Choosing Characters

How to Win the Fanfiction Game

heeeeellllloooooooo. so i would just like to say that i'm usually a bit more casual toned/foul mouthed than i have been in the past 2 chapters and i can tell that i'm starting to loosen up a little so........ hope that doesnt bother anyone!

Probably something very awesome about Asian fanfiction is that you get a (large) pool of real life males to choose from for your stories. How fun.

But out of those 230948 boys, which do you choose?

My bias!

But oh wait. I HAVE 4732 BIASES THOUGH?!?!?!? (story of every fangirl’s life)

WELL. I am here to help. (or at least try)

So before we get to the exciting boys, let’s start with the main character, a girl.

OH WAIT. I’m sorry but I never write guyxguy and I always have my main character be an OC (original character). So I apologize to all those people this doesn’t apply to.

Let me start with a tiny rant about “you”.

What exactly IS “you” anyways. I saw it for the first time when I first came to AFF (oh god so many years ago…) and I literally was like WHAT THE HELL IS THIS.

“You go to your oppa. Oppa kisses you. You smile and giggle. You can feel the heat rising to your cheeks.”

OKAY. FIRST OF ALL. 1. I did not go to my oppa. 2. Oppa did not kiss me. 3. I didn’t smile or giggle. 4. I am not blushing right now.

I don’t know… it just feels like the author of the story is just bossing me around like do this do that.

And okay, I’m not sure if this is still going on, but I ran into a couple stories a while back that substituted my username for “you”.

Do you realize what that would look like?

“Kai said I love you zelolove1119.”


Do people not realize that 99.9% of us don’t use our actual name as our username on AFF?

Moving on.

So I like to use the first perspective of the characters when I write stories. I’m going to talk about perspectives more in detail in a later chapter, but basically, I make up a girl, and I tell the story from either her perspective or another character’s perspective.

Some people might argue that this isn’t as “personal” as “you”, but I disagree. First perspective uses words like I, me, myself, and etc. In my opinion, this can just be as personal. The level of personal honestly just depends on how the reader decides to think of the story.

Pretty much, what I’m trying to say is, if you want to write a legitimate story or a book, use only the characters in your story, not “you”.

So let’s talk about boyzzzzz.

Alright, so basically, the idols that I like are Beast, BAP, Big Bang, Teen Top, Exo(some of them), and B1A4. I actually don’t know that much about any other boy groups so everything will be based off of these groups.

So when I finish my whole planning process (from ch. 2), I then pick out which idols I’m going to use.

In the beginning, I pretty much just immediately went to my top 2 or 3 favorites and always used them, but after writing about 4-5 stories, I got bored of them. I also wanted to get some variety, ya feel?

So how do you pick from your 29384 biases.

(oh btw, this really might not be something a lot of people struggle on, I realize. But just gonna tell you guys how I do it)

First of all, I would just advice using idols that you know moderately well. By that I mean like general physical appearance, name, nickname, tv show personality, etc. You can definitely change up their personality, but I feel like it’s fun sometimes to use the personality that they have on tv shows and stuff. For example, pretty much in all of my stories with Yoseob (from Beast), he’s really cute and happy. Ricky (from Teen Top) is usually really playful, and etc. Of course, there are other times when my characters are totally different. When I use Zelo (from BAP), which is very very often, I never make him shy, even though that’s what he’s usually like on variety shows and stuff.

Next question. How many love interests should you have in a story?

Alright, so I’ve seen some stories where there is one girl and all the members of a boy group are in love with her. Imagine this with Exo. That’s TWELVE love interests. Let me just tell you some reasons why you shouldn’t do this.

When you have too many love interests, it honestly requires so much effort to be able to fully develop and describe each relationship throughout the story. Some people might say nah, I can do it, you’re wrong. But if you think I’m wrong, let’s look at some professional examples: Korean dramas. These are pretty much fanfics put into action my actors, right? Well okay, think of all the dramas you’ve watched and I can guarantee that almost all of them, they either only have one or two love interests.

Hm… why? It’s because it’s so much more interesting to be able to closely watch one or two relationships develop than to watch a crazy number of relationships try to form (but usually not).

Also, having to keep track of 5+ love interests is really hard. You need to remember what the girl did with each one and not get them mixed up and remember all their personalities, and usually what happens is some of them get forgotten and at chapter 30 you’re just like … I forgot about that one guy at chapter 3…

Oh by the way, this doesn’t mean that you’re limited to having only 2 guys in the story. Nonono, the girl can have like 293489273 guy friends.

So let’s just say that you decided to use 2 love interests (that’s generally what I do). What I like to do is make them really different so that there’s a compare and contrast. Imagine how boring it would be if they were pretty much the same person.

Some things to consider are:

  • Good guy vs. bad guy
  • Rich vs. poor
  • Studious vs. not studios
  • Player vs. loyal

I usually make at least some of these opposites and some of these the same. For example, let me talk about one of my stories called “He’s My Boytoy, She’s My Plaything”. Pretty much, the two love interests are Kai and Zico.

So in my story, Kai is an ex-boyfriend, nice/caring, not that rich, loyal, but got corrupted a bit so he drinks and parties a lot.

Zico is a new guy she met, pretty much a /typical bad guy, rich, his dad’s the principal, player/sleeps around with girls, but hasn’t truly loved before.

So yeah… they have some similarities, but I would say that they are pretty different, right?

Also, if you use really contrasting characters, then your subscribers will form stronger opinions on who they ship.

So… yes. My lunch period is about to end and I can't really think of anything else to say on this topic so I GUESS IT’S BYE FOR NOW GUYS. BYEBYEBYEBYEBYE.

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Chapter 2: I really like this chapter!! Learning a lot from you!!
I like how you break the sections of the story :).
And the small story you just made up, sounds awesome!
Thank you for doing this~!!
Chapter 1: I couldn't agree more when it comes to titles...But, I've noticed that a lot of stories that do have ridiculous titles get more attention.

I'm personally not a big fan of them as I find them to be kind of idiotic (lol sorry not sorry).

It's become SO common for a story entitled, I'm Married To -------!?!?!? to get more attention than a story named...I don't know, Insufferable or something along those lines.

It's unfair, honestly, because you can obviously see the difference between someone who just slapped a title together or someone who spent a lot of time mulling over it.

I also have a huge pet peeve when it comes to author's giving their WHOLE plot away in the title...But I could rant about that for ever. X.X

Anyways, nice job. I like the advice. ^^
Chapter 1: Hai Ms. Writer. Thanks for sharing those tips. Somehow it helps me a lot. Keep giving useful tips. I love to read it :)