from behind them and they recognize the voice.

“Excuse me..”, say Yunho to them when he passed them because he rush to his class meanwhile Eun Sung and Takeda walks slowly while chatting. Therefore, he decides to pass them.

“Oh My God!!!”, respond Eun Sung while holding her chest as if her heart wanted to pop out from her chest.

Meanwhile, Takeda freezes on his spot after hearing Yunhos’ voice and sees his figure from the back. He is shocked and down because that voice and figure are the last thing or even the thing that he doesn’t want to see anymore.

“So..jaejoong is still with Yunho”, sigh Takeda.

“What’s wrong with you?”, ask Takeda when he sees Eun Sung’s face expression.

“You know what??that boy who has just passed us is the most popular boy in here and he is single!!!”, tell Eun Sung enthusiastically.

“Single??”, wonders Takeda.

“Hmm…he is single now but I’ll be his girlfriend sooner”, reply Eun Sung confidently.

“Are you sure he is single?”, ask Takeda once again.

“Why???don’t you believe me??I know it’s impossible for the hottest boy like him is single but it is true!!! You can ask other students!!”, reply Eun Sung.

“How about Jaejoong?”, ask Takeda.

“Do you know jaejoong?”, ask Eun Sung back to Takeda.

“Yeah..I was in the same school with him”, reply Takeda.

“Well..he is very popular among the boys but many girls include me jealous at him”, reply Eun Sung.

“Jealous??because of Yunho??”, ask Takeda.

“YAH!!! There’s no connection between Jaejoong and Yunho!!! We are jealous because he is prettier than us!!!”, reply Eun Sung.

“Actually, I do really wanna talk to Jaejoong at least once because many boys said that he is cute when he talks but I think all the boys are just too exaggerated!!!”, say Eun Sung sarcastically.

“No..they aren’t exaggerated because jaejoong is cute for real”, say takeda.

“Whateva..it seems like you are another his fanboy but I don’t care as long as it isn’t my Yunho”, say Eun Sung.

“Where does Yunho major in?”, ask takeda.

“He is at the same class with Jaejoong, art class”, reply Eun Sung.

Takeda POV

I am really confused now. From what Eun Sung say, Yunho and Jaejoong are single but both of them are still in the same class.

I keep questioning myself.

“Did they break up and still remain as friends?”

Part of me believe that they already broke up but if I recall all of Yunjae’s moments in Senior High School, they looked like would never break up.

I think I have to find the answer by myself in order to make sure whether I have a chance with Jaejoong or not.

“Takeda..let’s go..”, say Eun Sung to me and then, we enter the class.

End of POV

“Morning..”, greets Yunho.

“Morning..”, greet other students.

“You look thinner..”, jokes Yoochun.

“Of course he is because yesterday, he lost his weight by using training jacket diet method!!!”, jokes Changmin.

“YAH!!!”, protest Yunho.

Meanwhile, Yoochun and Changmin keep laughing at him.

“Junsu..”, call Yunho suddenly.

“What???”, respond Junsu coldly.

“Let me sit on your seat for today because I don’t feel really well”, lie Yunho.

Jaejoong widen his eyes because he smells something fishy with his yunnie’s sudden request.

“So..??”, respond Junsu coldly.

“So..??don’t you get it??? I can relax my body if I sit on the third row and not at the front row like this”, excuse Yunho.

“I get it but I just don’t wanna get it!!! I’m still mad at you after what you did yesterday to Jae..”, say Junsu.

“Aish!!! Jae is no longer angry at me..you can ask him if you want”, reply Yunho.

“Is it true Jae??”, ask Junsu.

“Hmm…it’s true Junsu..”, say Jaejoong.

“Well then..you can sit here”, agree Junsu.

“Thank you yoochun’s dolphin..”, say Yunho and it makes Junsu and Yoochun blushed.

“YAH!! Why do you have to drag my name?”, complain Yoochun.

Yunho just smiles devilishly and ignores Yoosu. Then, he walks to Jaejoong’s seat enthusiastically and jaejoong can’t help but feeling excited also. It feels like when they sat together for the first time in Senior High School.

“Can I sit here, Jae?”, ask Yunho sweetly.

“Hmm..sure..”, reply Jaejoong shyly.

Then, the class begins and all students start paying attention to the lectures.

Suddenly, when jaejoong studies seriously, he feels that Yunho holds his left hands and when he checks it, he is right. Yunho’s right hand is holding his left hand.

Jaejoong is blushed like crazy and Yunho can’t help but smiling widely.

They let their hands are locked under the table and no one notice it except someone who is peeking at the window.

He decides to become a stalker because of his curiosity.

Takeda’s POV

I can see their chemistry even they try to hide it but one question keep wandering on my mind

“Why do they hide it??”

I have to find the reason because I will snatch jaejoong away from Yunho if it was true that he was already single.

End of POV

Yunho pretends to be sick at his desk by burying his head on the desk but actually, he is looking at his boojae and don’t let his eyes away from his lover’s beauty.

Jaejoong notices it but he ignores it because he might kiss his yunnie and it would be a trouble for both of them.

Yunho feels bored because his boojae doesn’t turn his head to him even just for once.

Therefore, he writes something on Jaejoong’s book.

“Boojae..why do you ignore me??I ‘m crying now..huhuhuhu…”

Jaejoong reads it and he smiles afterward. Then, he replies it.

“Yunnie..I can’t hold myself if I saw those beautiful brown eyes in front of me”

Yunho smiles like crazy after reading Jaejoong’s reply and he replies it.

