So he really did come out of a fanfic?

He came out of a fanfic



Who else freaked out? Come on don’t be shy, raise those hands up, I know you also freaked out. After that incident I was silent on the way home. Luhan tried to comfort me in any way possible, I actually felt sad for the poor guy. I wish he could stop doing this, I'm not used to it. Not to be mean, this is a lovely thing to happen, but he's too nice. Everything about him is too good to be true, but I don't need a roller-coaster ride in fantasy land right now, that wasn't something I signed up for. Maybe in fanfics I do love to take some sweet time in those extraordinary things, but this is the real life, this is reality and I honestly doubt that he's real right now. Another thing, I just don’t know why in the world I got so messed up and panicked when Jongin saw Luhan. I think I just humiliated myself in front of Jongin for the nth time. I’m not even supposed to feel that way, getting all worked up because Jongin saw me with Luhan, but I just felt bad keeping a secret from him. Why do I even feel bad? We aren’t close friends… Are we? Were we? I have no idea. A freaky voice inside of me says yes, but I highly doubt that, how could we be friends before? Anyway, I just hope all of this doesn’t end up messy when I go to school tomorrow.



          “Ba- Jenny… Are you okay?” Luhan said as he entered my room. He’s been in and out my room ever since we got home. He brought in my dinner earlier but I wasn’t able to eat it. He ended up taking the tray of food out of my room untouched. He’s been asking me if I was okay and I would nod, but he obviously knows that I’m not that’s why he couldn’t last a minute away from me.


          “Please talk.” He simply said.

          “Why?” I asked, still lying on my bed, with my back facing him.

          “Do you really not want them to know? Don’t they know about us? And who was that guy who knew where you live?” He asked me calmly.

          “No, I don’t even understand anything about this whole phenomenon yet. It’s kind of driving me crazy. No, they don’t know about us, how would they? I don’t have friends to talk to at school, and hey you just got here, remember?” I said pausing for a bit before finally looking at him.

          “That guy who knew where I live… His name is Jongin. Just some guy at school, who likes to bully me. His mom is nice though, she makes me lunchboxes for school every single day.” I said smiling at him as I described Jongin’s mom.

          “She’s such a nice lady for doing that. I’m happy she takes care of you.” He said as he sat on the edge of my bed. He looked at me straight in the eyes, and for the first time ever in my life I felt that someone actually cared for me.

          “I hope you’ll feel better soon.” He said touching my knee through the duvet.

          “I’m fine to be honest…”  I replied.

          “No you’re not.” He said, moving closer to me.

          “Yes, I am and to prove that, I’ll eat dinner now.” I replied back with a smile on my face. I pushed him off my bed and told him to get the food he prepared earlier. I also told him to bring extra food, because I’m more than sure that he hasn’t eaten his dinner as well.


          Luhan came back to my room with a tray full of food. I asked him to place it on the carpet near my bed so we could eat. As we ate I took the chance to ask him more question about himself and about ‘us’. I’m far more than curious about whatever his story is.

          “So, tell me more about yourself.” I asked him before eating a spoonful of rice.

          “Haven’t I told you everything before?” He replied.

          “Really? I don’t really know, but I feel like there’s something you haven’t told me yet."

          “Actually when we first met, you joked about how everything seemed to pop out of a fanfic. It’s crazy, how could that happen, right?” He said laughing at me. As he said that I almost chocked, I started laughing with him as well. It was really funny though, and really is impossible. How would a man come out of a fanfic that would be so bizarre.

          “I don’t remember saying that, but true it would be impossible for you to come out of a fanfic. Though, literally everything about you would be impossible here in the real world. Never knew that there were people like me in this world who was left alone. Now I don’t feel so alone, it’s nice.” I said showing my most sincere smile.

          “Yeah, never knew that meet you too. If I haven’t met you in time I would be gone by now.” He said holding my hand. His smile faded when I moved my hand away from his. My hand instantly made it’s was to the start pendant of my necklace. It’s been a while since I wore this, I forgot I even had it.

          “That’s a pretty necklace you have. A star that shines bright like your eyes when you smile.” As he spoke those words, I felt my heart racing. You cannot be serious right now. I stood up and took my laptop, Luhan followed me as I sat on my bed and opened a file on my desktop.

          “What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong again?” Luhan asked me. He placed his palm on my cheek and made me look at him.

          “N-no, it’s just that I remembered something.” I opened a file named ‘When two worlds collide’ It was a fanfic I wrote long ago. I’ve actually forgotten about it already. I’ve only remembered about writing it now because of what Luhan said.


          It wasn’t much, but it was something I wrote long ago about an orphan girl meeting an orphan boy, they’re only difference was she was poor he was rich. She would work day and night to have a better life, while he would stay late at his studio to dance or create music, because he hated his house for always being empty. They didn’t have to the world with their love, no one could stop them anyway, no family to interfere, no life threatening people who would come after them. It was perfect for them because they found family in each other. They only needed each other to survive.

          As I opened the file, I was filled with goosebumps from head to toe.

          “I- How…” I started shaking as I read the description of the story and the characters. Everything was a perfect fit. That’s why when he first came it was so familiar. Everything about his was perfect even the way I describe him before was the way I described him when I first saw him in my room.

          “Hey, that’s my name right there.” Luhan said pointing on the screen. I just stared at him and I didn’t know what to do. This is wrong, this is impossible! How in the world could this happen?!

          “Jenny, what’s wrong?” Luhan asked me again as he cupped my cheeks with his warm hands. I held his right hand while my other hand was wrapped around the star pendant on my neck. This is impossible. I didn’t wish for this. How could this happen?

          “You- You really did come out of a fanfic. You came out of my fanfic.” I said as rolled streamed down my cheeks.





Hey~ Not so long update! Sorry! There will be more coming soon!

So, yeah I changed the whole 'layout' of my story, I changed the font (idk why I just felt like changing it...) Do tell me if you like the old one better! :D

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This story is cute, I love the idea with a little og magic :) fighting!
Nananashi #2
Chapter 4: Maybe jenny got an amnesia cuz Kai knows everything about her house and what about her parents tho?
Nananashi #3
Chapter 4: FINALLY LUHAN!! And what about her forgetting? Did she have amnesia or sumthin
Nananashi #4
Chapter 3: Omg who's thaaat!!!!!! Kyaaaaaa!!!~