He Who Watches

Present Time: Autumn 

Yura cringed at the noise one class could make, good heavens they were only made up of 30 people yet she could swear her head is going to burst out any second.

"Shut Up!" she roared, throwing her phone to the floor, making everyone stare at her in  disbelief. She looked at them and glared at each and everyone one of them before she turned to leave. 

"Wow, that was brave, Yura-sshi." Yeseol said sarcastically, clapping as she blocked the door. "Looking for the attention now, aren't we?" she purred, holding a handful of Yura's hair. She pouted and pointed to the phone. "Are you not going to pick up your mess?"

"No. Now move." Yura snarled, sensing that the whole class is now watching ther pitiful catfight.

"Now, now, that's not a good response." Yeseol muttered. "You know--" she started but Yura pushed he inside the classroom and continued walking out, even from afar, she could hear the class roaring in laughter. She walked to the nearest bench near the school gates and slept.


"Oh really? You're going to study? Do you think I'm gonna fall for that?" Chunji challenged, throwing playful punches at Byunghyun as the walked to the gates.

"Yes. Now go to that party or something, I'm not going." Byunghun dismissed.

Chunji pouted and gave Byunghun a big push. "Come on! Come with me and I'll call you L.Joe for the whole week."  he grinned, following Byunghun as he sat on a bench where a sleeping girl sits. Chunji squeezed himself  between them and shouted. "Just come there!" 


Yura yepled when her back reached the ground. "What the hell?" she growled as she pulled herself up. She brushed her eyes to have a better view of someone who has nothing better to do than to push a sleepless being off a bench. A blonde guy sat beside her, whistling as he avoided eye contact with her. 

"Byunghun-ah!" another blonde guy called and ran after blonde guy number one. The later saw Yura glaring and knew it was best to run away. Yura couldn't help but supress a smile. 

"Y-you're not mad?" the Byunghun guy asked, scooting closer to her.

Yura scoffed. "What if I am? Are you going to push me again?" 

"Should I?" Byunghun smiled. 



Myungsoo stared at his fountain. Was it made from glass? He forgot what glass looked like, the same for what water looks like, all he does is stare at it and write on an acient paper with his face straight on. How long was it since he last smiled? 

Lee Sungjong, his latest project. As of the moment, he is in first year high school and lfe is hell, for him at least. Myungsoo frowned, there must be some mistake. Sungjong should've been in the popular group now that he's in high school. Myungsoo shook his head and revised Sungjong's story. Now, he must endure another month of suffering before he meets a girl in her Junior year. Though Sungjong decides if he will fall for that girl or not, they will not end up together. It will simply guide Sungjong out of his so called hellhole.

Myungsoo re-read it and nodded before looking at the next paper. Lee Chunji. Myungsoo nodded it off and checked the details. Age 17; Born in Seoul; Half-brother: Lee Byunhghun. 

Lee Byunghun.

Myungsoo froze as his hand started shaking. He may forget his name, his age, his birthplace but he will never forget Lee Byunghun. He's the reason why he's in this place. The reason why he got there in the first place, if he didn't hit his leg, he would've been written on history books, studied by historians, he would've been in control, not this way, but in control. 

"Lee Byunghun." he mumbled, setting his amazement aside. When was the last time he talked? 


"Good, you remember him." a light voice laughed. 



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washupkrease #1
Chapter 1: I imagine the male gumiho as Gyujiji
AhnChaeMi #2
Chapter 1: Woah~ This shall be my most anticipated fanfic ever author-nim! I really like these kind of things :3
strafield #3
Chapter 1: Is this myungjoe?
washupkrease #4
Ca'nt wait author-nim ^O^