Happy to Love

                Daehyun and Junhong walked into the small apartment hand in hand and had smiles as wide as miles. Daehyun’s face was coated in a pink blush that made Junhong swoon and he was almost positive his face was redder then the fiery sunset outside. He wanted to curl into a ball and disintegrate because of it but Daehyun assured him at least nine or nine-hundred times that it was cute and he really liked it and he really thought Junhong was really cute and Junhong didn’t know what to say.

                “Really?” he asked. Daehyun rolled his eyes and kicked off his shoes and urged Junhong to do the same.

                “Yes! Really!” Daehyun laughed, pushing Junhong a little and biting his lower lip. “I really think you’re cute. And don’t make me say it again. It’s embarrassing, but not really. I mean, I don’t know. I think you’re cute and that’s that. Don’t ask again.” Daehyun blabbered out. Junhong giggled and he wanted to hug Daehyun and be in his arms forever, but they hadn’t even kissed. Junhong thought he was going in too deep but that didn’t stop him from falling even further.

                “So… what do you have planned for us today? More scary movies that’ll make you cry?” Junhong teased. Daehyun was on his feet again and once again he pushed Junhong and Junhong stumbled a little and knocked against a wall, but the two were laughing and it was all in good fun.

                “I didn’t cry!” Daehyun yelled out, still looking happier than ever. “And no. I was thinking since it’s late I can cook you dinner and we can watch TV or a movie on Netflix or whatever.” Daehyun told him. “If you have any anime you want to watch, put that on. I’d like to get into it too if you like it…”

                “You don’t have to force yourself.” Junhong said, and Daehyun shrugged, making his way into the kitchen and pulling out a few things from the pantry and the fridge.

                “I’m not. I really want to like what you like if it brings us closer. It’s like, I watched it as a kid-“ Daehyun turned and put a hand up to Junhong. “No offense.” and Junhong laughed a little. “I guess as I grew older I just lost base with it but you know, I’ll still watch it and stuff. Do you have a favorite right now?” Daehyun asked.

                “I really like Attack on Titan but the season is over. We can look through and decide on something together. Do you like action?” Junhong asked, feeling a little embarrassed that he knew about all of this. Daehyun nodded his head, and Junhong just stood awkwardly in the living room, trying to figure out where he was going to go with the sentence. “W-We-Well what about romance?”

                “Romance?” Daehyun asked. “They make those?”

                Junhong laughed out and Daehyun scrunched his nose up and then smiled. “Yes, Daehyun, they do. But I think most of the action and romance ones are really like, erted with girl’s ’s flapping and it’s so funny to watch. But, I could see if there’s like a… a or something we can watch.” Junhong choked out. He couldn’t believe his words.

                “What’s a ?” Daehyun asked.

                “Boy love! . Never mind it, we’re going to watch Ouran.” Junhong sputtered. He needed just an ounce, no, an entire gallon of tact to be able to communicate with Daehyun without looking like a total goof. Daehyun didn’t seem to mind though. He nodded and smiled at Junhong with that smile that made him want to melt into the carpet and never come out. Daehyun was way too cute for him and he still was wondering on a nightly basis what he did right to make someone so handsome like him.

                “Whatever you think I’ll like, I’ll be fine with. But that’s a lot of anime I didn’t know they made. I only was used to like, adventure and the girly ones, which I guess are romance, but they make boy love anime? That’s so cool. Though…” Daehyun paused. “Are any of them good?”

                “I- I… some of them.” Junhong fessed up. “I don’t watch them too often because I don’t want to be caught. I read a lot of manga for it though because I can get that on my phone and hide it from my mom.” Junhong said. Daehyun lifted a brow and he was filling a pan with some water and Junhong figured he was making pasta.

                “You’ll have to recommend me some. Maybe I’ll pick up date ideas from them.” he joked. Junhong’s ears lit up and Daehyun smiled. “Would you like that?”

                “Some of them have… scenes where they…” Junhong looked away and he decided to turn around so he wasn’t even facing Daehyun. “You know.”

                Daehyun nodded and a burner on the stove. “I’m not going to judge you if you’re reading ty stuff you know. We’re both hormonal teenagers and whatever gets you off, go for it.” Daehyun said as if they were discussing the weather. He was so casual about it, and that made Junhong nervous.

