Lu Han?

He came out of a fanfic



'So... I woke up today and saw the most handsome boy in the world staring at me with his beautiful chestnut colored orbs with his fluffy honey colored hair a boy inside my room! And worst, I was late for school! My goodness this never happened to me. EVER. Good news? uhm... well a lot of changes happened today. It felt rather weird, not the usual weird, but a happy weird like... You are happy because someone gave you ice cream but it came from someone you actually hate so its weird to fell happy, you know what I mean? No, okay fine sorry I'll just shut up.'





​          "Hey Jenny!" I heard someone call my name from across the room, when I lifted my head up from my book I saw Jongin holding my pink lunchbox along with a juice box. He started walking towards my seat and just as I was about to leave my place he grabbed my arm and made me sit down again.

​          "Where are you going?" He said raising an eyebrow at me.

​          "Uh... I was about to leave." Well, there is nothing wrong about telling the truth, right? And it's practically useless for me to lie to him, he always sees right through me. 

​          "Why?"

​          "To buy food of course." Wow, Jenny such a brilliant answer.

​          "Really? I have your food right here, didn't you see me raise it up earlier when I called for your attention." He said placing the lunchbox and juice box on my table. Right now I can feel the sharp gazes of my female classmates piercing through my skin, all I wanted to do was leave the room and hide at the rooftop. 


​          I sighed as felt like shrinking because of all the attention from our classmates. I've always hated being the center of attention, but because I'm the infamous orphan here in our school, people gave me a different type of attention which I have learned to cope up with. In my situation right now, this is the type of attention I hate.

​          As I stood up and took the lunchbox and juice box, Jongin took them again and  dragged me out of the room. The students in the hallway noticed us and started whispering to each other. Some were asking why Jongin is dragging me away or 'what did she do again to piss off Kai?' or something like 'Oh she is so dead if she messes with him.' Believe me  I'm used to it, and ignoring it is the best way just to get rid of those unhealthy thoughts. I kept my head down as he dragged me; I didn't even notice that we were already in the cafeteria when he suddenly stopped walking. When I lifted my head, I saw Jongin's friends looking at me with a questioning look.


​          "Jongin how many times do I have to tell you it's not nice to drag pretty girls away whenever you like," Suho said lifting his head up from the book he was reading. He looked shocked when he saw me, but smiled after that.

​          "Hyung, did you just say pretty? Are you serious?" Jongin said, pulling my hair.

​          "Aw! What the hell Jongin. If you dragged me here to humiliate me, make it fast so I can leave." I said while crossing my arms in front of me.

​          "Who said I was going to humiliate you?" He answered back.

​          "Well, that is what you always do right? And I've become immune to your childish antics. So make it fast I'm not in the mood to fight with you again." I sighed as I looked at him straight in the eyes.

​          "I-I... We... I 'dragged' you here so we can eat together..." He said  in a shy low voice.

​          "What? Why? Dude are you sick?" Before I can even touch his forehead one of his friends stood up and made me sit next to him.

​          "Er... Oh-kay..." I tried to sit comfortably as Jongin sat right next to me. He took one tray and put in in front of me. He removed the cap for my water, then placed the chopsticks neatly beside the cup of rice; he even removed the cover for the main dish for me.

​          "Eat up..." He said without even looking at me.


​          Geez, I could do it by myself... What is wrong with you today?

​          "Don't mind him, we're also weirded out by how he is acting today..." Kyungsoo, who was seated to my left, whispered into my ear.


​          After lunch Jongin and I went back to our classroom together, people were looking  at us weirdly just like how they looked at us when Jongin dragged me out of the classroom to have lunch. Eating with them felt weird and uncomfortable to be honest. Normally girls with fangirl and go crazy if they were given the chance to have lunch with those boys, but for me it was nothing. Everything about Jongin today was unusual... but I find it better than how  treated me before. It was nice that he  showed a tiny bit of kindness to me. Hey, maybe my wish did come true! Or is it too early to say that he is starting to change?




​          I didn't bring my bike to school today, so I had to walk to go home. Riding the bus is also an option but of course I'd rather walk, and I wouldn't want to meet some unfriendly faces when I board the bus. I don't really plan on doing anything today, but there was something bothering me and it made me want to rush my way home. 

​          The moment I got inside my house I knew there was something wrong; it felt like there was someone else inside the house besides me. There was this unusual eerie of silence that made me want to check every inch of the house to check if there really is someone else inside, but I was too scared to even move an inch from my current position. I took the umbrella near the door and I held the umbrella as if I was in a baseball game getting ready to hit the incoming ball. I carefully went upstairs to go inside my room. My knees were shaking and it didn't really help while I was on my way to my room, since I almost tripped. When I slowly opened the door to my room I still felt uneasy eventhough I saw that there was no one inside. I jumped around for a bit to release the uneasiness, then I dropped the umbrella on the floor. I threw myself on the bed and closed my eyes.After a few moments my eyes shot open when I heard the door to my bathroom open. I immediately stood up from my bed and saw a tall male with milky white skin, perfectly toned body, honey colored hair, and a smile that could melt every girls heart... but wait...

​          "WHO ARE YOU?!" I screamed as I took whatever my hands grabbed (which was pillow... wow so much for protecting myself from a half- pretty boy/male goddess of some sort in my room.

​          "Oh, you're home already!" He said before running to me with his arms wide open. Before he could even come near me (or gave me a tight hug and spun me around, like those cheezy stuffs on tv... .----.) I threw the pillow at him and ran out of the room. When I was running down the stairs I heard him shout.

​          "Yeobo wants to play!" Yeobo...Yeobo.. Yeo-- YEOBO?! Then it hit me like a truck. He as the same guy that woke me up earlier! Wow, I completely forgot about him. I almost fell down the stairs because of my thoughts, good thing there was a strong pair of arms that caught me before I completely fell.

​          "Oh my gosh, thank yo-"

​          "My pleasure, princess." He said before kissing me on the cheek. After that he spun me around, and carefully placed his soft and warm hands on my cheeks.

​          "Hey, are you all right? Your face is so red right now."

​          "W-who are you?"

​          "Wow, that hurts... You forgot about your own boyfriend." He said, then pouted like a puppy.

​          "What?! B-boyfriend. How- What- When- WHAAAT?!"

​          "Aww you look so confused when you're confused." He said before pinching my cheeks.

​          "W-who are you again?!" I literally screamed at his face.

​          "I'm Luhan, your one and only boyfriend!" 




Ohhh how long has it been since I last updated (and went online) busy at school busy with life HAHAHA sorry guys :(

short update TT TT mianhe

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This story is cute, I love the idea with a little og magic :) fighting!
Nananashi #2
Chapter 4: Maybe jenny got an amnesia cuz Kai knows everything about her house and what about her parents tho?
Nananashi #3
Chapter 4: FINALLY LUHAN!! And what about her forgetting? Did she have amnesia or sumthin
Nananashi #4
Chapter 3: Omg who's thaaat!!!!!! Kyaaaaaa!!!~