Just One Day [Jungkook]

Fantasy of a Fangirl (BTS One-Shot Collection)


Italics - Just One Day lyrics



February 11. A little over 8 months. The day the first time my eyes encountered an epitome of beauty. I was sitting two tables away from her. The library was full of biology students. Some were too busy whispering their daily gossip to one another and others were focused on their endocrine system for an upcoming exam the following day. She was one of them. The hardworking one. And then there was me on my laptop, concentrating on the screen before me while pressing buttons skillfully to find a place to hide from immortal zombies. Perks of being in a library - free wifi. I was too exhilarated with my pastime that I didn't notice her presence when she came in the double doors. It was my 7th character's death after being dragged in a bush by a zombie when I finally remarked her being, looking straight at me with irritable eyes. She was in perfect line of my sight considering the amount of people dwelling between us. Her stare sent shivers down my spine and it was not because she was glaring at me. I couldn't describe in words how dazed I was under her stare. She slowly raised her forefinger against her small lips indicating me to hush. With her quick blink, our eye staring competition ended as she averted her eyes back to her notes. I was confound the moment her eyes left mine. It was merely an unrequited love at first sight.

She left the library first before me and it was only that time that I could properly breathe again. I walked out of the library with my thoughts still wrapped around her vivid face. It was only then that I realised I was making unneccessary noises during The Walking Dead game hence her actions of silencing me. Instead of feeling ashamed of my own exertions, I smiled to myself. She noticed me first.

From then on frequent visits in the library gave me an advantage of seeing her. I found out basic information about her through mutual friends. We only had one class together: Biology. My worst subject and her best. I began to unknowingly watch her from afar, picking up her personality along the way. My obsession of games died down and was replaced by a hide and seek game. I hide my eyes away whenever hers seek around. 

Once, we shared the same table. I was a metre across from her. I didn't fear to look up to meet her eyes but instead I was terrified of her hearing my alarming heart rammaging against my chest. I was glad because she was too preoccupied with her skeletal system to notice my existence.

Up close, she was even more charming. Everything else were a blur in my vision except her figure. The way her eyebrows creases thinking too hard for answers to fill the blanks in her notepad. Or the way she would momentarily close her eyes to find solutions in her head and a smile would creep on her face after deriving one. The little things she does made me fall harder to the point where I stopped bringing my laptop and exchanges it for a pen and a biology notebook, keeping in mind that the subject is my worst one.

Her beauty and appearance is simplicity. A bare face suited in a plain red cardigan and jeans. Her long, straight hair. Her breathtaking neck when she puts it up and the strands that fall out. Her existence alone is art.

I tried gaining her attention, overly exaggerating my coughs and sighs but not one made her shuffle from her study. With further push from my insisting brain, I came up with a ludicrous plan. 

"Excuse me." I tapped her shoulders lightly.

I was met with her chocolate brown eyes and I was befuddled at how close her doll face was to mine. It was the closest I've ever been to her. I tried to find a way to function my frozen lips as she continued to stare into my soul.

"I..I was wondering if you could help me with what we are doing at the moment in Biology since we're in the same class," I flicked my eyes quickly away from hers after finishing my sentence. I was afraid I would drown in her eyes. 

"Sure, what are you stuck on?" 

I looked at her momentarily to see her reaction. She was smiling at me.

My heartbeat hastened.

Damn. That smile.

I grabbed a chair and sat next to her while she started explaining and pointing at the diagrams in her notes. I couldn't pay attention to her explanations. I was busy looking at her impeccable face and her inebriated scent. I inhaled more of her sensuous scent, a mixture of lavender and baby powder. I was sure this fragrance will forever register in the back of my head.

I sighed in my head.

Just one day. I want to peacefully fall asleep intoxicated in your sweet scent.

I nodded along pretending to listen to her explanation while admiring her beauty.

She finished her sentence with a smile.

"Thank you, you're a lifesaver," I smiled back shyly.

"I'm glad I am."

There it was again. Her half moon eyes smiling straight at me. Maybe I was gawking at her for a long time that her eyes averted uncomfortably away from me.

I cleared my throat to vanish the awkwardness.

"So, how long have we been classmates in Biology?" she brought up a new topic with ease.

"Just this year actually. I heard you were on top of the class so I came by for some tutoring session."

"Really? I'm surprised you don't bring your laptop anymore. I was ready to silence you again." She chuckled.

She remembered me.

Her eyes widened briefly upon comprehending what she just said. "I mean I wasn't stalking you or anything, I just remembered how frustrated and noisy you were on your laptop and I wasn't able to concentrate on my skeletal system."


"Yeah, sorry about that. I couldn't help it, zombies just pop out of nowhere while you're supposedly running away from them," I scratched the nape of my neck, embarassed.

She surprised me by holding out one of her hands while she grinned at me, "Sohee."

I closed my mouth in shock. I swabbed my sweaty palms against the back of my jeans before I shook her hand. "Jungkook."

Her hand was soft and smooth. She pulled it away too quickly that left my hand longing for more skinship. 

She looked at her watch and her eyes widened, "Hey listen, I lost track of time. I have to go." She quietly stood up and packed away her belongings.

"Oh," I stood up and helped her with her books. My heart ached at the thought of her leaving even if she hasn't left yet.

She turned and said, "It was nice meeting you, Jungkook," before turning away and leaving me frozen on my spot.

I was captivated by your voice when you said my name.

I rooted at my spot unable to budge but a smile slowly crept up on my face.

It was nice meeting you too, Sohee.





Hours turned into days, and days turned into weeks. There was no sight of her. She didn't turn up in Biology classes anymore. Nor in the library two tables away from me where her usual spot was. I wanted to show her my improved grade. I wanted to tell her how much interest I got into Biology because of her. 

I missed her undoubtly. I wanted to see her face again. Her capturing smile, alluring eyes, and of course her voice. I wanted to hear her call my name again. The mere figure of her would keep my heart at ease. 

I was angry yet enervated at myself for having the chance to talk to her but not virile enough to exchange numbers or ask her out for a friendly dinner before she vanished. Regrets came pouring down on me and I found myself longing for her more. I was thankful for still remembering her vivid face and scent, the only left of her from me.

Just for one day, if only you and I could be together.

Just for one day, if only you and I could hold hands.

Just for one day, I wish to be with you.


If only I've known that that day she was rushing to leave to catch her flight and leave everything behind her, I wouldn't have infatuated myself too much of her.


Just one day.












Forgive me for being a pedonoona.


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kimyasmine #1
Chapter 2: Poor Jungkook oppa T^T
Chapter 4: awesome suga portrayal. it's nice to see something like this :)
kellynowei #3
Chapter 2: this is so cute! I love it!
Chapter 5: Wow this was so deep, I actually cried >.< it's a really good chapter, thanks for writing this :)
DarkShadow1704 #5
Chapter 5: Wahhh!! I love it!!! Love your stories <3 I especially love your sad ending stories cuz i have a thing for sad ends (lol I'm just weird like that XD). Anyways, you're an amazing writer!! Update soon ^^
Chapter 2: OMG this makes me wanna cry yet it's so cute!
Really love it ♡♡
BeasTOB1a4 #7
Chapter 3: Hi! I'm really new to this story and I really like it a lot :D they're really cute and well-written. I'll be looking forward to the next update, author-nim! Thank you for writing this story :)
Chapter 2: *gasps* NOOO. but omg you write well, gurrlll. Sohee bby come back to Jungkookie cos he needs u in his life ;-;