                “Ah, well, then, thank you I guess.” he said in return. Daehyun gave him a soft smile and Junhong turned back around and he walked into the kitchen as well and just looked around while Daehyun was getting out a packet of pasta and some Alfredo and tomato sauce as well. He held them up to Junhong and Junhong picked the Alfredo, and Daehyun nodded.

                “Do you want any cheese on your pasta?” Daehyun asked. Junhong shook his head and he spoke up.

                “I like my food really boring, and Jongup said you’re kind of a food enthusiast?” Junhong asked as an open question. “I mean, why don’t you go to school for cooking if you like it so much?”

                Daehyun shrugged. “I don’t have the time or money. Plus, I’m too old to go back to school. There’s no point.” he said.

                “That’s not true. You’re never too old to go back to school. I think you could do it. I bet I’ll taste this pasta and be floored that chef Daehyun is so magnificent.” Junhong said, making an exaggerated motion of him passing out. Daehyun sniggered and he stirred around the pasta that he had put in boiling water.

                “Whatever, Junie. Anyways, so, no cheese or pepper or anything?” Daehyun asked, and Junhong once again shook his head.

                “Nope. Just pasta and Alfredo.” he said with a wide grin. Daehyun nodded a little and he threw in another pinch of salt to the noodles. Daehyun was going to season them without Junhong’s permission then because there was no way the kid was going to eat his food bland. He didn’t think he boy would care though. He seemed like he was a blank slate for Daehyun to instill new and good things on. He wasn’t going to mess up this relationship with someone so impressionable.

                “So… tonight you said you wanted to try kissing?” Daehyun asked, casually and again, Junhong was amazed. Then again, he assumed kissing shouldn’t be a big deal and his whole face developed a sheen of bright red and he nodded. His mouth went dry and he floundered for words.

                “I- um, well- I think it… I would… yes?” he laughed. Junhong couldn’t believe himself. He wanted to swan dive into the pot of boiling water to rid himself from the embarrassment. Daehyun laughed out loud though and it made Junhong’s whole body warm up with joy.

                “It’s whatever you want Junhong! To be honest, I’ve been really quiet and kind of stoic because I’ve been thinking about it and it scares me. I’ll be your first kiss if you allow it and that’s so cool! To be someone’s first kiss, I think, should be everyone’s dream come true and I might get to do that. I mean, hell, Junhong, I want everything with you to be new and exciting and fearless. If for one second you ever want to back out, let me know and I’ll be hands off in seconds.”

                “You’d be willing to do that for me?” Junhong asked like Daehyun had just told him he’d build him a castle with his bare hands. He couldn’t believe someone would just stop and let Junhong be comfortable. He had always been told that boys who wanted to stop were and that you shouldn’t be scared and that you just needed to push through. That it was all trial and error and that communication was important but needed to be kept at a minimum.

                “Why wouldn’t I? You’re my boyfriend. I think. Are you my boyfriend?” Daehyun asked, laughing a little with his head cocked to the side. “I’d like to be your boyfriend if you allow it.”

                Junhong thought. “Are you sure?” he asked. “I mean, like I’ve said a lot, I’m really young and I’m impressionable and inexperienced and I don’t want to make you worry. Also, I’m… slower than most boys like I don’t think I’ll want for a while and kissing still makes me giddy. I’m a little dumb and I say things without thinking and I don’t want to disrespect you.” Junhong listed out. He was picking at his nails and his body was tense. Daehyun just sighed out and stepped towards the younger boy and placed his hands on his shoulders, pulling him in for a hug and his hair.

                “And I’m still scared of too, because even though I’m not a I always feel inadequate to everyone and I’m old and I’m kind if a bum even though I work a ton but I’m not a school boy like you. I’m a little bit of a ert once you get to know me and I’m really slow too. Like, painfully slow. Like I want everything to last forever because I’m a ing sap.” Daehyun laughed and Junhong s his arms around Daehyun’s waist.

                “Not to mention a hopeless romantic.” Junhong added on. Daehyun burst out laughing and he let go of Junhong to return to the stove to watch everything. He turned off the burner on the sauce and he picked out a noodle and slurped it up, nodding to himself before turning off the burner for it too.

