Cherry Blossom Encounter

Garden of Words


Everything around me is a dark grey. Pollution. Car exhaust. Trash. You name it, and my city will have it. Depressing, isn't it? 
Well, I live in this kind of place. 

After the industrial movements within my city, pieces of nature have been torn apart. Childhood memories of the trails and playgrounds have disappeared, replaced with stunning steel buildings. Songs of mockingbirds have been away, substituted by mechanical drilling and construction work. This is my city. Welcome to Deinter, I guess.

I think it's time I introduce myself. I'm HyoJin...but call me Hyo. 
What I'm going to write is going to sound unbelieveable. Crazy, even. But it's my story; my unforgettable, unique love story.

Guess what? It's sixth period. Bo-ring!

I tried to look at my blank paper on my desk, and chewed the end of my pen. I scribbled a few paragraphs, and looked up at my teacher. As usual, he was sleeping, with his head on his desk. Not exactly what you call an inspirational teacher for English.  I finished my essay and walked up to the teacher's desk and slammed my paper on the table. My teacher woke with a start. 

"HyoJin? Ah, finished your report, have you? Hmm.." Mr. Dwights sighed sleepily.  "Good work. You can be excused from the rest of class.." His head smacked on the table again, snoring loudly. 

I looked back at my class, who were all furiously grinding their pencils trying to write. I looked at Kai, my best friend. As usual, he was carefully making his paper into a paper airplane. Model 007, probably. The first six didn't work well. I walked to his seat. 

"Kai! What in god's name are you doing? Hurry and write you essay, dummy!" I half shouted, half whispered. Kai looked up casually, and smiled. Obviously, he was in no hurry to finish his essay. I crinkled my nose. 

"Yes, what can I do for you?" Kai playfully said, laughing a little to himself, making his paint splatters on the side of his cheek jump.

"Kai...your hopeless. You have paint on the side of your face again..." I tried to rub off the splatter.

"Oh! Hyo, did you know? The side of the schools going to go into major construction. Those cherry blossoms you love--they're on the side of school, right? You should go check 'em out, apparently a new art facillity will be arranged there."

"They WHAT? No, that isn't possible!" My head spun. That was one of the last places nature survived. "I'm going there. Now." Turning, I ran from the classroom.

I stepped out into the courtyard. Several faded cherry blossom petals blew over my shoes, blown by the furious wind. I pushed my hair back behind my ears, and approached to the center of the coutyard. Looking around, I closed my eyes. Flower scent. Sweet, but also filled with freshness of a spring morning.

The cracked gravel groaned under my feet as I approached the remains of the area. Several trees have been brutally cut down already. A lone branch lay on the floor, still with flowers budding on its edges. I slowly picked it up, and looked ahead. One tree remained. One old and gnarly tree. That was all that was left.

Walking even closer, the tree looked beautiful. The blossoms were just in the height of its blossom. 

Rustle, rustle

Wait. What?

Rustle, rustle, rustle

Ok, so I wasn't imagining it. I srunched my eyes and saw. Saw what, you ask?

A gorgeous boy.


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this story will be discontinued for personal reasons. i'm sorry for everyone who subscribed;; thanks for sticking with me through this process, it was fun!


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Chapter 6: Woaah it's awesome
Plzzzzz continue
Fighting ^^
everydayz #2
Chapter 4: chen!!!!!
this chapter almost made me cry!
i know theres some dark past to chen. i don't know if hyojin likes kai or is starting to like chen, but keep it updated, please! thanks :DD
sazuka #3
Chapter 2: woah, nice one author nim, keep it up ^_^
and keep on updating!!!!!!! kekekeeke silly me
itsterry #4
i like this! keep it up^^
it was so interesting from the start. you have me hooked!
i love chen btw. i wish i was hyojin.