Everything will be ok

None’s POV

Taehyun just watched Minho sleeping. The last time he saw somebody that peaceful was long ago. But he didn’t want to think about it. He didn’t want to think about his past live. He wanted to live a normal life again. And if this should really happen, he wasn’t allowed to let feelings like sadness distract him.

Minho’s POV

What time was it? Where am I? Oh I remembered the monster… And the boy.  What was his name again? Ah Nam Taehyun. He was strange, really strange. He just killed the thing, without any fear. Although he looked so… beautiful. Yes he was beautiful and cute. His brown hair looked so unique. I imagined this hairstyle on other person, but they weren’t handsome. I should stop thinking things like that; I had to talk to Taehyun. I want to know everything.
Hesitantly I opened my eyes. The light of the morning sun fell on the table beside me. The boy sat on a chair constantly watching me. “Are you a stalker?! Stop looking at me like that” – “I didn’t watch you. I’m just thinking of what I should do with you.” He was really intimidating, maybe he already planned how to murder me and hid my corpse, ‘cause I’m a witness. “I’ll tell you only the main points, you can believe me or not, but whatever you do, you have to be in my near… Remember when you touched my hand? I transferred you some power with it.” Power? This guy must be crazy. “You can see this monsters. Normal people can’t. Because I gave you that power I’m responsible for you now. That are the rules, so you can’t go everywhere you want from now on.” He gave me that power. Why must things like that happening to me. I’m in a room with a crazy person who shot a faceless creature, which wanted to eat me alive. What should I ask him first?
“How could things like the one you killed exist?” – “It’s not the time to tell you.” “And why are you killing them?” – “Because I have too.” “Please just really answer me one question. Why do I have to be at your near?” – “You don’t know how you should deal with this power. And if the monster found out they would kill you. It’s all difficult to explain and you’re not ready for it yet. Just wait. Maybe if you believe me I will tell you one day. If you want to go home now, I have to go with you.” This whole situation was mad. It sounded unrealistic. And what does he mean with to come with me? “You mean you will live with me?” – “Yeah I will. Give me a free room, or if you don’t have one I can live in your room too. Just put an extra bed in your room. If I let you alone I will get punished” – “Punished by whom? Who made the rules?” – “I will say it like that. The person who has my live in his hand made all the rules. I’m not allowed to let you alone” That wasn’t good. Taehyun could not live in my room. What would my parents say, if a person I only know for one day, live with me and them. “You can’t. I live with my parents.” – “I will hide in front of them. Now I made the plan to live in your closet.” – “No.” – “It’s decided! Let’s go home! But get changed first. I'm sure you don't want that you parents see you covered in blood.” He threw some clothes to me and I put them on. I felt like I had no rights. But I couldn’t do anything. If I would go to the police they would think I’m insane and would put me in an asylum. So I made my way home, with the strange boy following me.

Taehyun’s POV:

This was difficult. I’m not used to talk so much, normally my life is quiet. But that changed because of this guy. Now I had to tell him things and I’m not sure if he believes me. It sounded kind of unbelievable. But I have to live with this guy, I have to protect him from now on and all that because of a little touch. I wanted to be alone. If I live with him, maybe I would start liking him and if anything happens to Minho, I don’t want to know what I would feel. I hate the feeling of not being able to protect somebody. The feeling of losing somebody was terrible. But I had to live with Song Minho now, I can’t do anything about it and if I would start liking the guy, I just have to protect him better.

We walked a small street along, it was empty only us and in a distance about 200 meters was a men. It was all silent until Minho whispered my name. “Taehyun do you see that?” – “See what?” – “The man in front of us… He has no face!” He was nervous. You really could tell that he saw a monster, but I didn’t see it. Normally you are only able to see their real faces when they are incensed. Maybe Minho was somebody special, I once heard of people who can see the monsters even if they act like human, but I thought they wouldn’t exist. If Minho was one of them my work got just much easier. “Are you really sure he’s a monster?” – “Of course I’m sure! Don’t you see him?” – “No. But I have an idea. Try to make him angry. Let him trip over your foot.” – “If he kills me?” – “I’m here, don’t worry. Look he’s near that’s your chance.” The man walked past us and Song did what I told him. The person’s head was red he was angry but not angry enough. “Pay more attention kid!”  I gave Minho a stare and he immediately understood what I meant. He should make this guy angrier, that I could see his true self. “Oh I paid attention but your face annoyed me, so I let you trip!” He put a cheeky smile on. The creature was now furious and showed his true face. He got ready o attack Minho, this was the moment where I pulled out my gun and pointed at the monster. “Go back to hell!” The bulled drilled through the head. The blood splashed out of the whole. Minho hid himself behind a dustbin. “You can come out we should hurry.” – “You killed again. Tell my why this monsters are here and who or what you are.” I thought he can’t go on if I wouldn’t tell him anything. He looked helpleses. But it’s difficult to tell everything, it sounded so odd. “If we’re at your home you will get your answers. And please let’s go now.” We really need to be fast at his house. I don’t want to be involved in a police investigation.


AN: So this is the second chapter. i hope you guys like it. And this chapter is a bit longer then the previous. I at making a titel so I called this chapter just 2. Anyway please comment:)

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Chapter 8: omgg,. mino is so sweet,.. he love Taehyun,. he protect him even tho he know he could die,.the sweetest things,.hope both of them okay,.. but authornim this is too short,. i need moooreee,,. /im too greedy lol sorry/
thanks for the update and fighting <333
Chapter 7: gosh finally updated,.its been too long since your update before,so i have to reread again the chapt 6 so wont lose some point,.kkkkk
Taehyun didnt love her coz he love boy right kekeke, did mino is his first love?lol
updated soon, fighting^^
Chapter 6: love seunghoon and mino POV,, so cute kekeke,.
mino better call him Taehyunie than Taetae tho,. ^^
fighting authornim ^^
kekeke poor forever alone seunghoon XD,. and Jinyoon is so cute^^ i love the story,. update soon authornim :)
ps. please more namsong interaction :p
Chapter 5: Wow, this is my first time read winner's story with fantasy genre like this, and I like it, update soon authornim ;-)
eescorpius #6
Chapter 2: Yay update XD
Chapter 3: Im intrigued.
Pls update soon
eescorpius #8
Chapter 3: "It was new for me to like a person so fast"

This is probably true for Taehyun in real life too :)
Missparadox #9
Chapter 2: Good things...mixing namsong with paranormal
eescorpius #10
Chapter 2: Whoa this seems scary O_O