                “Did Jongup tell you that?” Daehyun asked. “He never was one for cute things like flowers and being brought lunch or cooked dinner. He always wanted , which is one of the reasons I broke up with him.” Daehyun said. “But, never tell him that.”

                “I won’t.” Junhong said, and he thought that was a little funny. Jongup had always been the one instilling the ideas in him that all relationships were, were and now Daehyun was saying he didn’t want to have all the time and that’s why he kicked off Jongup for him. “And you didn’t know I was a in all aspects of everything when you first got interested in me?”

                “Nope!” Daehyun chirped up as he pulled out two plates and some parmesan from the fridge. Junhong was getting cheese whether he liked it or not. “I thought you were… I just thought you were cute and that was that and I knew I wanted to date you. Jongup has a really high libido and I was more… like I have my moments but I’m not like him 24/7.” Daehyun laughed out, and Junhong laughed along because he knew exactly what he was talking about.

                “No kidding! For someone who mostly talks about anime and Pokémon, you’d think he’d know nothing of and stuff but when he’s not spouting out random facts of his favorite game or show, he’s talking about how he was so deep into some new guy or how some new guy was as with him and I just want to cringe sometimes.” Junhong said, and Daehyun let out a dry laugh.

                “Did he tell you who was who?” Daehyun asked, and it took Junhong a few moments to piece together what he was talking about, but he pursed his lips and tried to fight back a smile.

                “You’re safe. I have no idea who was who.” Junhong giggled, and Daehyun still looked at him a little nervously.

                “So, you don’ know anything about me?” he asked to double check, and Junhong shrugged.

                “I know a few things but I think I told you already. I mean, I asked about it and he said a few things but nothing about your kinks or any of the times ya’ll two have ed or anything. I just know you’re versatile.” Junhong smiled. Daehyun put his hand over his heart and Junhong was a little curious now, but he wasn’t going to push. “Anyways, can we eat now?”

                Daehyun let out an ‘oh!’ and he nodded, turning around on his heels and picking up a plate and serving out some noodles and he put on sauce and when Junhong wasn’t looking, he sprinkled a little bit of cheese on there because he was sure Junhong was going to like it anyways. Junhong took the plate happily as well and he stood around while Daehyun made himself his own portion, which Junhong noticed, was about double his. He stifled a snort but Daehyun caught it and he smiled sheepishly.

                “There’s seconds if you want them by the way. Anyways, let’s head to the couch and dig in.” Daehyun said, and Junhong nodded, following him to sit and when they plopped down, Daehyun got right back up again for forks and napkins because they kind of needed those to eat. Junhong giggled and was urged to take the remote and put on the anime for the night, and he did so without much prompting in the first place. He kind of wanted to put on Lady and the Tramp because they were eating spaghetti, and maybe that would lead them to kiss. Junhong instead smacked his palm into his face because he could not believe he thought about something as dorky as that.

                Daehyun sat next to him again and passed him a fork, and as Junhong pressed play, they both looked to one another and grinned before looking back to the TV. Junhong did at least. Daehyun’s eyes lingered on the boy just a bit longer because he was so enthralled with his beauty. Daehyun wanted to play connect the dots with all the freckles on his face by kissing them one by one, and his eyes were so big and full of wonder. He had heard that Junhong had a complex about his chin, but Daehyun thought it was manly and that he had a strong jaw. Had it not been for his bright complexion, Junhong could look handsome as hell, and Daehyun vaguely wondered what he’d look like in a tuxedo. Perhaps in a few months’ time, he’d take him on an extravagant date where he would need to wear one. Daehyun blushed.

                “He’s my favorite host.” Junhong said from nowhere, making Daehyun jump in his seat and he hadn’t even touched his food. Daehyun shoveled probably three bites worth of spaghetti into his mouth at once to cover up the fact that he was distracted by Junhong and how much he liked him. “He and his brother are like fanservice gay twins or whatever, but he just seems to have it all together. Though, I won’t’ spoil anything, he doesn’t.” Junhong explained with a faint grin on his face. Daehyun thought it was impossibly cute.

                “Do I have to choose a favorite host?” Daehyun asked, and Junhong nodded.

                “I think you’ll like Mori or Honey. Maybe Haruhi.” Junhong pondered. “I think definitely Haruhi actually. She’s very level headed-“

                “She’s a girl?!” Daehyun sputtered out, and Junhong side-eyed him.

