Day 3; Witch Doctor said.

It Was You

On his third attempt at seducing Chanyeol, the world's worst maknae  sends Tao to some love doctor located directly ins ome sketchy part of down town Seoul. Tao should have known better, anything Sehun said was complete and utter bull, but Zitao was getting kind of nervous and desperate. So he'd followed all of the directions as best as he could (Sehun has ty handwriting tbh) and ended up at some creepy, dusty, little building that was sanwhiched between two older, and much larger buildings and the whole ting itself was probably as wide as he could stretch his arms. Yikes. But he soildiered on through the creepy door, which jingled a little bell above him and alerted a tiny Korean man behind the counter he was seemingly sleeping at before. Wow he hadn't even seen the guy when he entered. 

The man had teeny-tiny squinty eyes, wrinkles abundance (his wrinkles had wrinkles, which had their own wrinkles all on their own. wowzers.) and the whitest hair he'd ever seen on a Korean grandpa. Though, he's sure this man was a grandpa's great grandpa; maybe Father Time himself. 

The store is dark, and muggy-- at least twenty degrees hotter than the summer heat outside and Tao has to push blonde hair from his sticky forehead because he's already starting to sweat. His t-shirt is beginning the get damp, and the longer he stands he the more he wishes he hadn't even come in the first place and ing damn Sehun for sending him here, and damn Chanyeol more for making him have to come to this point and for not noticing him and damn Jongin for just being Jongin. And damn summer. Summer . 

"How can I help you?" the old man speaks quietly, the way old people always tend to do. Slow and soft.

"Ah,..." Tao breaths, leaning forward hands placed on the glass counter between the two and looks around nervously, as if embarrassed anyone would hear. "I heard you have a magic love potion that makes whoever drinks it fall in love with you..?" He swallows thickl, and now that he's said it out loud, he feels stupid for just being here.

The man claps his hands together, pulling a small glass bottle out, holding it carefully between his hands for the Chinese rapper to inspect it-- and he certainly does; with round glittery eyes and a partialy gaping mouth, listening intently as the old man spins a ridiculous tail of how the potion worked between some handome prince many years ago and some scholars daughter or something like that, and Tao just eats it up-- not like he knows Korean history that well anyways.

"It's  only 30,000!" He sing songs and Tao sputters.

"30,000?! For that little bottle?!" He exclaims, eyeing the grandpa in disbelief.

"Hey, if you don't want it,..." The elder trails off, moving to put the glass container away. Tao reaches out to stop him and rubs his lips together in thought.

"Okay,.. Okay. I'll take it." The blonde states firmly a moment later.

"Greaaaaaaaat!" The elder replies, watching hungrily as Zitao pulls almost all of his money from his waller and the old grandpa snatches it from him, and before Zitao can count to five he's back out on the street. He knows something is fishy about the potion, like it's going to make Chanyeol slobber all over him but it's too late to get his money back now, and doesn't think he could get a refund even if he wanted to, so with a shrug of his shoulders he carefully tucks the love potion into his bag and heads back home to the dorms.


That night, Chanyeol has the worst diarrhea he's ever had in all twenty-one years of his life. His pitiful groans can he heard all the way down the hall into the living room where Tao sits on teh couch chewing his thumbnail idly, throw pillow clutched to his belly and flinches every time he hears the tall rapper.

"MOTHER FU--- Huang Zitao! What the hell did you give me?!" He hears the elder holler, followed by a long string of curse words and wow, Tao hates Sehun more than anything right now, but Sehun is rather amused; holding his stomach as he rolls around the living room floor wheezing in his effort to breath. Tao plans to murder him in his sleep that night. What he ends up doing drawing a in purple sharpie on the boy's cheek while he sleeps. It doesn't come off the next day, and he doesn't even get reprimanded. Score.










AN; ummm,.. 30,000 won (from what I understand) is like roughly 30 US dollars. it's not like actually 30,000 dollars. hahahah. correct me if I'm wrong on the Korean money though-- I don't live in Korean soooo... yeah! But from what I understand, it's around 30$ in USD

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Chapter 4: Poor Taozi. Haha, the "devilish bastards" and Tao cracks me up.
Arah_Sekai #2
PUAHAHAH!!!Poor Taoi~~
Chapter 3: Ouchhh!!! Channie sculptured ..gosh why you not look ..stupid..poor tao y ..huhu more update I love this!! Make him jealous ..
Chapter 2: weeps- chanyeol why cant you just notice tao ;u;
Chapter 2: Wah first chap is so cute!!!
So excited about the rest of the story ^0^