Game On

It Was You

Chanyeol isn't always so dumb -- but when he is, he takes idiocy to a whole new level. If you looked up stupid in the dictionary, you'd probably find a picture of the man-boy smiling that dumb twitchy eye smile he always smiles. Maybe even holding a dumb peace sign because he really was that lame.

That's what Baekhyun say to Tao in the hopes of comforting him, a hand patting the Chinese rapper on the shoulder. A girly little dinosaur hand, Tao thinks in disdain but immediately feels guilty because of course it's not Baekhyun's fault Chanyeol is so completely oblivious of anything other than snapbacks, guitar strings, and his stupid high tops; which actually make him look really cool-- but that's besides the point! The point is, Tao is getting tired of Chanyeol not noticing him and only paying attention to Jongin. Tao is ten times hotter than Jongin at the very least. He made blonde look so much  better than Jongin, he makes black look sinfully delicious compared to the dancer-- he even makes tan skin look better in his opinion.

It's not that he hated Jongin, absolutely not. He was his band mate, his brother. He was just,... exceedingly jealous of the attention his Chanyeol vomited on the tan dancer. And that made him want to tie Jongin up and hide him in the closet. He'd feed him candy every few days, he'd swear.

So Zitao comes up with five gloriously detailed plans to seduce Chanyeol, and he'd even managed to talk Yifan (of course he had been more than happy to help Tao), and Joonmyeon-- who only goes along with it because Tao gave him no other choice into helping. Baekhyun and Sehun go along for their own sick humor. They're more than happy to see how this will turn out in the end; Devilish bastards. But besides that, Tao thinks he's a mad genius because who else could come up with something so great? No one, ha ha. He laughs internally, fingers cupped in the air and wriggling them around, he grins his sly little kitten grin. Yixing stares in horror at the creepy maknae from across the room and Chanyeol just happens to walk by then, giving a snort of a laugh and mumbling something as he continues his journey down the hall. Tao waits until he hears the click of the door closing before wailing into Yifan's shoulder about the woes of life and unrequited love, to which the leader just raises thick brows and smoothes the little baby's hair down. Jongin laughs from Chanyeol's room a moment later, and mother er-- game on.


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Chapter 4: Poor Taozi. Haha, the "devilish bastards" and Tao cracks me up.
Arah_Sekai #2
PUAHAHAH!!!Poor Taoi~~
Chapter 3: Ouchhh!!! Channie sculptured ..gosh why you not look ..stupid..poor tao y ..huhu more update I love this!! Make him jealous ..
Chapter 2: weeps- chanyeol why cant you just notice tao ;u;
Chapter 2: Wah first chap is so cute!!!
So excited about the rest of the story ^0^