                “Yeah? It’s not exactly a plot twist. It’s in the description.” Junhong laughed, and Daehyun felt stupid, but Junhong brushed it off and just scooted closer to the older boy, allowing himself to lean against him while he ate. Daehyun didn’t know why he was so nervous, but it made every bite really hard to swallow. He wanted to turn off the TV and just cuddle with Junhong but he wasn’t going to be that guy. He couldn’t. Junhong made his heart do backflips and he didn’t know why. Perhaps it was the idea that later that night he was probably going to kiss him, but Junhong was watching the show so intently, and Daehyun was just eating aimlessly to distract himself. He couldn’t tell you the main character’s name even if he tried, even though Junhong had just said it moments ago.

                The episode droned on, and Daehyun was hardly listening because he kept stealing glances at Junhong’s soft, smiling face. He would turn and talk to Daehyun about something that had happened, and all Daehyun could listen to was the voices in his head egging him on to just lean in and take the boy’s lips. Now he was fixated on kissing and he could have told Junhong to make him feel a little less foolish about his own thoughts, but he decided against it because he, Jung Daehyun, needed to look as cool as possible because he really was uncool, but Junhong didn’t need to know that. Daehyun ate a little more and his spaghetti had gotten lukewarm.

                The episode came to a close and Junhong’s food was gone while Daehyun still had a rather large portion. He felt somewhat embarrassed, but Junhong didn’t notice as he turned to Daehyun and grinned, showing his pearly whites and Daehyun wanted just gently take his plate and set it on the table and just lean him back and start lazily making out with him like he had seen so many times in the movies. Instead, he grinned back and he did take Junhong’s plate and he got up and off of the couch before he could say something stupid. Junhong looked up after him and his expression faltered.

                “Did you not like it that much?” Junhong asked, a pout on his face. Daehyun stared at the ground while he walked to hide his blush.

                “No! I liked it. I’ll probably have to rewatch it though because I was just… preoccupied with something while it was going on. I’m sorry.” Daehyun apologized, and he hoped and wished and prayed Junhong wouldn’t ask with what he was preoccupied with, but he did.

                “Is everything okay?” he asked, and Daehyun let out a long sigh before he set both the plates in the sink and he didn’t even bother doing the dishes then and there. He walked back to the couch and Junhong had already turned off the TV. Daehyun sat with his hands in his lap and he looked to Junhong and forced a smile. “Do you not want me here?”

                “That’s not it at all!” Daehyun said a little too quickly for it to not be suspicious. He could tell Junhong caught on by the way a smile tugged at his lips and he looked away for a brief second. “I mean, like, well…” Daehyun stopped and recollected himself and he was careful to pick the right words. “I was thinking about you, and how handsome I think you are. And how… I hope to kiss you tonight if you want to. I know this shouldn’t be that big of a deal for me at least, but it is. I want to kiss you because I like you a lot, Junhong. I mean, I really like you and when you’re not here I miss you and that’s lame and stupid because it’s been like, a week since I’ve last seen you and not even that but I- I just like you.” Daehyun rambled.

                Junhong laughed a little and he felt a warmth in his body and a bubbling in his stomach that wasn’t from the food. He felt like he was treasured and liked and maybe even loved by someone else and Junhong hadn’t ever felt that before. Junhong held himself back from kissing Daehyun, but he did scoot closer and their thighs tough and in his boldness, Junhong even placed his hand on Daehyun’s knees and looked him in the eyes. Daehyun stared back, but his gaze was soft, and both of their heart rates increased because they knew what was coming. Daehyun began to talk him through it.

                “So, I guess this is it?” Daehyun asked as he moved his hand to Junhong’s waist. He pulled him a little so his body was angled, and Junhong moved in just the right way and Daehyun could tell he was going to be a natural. The younger boy was blushing hard, and Daehyun brought his other hand to tuck some hair behind his ear and he cupped his face and just held and admired it before slowly running his hand to the nape of Junhong’s neck where it finally settled.

                Junhong’s eyes were wide and Daehyun was chuckling a little at the kid’s expression, but it was expected. He nodded towards him, and Junhong swallowed and he nodded back, and, as if it were nothing, Daehyun leaned in, and right before he kissed Junhong, he opened an eye to gauge the younger boy’s reaction, and he wish he could have recorded it to keep it for later to watch over and over, because his whole body was coated in a peachy pink sheen and the poor boy was shaking because he was so nervous, but his lips were like heaven if Daehyun ever got a taste of it.

