chapter three

Forbidden Love
Chapter Three

“Excuse me?”
I glanced over my shoulder as I let out a sigh. “What do you want? Leave us alone.”
The nobleman-dragon-rider narrowed his eyes and gave me a look of injustice. “Don’t you think we deserve a little more than that?” he asked and dismounted his dragon. The other boy had politely helped Anha down his Griffin.
The nobleman approached me with his arms crossed. Up close, he was truly too handsome to be handsome. He was like this god-like creature falling down from God-knows-where. I rolled my eyes and shrugged off that thought. I had to keep my attitude as a boy.
“Look. We risked our precious time to save you guys. Shouldn’t we earn a little ‘thank you’ in return?” he remarked. I scoffed and chuckled deeply at his sentence. “Save us? Such an arrogant one, just as I expected. You typical noblemen never even care about the citizens.”
Upon this, both the tall nobleman and his friend let out a gasp in surprise. Taken aback, I suppose? “I beg you pardon,” the tall one growled, threatening me. But no, I wasn’t going to lose to that pathetic nobleman.
“If you were willing to save someone…” I started, turning my back to face him and send him a glare deep into his eyes. “… Where were you, so-called heroic sir, when that poor, innocent young girl was being threatened by the Bloodmoon Pack!?”
If I could remember correctly, I could see the look in his eyes, which was the polar opposite of his facial features. It was the look of shock and terror. On the other hand, his golden-haired friend clenched his fists and golden fur began to rise up his fingers. Fangs appeared slightly as he growled. He lashed at men –claws appearing instead of his fingers- , but the tall one held him back.
“Luhan, get a hold of yourself!”
The boy named Luhan glanced at the taller. “But, Alpha--”
“Stand down!” the taller one, who was unexpectedly the Alpha, flashed his fluorescent red irises at Luhan. Seeing this, Luhan’s fur disappeared as he lowered his head. “Y-Yes, Alpha.”
Werewolves, I see. But he’s not one of those dirty Bloodmoons.
“And you,” then the Alpha turned his head towards me, “Before we could get further into your thoughts on Bloodmoons, I think you really do owe us a ‘Thank you’.”
Anha scooted closer to me as I was about to lose control. “Come on. We should be getting home. We don’t want to get into more trouble,” she whispered. I clenched my fists as I imagined fire coming out of it as I tried to calm my frustration. To top it all, I let out a deep sigh.
Turning my back, I said my final two words. “Thank you.”
And just like that, I dashed out from the alley to the place where Sehun and I promised to meet up which is, apparently, another alley. Neo Lunia is actually full of alleys, so we could simply hide from the Bloodmoons. Anha arrived a split second after me as we saw Sehun cleaning his sword as he leaned against a wall. “It’s about time, Jiwon. Where have you guys been?”
He kicked himself from the wall and sheathed his sword and stuck his hands in his pockets. “Sorry, Hun. We had to encounter some… dogs,” Anha rolled her eyes, walking towards the younger vampire.
“Now, tell me, Jiwon-ah,” Anha turned and glare at me, fists placed on her waist, “what was all of that about?”
I removed my hat and my mask, revealing Jiwon instead of the Dark Whirlwind. “They were going to arrest a poor girl because she was accused of being a Capulet survivor even though the Capulet House is dead. I couldn’t just sit by and do nothing!”
“And you thought to get yourself arrested in her place?” she fired back at me. I knew it. She was always good in finding reasons and lecturing. It was for my own good, though.
I raised up both of my hands in defense. “Alright, alright. Fine.”
Sehun could only watch the two of us argue and scratched the back of his neck. “Err… Guys, come on. Let’s go home. It’s sundown already. The hyungs must be worried about us.”
“JUNG SOO JUNG! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO STRIKE ABOVE THE WAIST!?” a shriek was heard by the time we reached the river near the cabin. The three of us shook our heads in disbelief.
Baekhyun must have been fighting with Krystal all over again.
Upon hearing the scream, Sehun dashed towards the grassland just in front of the cabin and started creeping up on the fencing teacher. As we got closer, I saw that Krystal was groaning in frustration and she grasped at her own hair and looked like she was going to tear it apart into pieces. “It’s not my fault, Byun Baekhyun! Sulli’s just so confusing!”
I took this as a chance to pull up another prank to Baekhyun. I silently sped up behind his back and hid there, hoping that he wouldn’t notice. And apparently, he didn’t… but Krystal did.
“I’d rather practice fencing with that boy behind you, Mr. Byun,” she scoffed and crossed her arms. Baekhyun widened his eyes and his jaws fell apart. “Behind me--? WHOA!”
I snickered as he stumbled back a few steps and fell on his back as he eventually realized that I was actually standing there right behind him. “Jiwon, what now?” he rubs the dirt and grass off his bottom and back. He stood back up and glared at me.
“Um… Nothing… I just wanted to say ‘Hi’.”
Baekhyun groaned and facepalmed himself. “For interrupting this training session, you, Jiwon, will help me with the rest of the training tonight.”