“Kiss me then…^_^”

Jaejoong pinches Yunho’s thigh under the table and it makes Yunho pouts like a child.

Then, they share a laugh that no one notices it except the stalker in the window.

Takeda who is not other than the stalker, keeps an eye on the secret game that Yunjae plays.

Yunho lose Jaejoong’s hands and he moves his right hand to Jaejoong’s thigh.

He rubs it gently over and over again and it makes a great sensation for jaejoong.

“Yunnie…”, call jaejoong softly so other students won’t hear it.

“Hmm..”, respond Yunho while smiling devilishly.

“S..stop it!!!”, stutters jaejoong.

Yunho ignores it and he keeps rubbing Jaejoong’s thigh gently over and over again.

Jaejoong’s body is frozen because of a sudden pleasure and he tries his best to hold it.

“I’m really curious what are they doing under the table because both of them look so excited.”, wonder takeda.

Thankfully, the bell saves Jaejoong or else, he might moan yunho’s name because he can’t handle yunho’s touch anymore.

“Guys..I’m so hungry so I’ll wait you on the cafeteria”, say Changmin to Yunjae.

“So do us..”, say Yoochun and Junsu.

“Okay..”, say Yunjae at the same time.

“Boojae..kiss me..”, say Yunho after he sees that no one in the classroom except them.

“Yunnie…we can’t!! remember??”, warn Jaejoong.

“but the class is already empty”, pout Yunho.

“Yunnie..what’s wrong with you today???”, ask Jaejoong.

“I just wanna be with you, am I wrong?”, ask Yunho.

Jaejoong smiles to his cute but manly boyfriend and he pecks yunho’s lips and it makes Yunho happy.

“Thank you boojae..”, say Yunho while pinching Jaejoong’s red cheeks.

“Let’s have a lunch”, say Jaejoong to Yunho.

“Okay..”, reply Yunho enthusiastically.

Takeda POV

No doubt that they are still lovers and the kiss proves it.

It seems that they hide and deny it and no one know their relationship.

But why do they deny it??? And why do they hide it???

The first question is already answered that they are still together but the second question “why do they deny and hide it?” hasn’t been answered yet.

I have to find the answer.

End of POV

“Takeda-san..where have you been??you missed your first class”, ask Eun Sung.

“Ooh..I think I still have some jet lag so I feel a bit dizzy”, lie Takeda.

“Oh I see..you can tell me first and I’ll tell the lecturer so you can back to your home to have some rest”, say Eun Sung.

“Thanks…”, say takeda.

“Hmm..Eun Sung-san..can I ask you something?”, ask Takeda.

“Sure..what do you wanna ask?”, ask Eun Sung.

“Hmm..is there any gays couple in here??”, ask Takeda.

Eun Sung widen her eyes because she is shocked at takeda’s sudden question.

“Why do you ask about that?”, ask Eun Sung back.

“Well…I…I..joined a theatre club in Japan and…I..I..have to act as a gay for the next production”, lie Takeda.

“Ooh I see..you mean you wanna observe gay couple to build up your character later..”, say Eun Sung.

“Hmm..you are smart”, praise Takeda.

“Of course I am…”, respond Eun Sung confidently.

“There’s no gay/lesbian couple in here because the rule of this college is stated clearly that NO GAYS/LESBIANS AMONG THE STUDENTS OR YOU’LL EXPELL FROM THIS COLLEGE!!!”, add Eun Sung.

“Ooh…I understand now..”, respond Takeda while smiling widely.

“What do you undersand?”, ask Eun Sung.

“Nothing..”, lie Takeda.

Takeda POV

I understand now why they hide and deny it.

They play a secret game in here and I think it is a good chance for me to get closer with Jaejoong in this college.

I can talk to him freely since Yunho won’t claim him as his boyfriend in this college.

I think if I had many chance to talk to Jaejoong, the possibility that jaejoong will fall for me is opened.

This is really a good chance for me.

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Chapter 28: im reading dis for da 2nd tym n i still luv dis story^^
Brownsugar40 #2
Chapter 28: That was a wonderful wedding thank you . really enjoyed this story my fifty time
Elrhumy #3
Chapter 28: Kyaaaaa what a beautiful wedding.. Congratulation for our lovely YunJae, you both soooo deserved it.. really love Yunjae's love n dedication to each other here but still they do their best for their dream.. They are just a happy couple :D There was some obstacles that maybe other couple fall apart already but Yunjae have such admirable believe n faith in their love that they always make the wisest decision.. Thanks for the cute story author-nim :D :D :D
Elrhumy #4
Chapter 25: Waaah thank God the rector make a wise decision.. i start to like hyeri haha.. her old self was yuck but what matters is she open her heart n be a better person..
Elrhumy #5
Chapter 21: Aish hye ri.. you can be a happy fangirl n have peaceful life too if you get rid of that jealousy n stop being busy body toward Yunjae..
Elrhumy #6
Chapter 15: Ugh its true if my idol dating i'll be curious as hell to whom the lucky one... so the girls behaviour like slap to face lol.. buuut hopefully i never step anywhere to the level of those two girls *shudder*
Elrhumy #7
Chapter 13: OMG yoosu.. yeah why make things complicated when you can do it the easy way.. love is easy when you know what you want :D :D
Elrhumy #8
Chapter 10: Uh oh fortuna really in yoosumin's side lol.. but maybe its better they know so they can help protect yunjae..