3. The First Feeling

To Love A Human

The weekend passed by with Yejin and Kris doing the same routine: Eat. Watch TV or Talk. Sleep.

Though whenever they talked, it would always end up with Kris as the main topic. He noticed that whenever he asked about Yejin’s personal life, she always found a way to divert the question back to him. Occasionally, she would shrug or hum – as if signalling it was something she didn’t want to be known to him.

In truth…..Yejin was scared.

Scared of how Kris would think of her and how he would look at her once he knew about her true identity. She didn’t know why though, but she didn’t want Kris to. Being around him made her feel safe.

Why wouldn’t a wolf feel safe, you ask?

Unlike other wolves who travel in packs, Yejin had been alone most of her life. She never remembered anything about where she came from, or who raised her. Just a few blurred moments run through her mind – nothing more, nothing less. She always made do of whatever she had – if she had any. Taught herself how to survive, taught herself how to hide from hunters, and the like.

‘I never asked for anything else in the world.’ she would always tell herself.

‘I just want to be home..’

But of course, being the lone wolf she has always been, Yejin found it hard to find out the meaning of the word ‘home’. She’s never met her family – if she had one, that is. She’s never had any other friends because she always spent her time running and escaping to stay in one place long enough to meet any others.


As for Kris, well…although Kris does have a family, it wasn’t often that he got to see them. His parents were always working and travelling from country to country – closing deals and running their company. He was already used to eating alone as a young teenager, with only the maids watching him. He was used to waking up late in the evening to receive a call from his parents saying: ‘Sorry, we won’t be able to come home tonight’ and ‘We’ll make it up to you next time, honey’. And even though Kris was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he still grew up to be an independent and free-thinking young man.

Kris didn’t have any siblings either, but found five new brothers once he stepped into Seoul High -  Luhan, Xiumin, Chen, Lay and Tao. Each of them had their own personalities, but surprisingly they all come together and form this amazing bond between each other. Never leaving any one behind. Always being there for one another.



“Yejin.” Kris called out to her

Yejin peeked from the living room “Yes..?”

He eyed Yejin’s clothes – it was the same pair of pajamas he gave her when she first spent the night at his house. “You don’t have any other clothes, do you?”

Yejin took a few seconds before responding “No, I don’t..” As if there was any other answer than that.

Once again, Kris paused before speaking “No offense, but you can’t keep wearing my pajamas. I’ll let you borrow a shirt and pants so we can buy something for you later.”

‘Is he…really going to buy me clothes?’

He looked at her, as if knowing she was thinking if it was right for him to spend his money on a stranger “I know when to help someone. You didn’t come here with any belongings, right? I have some spare money kept in case of emergencies, and I guess this is one of them.”


After both of them washed up, Kris let her borrow another set of clothes before taking her to the mall. He also gave her a cap….he didn’t know why he did, but a part of him thought it was because he didn’t want to be seen with Yejin.


As they entered the first store, Kris immediately froze as he remembered something ‘How am I going to do this? I don’t know what girls like to wear!’ He then coughed loudly for Yejin to hear him. She was too busy looking at all the clothes piled up on the racks, so Kris had to “cough” twice just to get her attention.

“Just so you know, I’m trying to save up for a school trip that’s coming up….so I can’t spend much on what you need, just the basics, okay?” Yejin nodded cluelessly

He watched as Yejin wandered aimlessly around the store, not knowing which ones to pick. How was she to know what to buy? She’s not used to being in her human form – therefore most of the time she didn’t need clothes.

“Ask the saleslady for help.” he mumbled under his breath – somehow annoyed at how long Yejin seemed to be staring at each rack.

Luckily, with the help of the store’s kind saleslady, Yejin was able to buy a few pieces of basic clothing with Kris’s budget.


It was then Kris thought of ANOTHER problem he had.

Yejin’s “lady things”.

“Kris! Kris!” she yelled out to Kris who was outside the boutique

“What?!” he said – half-whispering, half-shouting

Yejin bit her lip and scrunches her brows before scanning the rows of lingerie “I-I don’t know what to get!”

“Then ask for help again!” Kris did NOT want to be around when Yejin was buying those items. So, he chose to stay at a “safe distance” outside the boutique.


It took Yejin about 2 more hours before coming out of the boutique. She had spent the first hour trying to comprehend what the saleslady was explaining to her about “sizes” and designs, and the next hour trying on everything that was thrown to her in the dressing room.


As they were walking, Yejin’s stomach growled loudly – as if to show it needed to be fed “We should eat first before going home.” Kris stifled in a laugh.

15 minutes later, they came across a samgyupsal joint. Kris thought it would be appropriate to treat Yejin to a nice meal. He ordered 2 full sets for both of them and he smiled at Yejin once he saw the huge grin on her face when their food was served.

“This is all for me?” she waved her hand over one set.

Kris nodded “Yes.”

She clasped her hands together and smiled widely “Thank you!” she said, before digging in to her food.

Kris was the one who cooked the meat, making sure they were tender and flavourful enough for them to eat. And Yejin was in no way to protest whenever Kris helped her with her food.

Needless to say, after dinner, they both walked home even slower than usual – who could walk so fast with a full stomach?

And after a few more minutes of walking, they finally reached home. Home…for Kris, that is. Yejin didn’t even know if she was allowed to call this place her home.


Yejin had no trouble sleeping that night.

It was the first time anyone had taken initiative to do something for her, much less treat her to a good meal and proper clothing.

Before she finally fell asleep, she had only one picture imprinted on her mind.


Kris’s smile.

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Chapter 1: Hehehe♡ updatee soon:)