                His lips were softer than anyone’s. They were small and they felt amazing against Daehyun’s thick ones, and Junhong seemed to agree to it because he sighed out and the hand on Daehyun’s knee moved to his neck as he pulled him closer for a deeper kiss, and Daehyun didn’t want it to get heated, so he pulled back for a few seconds and just cocked his head and looked at Junhong with a gentle expression.  He was still shaking so much and Daehyun wanted him to calm down.

                “Is everything okay?” he asked, and Junhong nodded slowly, allowing a smile to break out on his face.

                “Daehyun…” he breathed out. “That was awesome.” he laughed. “Thank you. And yes, I’m fine. I’m just… so wired up from that- that- I think I need another one.”

                “Your wish is my command, Junhong.” Daehyun laughed out as well, once again, leaning in to Junhong and pressing his lips to the younger. He was so sure he liked Junhong now that he had finally kissed him, because no one else’s lips had ever felt right against his, but Junhong’s; he was the missing puzzle piece and everything snapped into place with Daehyun’s lip’s on his. He probably was shaking too, but he was too into it to notice.

                Breaking the kiss was painful for the both of them, but breathing was important. Junhong’s eyes fluttered open and Daehyun kissed him on the cheek before leaning back all the way so they could talk and deliberate about Junhong’s first kiss! Junhong wanted to jump out of his skin and he wanted his soul to be freed of his body so he could go shake hands with God and tell him he was awesome for making his first kiss the best kiss ever. He wanted to run outside and set off fireworks and do backflips down the street because his mind was running so fast just analyzing everything about it.

                The way Daehyun’s lips were so soft and they were the perfect moisture and he didn’t even try to use tongue. Junhong didn’t’ know why that was y, but he’d probably learn eventually as Daehyun looked to him with a smile that hurt his face. Junhong must have looked dumbfounded, because he started to laugh and Junhong just panicked a little because this wasn’t funny to him at all. Was he that bad? He felt like he maybe should have been apologizing but he wasn’t going to because Daehyun was still just looking at him with eyes full of utter adoration, so he couldn’t have been horrible.

                “You’re so cute.” Daehyun whispered out once he came down from his laugh attack. He still had one of his hands on the nape of Junhong’s neck and he pulled him in for another quick kiss on the lips, and before he placed it, he exhaled and Junhong felt a chill run though his body. He liked that. He liked it when Daehyun was slow and deliberate. “You’re so ing cute.”

                “Was I good?” Junhong asked quickly before Daehyun could shower him with another compliment. Daehyun kind of looked at him with an off expression before really getting what he was asking.  He smirked though, and Junhong was worried because that looked like a bad smirk.

                “You were great, Junie. That was probably the best first kiss with anyone I’ve ever kissed. And I mean that. You have such nice lips and if you don’t mind, may I kiss them again?” Daehyun asked, and Junhong had never felt so princely when Daehyun stood and bent over at the waist and kissed Junhong softly. He wanted to just go grab a crown and a billowy cape because he was being treated like royalty. “I paid only enough attention to that show to get that you like the extra princely types.” Daehyun laughed.

                “Tamaki’s the prince though. Close enough. He’s my second favorite host.” Junhong laughed, placing his hands on Daehyun’s hips and pulling him close so he was straddling the younger. Daehyun laughed at the position, but it wasn’t doing anything for him. This was all innocence and young love blooming and he couldn’t have tainted it for Junhong. It was his turn to start another kiss, and Junhong looked lost and scared and he bumped his nose against Daehyun’s before he got it right. Even so, both of them were smiling that their lips were stretched and teeth clacked and Daehyun just ended up falling against Junhong and laughing hysterically while Junhong could barely breathe because of his own. Junhong really liked this. Daehyun thought, he could get used to it.

                The two boys sat and collected themselves before Daehyun pushed up and looked at Junhong, his face pink and hurting from grinning.

