Airport Sighting [V]

Fantasy of a Fangirl (BTS One-Shot Collection)



"You can't back out. You've been waiting for this for so long! Just relax, breathe for crap sake!" said my bestfriend, Soojung, while shaking my shoulders to get some sense knocked into me as her voice rose to emphasise how frustrated she was for my sudden back out. 

"No, I'm just going to embarass myself infront of him, you know how awkward I am already as a person nevermind putting me in a heart plunging situation face to face with a guy I'm irrevocably inlove with that doesn't even know I exist!" I heaved after finishing my sentence.

One of her hand travelled up to my face and slowly caressed my cheek, "This is a once in a lifetime chance. I know you'll regret it if you don't do this now. You're not confessing your love out to him, you're just asking for an autograph, Jenny. He's used to girls going up to him and asking for his signature or photograph, you're just one in thousands. I'm pretty sure he won't remember you."

I gave her a glare, "Thanks for making me feel better and giving me no hope whatsoever that he may slightly fall for me too."

"Oh, honey don't depend too much on your fangirl dreams, it's giving you high expectations. He has probably received a lot of love confessions already. Plus, you never know, he might already have a girlfriend secretly."
I slightly slap her arm, "Don't ruin my happiness."

"Ouch. Okay sorry, I was joking. This is why I'm your bestfriend. I speak the truth." I rolled my eyes.

"Just go for it. Like you said," she turned my body towards his direction and gestured her hand towards the figure, "that, is your happiness. And you'll never know, he might think you're really pretty and ask for your number and bingo next thing you know he reveals to the public that you two are dating and then you'll get married and make lots of adorable Taehyung-Jenny babies and live happily ever after," she paused for a second, " Just don't put the sasaengs in the picture."

"Now that is why you're my bestfriend," I chuckled while I let her words sink in my mind.

I stared back at him, watching him joke around with s. I still could not believe out of all the places,I would see him here in the airport, without any fangirls or paparazzis attached to him like leeches.  Why is he in this airport? Where are they heading to? I didn't even care, I was too preoccupied of seeing him in person and not from the screen of my laptop. 

I guess you can call this day my lucky day because I just bought they're album back in Korea and now is a good timing to Bless the album with their signatures.

"Now or never, Jenny." Soojung whispered in my ear.

"Alright I'll do it," I sighed.

I don't even care anymore if I mess up as long as I get to hear his voice and see his face up close. I should feel lucky for having this opportunity to see them.

I clutched the BTS School Luv Affair album and my small ink pen tighter as I took a deep breath while registering in my mind how to properly function my legs. My feet started to move and I was slowly heading towards their direction. My heartbeat began to increase as his figure started to get closer in my vision. He was wearing an oversized red T-shirt and black, large basketball shorts. I had a weird with guys wearing shorts. I was always picky when it comes to guys wearing them because not all guys look good in it. Except BTS... of course especially Taehyung.
I was just a couple of metres away from them and as always, I was too busy with my unimaginable scenarios in my head that I didn't see a person pushing an airport cart walking across from me. I collided with the cart and my foot tapped loudly against the metal of the trolley making me nearly trip forward. Luckily, I caught myself but dropped the album and pen on the floor.

I looked up to see 7 pairs of eyes looking in my direction with curious faces.

Great. I haven't even reach him and I'm already embarassing myself. I mentally smacked my head with my hand. I looked back to see Soojung with her hands on her face, clearly mortified of what had just happened to me.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," the woman apologised to me as she picked up my album and pen.
"It's not your fault. I wasn't looking either. I'm sorry too," I bowed as she handed me my belongings.
She smiled and continued to push her trolley.

Blood came rushing to my face as I noticed Taehyung's eyes were on me. I kept walking with my head down until I stood right infront of them. There's no point on hiding my pink face under my hair so I looked up and first thing I saw was Rap Monster smiling at me sincerely. My eyes travelled to them one by one and they were all giving me friendly smiles. Then my eyes landed on Taehyung lastly. It sounds a bit of a cliche but I swore the world stopped spinning and everything else were a blur in my vision except his awfully beautiful face. His eyes without eyeliner looked so cute and small. He looked even better in person even with his bare face. Then he smiled at me. His awkward yet unique smile. It nearly brought me into tears.  He was just plain adorable. 

I didn't notice that I was staring at him for quite a while that his eyes wandered around while his smile was still tacked on his face.

"Hi." I was shocked at how deep his voice was. The contrast between his low voice and his ulzzang face is what made me love him in the first place. That and his out of the world 4D personality.

"H..Hi." I wanted to kill myself for letting out a horrible squeal-like voice.

Don't mortify yourself infront of him!  Don't panic! Act cool! You can't show how much you're obsessed with him!
 I closed my eyes to calm myself.

"Arr you okeh?"Taehyung asked. He probably thought I was going to faint since my eyes were still closed. 

His voice... his much for calming myself. Hearing his voice started my heart to speed up all over again.
Stop wasting time and get this over and done with. I took another deep breath before deciding to speak up.
"Hi... I'm a big fan of yours and I was wondering if you could sign my album?" 

He stared at me blankly as if I was from a different planet. The way his eyebrows creased made his eyes droopier. This boy can kill me with his clueless face.

Rap Monster spoke in korean to Taehyung which I was guessing he was translating what I just asked him. 