“Aww… Hyung…” I whined. Sehun snickered behind me. “And you! You planned this, didn’t you?” the elder stabbed a finger at the youngest. “What? I did n--!”
“You’re coming tonight as well!”
“Hyung…” Sehun and I started doing aegyo on the fencing teacher. Baekhyun rolled his eyes and tried his best to ignore. “Come on, guys. Let’s go inside,” Anha interrupted as she headed towards the main door.
The two of us let out a snicker before dashing after Anha. “We’re home, guys!” Anha called. And just to make things worse, Suho was the first to notice me as always, followed by Kai and Do Kyung Soo, alias D.O.
“Jiwon,” he called, using his coven leader’s voice that seemed to freeze my movements, “you went out without permission… again.”
Scratching the back of my neck, I let out a nervous chuckle as I tried to arrange the proper words to say. “Um… H-Hey, h-hyung… Wh-What an unexpected p-pleasure,” I stuttered. Just then, Sehun came barging in. “HYUNGS ANNYEONGHASEYO--”
“And you too, Sehun!” Suho cut the maknae’s yelling. “You messed up the whole kitchen for your so-called precious bubble tea. Do you know how long Kyungsoo took to fix that up?” he intimidatingly walked towards us, making us take some steps away from him.
“Oh, come on, hyung! You never even let me drink one anyways: you always hid it inside the fridge!” Sehun reasoned. I took this as a chance to escape another series of the leader’s lectures. I motioned Sehun to distract Suho. Being the best sidekick he was, he understood my reasons.
“And, by the way, hyung, Jiwon was awesome today! He was like-- SWISH! SWOOSH! HYAH! KICK! PUNCH!” he childishly performed a few Karate kicks and punches. As the plan continues, I rushed up the stairs into my bedroom, slamming the door close before Suho could notice.
Anha was already inside with her clothes changed. “You should get changed now. You’ve been through a lot today.” She took her hairbrush and brushed the tangles out of her hair. I began to take off my cape.
“Seriously, Lindsay-ah,” she once again called me by my real name, “you freaking gave me shivers today. Could you just imagine what would have happened if those noblemen hadn’t saved us?”
As if on cue, I was taking off my dried-blood-stained gloves when I thought of the moment I made contact with the tall Alpha’s hand. It felt like heaven, but at the same time, I felt something familiar. Something that had to do with my unknown past.
“To hell with it,” I muttered at the thought, but of course, Anha heard it. It was proved by the gasp she made after I said it. “Yah! What’s gotten into you? Are you mad at him or something?”
With one of the gloves and my cape of my left hand, I tried to pull out my other glove with my teeth, letting a few drops of the Bloodmoons’ blood enter my mouth. “Nothing’s gotten into me, Anha. I’m still the same me,” I muffled as I threw my cape and gloves unto the small laundry basket. I sat down on my own dresser chair and stared at myself in the mirror. From the reflection, I could see Anha walking towards me.
Just then, I suddenly saw a vision. A younger version of me, Anha, and Suho, along with Mr. Kim. It was when I fell off a ledge when Mr. Kim came and grabbed my hand.
Then the vision was pursued by a flashback of the moment I slipped off the bridge ruins and the nobleman came to save me. “Glad I caught you.”
I took a sharp breath as the vision ended. “Lin?” Anha called me. “What’s wrong?”
I glanced down at my hands that were resting on my thighs. “I don’t know if I remember it correctly… But it seems like I’ve fell down a ledge and was saved by a flying creature as well. But it was a long time ago…” I trailed off in the end of the sentence.
Anha placed her hand on my shoulder and chuckled softly. “Don’t worry,” she gave my shoulder a squeeze, “everything will be revealed when you turn 20. You’ll understand everything by then.”
I scoffed and giggled. EXO-K’s been telling me that ever since I was 5. I’ve always wondered what they meant, for I knew it had something to do with my past. “You do know it’s tomorrow, don’t you, unnie?” I asked as she took off my wig, revealing my long silky black hair. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror, revealing a beautiful girl instead of a teenage boy.
“Of course, Lindsay…”
Author's note:
3rd chapter of Forbidden Love! Finally all of EXO-K is revealed!
Krystal is whatsoever not Baekhyun's love interest. She is just a simple friend of his and a minor character to this story.
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liviya #1
Chapter 10: Wow mysterious one
Fairyluve123 #2
Chapter 9: Hey update
fairylove262 #3
Chapter 9: Update update update update nnnnoooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: I love the story!!! Please update soon!
Princyysb #5
Chapter 9: Update soon! Hope that jiwon * coughs Lindsay coughs * will be able to meet kris in the next chapter :)
AmiMiya #6
Chapter 7: yehet~ as always, you ish awesome!! i luv you so much! update~ hawaiting~
Chapter 7: Nice~~~ I love it! ^^
Chapter 7: Not a cliffhanger~~~
SeoYeonEe #9
Chapter 6: It's getting really interesting~^^fighting

idon't think i can spot any flaws from this :)
Chapter 6: Update soon... New reader. Hehe. Love your story~~