Testing the necklace

He came out of a fanfic




'Okay, so Jongin now knows where I live....AND HE KNOWS THE PASSCODE TO MY HOUSE! Ughh I don't even know how to change the pass code TT TT. It was weird how he helped me fix my groceries, but you know what's even weirder? He asked me something, and when I told him I don't really remember anything he got angry and just left. Like dude! I'm sorry I didn't know what you were talking about but why do you suddenly have to get angry at me?! Oh and one more thing, the necklace I got from the old lady still bothers me. It's really pretty actually, but the thing about it granting wishes... It's just seriously weird.'






          "9-7-0-2-1-4, so that's your pass code." I felt my heartbeat race and my eyes widened when I heard that voice again. When I turned around I was about to scream, but he used his hand to cover my mouth, and his free hand to keep me in place.


​          "Yah, don't even dare to scream people might think I'm doing something bad to you." He said, giving me an irritated look. 

​          "W-what... H-how... What the hell are you doing here?!" I literally screamed at his face. 

​          "I just dropped by to return this." He said handing me the glasses he took earlier.

​          "T-those aren't mine." I gave him back the glasses, but he wouldn't take it and smirked at me.

​          "Why do you like making me looking dumb? I know it’s yours." He said putting the glasses on me.

​          "Come on let's get your groceries inside the house." He then picked up all of the six plastic bags as if they were empty. 


​          I just followed him like a lost child inside the house. The way he walked inside seemed like he has been going here for a long time. He knew where to go and where to put everything, I didn't have to tell him what to do or tell him where to put the groceries. He arranged them in the proper cupboards and placed the other groceries in the fridge. Watching him do all of those, felt like watching myself, only he moved in a manlier way of course. 


​          "So... How is it going?" He turned around after he finished putting the last carton of apple juice inside the fridge. 

​          "W-what?" Okay what the hell, I just stuttered.

​          "I mean, how is it going living in such a big house like this all alone?" He said as he sat on the countertop.

​          "Sad, lonely, boring, but it can be fun at times since I can do anything I want freely." I know its weird having a talk like this with him, since never really talk unless it's necessary to do so like when he makes fun of me at school and I retaliate.

​          "I mean I live in such a big house, but I'm the only one who lives here. If I only had friends then I would probably let them live here just so the house wouldn't feel empty." 

​          "Seriously though, this house is weird...well my life is weird since I grew up alone. How can a kid grow up on her own?" I said, trying to smile.


​          He looked at me as if he wanted to say something but nothing came out of his mouth, instead he looked down. Wait, why am I even telling him about me? 

​          "You have a friend...." He said as he lifted his head and looked at me.

​          "N-no, I don't. I never had one, I don't remember having one." As those words came out of my mouth, he stood up with a frown on his face.

​         "You seriously don't remember. Fine, whatever." He said with a crooked smile. He looked at me for one last time with sadness in his eyes, and left without a word.




​          I rolled over my bed remembering what happened earlier, I just don't understand. I don't remember forgetting about anything... Wait how do you even remember something you forgot? Yeap, I'm talking gibberish again.

​          As I rolled over again I felt something poking my back, being the lazy person I am I lifted my chest and used my right hand to get the thing poking my back. When I finally levelled my hand in front of me I saw the necklace shinning as it hit the moonlight. The halmoni's words started echoing inside my head as I observed every single detail of the pendant 'It brings luck and makes wishes come true'

​          A slight smirk formed on my lips as I repeated those words, seeing that it is nothing but a plain necklace. Out of that thought a part of me believed in it. Being the girl who lives in her own imaginary world, I would really believe in those things, but I know that with the laws of reality it was impossible to happen in every single way. I mean seriously who would want a unicorn running around town? Or have dragons flying over town causing traffic jams with the planes. Fairies flying around sprinkling their shiny dust all over the passer-bys. But of course there are just some things that everyone, and by everyone I mean people like me -sigh- . I would love to have handsome aliens as my guardians, then they would save me with their powers after that I would discover I'm one of them- or have an angel/demon doing miraculous/scary stuff for me, oh that would be very nice. Or even have Harry Potter's invisibility cloak. If those things were only true, I wouldn't mind living in this world. If only the world I imagined it to be were real, I would be glad to live forever, but nothing will ever last forever anyway so why bother anyway, right? 

​          I peeled my eyes off the necklace and looked at the wall clock near above my study table.

​          6:30 pm

​          "Hmm... I got some spare time." I dropped the necklace on one of my pillows before getting my laptop and started typing a new story. I let the hours past, engulfed in the happiness I felt as I typed in a whole new world of mine.




​          "Ahhh~ it feels so nice finishing another story." I stretched for a bit then took a short look at my wall clock.


​          "Hm, It's only 2 in the morning....Wait what. Oh my goodness it’s two in the morning! I still have class at 7!" I closed my laptop and literally crawled to my desk since my legs were too numb. I flopped myself on my bed and landed safely on my pillow- I the other side and saw the necklace still shining, instead of the plain feeling I got earlier this time it seemed to give me strength and made me smile. I removed the clasp of the necklace and put it around my neck, and before finally going to sleep I made a wish- Something I would really want to happen 



​          Have you ever been in that situation where you were peacefully sleeping when suddenly someone disturbs the hell out of you? Well, I'm in that situation right now. I was having a fun time on dreamland when suddenly I felt someone poking my back. I tried to shrug it off a few times, but it won't stop. I shifted my position to the other side, but this time I started to feel a warm finger poking my cheek.


​          "Ugh... What the hell." I sat up and opened my eyes and was greeted by a pair of loving eyes giving me an innocent gaze.

​          "Good morning  Jagiya~!" He cooed- his voice had that enchanting soothing feel that made blush but wait... WHO IS HE?!

​          "KYAAAAAAH! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU IN MY ROOM?!" My goodness, I've only slept for 5 good hours and here I am fighting for my life! Wait 5 hours... .


​          "I'm late for school!"







I would like to apologize for not updating for such a long time. I was about to update last week, but the issue about Kris affected me too much that I wasn't able to function well. I was a walking zombie the whole week, and had to keep my emotions to myself (I can't cry, my mom would see me and tell me how stupid it is to cry for someone who doesn’t even know me -ouch-) I was heartbroken when the news came out, at first I thought it was all a rumour, but as the night got deeper more and more information about the lawsuit came out. The news about it left me confused and sad, I tried to stay positive but all of the updates just brought me down. Days passed and there were still no confirmed news just updates from other sns, some were hard to believe some were just painful. Suho's birthday passed and I still kept that thought that nothing bad will happen and everything will be fine, but indeed reality punched me straight to the face. They already finished their 1st concert the lost planet, and here I am and all of the other fans still waiting for a hard evidence about the case and a statement coming from SMent and from Kris himself.

I'm still holding on to OT12 and that will never change. Whatever happens to Kris I will support him all the way and I will also support the other members. We are one right? :) <3



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This story is cute, I love the idea with a little og magic :) fighting!
Nananashi #2
Chapter 4: Maybe jenny got an amnesia cuz Kai knows everything about her house and what about her parents tho?
Nananashi #3
Chapter 4: FINALLY LUHAN!! And what about her forgetting? Did she have amnesia or sumthin
Nananashi #4
Chapter 3: Omg who's thaaat!!!!!! Kyaaaaaa!!!~