"Aaahh, okeh okeh," Taehyung nodded his head upon listening to Rap Monster and turned his head and smiled to me adorably. He held up his palms indicating me to give him the album. My hands were shaking as I handed him the album and pen. He flipped through the pages to find his section from the photobook. His hands were so slender and delicate that I was ashamed of my own ones. With a sleek glide across the page, he closed the album and gave it back to me with a small bow.

"Can..Can I get your autographs too?" I turned to the others. 

"Of course, I thought you'd never ask" Rap monster joked around as I handed him the album. The other members chuckled and waited for their turn. His deep low voice complimented his english accent very well.

While waiting for my album back I took a little sneak peek to my right where Taehyung was sitting and to my surprise he was staring at me curiously. I quickly averted my eyes away in panic. 

Holy crap why is he looking at me like that?!

I pretended to scratch my head but I was subtly fixing my hair. My eyes wondered around in panic. 

Stop acting like an idiot and look attractive!

I stood up straight and tried to act like a lady with my hands interlocked infront of me and one knee slightly bent. I took another flash peek at him to find that this time his hand was holding on to his chin while staring at me curiously.

Was he seriously trying to kill me with that stare??? My delusional thoughts started to overpower my mind. Was there a slight hint that he might actually have an interest in me? Or is this really how weird he is as a person? Just by thinking of the thought of him liking me made me all melt inside and I couldn't help but to smile wide.

"Uhhh.. excuse me? Can I say something?" His once hand under his chin was now raised in the air with his forefinger pointed up.

I did a double take to make sure he was actually speaking to me.

"M-me??" I pointed to myself with my mouth hanging open.

"Yes. You." It sounded more like a command than a normal conversation tone.

He's striking up a conversation with me.

 Oh God.

"Yes. Go ahead," my heart palpitated rapidly. 

He, the almighty Kim Taehyung wants to say something to me...Like what? 

I wanted to slap myself for thinking irrelevant thoughts when I should be focusing on his beautiful face right now. 

"You luk like tarrrsheer," after saying that, he nodded to himself satisfied with what he said.

I nodded and pretended I understood what he just said.

 Wait, I look like what?

"Ya, mwoyah!" Rap Monster continued talking in Korean. It looked like he was giving out to V.

"I look like what?" I turned to Rap Monster for an answer.

"He said you look like a tarsier. I'm so sorry, V is very blunt. He didn't mean it in a bad way."

Oh, so there I was thinking that he may say something...nicer, or a normal sentence that could strike up a conversation and what was really in Taehyung's head that he wanted to tell me? looking like a tarsier...I should be highly offended to his comment but it somehow made me feel special because a tarsier isn't a common animal to be compared with and I'll probably give him a deep impression that he won't possibly forget. With that conclusion, my brain and heart was happy and proud to hear from Taehyung that I look like an animal I've never even heard of.

"It's okay I'm not offended at all. I don't mind people who are somewhat honest and straight to the point," I told Rap Monster.

"I'm sorri" Taehyung bowed to me. He seemed very apologetic.

"Oh no it's okay really. I'm not offended at all. In fact, I'm honored you called me a tarsier." 

Did that just came out of my mouth?? I'm honored??

He looked up to me with a shocked face. "Jinja??" He turned to Rap Monster. "See, I told chuu!" he said while smiling.

"Flight B1230 is now boarding. Please proceed to gate T7."

"Jenny! We have to go," I heard Soojoung's shout from behind.

I turned to her and said, "I'm coming."

"So...I guess you need to go?" Rap Monster looked at Soojung from behind me.

"Yeah..I guess so. Thank you anyway for giving your time to sign my album. I hope I didn't  ruin your free time," I started to slowly back away when I noticed Taehyung pouting sadly.

Now he made it even harder for me to leave him.

"It's no problem.  Keep supporting us and I hope to see you in the future," Rap Monster waved a goodbye.  The rest of the members said goodbye and waved at me.

I looked at Taehyung one more time with a smile on my face. He returned a smile.

"Bye bye tarrsheer!" He waved hyperly.  I laughed at him and bid a goodbye. I walked towards Soojung with a broad grin on my face while trying to keep my excitement hidden. 

Taehyung has a nickname for me.  He better remember me in the future when we meet again.

 I'm going to marry you Kim Taehyung, you just don't know it yet.


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kimyasmine #1
Chapter 2: Poor Jungkook oppa T^T
Chapter 4: awesome suga portrayal. it's nice to see something like this :)
kellynowei #3
Chapter 2: this is so cute! I love it!
Chapter 5: Wow this was so deep, I actually cried >.< it's a really good chapter, thanks for writing this :)
DarkShadow1704 #5
Chapter 5: Wahhh!! I love it!!! Love your stories <3 I especially love your sad ending stories cuz i have a thing for sad ends (lol I'm just weird like that XD). Anyways, you're an amazing writer!! Update soon ^^
Chapter 2: OMG this makes me wanna cry yet it's so cute!
Really love it ♡♡
BeasTOB1a4 #7
Chapter 3: Hi! I'm really new to this story and I really like it a lot :D they're really cute and well-written. I'll be looking forward to the next update, author-nim! Thank you for writing this story :)
Chapter 2: *gasps* NOOO. but omg you write well, gurrlll. Sohee bby come back to Jungkookie cos he needs u in his life ;-;