Day 1; The way to a man's heart is through food.

It Was You

Tao's first plan leaves him covered in flour, grease all over the stove, and many, many, many, burnt dishes in the trash. Zitao can't say he's ever been a good cook, usually he just plowed through what was set on the table for dinner. So, skilled? Not so much. Determined? Oh yeah, big time. And in his defense, the cooking plan hadn't even been his idea in the first place. It'd been Joonmyeon who'd suggested he do it, explaining it was a romantic gesture and Zitao, bless his little heart, was jumping up at the word 'romantic' and bounding into the kitchem to make dinner and a cake for his lovely Chanyeol.

At the first smell of burnt food though, Kyungsoo had come running into the kitchen and almost went slip'n'sliding in flour. His comically large eyes are practically bulging out of his head now, mouth dropped open and he doesn't manage to make a sound. Baekhyun and Sehun peak in from around the corner and Sehun, that blonde ,  nearly dives face first into the linolium floors in his fit of obnoxious laughter-- Baekhyun's pathetic attempt of hiding his own laugh can be heard in small snorts. Tao looks at Kyungsoo sheepishly, and the shorter man say's nothing; instead, he breathes very slowly through his nose and blinks a few times, turns on his heels and promptly walks right back out, Mama-Suho hot on his heels in an attempt to cool the young vocalist down. All in the name of love, right?

Tao looks around; pots and pans are strewn about on every available surface of the counters, and where there wasn't pans, there was grease and flour and bits of burnt food that Tao had tried (in the hopes of saying, "ah, it's not too bad. you won't even be able to tell!") and blanched at the bitter taste. Okaaaay, maybe the kitches was a mess. He'd clean it up. Probably. And curse him if the very peson he was going through this bull for doesn't walk in the very next moment, towing a brunette behind him, who looks disinterested and sleepy. He looks positively handsome, even with tousled bed hair and squinty eyes and Tao hopes Chanyeol finds eye gunk clustered in those dark lashes and he especially hopes Chanyeol is repulsed and he never holds the dancer's hand again. Ever. Because ew, Jongin.

Chanyeol doesn't seem to notice or just doesn't care, because he just picks out a spongey piece of cake and tastes it, a precious lop-sided grin curling on his lips as he turns to hold the last bit up to Jongin's own full lips before practically it right out of his hands. Tao know's he's gaping, wide-eyed and ugly because at some point Baekhyun comes over and closes it for him, and Zitao swears he see's Jongin toss him a smug little smirk over his shoulder as he's lead out of the kitchen to God-knows-where, Chanyeol not even sparing a look at the flour covered Huang Zitao, who falls to the floor in a heap and lays there for a good five minutes until Baekhyun pipes up, warning him to clean up his disaster of a mess before Kyungsoo and Joonmyeon come back to scold him. He jumps up at that comment, quickly moving about the kitchen in a whirl wind of cleaning. 

The two men come back an hour later to a spotless and shining kitchen, and find a very dirty baby Tao passed out on his bed, long limbs sprawled out and breathing through his mouth. His hair is sticking up every which way, flour is smeared across his forehead, lower lip and chin, apron still on and only one house slipper dangling off the very tips of his toes (the other is nowhere in sight) and it's such an utterly pathetic sght that they just quietly move about cleaning the boy up before placing him snuggly back into his bunk.

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Chapter 4: Poor Taozi. Haha, the "devilish bastards" and Tao cracks me up.
Arah_Sekai #2
PUAHAHAH!!!Poor Taoi~~
Chapter 3: Ouchhh!!! Channie sculptured ..gosh why you not look ..stupid..poor tao y ..huhu more update I love this!! Make him jealous ..
Chapter 2: weeps- chanyeol why cant you just notice tao ;u;
Chapter 2: Wah first chap is so cute!!!
So excited about the rest of the story ^0^