Crying Skies

Garden of Words


The rain came down hard. Ducking under the "DO NOT CROSS" tape, I finally made my way to the blossoming tree.

"Chen?" I opened my umbrella and tipped it over to shield Chen from the rain. His shirt, hair, everything was soaked. "You ok?"

He had his eyes closed, his jawline quite visible. Chen looked pained, the brows on his face were strained. I sat next to him, his head near my knees. I placed my hand on his forehead. I know, I barely knew him. But this felt right.

"It's ok, Chen..." And suddenly, a tear trickled from his eyes. He drew out one, long breath.

"..You don't know what it feels, HyoJin. I have no one to talk to, in this world, in my world." He finally opened his eyes, and looked at me. "It's so lonely. Even the sky cries." His voice shook, and I said nothing. The rain was unceasing, and we both watched the tears of the sky fall.

"It's different now. You have me. You can talk to me." I didn't meet his gaze and turned to look across the lonely courtyard. It was true, no one came around here. "I'm here,"I repeated.

Chen once again closed his eyes, and reached for my hand on his forehead. Grasping it, he curled his fingers around it. "I come from the Imaginary World. Something you humans have forgotten, it's been so long..." 

The clouds rumbled, and rain seemed like icicles. 

"I work for the corrupt government there. I can't take it anymore. I don't want to do things I'm forced to do, things that just aren't right." He clutched my hand and squeezed it harder. It seemed hard for him tell me his story. "I came to Earth--by an accident. When I was doing my rounds, I stumbled upon a portal, to somewhere else. I entered, and it led me here. But...I'm not supposed to be here."

The rain poured on, with no sign of stopping. The world was now all wet. Wet with the sky's tears.

"I don't belong. Anywhere. In the Imaginary World, on Earth. I'm oppressed in mine, unseen in yours. It's so peaceful here..." Chen's voice stopped. He didn't elaborate further, and I didn't ask. 

Our clothes were now soaked. My umbrella was laying uselessly on the side of the tree. Chen suddenly took my hand off his forehead, and stood up, turning away from me. He faced the oppisite side, his face hidden from me.

"I'm sorry for this, HyoJin." His voice became controlled again, as if he never cried. "I seem like a joke. Who am I kidding? Haha.." Chen stopped. 

"No." I ran in front of him, yet he still wouldn't look at me. "Don't apologize." I grabbed at his shirt, forcing him to look down to me. "Since I met you hours ago, my life has changed. I'm your friend, now."

And that was all it took. Chen finally looked at me. His eyes filled, and he faced me.

His voice shook, and he contained his tears no longer.
"Thank you...."


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this story will be discontinued for personal reasons. i'm sorry for everyone who subscribed;; thanks for sticking with me through this process, it was fun!


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Chapter 6: Woaah it's awesome
Plzzzzz continue
Fighting ^^
everydayz #2
Chapter 4: chen!!!!!
this chapter almost made me cry!
i know theres some dark past to chen. i don't know if hyojin likes kai or is starting to like chen, but keep it updated, please! thanks :DD
sazuka #3
Chapter 2: woah, nice one author nim, keep it up ^_^
and keep on updating!!!!!!! kekekeeke silly me
itsterry #4
i like this! keep it up^^
it was so interesting from the start. you have me hooked!
i love chen btw. i wish i was hyojin.