Forcing emotions

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Your Pov

“Don’t you understand? You can’t be with him!” Baekhyun’s brother slapped me as he kept yelling at me.

“You can’t force emotions!!” I shouted as tears ran down my cheeks.

“You’re useless! A useless employee!” He kept putting me down, “he deserves a girl with class, not a maid.” He grabbed my shoulders as he kept shaking me, “Do you understand now?!!” I pushed him away and ran to my dorm.

I watched the tears run through my face. The worst thing of this situation was that Baekhyun didn’t even know about my feelings and his brother was already forcing me to forget about him. He didn’t know that I was feeling this way since I first saw him. He thought I only liked him, when reality was… I already loved him, enough that I wasn’t able to control my feelings towards him anymore.

“I can’t take this any longer!” I sat in a corner yanking away the tears that surrounded my eyes.  I wanted to leave that house but how was I going to finish school? How was I going to pay for an apartment? How was I going to survive? Without family, nor anyone to approach, I needed to work extra hard in order to survive. All I needed to do was swallow the pain like I’ve had done for the past two years. Yes, I’ve lived in hell for two years.

 “Honey what’s wrong?” Baekhyun’s grandma wiped the tears away from my eyes.

She knew about my feelings towards his grandson but didn’t want to mess with Baekbom, Baekhyun’s brother. She had no right towards his decisions or his thoughts. She lived in his house and had to respect him. She knew all along about my fantasy but never said a word. She was the only friend I had in that house. Baekhyun’s parents died in an accident. Baekbom always blames me for that accident. The day they died I was supposed to go pick some suits from the Laundromat, but I had totally forgotten because I was too stressed with school work. His mom was a nice woman, she didn’t mind nor was she bossy she even helped me with my school intuition.

“Don’t worry baby, we’ll go pick it up, focus on school work” those were the last words I heard from her. After they left, thirty minutes later someone called to announce they had crashed and since then Baekbom has hated me. And I don’t blame him, every day I feel guilty for that, that is why I also want to forget about Baekhyun but my heart won’t leave him alone.

“Did Baekbom instigate again?”

“It’s nothing” I half smiled.

“That boy shouldn’t treat you like that; you’re just an innocent girl”

“Don’t worry nana, I’ll be fine” I stood up and walked away

“You shouldn’t believe any of his words”

“You know, he’s right, all of this is my fault! I mess everything up! Now I’m getting Baekhyun involved and I don’t want him to hate me too!” I tried to contain myself but I couldn’t, I broke down crying like a little baby.

“Don’t be too harsh on yourself!” she hugged me tightly as I only cried even louder.

“I-I-I can’t!!” I sobbed

“I’m here for you! You’re not alone. I love you like my own granddaughter and you know that” she smiled as she wiped away my tears.

“… I’ll be fine…” I lowered my head.

“Take care of yourself and be strong ok?”

I was glad I had someone who cared for me at least.

The next morning I had to go to school and as I stepped out from my dorm I saw Baekhyun coming out of his, he turned and smiled but his intentions we’re never like mine, I liked him as a man but he only saw me as a housemate.


Baekhyun’s pov

 “Oh , she looks so pretty” I thought to myself. She always stares at me and I pretend not to notice. What I’ve noticed is that’s she’s always with my brother, maybe those two have something going on and I wouldn’t want to mess anything between them.

Ever since I came back from London I’ve seen that those two are always together but when I’m about to step in they pretend they don’t know each other. I mean it’s obvious that they’re dating so why would they even hide it? Well, I kind of know, she’s pretty and I would be jealous if someone else liked her. So, I guess that’s the reason why they keep it on the down low. My grandma is always with her and I wonder why.

“Did you see her again?” Chanyeol grabbed my arm and widen his eyes.

I couldn’t help to like my brother’s girlfriend. Only Chanyeol knew my secret.

“Yes, this morning. She was coming out of her room” I had a huge smile because of her.

“Daebak!” Chanyeol laughed and hugged me like a good supporting friend.

“I really like her a lot” I grinned.

I didn’t realize that she was sitting next to where we were, and that bench was pretty close. I only hoped she didn’t hear any of what I had said. She had earphones so there was a huge probability that she didn’t. With the corner of my eye I saw her stand up and walk away.


Your pov

My first class was canceled so I had to wait an hour for the other to start. I walked towards the garden-like place that I enjoyed staying at. I sat in the bench, I wondered arou

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Chapter 3: omo! baekhyun and soojin... is it what im thinking!? ottoke! please update soon!
Chapter 3: I like it so far author nim keep it up :D