Is that U Minseok ?

Red Rose

“Jangmi-ah ! Can  I asked you a favor ?” asked Haemin.

“Urm..” Your hands are busy decorating a cake.  You’re doing a part-time work in a bakery.

“Can u fetch my brother at the airport, please. Im in hurry. I have appointment with Miss GaEun. Please” ask Haemin while doing some aegyo.

“Nope” U said.

“Hermm.. Fine,” Haemin’s face changed. “Hahaha joking ! Okay I will help u. Hah ! Stop sulking,” said U while laughing.

“Thank you !! 5 p.m. okay !! Bye !! See u later  my dearest chingu !!” Haemin grabbed her bag and walked out of the bakery.


U are waiting for Haemin’s brother at the arrival hall. U’re listening to your mp3 while waiting for the arrival. ‘Its still early, I think I need to get something to eat,’ Your stomach start growling. You haven’t eat your lunch yet as you’re so busy with your part-time work.

U’re searching for a restaurant. A restaurant with a sweeping view of the airport attract your attention. U walked slowly towards the restaurant. ‘Wow ! The food looks delicious.’ Your mouth watered at the sight of such delicious food. ‘But I bet I can’t afford them, hump,” U sigh.

U walked out of the restaurant with disappointed. All of a sudden, U bumped into someone. You dropped your mp3. “Im sorry. My fault,” U apologize the person.

 “Its okay. Im alright. Ah, your mp3. Im so sorry,” the guy collect your broken mp3. “Im  so sorry. I’ll pay for this,” the guy felt guilty and apologize U continuously.

The guy lift up his face. U got a goosebump. You could feel your heart pounding. You could feel your tip of your hands trembling. A few drop of tears start to fall down. A guy that u have waited for a long time, a guy that u miss each day of your life, a guy who is deeply stuck in your heart is now standing right infront of u.

“Minseok !” U cried loudly and without noticing, U hugged him tightly. “I miss U. Where are u going before ?? U don’t know how much its hurt missing U. I miss u like crazy. I do really miss U,” U seem to not want to let go of him.

The guy was in shock. He go speechless.

“Xiumin-ah ! Should we..,” a pretty young lady with a long wavy hair appeared from the back. “Huh ! What are u guys doing ?!” shouted the young lady.

The guy pushed you away from him and start walking back. “Im sorry. But I don’t know what happened. I mean who are u ? Did we know each other?” asked the guy who was known as Xiumin. U just standing still. U just cant believe your eyes. He really looked alike Minseok.

“Are U Minseok ? Do u remember me ?? Tell me the truth. Do U still remember me” U asked as tears flowing down. U look into his piercing eyes waiting for his answer.

“He is not Min.. what urgh. He is Xiumin. My boyfriend. He doesn’t remember U and  he even does not know who are u ! Xiumin, lets go. I think she is crazy,” the young lady yelled. She pulled Xiumin’s hand and walked away, leaving Jangmi alone, crying.

‘Is that U Minseok ??’

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Chapter 3: Such a sad story T^T.....Update soon!