Part Two - 04

He Who Watches

"What the hell this isn't even legal!" Yura screeched, stomping her foot on the ground, crossing her arms as she glared at the guy standing in front of her.  "You're serious? Because I'm three seconds away from kicking you in the shin."

"Yah! Why are you mad at me? The secretary gave me this room number. Go be mad at her." L.Joe pouted, plopping himself on Yura's couch. Yura screeched and told him to move but he didn't budge. "I like it here."

"Well I don't." Yura shot back. "I thought the dorms are separated by gender."

L.Joe stood up and wriggled his finger in front of her face, inches away from her nose. "Now, that, my dear is called ism. You study in a co-ed school so  you have to live in a co-ed dorm. And why are you so bothered anyway? It's not like I'm going to do something to you."

"You're a guy, you guys are programmed to do that." Yura scoffed.

Seeing it as an opportunity to piss off his new dorm mate, L.joe smirked and inched closer to her face. He could now smell her breath, minty, as if she just finished eating candies. But hr didn't let it bother him and instead he leaned in closer, smiling when he saw her inch backwards. Finally, summoning up his voice, "Do what?"

Yura smiled by then, catching L.Joe off guard. With all the teasing he did, he didn't expect such reaction. Seeing this, Yura grabbed her drums sticks and shoved it into L.Joe's eyes. "That."

L.Joe snickered and plopped down to his bed. "Geez, it's like you don't know how to react to things." he muttered.

"Yeah." Yura said in full agreement. 

Byunghun's head snapped at her. "What do you mean 'yeah'? You had a roomate before me, didn't you? Didn't you guys ever talked?"

"Nope. The last one was creepy so I left her alone when she didn't want to talk." Yura explain, sorting out her things.

"Then I guess you got lucky this time, eh?" L.Joe smiled genuinely. Yura looked at him and caught his smile, though she would never admit it, she felt blood rise to her neck and that moment she swore to kill herself if she was blushing.

"What is that supposed --" she started but trailed off to open the dorr when she heard a knock. "Ah, hello? need anything?" she asked the stranger standing in front of him, trying her best to talk without breaking her voice. She wanted to screech once more and grab a pen to beg for an authograph but it didn't seem right.

"Uh. The lady told me my room was supposed to be here...." Myungsoo said, trying his best to smile as he repeated the things Sunggyu is mumbling beside him. He glanced sideways and spoke through his head. How come no one sees you?

"Because I'm a unicorn." Sunggyu said loudly, making Myungsoo look at Yura but she didn't do anything and continued drooling at him.

"So, should I come in or do you have to stare at me longer?" Sunggyu said and Myungsoo repeated, with his usual grumpy voice, making Yura fly away from the door. 

L.Joe moved forward to see what's happening. "Oh so when a handsome guy come in you go googly eyes." he said, poking Yura's ribs. Yura swatted his hands and sat down beside him.

"Is he our room-mate?" L.Joe asked. Slouching back, giving Myungsoo a lazy hand sign or acknowledgement. "I'm L.Joe, this noisy girl here is Yura. Let's get along well."

"I hope so." Myungsoo said, smiling slightly. L.Joe looked at him and studied him and though he couldn't figure it out, there's something about him that screams weird.

You bastard. Of all the present rooms in this structure you give me a room with my mortal enemy? Myungsoo screamed in his mind though no his face showed nothing.

"I told you. You can control all the lives you want to but I get to control yours." Sunggyu gigled, poking Myungsoo's cheek. Myungsoo huffed, completely forgetting the fact that there were people around.

And of coursem L.Joe misinterpretting it, he stood up and rolled his sleeves up. "Excuse me?" 

"What?" Myungsoo asked and once again, his grumpy voice failed him. Yura was not the brightest but she could sense what's going to happen next so she decided to stand up, making noise to get their attention.

"I swear if you two fight in this dorm I'm going to rip your guts off." she said, galring at the both of them in annoyance before walking out.

L.Joe looked at her dissappearing figure and followed. Before he went out, he turned to Myungsoo and snickered.


"You should probably fix your tone." 





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washupkrease #1
Chapter 1: I imagine the male gumiho as Gyujiji
AhnChaeMi #2
Chapter 1: Woah~ This shall be my most anticipated fanfic ever author-nim! I really like these kind of things :3
strafield #3
Chapter 1: Is this myungjoe?
washupkrease #4
Ca'nt wait author-nim ^O^