                “So… do you want to like, watch a movie or go on a walk? We can go get ice cream from the grocery store or something.” Daehyun recommended, and Junhong’s eyes lit up. He really liked ice cream, and he nodded. Daehyun wanted to kiss him again because he was being impossibly cute, but he just climbed down from Junhong’s lap and offered him his hand, which the young boy took happily and Daehyun smiled to him, not letting it go unless Junhong needed to put his wallet in his back pocket or something. Daehyun needed his own to pull on his shoes and Junhong just slid into his because they were those skater ones that Daehyun always thought looked a little dumb, but Junhong rocked them.

                “Can you teach me how to ride a skateboard?” Daehyun asked as they walked out the house, and Junhong turned to him and shrugged a little while trying to fight a smile, because he thought it was really great that Daehyun was trying to open himself up so he could relate to Junhong just a little bit more. Junhong raised an eyebrow at him though and laughed a little.

                “Why? Jongup said you had one but you just don’t use it because you never had the time.” Junhong said, and Daehyun was blushing because he was made out to be a fool, but he sighed.

                “Because I never had the time to learn. I bet he left that out, but I just never had the time to learn and I’ve head you’re really good, and… I don’t know. I want us to be more friends than boyfriends because being romantic all the time is really… it gets boring. This is your first relationship but you know, if it’s all kisses and cuddling it get repetitive and I want to watch movies with you and we make snide remarks and I want to learn how to ride a skateboard so you and I can ride around and I’ll look dumb and you can laugh because I really love your laugh, but that’s not the point.” Daehyun said, breathing out.

                “I just want our relationship to go smoothly and nice and I want everything to be good for you as well as me. Please. I just… I know saying I want to be friends more than be your boyfriend sounds like-“

                “I understand Daehyun, calm down.” Junhong laughed, taking Daehyun’s hand and lacing their fingers together. No one was out, so it was safe. “I want us to be more friends than lovers or whatever as well. I’m awkward and unsure about everything so I want to go leisurely, and being friends, we don’t even have to move slowly because it’ll just move naturally. So don’t worry. Daehyun, I like you a lot, and I also want us to work out and to be honest at first I was really unsure about all this… but I do like you. And I’m glad I kissed you and you’re just… really perfect for me.” Junhong said, his face turning pink.

                “And yes, I’ll teach you how to ride a skateboard.” 

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I just... *sobs* my heart has been destroyed. Its 2 A.M. and my feels.... So beautifully written. I loved this, and I respect you, authornim for this ending and I see why you did it. But I cant help but be so upset ㅠ.ㅠ Your story, your rules. But I didn't see the tragedy tag before it was too late. This really made me cry...♡
zel0toki #2
holy fk this was so good?? im a bit late to the party but what the heckie it doesnt matter how late i was this fic was so damm good. i applaud you so much.
vhopeisreal #3
Chapter 8: Oh wow I'm so shocked. When people ask for updates it's only because they like the story so much because of the clif hangers...I wish it had ended all lovey dovey but if this was the way it was meant to happen then ok^^
lalayee #4
Chapter 8: I'm sorry that you've never felt appreciated, I've read so many of your fics and it would be a huge lost for a beautiful writer to quit. It really was shocking since it was so fluffy but I guess it showed your purpose for this fic even better
Chapter 7: God I wonder how Daehyun feels? I imagine he would feel guilty even though I don't think it's his fault. This story is amazing, it's more realistic and relatable than a lot of the other fanfics Iv'e read. Well done.~
CumJaeEveryDae #6
Chapter 8: I totally understand where you're coming from and I totally respect that, I write stories too and yeah I feel pressured when my readers tell me to update so often, I mean, I only started writing a few months ago and I've written quite a lot but I guess it was so surprising because you wrote the chemistry so beautifully >< You're a great writer so don't stop or get put off by the comments, and after reading your purpose I'll support it. Thanks for the story author-nim :)
Chapter 8: Thumbs up for you author-nim, you wrote it really exactly like it is. I respect you not only AS A reader but writer too and am glad you portrayed the story realistic with not a typical happy ending. You are not rude,just saying the truth
CumJaeEveryDae #8
Chapter 7: What....WHY?! This story was going so well and then this happens....this is so sad and annoying for an ending TT^TT
bapeommaya #9
Chapter 7: no no no way tell me this is not the real ending nooooo. noooooo it wasn't supposed to end like this T_T was it? anyway, it's a good story... i love it though :")